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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
    Nice picture of Martin's helmet there.

    (am I allowed to bring the Woohoo's thread down to the gutter? )
    This thread hasn't left the gutter since it was created.

    Originally posted by jumble View Post

    I've pretty much got used to the black, hardly even notice it now, but I don't like the effect of the off-white bit.
    It does cause problems...

    Woohood! 69!!



      Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
      *is sad* Wish I'd have known...I wasn't busy at all today...I could have at least met you for 5 minutes on your way back from DC...At this point I'm starting to think I'm just going to have to invade the airport before you leave...
      Lol, indeed...we do have to find some time somewhere... but you probably couldn't have met us yesterday since in the morning we got a private tour from one of B's brothers friends in the state department(I saw Hilary Clintons office) and afterwards we already went back in the car towards Lynchburg

      Originally posted by jumble View Post
      *waves to Jann* Still hoping to see you on Sunday, but we're not sure if it will be possible. I'm checking with the airport to see if you'll be allowed through to us
      Oh good, because last time when I went to DC I immediately went to another part of the airport and didn't have to go out or was from one place to the other shopping place (no going out)

      Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
      Nice picture of Martin's helmet there.

      (am I allowed to bring the Woohoo's thread down to the gutter? )
      Don't ya know the secret name of this thread? Deep gutter thread! We never leave it...

      oh and I just remember something I just *have* to quote...

      We were talking(in the way up to DC) about woods to make a porch off and the differences...and suddenly B goes like "well this is because it's a HARD wood"....she looooooooves hard wood
      ...and of course some people started to giggle really hard (I'm of course innocent)


        Originally posted by starlover View Post
        oh and I just remember something I just *have* to quote...

        We were talking(in the way up to DC) about woods to make a porch off and the differences...and suddenly B goes like "well this is because it's a HARD wood"....she looooooooves hard wood
        ...and of course some people started to giggle really hard (I'm of course innocent)
        Of course you are


          Originally posted by starlover View Post
          We were talking(in the way up to DC) about woods to make a porch off and the differences...and suddenly B goes like "well this is because it's a HARD wood"....she looooooooves hard wood
          ...and of course some people started to giggle really hard (I'm of course innocent)

          Is there any other kind of Wood?

          Jumble might know (or be secretly hoping to find out some time next year. )

          And just because this is a 69 post for me... Whoohood!!!


            Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
            Is there any other kind of Wood?

            Jumble might know (or be secretly hoping to find out some time next year. )

            Nope...gotta love hard wood...*giggles*

            and she'll probably find out how hard wood is...

            she hopes...



              *waves* Hello my dear Woohoos, how are we all today?

              Originally posted by jumble View Post
              I was going to ask who drinks what, so I can stock up

              Are we still up for Sunday lunch at Anderson's? I'll need to book I'm off there again next week with a whole bunch of friends. Stuart's been warned
              *bounces* Shipmeet shipmeet shipmeet!!! Definitely still up for Sunday lunch, and I think like Sarai I'm gonna need a photo with the sign Plus, do you even need to ask about the wine??

              Originally posted by Bekki View Post
              Also - when is shipmeet? I wanna pretend I'm there with you
              Oh you have to! We should totally Skype you like we were talking about! That would be awesome!

              Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
              No you didn't!

              Dude, an earthquake just hit! Lifted me off my chair!

              Originally posted by Sarai View Post
              Very true! Although what I'm getting at is that our country is so tiny in comparison that there is a lot of accent-merging going on!

              EDIT: Absolutely pooped (what a tiring day!)

              Day OT (heavy amounts of gushing following forthwith):
              Today was my older sisters graduation from her course in education studies and my younger sisters last day of primary school! A very big day in our family and because my Dad clearly couldn't be at both events, I stood in for him at my little sisters school. Their leavers assembly was fantastic, with all of the Year 6's doing readings and choir singing some lovely songs. They gave out loads of trophies for various things including excellence in sport, drama, music and maths and other things like best attendance and smartest uniform.

              Most importantly though was a new trophy they introduced in the name of a little girl who died at the school last year which was to be given in honour of the student who had achieved Outstanding Pupil of the Year. This award was given to my little sister who was proud as punch (and rightly so) so she had a great final memory to leave school with!

              Sorry for the serious gushing, but I can't even express how proud I am of her! It's such a family environment at that school and she's gutted to leave it so it was great to leave on such a high note.

              That and then hightailing over to the end of the University graduation ceremony at the seaside to get a few pictures has totally knocked me out!

              After all of that I'm pooped so its off to Bedfordshire with me. I swear one of these days Jumble will be looking for me out of the window .

              Night night Woohoos
              Oh wow, congrats to both of your sisters! You must be so proud

              Talking of being proud of your family, I was at the First Night of the Proms last night where my dad was singing in the choir It's the third year he's done the Proms, but I still always feel super proud of him when I see him up there He got on the telly a couple of times too when we got home and checked the recording

              Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
              Nope, I like the Yorkshire accent too. I think it's well sexy on a bloke. Well some areas of it because even in Yorkshire there's a broad diversity of accents.

              I can assure you I am not cockney at all. I never sang "my old man's a dustman" once in my life!
              I guess someone from another country might think I am but there is a huge difference from the West London and the inner London and the East London accents. Not to mention the Norf and Sarf (spelt relatively phonetically as a North Londoner and South Londener would pronounce them. I am pure West London and not in the Kensington & Chelsea way, rather in the less auspicious Chiswick/Brentford/Hounslow way (which, I guess you'd need to be a Londoner to appreciate).

