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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    *runs in, shivering*
    Boy is it cold out there! But no sign of any snow here

    Originally posted by Bekki View Post
    *pops in*

    Hello Woohoos! I haven't caught up yet, but I shall verrrry soon!

    OT news, a bit sad, but you would be proud of me...

    I 'broke up' with my 'boyfriend' today Last I told you guys, we had decided to be together but not officially, which was going swell, except that we havent seen eachother every day like we used to, now that our course is over. So I asked him if he still wanted to be together, and he said yes. I then asked if he wanted to be together officially. He said no. He liked things the way they were. I told him I couldn't do that anymore, and that the idea that he might be with other girls was upsetting me a bit. We talked about that for a while, and tried to figure out what to do about it, because both of us wanted to stay together. He told me that he actually still does like that other girl I told you about a while ago, and I told him that I couldn't share him. Then I told him I'm in love with him, and we talked about that for a while, deduced that I was much more serious about our relationship than him, and came to the conclusion that this could only work if we were just friends. So we broke up.

    On the upside, I finally followed your advice, Woohoos, and wouldn't compromise on what I wanted! I was assertive and told him what upset me, and though he didn't want the same things as me, he understood completely. We're going to stay friends though, because we love eachother (even if he's not in love with me, he loves me...if that makes sense) and we work together really really well, we just dont want the same things. So we will just hang out and have fun.

    It's hard and I'm really really sad, I've been crying all afternoon, but I'm proud of myself. I just visited my mum and told her; she is proud of me too. I decided I love me more than I love him. Woohoo me

    So yeah...that's the end of that.

    Woohoo hug?

    Edit: Woohood! Jann's using her SS sig! *happy dance*
    *squishy hugs Bekki* Good for you hun! I know it's hard and it hurts, but that's only for the short term and longer term you'll be far happier for it. And the bolded part is the most important thing of all

    Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
    *huggles Bekki* Good for you for the break up but that still doesn't make it any less painful, huh?

    *squishy huggles woohoos*

    *sends extra ones to Jumble* Thanks for doing the Nemesis rewatch banner for me. My mind has been completely distracted.

    And guess what? Still sick. My chest hearts from breathing in the cold air and then coughing so much. I had a final yesterday, and I have two more in like 2 hours, and I'm so nervous about them. I need to do well on them, my psychology is just 4 essays so not so worried about that, but my Chemistry one... I studied for hours yesterday and am so confused on most of it. So right now I'm just crossing my fingers that I get a grade high enough to be able to keep my grade at the C. Guh.
    *huggles Amanda* Really hope you feel better soon! Make sure you take good care of yourself

    Originally posted by jumble View Post
    I have a problem with shortening peoples' names, I just don't like it I absolutely hate when people call Martin 'Marty'

    I blame Martin
    Yeah, you're about the only person that still calls me Josiane I like shortened names, but I think that's because my real name can't be shortened at all so I was always jealous of people who had nice long names that you could make cute versions of. All that happened for me is that my name got lengthened

    Originally posted by jumble View Post
    You should, it's soooo funny Or it could just be that Josiane and I share the same warped sense of humour

    Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
    Jann: be happy!!! I had some an appointment today, and I didn't go by car because I hate driving in the snow, it scares me. So I decided to go with bus...What in going there was all okay but when going back...well not so much. The busses didn't drive anymore...And it ended up with me having to walk home. What in general I don't mind but it was a 2 and a half hour walk...In snow, or sometimes even worse, ice!!

    All i can say I am happy to be home even if I have to clean now...It's better then being outside

    to be honest: this is soooooo not my week. Can it be next week already?!!!
    *hugs you too* Hope next week is better for you!
    Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


      Originally posted by josiane View Post
      *runs in, shivering*
      Boy is it cold out there! But no sign of any snow here
      Well hold on to your hot water bottle, because we're supposed to be getting it in shedloads over the next few days Edit: I just looked outside. I can't see my car or the road

      *squishy hugs Bekki* Good for you hun! I know it's hard and it hurts, but that's only for the short term and longer term you'll be far happier for it. And the bolded part is the most important thing of all

      *huggles Amanda* Really hope you feel better soon! Make sure you take good care of yourself

      Yeah, you're about the only person that still calls me Josiane I like shortened names, but I think that's because my real name can't be shortened at all so I was always jealous of people who had nice long names that you could make cute versions of. All that happened for me is that my name got lengthened

      *hugs you too* Hope next week is better for you!
      The funny thing is, all my children have shortened their names. Robin is known as Rob of Bobby (ick!), Joanne has been Jo for years, and Suzanne was always called Suzy when she was little and is Suz now. With Suz, it was me that shortened it, but with Rob and Jo it took me a long time to get used to it and stop using their full names. It was mainly the dagger-filled looks that eventually persuaded me

      Lee is Lee. Joel is Joel. Herbie is Herbs. Oren is, for some inexplicable reason, known as Oz





          Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
          Jann: be happy!!! I had some an appointment today, and I didn't go by car because I hate driving in the snow, it scares me. So I decided to go with bus...What in going there was all okay but when going back...well not so much. The busses didn't drive anymore...And it ended up with me having to walk home. What in general I don't mind but it was a 2 and a half hour walk...In snow, or sometimes even worse, ice!!

