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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
    Oh yay! You didn't forget Carl! ((((CB)))) Thanks, Jumble!
    I was wondering if someone was going to claim him

    You're welcome

    Sooooo..... when is your mojo going to point you towards writing a Martin fic? Or a PTB fic? Hmmm??


      *waves at APA*

      So...which PTB isn't claimed yet? Perhaps I switch then


        Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
        I don't think most Helen/John shippers necessarily want her to accept him as Jack the Ripper or really envision them ever overcoming their history to find 'happiness'... it's more the angstiness of the fact her heart is destroyed because the life she wanted with *John* is forever gone. One of the single most angstiest relationships on TV, really.

        What I think is brilliant and done so well is how that hole in her life - now really the absence of both John and Ashley - effects Helen as sort of an undercurrent through everything she does and is. And I don't even think Helen is *capable* of having a real relationship with anyone. Her heart is *destroyed* after all... It's part of what gives her such amazing depths as a character.

        Did I mention this show is fabulous?

        /insert another DK fangurling moment... here
        Well in that case....
        Actually, I love all the angst too. I just can't see them together now. Obviously from your post I am not alone.

        As for the bolded bits that could change (possible season 3 spoilers)
        "RT: Chelle wants to know what you would most like to see happen with Helen as a character.
        AT: After the season that we’ve just had, I would like to see Helen have a bit of fun! I know that sounds really lame, but honestly, the woman needs to relax just a little.
        RT: Maybe go to that villa…
        AT: Yeah! Go to the villa. I’d like to see her there, having some wine and laughing. I’d like to see her have, you know, some love. I’d like to see what Helen’s expression of love in the purest sense is. Yeah, but I—honestly, at this stage, with the season we just did, I just want to see her lighten up, even if it’s just for an episode."

        Of course, love could mean a lot of different things in that context.

        Yup. the show is indeed fabulous.


          Originally posted by jumble View Post
          I was wondering if someone was going to claim him

          You're welcome

          Sooooo..... when is your mojo going to point you towards writing a Martin fic? Or a PTB fic? Hmmm??
          My muse is in the ICU following the marathon writing session it took to get my Shipmas fic finished. If it revives, I'll mention it...but I'm not sure PTB fics are exactly it's area of expertise....


            More artwork because GW is back on

            Edit: Oh and Santuary rocks!!!!!!!!!!
            Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


              Morning Woohoos!

              HAPPY 11th DAY OF MARTINMAS!!!
              Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                Happy New Year, WooHoos!

                "Are you like, a crazy person?"
                "I am quite sure they will say so."


                  Originally posted by josiane View Post
                  However, I'd argue the first two of those are not only Nad-local any more... hubbahubba and ickybah have certainly entered the collective vocabulary of all the Woohoos And I now find myself using ickybah an awful lot even in RL
                  Originally posted by jumble View Post
                  Funny you should say that, because I've found myself using 'boobling' a few times eg. when the boys ask me what I'm doing on the laptop, I usually say I'm just boobling around! It's a wonderful word, so descriptive
                  Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                  *nods* I had to explain 'ickybah' to someone the other day 'The Nad' is part of my vocabulary now!!!
                  Now that's just disturbing...

                  Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                  I was never a Helen/John shipper cuz I just couldn't get past the Jack the Ripper thing... it's kind of a mood killer.
                  *nods* Before Sanctuary, I had a Jack the Ripper thing going on and I also believe that it might be the reason why I never got into the whole ''love thing''. I find the backstory fascinating, though. Awesome writing there.
                  Last edited by DutchIndeed; 31 December 2009, 01:31 AM. Reason: TttttttttT! It works, see?
                  Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                  Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                    Eleventh Day of Martinmas

                    Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                    Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                      Gah! What happened to GW???

                      Originally posted by starlover View Post
                      *waves at APA*

                      So...which PTB isn't claimed yet? Perhaps I switch then
                      Lee is looking bit lonely

                      Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                      My muse is in the ICU following the marathon writing session it took to get my Shipmas fic finished. If it revives, I'll mention it...but I'm not sure PTB fics are exactly it's area of expertise....
                      Oh I'm sure it can handle it

                      Did you see the one that Sarai wrote?

                      And this one from Melissa?

