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Official SG Con, Burbank 2007

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    I'll have my GW forum ID badge that I used in Vancouver, along with general squeeing....


      Originally posted by Chelle View Post
      Well, the backstage pass would definitely be a nice alternative to buying a gold pass..... For the duration of the convention, you're able to be seated behind the "wall o' curtains" that Creation has up as a back stage area, and they have a nice spread of fingerfoods, fresh fruit, and usually a bottle or two of wine for your consumption. Also, you get unspecified amounts of one-on-one time with each of the guests as they pass thru.

      ArcticGoddess got one in Chicago and thoroughly enjoyed herself - she ran around at the con with a goofy grin on her face for the whole weekend. If you go back to the Chicago Con 2007 thread, she posted a very nice narrative of her experiences with each of the guests and such.

      In a little more than 12 hours, my sis and I will be piling into the car and starting the trek from the northern San Francisco Bay Area down to Burbank. It's about a 386 mile drive, kind of boring (lots of cows and NOTHING ELSE) but it's not not too bad. Considering the speed limit is 70 on I-5, and between 80 to 85 mph is the "slow driver" speed (to which I'll be happily setting my cruise control and letting the real lead-foots fly past, thankyouverymuch), it should take just short of 5 hours worth of driving. Factor in a few pit stops, we shouldn't get into town any later than 4pm.

      Now, back to laundry, packing, and hoping to get solid night's sleep.

      I am sooooo wishing I could go!!! You guys are going to have so much fun!!!

      And, I did walk around all weekend with a goofy grin. The $500.00 I spent was worth it. A friend and I are going to do it again in Vancouver next April.

      Have a great time guys, and don't forget, lots of pictures and tell us every detail!!!
      Visit me on


        Do you know if they plan to post the schedule, or will that be a surprise day-of? I'm wanting to know all the cool things I'll see! (or won't see, as I'm missing Friday. stupid work).

        Anyway, very excited!!


          Originally posted by Arctic Goddess View Post
          I am sooooo wishing I could go!!! You guys are going to have so much fun!!!

          And, I did walk around all weekend with a goofy grin. The $500.00 I spent was worth it. A friend and I are going to do it again in Vancouver next April.

          Have a great time guys, and don't forget, lots of pictures and tell us every detail!!!
          So you don't buy a gold pass good idea. I was wondering how you did that. I would like to try that route once if they still have it unfortunately bought my gold pass for Chicago con grrr.


          Our Stargate Forum ~Michael Shanks List ~Michael Shanks Online


            Originally posted by Antigone View Post
            Do you know if they plan to post the schedule, or will that be a surprise day-of? I'm wanting to know all the cool things I'll see! (or won't see, as I'm missing Friday. stupid work).

            Anyway, very excited!!
            They should post the schedule tomorrow (Friday).


              Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
              Is everyone wearing name tags or anything? Or just follow the general squueeee?
              I'll be proudly wearing my Sam/Daniel name tag with my GW screenname and me real first name (since it's like, way, shorter than my SN. ). And just follow my squee as well. I tend to squee loudly (as I'm sure you've noticed on the forum).


                Will anybody be taking copious and detailed notes? Definitely would like to see if there's news/tidbits on season 5 SGA and the SG1 flicks.


                  Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
                  Is everyone wearing name tags or anything? Or just follow the general squueeee?
                  Originally posted by Spacemonkey_Jackson View Post
                  I'll be proudly wearing my Sam/Daniel name tag with my GW screenname and me real first name (since it's like, way, shorter than my SN. ). And just follow my squee as well. I tend to squee loudly (as I'm sure you've noticed on the forum).
                  haha, you guys crack me up!!


                    The car is packed, just need gas.... AND WE'RE ON OUR WAY!!!!!

                    Burbank, here we come! See y'all soon!!!!

                    Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!


                      Originally posted by Spacemonkey_Jackson View Post
                      They should post the schedule tomorrow (Friday).
                      I would think today or tomorrow schedule will be up! BSG schedule is already there odd they haven't put the Stargate one up yet.



