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    The podcasts are really fun! The Quibbles section is great because they help flesh out the WTF moments.
    Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.


      Originally posted by Darren View Post
      Pegging these events at "5" and "2" million is a bit more specific than we'd like to commit to, since the shows have kept things more vague (Atlantis's "Several Million Years Ago...").

      I do think that Rush was speaking off-the-cuff and underestimating how old the ship truly is, but it's too soon to say.
      Hi Darren & David,

      I have been desperately trying to catch up with recent podcasts, with mixed results. - The standard however, is consistantly good! I have a 12 hour one way bus journey to get to my folks - I will use the SG1 history Pods to happily pass the time when I go at Christmas!

      Re a few comments on points the two of you raised in the Air 1 & 2 Podcast -

      The timeframe of the Destiny (quote above): I agree that Rush was talking in general terms. The design of the Gate is frustratingly contradictory in a tech / set piece sense. Some aspects imply its actually more advanced that the MW & PG gates, but didn't the TPTB say the Destiny is older that Atlantis? (Scratches head). - I hope this is clarified in the future. As with the timeline of Continuum, a future episode may pin that down.

      How many Galaxies from home? - I tried cranking up the sound while listening to the "beeps" on the galactic map scene a couple of times. Its tricky cause it goes by very fast, and there is a "route trail" sound too, but I got over 26 beeps, twice!

      The music. - Mr Goldsmith has done with the music what the writers have done with the narrative! I wasn't paying much attention at first, but having heard it a couple of times now, its very organic and moody! It kind of grows on you, if you pardon the expression!

      The "pulse" of the ship - I haven't spotted that yet but, and I admit it may be I'm going a bit doolaly, - I thought I heard a very subtle musical tone in the gate Kawoosh on a couple of occasions!! Hopefully if I get to hear a really crisp version of it in an future episode I can be sure...

      New viewers? A couple of friends of mine watched it too. ONe a fellow Gater, another not a Sci Fi regular. The latter was interesting, cause he said once the "Star Treky stuff" - meaning the Icarus attack, was out of the way, it was slow paced, but very good.

      I'l provide my initial comments on the characters after I have heard the Pod on Air 3.

      First impressions? A lot going on beneath the surface. The actors are brilliant, though I am still aprehensive at just how dark the series may go...
      Last edited by Thunderbird 2; 15 October 2009, 11:05 AM.
      Converting a human body into energy and sending it millions of light years through a wormhole. Bloody insanity!
      Come on, how often do you get the chance to go to an alien planet?

      I was a'ready on an alien planet!

      - Poisoning the Well, Atlantis Season 1.


        Well, in the end they are all arbitray numbers, from what we know the ancients left in the milky way may of launched to and sent it to peg where the lantians checkep up on it, sorta like a test flight, and they they sent it on its merry way. That said theres no evidence that it was ever boarded so maybe an aurora class just pulled up, did a scan, and let it go, and off the destiny went, jumping galaxy to galaxy over several hundread years until we stumbles on it...
        no timeline in SG is exact, as it seems to change depending on the story. Thats y i left it over huge time gape, covering a few million years or thousands of years at a time lol
        But its still a good reference for people new to the show



          sorry for the double post, computer locked up as i clicked post...


            Hey, me again, u know how u have the podcast hotline, have u considered doing that over X-box live, like u know how u can send a short voice message over X-box live. Well i dont have skype but if u have x-box live i could send u a voice message over this...
            if u do and i can PM me and ill add u
            (ps my username on x-box is the same as here)
            Last edited by Spinobreaker; 17 October 2009, 01:59 AM.


              Hi Guys!

              Just listened to 64...Great podcast! And David...I LOVE the Quibble Music and they way its just "stuck in"...hilarious!!!
              Agree with all the quibbles, but are you going to mention the gaffs too? Reason I mention it, as Scott was collapsing in the desert, you could quite visibly see something very black moving in the distance over his shoulder...was this his bag (that he had discarded) or crew..or did I have too many Guinness??

              Any-hoo, loved the podcast, and more importantly, am LOVING SGU!!!

              Talk soon all

              "You know Jack, for an Irishman, you never were much of a talker."
              Sara O' Neill's father;
              COLD LAZARUS (Season 1)


                OK....definitely the Guinness

                That was his rucksack....should have gone to Spec Savers.

                Ciao for now!

                "You know Jack, for an Irishman, you never were much of a talker."
                Sara O' Neill's father;
                COLD LAZARUS (Season 1)


                  It seems the podcast url in iTunes switched to "" The "www3" sub domain require a login, so im unable to download/check for new episodes. Tried to resubscribe, didn't help.


                    Also thought struck me:

                    How about a "Retro Episode Comment" .... ie leave the door open so that people who caught the ep later than US eg Ireland/UK and Aus can still leave comment for that ep, even tho the podcast's main discussion centres around the "latest" ep?

                    just a thought...

                    Talk soon guys

                    "You know Jack, for an Irishman, you never were much of a talker."
                    Sara O' Neill's father;
                    COLD LAZARUS (Season 1)


                      We are trying to encourage folks who missed the call-in deadline to go ahead and call in after they've seen the ep, so we can get their comments in later. We might end up keeping that to just the previous week's episode, but we'll see how it turns out. I don't think we've left any voicemails unplayed yet.

                      The www3 password problem is being fixed. We know exactly why it's happening -- it's just a matter of Greg repairing it (we think he has) and then it sussing through the iTunes system (possibly 24 hours).

                      If it's still happening tomorrow, we'll get Greg to take a second look. Meanwhile, you should be able to download the new episode directly from the site:
                      GateWorld Podcast - Info - iTunes - Google
                      The Stargate Omnipedia -
                      Stargate Image Gallery -


                        This login issue is still occuring with the www3 subdomain for the Gateworld Podcast and the Gateworld Interviews podcast.

                        Any help?


                          Still having the same problem. I subscribe to the Gateworld Interviews Podcast.


                            Hey guys.. I look forwards to your podcast each week.. I am really looking forward to your take on Darkness. It seems you've left us in the dark. I don't have the next episode on iTunes to be downloaded and it's not on the Gateworld site either.. I need my mid-week Stargate fix!

                            Seriously, is everything all right over there?

                            * * * * * * * * *
                            "You are more like Wraith than you know."
                            "I'm not sure I like the sound of that."
                            "There is much about Wraith that you do not know, Sheppard."
                            - John Sheppard and Todd, "Common Ground"

                            "We all agree the Ancients were pretty screwed up. All the ones I met were arrogant and condescending and not for good reason. Now they made giant mistakes and never fixed them." - John Sheppard


                              Originally posted by WraithQueenH View Post
                              Hey guys.. I look forwards to your podcast each week.. I am really looking forward to your take on Darkness. It seems you've left us in the dark. I don't have the next episode on iTunes to be downloaded and it's not on the Gateworld site either.. I need my mid-week Stargate fix!

                              Seriously, is everything all right over there?
                              yep yep! I'm jonesing for my midweek Stargate fix as well


                                The wait's tough, partially because I still expect to see it on Tuesday...

                                Of course it's now pushed back to allow more time for editing and late phone calls, but I do miss my Tuesday night podcast fix.

