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The secrets on how to make artwork of the Sam/Jack ship family thread

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    Mada, I like the first one. Just the right amount a grunge. Remember, more grunge isn't necessarily better.


      Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
      They look really good. I like the last one most. That's got a really nice the composition, great color, love it dark and the font is really cool


        Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
        I have been working on new banner. My original idea... went to dark place, but I made another one. Love Gradient options, gives so many variations. Which one is the prettiest?

        Oh, and I remade my old artwork.

        I like the last one the best. And I love the new old sig.
        Slidell and I are re-watching SG1. Why don't you join us? SGBFFF-SG1-Rewatchsigpic
        You want to read Torn written by Slidell Yes... yes you do.


          Thank you! My favs are the first and last one. I'll use all of them to keep the variety up. Gotta go now.


            Yea! I made a new sig!


              Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
              Aww, so cute. That kind of fluff I need to keep my balance as a Flangster Gangster.


                Mada love them both, but first one wins.

                Egle love the banners...but last one is the best IMHO(colouring I like the most)
                and that new/remade, awesome!

                Then Brooke also like your new's cute...and oh so fluffy Sweet.


                  Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                  *huggles Jasmina* That's the one! Thank you! How could I forget? It's Sam making fun of Rodney

                  lol, of course you can angst the gutter ANYTHING can be angsted! Didn't you know that?

                  Can't wait to see luvnjack's idea!
                  You can angst the gutter, you can gutter the angst - it's known as gangst

                  luvnjack, love your latest, and think I agree with Oma, the second one needs the text to be a bit smaller, or subtler, or thinner, or *something* The third one was lovely though.

                  Mada, I'm going to agree too, the first Baal sig is better, for sure. Both are pretty darn thunkable though

                  Egle, I adore those banners, but I have no idea which one I like best! They're all pretty

                  Brooke, yours is so cute and fluffy, it gives me warm fuzzies

                  to all of you
                  Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                    Originally posted by madaline_7 View Post
                    Ok... my turn for Ba'al




                    I can't decide.

                    Yeah... yeah... the only difference is the brush color under the smaller pics, but... idk...
                    I was gonna say I prefer the second one. But then I studied the first one more closely. Then thought that one's better. Now I'm totally confused. I have no idea which one is better. All I know, there's Ba'al.

                    Extremely helpful post, isn't it?


                      Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
                      AWWWW this is really cute. thank you for it.

                      Originally posted by josiane View Post
                      You can angst the gutter, you can gutter the angst - it's known as gangst

                      haha, thank you for this one. ir makes everything a lot easier

                      Oh, and I made a new banner, just disvcovered the Median Filter: it's about the SG1 family

                      and my S.H.I.P. sig


                        Median filter? What does that do? And does anyone know where it is/what it's called in Gimp?

                        Love the sigs!
                        Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                          Originally posted by josiane View Post
                          Median filter? What does that do? And does anyone know where it is/what it's called in Gimp?

                          Love the sigs!
                          thx I don't know what it is called in GIMP but it looks like this in PSP


                            Thanks ladies so much!!


                              Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
                              Thanks ladies so much!!
                              you're welcome


                                I have a request for anybody who is really good at merging photos to make them look as though they are one photo. Given how annoyed I was at the way "100 Days" ended, I would like somebody to make a photo of Jack giving Sam a BIG honking hug for what she did in rescuing him from Edora. Yes, I know it would be against canon (no doubt), but I'd really like to have him acknowledge Sam in that way, and then he can go say good-bye to Laira. Sam first, then Laira - after all Sam did way more for him than Laira did. And to my way of thinking there was enough time on Edora by the time all the Edorans got back through the gate to reconnect with their friends and families, that somewhere in there Daniel or even Teal'c would have told Jack what a heroic effort Sam put in to bringing him home, and he owes her at least a big hug (regardless of if its against regs - phooey on the regs at that moment). Can you tell from all this babbling that this is a big issue for me?

                                Oh, and the hug has to be one of those "c'mere" hugs that Jack sometimes gives Sam.