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                        Originally posted by Suebsg9 View Post
                        So you don't buy a gold pass good idea. I was wondering how you did that. I would like to try that route once if they still have it unfortunately bought my gold pass for Chicago con grrr.
                        First of all, make sure you are on Creation's e-mail list so you know when they open bidding for the VIP passes. It's usually just a couple of weeks before the con. And you do need to have a ticket for a seat at the con to bid on the VIP passes. When you are a seat holder, you get a lanyard with the official con ticket to wear around your neck. The con organizers will also give you your VIP ticket to include in the lanyard. You have to wear both tickets to access the ballroom. The con ticket gets you into the ballroom, and the VIP ticket gets you to the back of the curtains where a table is set up for you to sit at with the other VIP ticket holders. You can come and go as you please from the curtained off area, so you can return to your seat to watch the show. So having a gold ticket is still a good plan if you want to have a good seat for the Q&A's, since you can't really see the celebrities from behind the curtain. When you are sitting at the VIP table, the celebs will come into the area and will either choose to sit down and visit with you, or they won't. Carmen Argenziano and Jay Acovone were wonderful and spent lots of time with us. Dan Shea was all over the place like a hyperactive kid and didn't sit down, but he was nice and said 'hi'. Michael Shanks did his best to be pleasant, but there was so much noise in the ballroom just before he went on that it was hard to hear each other. And Cliff Simon is a sweetheart, but does like his space just before he prepares to go on. So, my best advice would be to let the actors decide how much time they can spend. If they get up and walk away, leave them alone. The last thing we would want to do is to irritate them so they refuse to participate in this VIP experience.

                        As for the other events such as Celebrity desert party or breakfast, there is a reserved VIP table set up at the front of the room right next to the stage. And the Celebs will often just come over and sit there until they have their time on stage. Which is another opportunity to visit with them.

                        You also get to go to the front of the line for autographs and pictures.

                        Who ever is running the con usually sees that you get what you want, so let them know when you first come in what you'd like to drink and if you have any finger food preferences.

                        And, you get a nice gift, so it's actually a great time and well worth it.
                        Visit me on


                          Originally posted by prion View Post
                          Will anybody be taking copious and detailed notes? Definitely would like to see if there's news/tidbits on season 5 SGA and the SG1 flicks.
                          I'm remembering to bring my Con Journal. I forgot to bring it last year. That's where I usually hand write the report. I just remember the details better that way.


                            Originally posted by Arctic Goddess View Post
                            First of all, make sure you are on Creation's e-mail list so you know when they open bidding for the VIP passes. It's usually just a couple of weeks before the con. And you do need to have a ticket for a seat at the con to bid on the VIP passes. When you are a seat holder, you get a lanyard with the official con ticket to wear around your neck. The con organizers will also give you your VIP ticket to include in the lanyard. You have to wear both tickets to access the ballroom. The con ticket gets you into the ballroom, and the VIP ticket gets you to the back of the curtains where a table is set up for you to sit at with the other VIP ticket holders. You can come and go as you please from the curtained off area, so you can return to your seat to watch the show. So having a gold ticket is still a good plan if you want to have a good seat for the Q&A's, since you can't really see the celebrities from behind the curtain. When you are sitting at the VIP table, the celebs will come into the area and will either choose to sit down and visit with you, or they won't. Carmen Argenziano and Jay Acovone were wonderful and spent lots of time with us. Dan Shea was all over the place like a hyperactive kid and didn't sit down, but he was nice and said 'hi'. Michael Shanks did his best to be pleasant, but there was so much noise in the ballroom just before he went on that it was hard to hear each other. And Cliff Simon is a sweetheart, but does like his space just before he prepares to go on. So, my best advice would be to let the actors decide how much time they can spend. If they get up and walk away, leave them alone. The last thing we would want to do is to irritate them so they refuse to participate in this VIP experience.

                            As for the other events such as Celebrity desert party or breakfast, there is a reserved VIP table set up at the front of the room right next to the stage. And the Celebs will often just come over and sit there until they have their time on stage. Which is another opportunity to visit with them.

                            You also get to go to the front of the line for autographs and pictures.

                            Who ever is running the con usually sees that you get what you want, so let them know when you first come in what you'd like to drink and if you have any finger food preferences.

                            And, you get a nice gift, so it's actually a great time and well worth it.
                            Wow great advice and seriously thinking of the backstage pass for Chicago if they offer it


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                              ...on my way to the airport....


                                Originally posted by mamasue9 View Post
                                ...on my way to the airport....
                                safe travels all who are leaving by plane or car


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