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Creation Con: Aug 24-26, 2007 (Stargate actors)

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    Originally posted by nikki_6969 View Post
    Oh, no...
    Now I'm gonna feel like I have to wear a dress...dude, you guys don't want to see me in a dress. Seriously.
    You don't have to. You know I just like any excuse to dress up.


      wow. I'm not going to Chicago, but am posting here at any rate.

      just. wow.

      I hope everyone going has a good time. Enjoy it
      Last edited by Nathan; 24 April 2007, 05:53 AM.


        ya they added new titles smallville and supernatural. does anyone watch any of those shows??? no new guests yet. i hope they add rachel luttrell soon be safe take care everyone jim


          Originally posted by Nathan View Post
          wow. I'm not going to Chicago, but am posting here at any rate.

          just. wow.

          I hope everyone going has a good time. Enjoy it


            i know i will enjoy myself. especially with the dessert paty on saturday night and sunday morning brunch for gold tickets. which is what i have too bad u cant make it nathan. 5 more months to go. yaaaa almost august. i hope they add joe flanigan and rachel luttrell soon take care jim i'm sorry u cant make it nathan


              Originally posted by meredithchandler73 View Post
              I am a fairly new fan - started watching Stargate in August 2006. I got hooked very quickly and watched every single episode to get caught up. I've only been to a few conventions and it's been years since the last one. (Back when I was still watching ST:TNG.) I had lamented elsewhere in the forum about how sad I was that I could never get to a convention because I'm so much more fanatical now than I ever was about TNG!!!

              ANYWAY, it seemed that conventions were always going to be at bad times for me (I work a lot of weekends), but I might actually be able to get to this one!!! I'm kinda freaking out about it!!!

              I've got to double-check and triple-check that I won't have to work then, but if I'm free, I should probably start planning the trip and buying my ticket! OH MY GOD!!! I've never met any other Stargate fans from the online community. (I only know one couple that watches Stargate, but they aren't online at all and don't go to conventions.)

              I'm am SOOOO excited! WOOHOO!!!!!

              EDITED TO ADD:
              Sadness. I almost never have to work weekends in August BUT I HAVE TO WORK THE WEEKEND OF THE CONVENTION!!! I'm seriously considering whether my boss would think I was totally nuts to take that weekend off... No, it just won't work. I need massive amounts of chocolate to lift me out of this despair.
              HAPPINESS!!! I've just purchased my ticket to the convention!!! Now I've just got to figure out my flight arrangements and hotel accommodations.

              It's been ages since I've been to a convention and I've never gone to a Stargate con. I've also never attended an entire weekend con or gone out of town for one. I'm sure there are posts about con etiquette and helpful tips for con newbies on the forum somewhere. Must look for those.

              AND I AM SO LOOKING FORWARD TO MEETING PEOPLE FROM THIS FORUM!!! YAY!!! I realize now why I've been so upset that I haven't been to a con for the shows I love now (like Stargate and Farscape). The few times I had attended Star Trek cons, I went alone and I didn't meet people or make friends. I wasn't online the way I am now and I didn't think of my fandom as being part of a larger picture (which seems crazy considering the Trek fandom). It's just that my love of Trek was very much a personal thing. In any case, my love of Stargate is personal, but it's also a shared love that I very much enjoy. I feel like I'm part of a Stargate community. As I mentioned in my first post - I only know one couple that watches Stargate. They love the show, too, but not to the point of ever attending conventions. I'm so excited to meet more fans of the show!!!

              Gotta hit Orbitz!!!
              Thanks to Starlover1990 for the banner


                wow meredithchandler73 u are just like me. i always go to cons alone and never meet anyone. i hope we can meet sometime?? i also just purchased my gold ticket! Happiness! i never thought there were other stargate fans out there like myself. my first love of course is trek. been to many trek conventions by myself too. hope to see u at the convention maybe we can exchange emails??? be safe Jim


                  Originally posted by meredithchandler73 View Post
                  HAPPINESS!!! I've just purchased my ticket to the convention!!! Now I've just got to figure out my flight arrangements and hotel accommodations.