                      Bending the Timeline
                      This story is a gift for the Shippy Hippies at Gateworld, for the celebration of the 40th anniversary of Woodstock. It’s a missing scene from the episode, 1969. Hope you enjoy!

                      Jack moved through the street fair with his head down, Carter’s warning still running through his mind. “Remember,” she had said, “interact with other people as little as possible. Anything you do, any contact you have with anyone, could affect the timeline.”
                      “C’mon, Carter, be serious,” Jack had argued. “So I talk to a few people. As long as I don’t say anything about the future…”
                      “Shhhhhh!” she hissed.
                      He lowered his voice, clearly irritated. “As long as I don’t reveal anything I know about…you know when…what harm can it do?”
                      “That’s just it, Sir, we don’t know,” she said again, and he was fairly certain her tone was one she would use with a small, unruly child. “We just can’t take the chance.”
                      Since she was Carter, and she was usually right, Jack grudgingly shrugged his shoulders and promised her he would restrict contact with other people to the minimum necessary to make his clothing purchases. Each of the four members of SG-1 had gone their separate ways, trying to complete the task as quickly as possible so they could rejoin their new friends, Michael and Jenny, and hit the road.
                      Jack shrugged off the leather jacket he had just purchased so it would be easier to slide into the jeans he was considering. As he checked the fit, he wondered to himself what his 17-year-old self was doing today. Try as he might, he couldn’t remember…but he was fairly sure “he” was in Minnesota…probably mowing a lawn or two and putting the cash back for a date this weekend. He tried to remember the girl he was dating that summer, but couldn’t recall her name.
                      Chuckling to himself, Jack had just paid for the jeans when he turned to see Teal’c approaching. At least, he thought it was Teal’c. The large, muscular man was wearing brown pants, a pink shirt with full sleeves and a flowered tapestry vest. Jack stopped and stared, his mouth forming a startled grin. Hey, he remembered the 60s. If it had just been the clothing, he could have kept a poker face. But the big guy was suddenly sporting a curly head of hair that was wrapped by a bright pink and white scarf.
                      “Is there something wrong, O’Neill?” Teal’c asked, a slight smirk on his face as he observed his friend’s bemused expression.
                      For a reason he didn’t fully understand, Jack was suddenly making swirling motions around his own head. “Uh…”
                      “I observed that the fashion of the day afforded me an opportunity to hide my mark of servitude without wearing a hat.”
                      Jack nodded. “Of course. Yeah. Right.”
                      “It is much more comfortable than a hat. I find it…quite liberating.” Teal’c’s smirk widened into a full-fledged grin. “Daniel Jackson is burning our clothing in an incinerator behind this marketplace. He sent me to retrieve your old clothing and Captain Carter’s, in order to follow the captain’s instructions.”
                      Jack handed over his own bundle with a sigh. Carter didn’t want to take a chance on anyone finding their greens made from fabrics that had not yet been created, so they had all agreed to burn their clothes once they found replacements. Damn, the woman thought of everything.
                      “I haven’t seen her in awhile, T. Why don’t you take these to Daniel while I round up Carter?”
                      “The incinerator is behind that store,” Teal’c said, pointing to a nearby building.
                      Jack nodded. “Back in a few,” he replied, and the two friends parted, each heading off to complete his task.
                      Jack strolled through the crowd, looking for Carter’s short, blond hair. The crowd, once heavy, was beginning to thin out as he approached the end of the shopping center where the fair was being held. Wishing for his radio so he could hail her, he was getting exasperated and a little concerned when he almost stumbled right over her...and the flowing denim and suede skirt she was wearing.
                      Carter had squatted down in order to be at eye level with a little boy, and she was listening intently to what he was saying. Arching a brow, Jack gave the child a closer gaze. He was sporting a thick head of black hair, and he seemed enchanted by Carter. Jack had to admit she looked good. Besides the skirt, she had bought a tapestry jacket, a t-shirt and some beads, and Jack thought to himself that he hadn’t seen her in such feminine clothing since they encountered the Shavadai.
                      Unexpectedly, the child looked up at Jack. “She’s pretty,” he smiled, and before Jack realized it, he heard himself emit a laugh.
                      Carter turned and looked up at Jack with a not-too-happy expression on her face. Jack quickly responded to the child. “Yes, yes, she is.” Pausing a moment, he addressed his 21C. “Carter? A word?”
                      Carter rose to her full height, looking slightly sheepish. She spoke softly. “I know what you’re going to say, Sir.”
                      “Her name is Samantha,” the little boy said. “It’s Samantha…not Carter.”
                      “It’s ok,” Sam smiled at the child. “This is my friend, and he called me…”
                      “A nickname,” Jack said. “It’s a nickname.”
                      “Are you Nick?” the child asked.
                      Carter giggled. :”No, his name is Jack.”
                      “Sir, he was lost, and he’s only six.”
                      “But you said…”
                      “I think it’s ok.”
                      “Ok, so now that you’ve done exactly what you told the rest of us not to do…”
                      “We help him find his mother, and then, we go on our way.” She smiled at him, and despite the fact that they were stuck 30 years in their past with no idea of how they were going to get home, Jack suddenly felt better. He was pondering why her smile had such a profound effect on him when he was distracted by the sound of someone running toward them.
                      Jack, instantly on alert, turned just as a woman dropped to her knees, crushing the little boy in her arms. “Where have you been?” she sobbed, pulling back to look the child squarely in the eyes. Realizing they weren’t alone, she turned to size up the strangers. “I turned around to pay for something, and he was gone!” Her eyes were bright with tears, and Sam reached down to lay a reassuring hand on the woman’s shoulder.
                      “It’s ok, Mom,” the child said. “I couldn’t find you, but I found Samantha, and she was going to help me find you, and then Jack came along and…”
                      “Martin Wood, you will be the death of me yet…” the woman said, finally releasing the child to wipe the tears from her eyes. “Don’t you ever---ever---do anything like that again.”
                      “If it’s any consolation, I think it was an honest mistake on his part,” Sam smiled.
                      Jack leaned over to Sam. “Uh, Carter, shouldn’t we be going?” he whispered. She nodded, and he turned to the woman. “Ma’am, we’ll be going along now, unless you need something.”
                      The woman stood up, taking the child’s hand firmly in hers. “No, we're fine. Thank you for watching my son,” she smiled, as she sniffled slightly.
                      Carter smiled. “Glad I was here.” Jack picked up the old clothing Carter had laid aside and tugged at her arm. They turned to go, and as Sam looked back, the boy and his mother were still standing there, engaged in conversation.
                      “She’s so pretty,” the boy said to his mother. “Her name is Samantha, and his is Jack.”
                      “Yes, honey, you told me,” she replied, turning to gather up the packages she had dropped in her haste to reach her son.
                      “Samantha and Jack,” Martin said. “I’m going to remember them.”