              OK, just for you I have uploaded a video from Christmas which, while it does not feature me in front of the camera (aargh, never), I can be heard talking behind it and *shock horror* at one point even singing.

              If you call that singing.

              That's my accent and those around me - yep, they're the West London accent too (even though they live in Lincolnshire).

              Oh and there's a penguin in the video too and an extremely cute little man but I am biased on that point.


              Awww Benjamin is soo cute And I agree with Jumble and Sarai, you do sound a lot like Jumble

              *bounces about shipmeet again*
              Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                *stumbles in* Morning?


                  Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                  Pht, you call that late? Welll if you must know I was watching Shaun of The Dead and made the mistake of turning over when it finished to see Twelve Monkeys had just started on another channel and I ended up staying up to watch that too.

                  Thank you Benjabubs is utterly gorgeous, cute, amazingly clever and he lights up every room when he's there. He's my blessed little miracle and feel wonderfully honoured to be his mummy (aw, now, see I'm feeling misty eyed now).

                  Actually Benjabubs has been a penguin lover from a very early age (I think it started with the black/white contrast as, developmentally, young babies like that). Anyway, we got him Happy Feet when he was about 6 months old, which he adores and a succession of soft penguin toys arrived soon after. So far he has Mumble, George, Jack (who has a pocket with a fish in it ), Percy, Beaky, Car penguin, Pingu (hand crocheted by his sister-in-law) and Weebly and... I think I may have forgotten one of two there but it's hard to keep up when they breed so virulently. It's purely conincidental that penguins have taken on an entirely other meaning for me now but... a nice conicindence.

                  On the accent thing, I sort of suspected we would not be too dissimilar actually. I am really West, West London - 10 minute drive and I'm in Surrey. I worked in and around Surrey for years and years and never noticed much difference in accents. It's only when you get along the Hampshire borders that you start to differentiate. Of course, there are little pockets of Surrey that are dead posh but then there are little pockets of Feltham that are dead; there's not! Feltham and posh is the very definition of an oxymoron.

                  Awww *huggles Sarai*. Hope you're back again soon.

                  Nice picture of Martin's helmet there.

                  (am I allowed to bring the Woohoo's thread down to the gutter? )

                  I think they did the off white to compensate for the extreme contrast between that and black. The new colour scheme is to give everything an SGU feel which, personally, I'm largely indifferent to it but I think a lot of the objections to it have been because of that (and the seeming slight against long running SG-1 and Atlantis in favour of the new baby) rather than because people don't like how it looks. Ah well.
                  Actually, that's a mandatory part of being a fully-fledged WooHoo

                  Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                  Is there any other kind of Wood?

                  Jumble might know (or be secretly hoping to find out some time next year. )

                  And just because this is a 69 post for me... Whoohood!!!
                  In my dreams.............

                  Originally posted by starlover View Post
                  Nope...gotta love hard wood...*giggles*

                  and she'll probably find out how hard wood is...

                  she hopes...

                  Anybody wood think I was only going to SE to meet Martin


                    *waves to LJ* Morning? Um.... well I've just got up from having a duvet afternoon (with Shep and Rodney ), so I suppose it could count as the morning after

                    Josiane I wasn't querying whether you wanted wine, just what colour


                      Originally posted by jumble View Post
                      *waves to LJ* Morning? Um.... well I've just got up from having a duvet afternoon (with Shep and Rodney ), so I suppose it could count as the morning after

                      Josiane I wasn't querying whether you wanted wine, just what colour
                      I predict drunken posting during the shipmeet.


                        Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                        I predict drunken posting during the shipmeet.
                        I'm thinking I should hide my laptop, just in case it all gets out of hand

                        I mean, with Cags here we'll have trouble avoiding the slide into the gutter


                          Originally posted by jumble View Post
                          I'm thinking I should hide my laptop, just in case it all gets out of hand

                          I mean, with Cags here we'll have trouble avoiding the slide into the gutter
                          As long as you don't start posting pics of yourselves with a life-sized cardboard Martin cutout...


                            Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                            As long as you don't start posting pics of yourselves with a life-sized cardboard Martin cutout...
                            How did you know about that???? That's one thing I thought I had kept secret

                            *checks for hidden cameras*


                              Originally posted by jumble View Post

                              *waves to LJ* Morning? Um.... well I've just got up from having a duvet afternoon (with Shep and Rodney ), so I suppose it could count as the morning after

                              Josiane I wasn't querying whether you wanted wine, just what colour
                              Ah, well, in that case... I don't really mind, slight preference for white over red (gives me less bad hangovers, and I'd quite like to enjoy Sunday lunch ) but either's good

                              Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                              I predict drunken posting during the shipmeet.
                              Heck yeah

                              Originally posted by jumble View Post
                              I'm thinking I should hide my laptop, just in case it all gets out of hand

                              I mean, with Cags here we'll have trouble avoiding the slide into the gutter
                              This is gonna be so much fun...!
                              Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                                Originally posted by josiane View Post
                                Ah, well, in that case... I don't really mind, slight preference for white over red (gives me less bad hangovers, and I'd quite like to enjoy Sunday lunch ) but either's good
                                Oh we haven't got time to recover from hangovers I'll add some Chardonnay to the list

                                Heck yeah

                                This is gonna be so much fun...!