                  It's been ages since I've been to a convention and I've never gone to a Stargate con. I've also never attended an entire weekend con or gone out of town for one. I'm sure there are posts about con etiquette and helpful tips for con newbies on the forum somewhere. Must look for those.

                  AND I AM SO LOOKING FORWARD TO MEETING PEOPLE FROM THIS FORUM!!! YAY!!! I realize now why I've been so upset that I haven't been to a con for the shows I love now (like Stargate and Farscape). The few times I had attended Star Trek cons, I went alone and I didn't meet people or make friends. I wasn't online the way I am now and I didn't think of my fandom as being part of a larger picture (which seems crazy considering the Trek fandom). It's just that my love of Trek was very much a personal thing. In any case, my love of Stargate is personal, but it's also a shared love that I very much enjoy. I feel like I'm part of a Stargate community. As I mentioned in my first post - I only know one couple that watches Stargate. They love the show, too, but not to the point of ever attending conventions. I'm so excited to meet more fans of the show!!!

                  Gotta hit Orbitz!!!
                  Looking forward to meeting you, my dear. It's very easy to meet people. Just smile and say hello. Since we all have something in common, we always have something to talk about.
                  Visit me on


                    Originally posted by meredithchandler73 View Post
                    HAPPINESS!!! I've just purchased my ticket to the convention!!! Now I've just got to figure out my flight arrangements and hotel accommodations.

                    It's been ages since I've been to a convention and I've never gone to a Stargate con. I've also never attended an entire weekend con or gone out of town for one. I'm sure there are posts about con etiquette and helpful tips for con newbies on the forum somewhere. Must look for those.

                    AND I AM SO LOOKING FORWARD TO MEETING PEOPLE FROM THIS FORUM!!! YAY!!! I realize now why I've been so upset that I haven't been to a con for the shows I love now (like Stargate and Farscape). The few times I had attended Star Trek cons, I went alone and I didn't meet people or make friends. I wasn't online the way I am now and I didn't think of my fandom as being part of a larger picture (which seems crazy considering the Trek fandom). It's just that my love of Trek was very much a personal thing. In any case, my love of Stargate is personal, but it's also a shared love that I very much enjoy. I feel like I'm part of a Stargate community. As I mentioned in my first post - I only know one couple that watches Stargate. They love the show, too, but not to the point of ever attending conventions. I'm so excited to meet more fans of the show!!!

                    Gotta hit Orbitz!!!
                    Yay!! Glad you're able to make it. It's sure to be a good time. And don't worry, about not making friends. Just introduce yourself to your seatmate and you'll have one right there.


                      Originally posted by meredithchandler73 View Post
                      HAPPINESS!!! I've just purchased my ticket to the convention!!! Now I've just got to figure out my flight arrangements and hotel accommodations.

                      It's been ages since I've been to a convention and I've never gone to a Stargate con. I've also never attended an entire weekend con or gone out of town for one. I'm sure there are posts about con etiquette and helpful tips for con newbies on the forum somewhere. Must look for those.

                      AND I AM SO LOOKING FORWARD TO MEETING PEOPLE FROM THIS FORUM!!! YAY!!! I realize now why I've been so upset that I haven't been to a con for the shows I love now (like Stargate and Farscape). The few times I had attended Star Trek cons, I went alone and I didn't meet people or make friends. I wasn't online the way I am now and I didn't think of my fandom as being part of a larger picture (which seems crazy considering the Trek fandom). It's just that my love of Trek was very much a personal thing. In any case, my love of Stargate is personal, but it's also a shared love that I very much enjoy. I feel like I'm part of a Stargate community. As I mentioned in my first post - I only know one couple that watches Stargate. They love the show, too, but not to the point of ever attending conventions. I'm so excited to meet more fans of the show!!!