                        Ok, have I lost a day? Lots of Happy New Year messages......... I thought it wasn't until tomorrow........

                        *needs coffee*


                          Happy Eleventh Day of Martinmas Everyone


                          I was having a meeting in Starbucks last night (I know how continental ) and we happen to know the manager of this place quite well. He was throwing out all the Christmas stuff and I got about four bags of the Christmas blend which is whole beans. Was wondering if you wanted any since I don't drink nearly enough coffee to use it?

                          *huggles Woohoos just cause...*


                            Originally posted by Sarai View Post

                            Happy Eleventh Day of Martinmas Everyone


                            I was having a meeting in Starbucks last night (I know how continental ) and we happen to know the manager of this place quite well. He was throwing out all the Christmas stuff and I got about four bags of the Christmas blend which is whole beans. Was wondering if you wanted any since I don't drink nearly enough coffee to use it?

                            *huggles Woohoos just cause...*
                            Ooooooh! Yes please

                            *huggles Sarai*

                            So what's everyone doing tonight? Out celebrating the New Year? I'll be babysitting for Jo, so I'll be around (and sober, since I'll be driving home and silly o'clock in the morning )


                              Originally posted by jumble View Post
                              Ooooooh! Yes please

                              *huggles Sarai*

                              So what's everyone doing tonight? Out celebrating the New Year? I'll be babysitting for Jo, so I'll be around (and sober, since I'll be driving home and silly o'clock in the morning )
                              PM me your address since for some reason I can't find it . I'll pop some in the post for you

                              *sigh* I'm working tonight


                                Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                                PM me your address since for some reason I can't find it . I'll pop some in the post for you

                                *sigh* I'm working tonight
                                Will do

                                Aw, I guessed you wood be Still, there should be a good party atmosphere there, even if it does mean a lot of work for you