          All i can say I am happy to be home even if I have to clean now...It's better then being outside

          to be honest: this is soooooo not my week. Can it be next week already?!!!
          *hugs* that sucks!
          I went by car to the doctor and some to do some other stuff in the city but on most places the road wasn't cleaned yet(and I don't have winter tires on my car yet) thus I had to be really careful.
          My dad had a bad day with that; when he went home someone went on the the roundabout the wrong way so he had to break and a car behind him was too late and hit him from behind(so far as we can see his car doesn't have any damage but it's too dark to see!). Another car from him got also banged up pretty seriously while it was parked somewhere(another car lost control and drove into it) he has around 3000 euro's on repairs on it Oye.


          and wow that's a HIGH score!

          On the subject of name abbreviations...I'm called Jann everywhere(friends, close family, teachers ) Makes life easier...only one short name!


            *hugs WooHoos for loving themselfes, bad weather, good school results, christmas, being awesome and for baboobles.*

            I have pretty much never seen anyone calling me Nadine on GW. Sometimes, when someone does, I get a ''...who's Nadine?'' *shrugs*
            It's all Jann's fault. *nods*

            In RL I'm Nadine, Dien (Which is pronounced as Dean), Na, Dienuh, and for some odd reason my brother used to call me ''Noes'' (which is pronounced as noose). From my family I usually get something like ''Uk'', ''Kleintje'' en ''Pukkie'', which are all roughly translatable to shorty or toddler.
            Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

            Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


              *runz through thread nekkid*


                *runs after LJ, only covered by the snow sticking to my feet*
                Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                  *runs with LJ and Nad*

                  I don't really have nicknames, although some friends do call me Jess
                  Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                    Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                    *hugs WooHoos for loving themselfes, bad weather, good school results, christmas, being awesome and for baboobles.*
                    Hey! I didn't get any baboobles Am I missing out?

                    I have pretty much never seen anyone calling me Nadine on GW. Sometimes, when someone does, I get a ''...who's Nadine?'' *shrugs*
                    It's all Jann's fault. *nods*

                    In RL I'm Nadine, Dien (Which is pronounced as Dean), Na, Dienuh, and for some odd reason my brother used to call me ''Noes'' (which is pronounced as noose). From my family I usually get something like ''Uk'', ''Kleintje'' en ''Pukkie'', which are all roughly translatable to shorty or toddler.
                    Oh I love Pukkie Guess what I'll be calling you from now on?

                    *hugs Pukkie*

                    Yessika, my new little girl is called Jessica! Every time I say it I think of you


                      *joins all the Woohoos running through the thread.... nekkid*

                      And congrats to all who have passed exams, successfully babysat, had days off, not had accidents, had snow, didn't have snow and anything else I've missed since yesterday!


                        Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                        *hugs WooHoos for loving themselfes, bad weather, good school results, christmas, being awesome and for baboobles.*

                        I have pretty much never seen anyone calling me Nadine on GW. Sometimes, when someone does, I get a ''...who's Nadine?'' *shrugs*
                        It's all Jann's fault. *nods*

                        In RL I'm Nadine, Dien (Which is pronounced as Dean), Na, Dienuh, and for some odd reason my brother used to call me ''Noes'' (which is pronounced as noose). From my family I usually get something like ''Uk'', ''Kleintje'' en ''Pukkie'', which are all roughly translatable to shorty or toddler.
                        Of course...blame me for your name...I didn't have anything to do with it!

                        I do like's cute!


                          Originally posted by jumble View Post
                          Hey! I didn't get any baboobles Am I missing out?

                          Oh I love Pukkie Guess what I'll be calling you from now on?

                          *hugs Pukkie*

                          Yessika, my new little girl is called Jessica! Every time I say it I think of you
                          Aww thanks *chucks*
                          Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                            Originally posted by jumble View Post
                            Hey! I didn't get any baboobles Am I missing out?

                            Oh I love Pukkie Guess what I'll be calling you from now on?

                            *hugs Pukkie*

                            Yessika, my new little girl is called Jessica! Every time I say it I think of you
                            Hm... I'm still undecided. Maybe there are some babooblettes left over, so you can check...

                            And the pukkie made me giggle out loud

                            Originally posted by starlover View Post
                            Of course...blame me for your name...I didn't have anything to do with it!

                            I do like's cute!
                            Um... yes you did.
                            Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                            Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                              Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                              Um... yes you did.
                              I did? How did I do that?

                              ......that came out wrong....


                              Where is everyone tonight?


                                Originally posted by starlover View Post
                                I did? How did I do that?

                                ......that came out wrong....


                                Where is everyone tonight?
                                I was wondering that All busy getting ready for Shipmas and Martinmas probably