                      Gotta hit Orbitz!!!
                      Wow, someone with same situation as me! Only I haven't bought my ticket cause I really don't want to go alone and my friend is still undecided.

                      I've been to a few local Star Trek cons, but it's been awhile and I have never been to a Stargate one. Since being on-line, I really want to go and meet fellow people on-line. Will have to see how things works out.



                        Yikes! This thread got a little *cough* uncomfortable for a while there I see....

                        Glad to see all appears to be back on track with talks of the con, celebs, PARTIES!, etc.

                        Thank goodness we have this con to tide us over until Vancouver 2008!


                          Originally posted by meredithchandler73 View Post
                          HAPPINESS!!! I've just purchased my ticket to the convention!!! Now I've just got to figure out my flight arrangements and hotel accommodations.

                          It's been ages since I've been to a convention and I've never gone to a Stargate con. I've also never attended an entire weekend con or gone out of town for one. I'm sure there are posts about con etiquette and helpful tips for con newbies on the forum somewhere. Must look for those.

                          AND I AM SO LOOKING FORWARD TO MEETING PEOPLE FROM THIS FORUM!!! YAY!!! I realize now why I've been so upset that I haven't been to a con for the shows I love now (like Stargate and Farscape). The few times I had attended Star Trek cons, I went alone and I didn't meet people or make friends. I wasn't online the way I am now and I didn't think of my fandom as being part of a larger picture (which seems crazy considering the Trek fandom). It's just that my love of Trek was very much a personal thing. In any case, my love of Stargate is personal, but it's also a shared love that I very much enjoy. I feel like I'm part of a Stargate community. As I mentioned in my first post - I only know one couple that watches Stargate. They love the show, too, but not to the point of ever attending conventions. I'm so excited to meet more fans of the show!!!

                          Gotta hit Orbitz!!!
                          So, you can make it after all?? Hurray!

                          You will meet SO many great people at the convention.

                          Gateworlders ROCK!!


                            Originally posted by kamala42 View Post
                            So, you can make it after all?? Hurray!

                            You will meet SO many great people at the convention.

                            Gateworlders ROCK!!
                            Very true!

                            I went to the Vancouver con this year, it was the first con I'd ever attended. No one else I know likes Stargate either, so I was on my own. The only reason I finally dared to go is because of the lovely people I met on line here.

                            It appears that this attendance of Stargate cons may become more regular if I continue to dip into threads like this one. I WANT TO GO TO THIS ONE TOO!

                            Sadly it cannot come to pass as the evil finance fiend is always there, looking disapprovingly at me and wagging its finger! I do like sharing everyones excitement and adventures and am with you in spirit


                              Hi everybody! *waves*

                              I emailed Adam at Creation about the possibility of getting David Hewlett to do a screening of his movie "A Dog's Breakfast" at the Chicago con, and he said he'd been in contact with David and his fiancée, (producer) Jane Loughman, but they haven't made any firm plans.

                              David showed the film in conjunction with last fall's Burbank Creation Stargate convention, and appeared at the convention (along with Jane, and his sister Kate) and it was a huge hit! I'd love to see it at Chicago, especially since Paul McGillion is going to be there as well.

                              Here's what everyone should do if you want to see this movie! Go to David's ADB site and REQUEST A SCREENING TO COINCIDE WITH THE STARGATE CHICAGO CON.

                              You'll have to put in your name, email address, and the city and zip - use Chicago and the zip of the con hotel (60018) and give Adam as a contact ([email protected]) ... be sure to mention that you are going to the Chicago Creation Stargate convention and you want to see the movie that weekend. Here's the link:

                              Request a Screening of ADB

                              Here's a preview of the movie if you haven't seen it yet - it stars David & Kate Hewlett, Paul McGillion, and Christopher Judge, and it's absolutely hilarious!

                              A Dog's Breakfast Trailer



                                If anybody's on Facebook I've created an event for the convention:

                                Go ahead and join if you want, looking forward to see you there!

