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GABIT attendees thread

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    last year there was more than enough to go around.

    Oh, and as to the chocolate

    please remember that there might be folks with nut allergies (for example, Becks is deathly allergic to peanut butter) so please bear that in mind. Keep the nutted chocolate labeled and, to be oh so safe. on another table please.

    And seriously folks, if 20 people come and each of them bring 8 oz of chocolate, that's 10 POUNDS. PLENTY to go around.

    You don't have to bring enough for everyone, just enough to share with some.
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
      I just got back from Haven and learned a TON of condances .... bring on AT4
      Starrr trekkingggg across the univerrrrrse, boldly going forward 'cause we can't find reverrrse

      And now that that's in everyone's heads, goodnight!


        LOL yeah, not to everyone, I'd need an entire luggage for those xD. I'll bring a full box, and little packs because some people asked me to. and i'll ask to make sure there are no nuts in them (or i'll bring one box with and another without ).

        anyway, beside the mcdonald, anybody knows if there is a place to eat around the hotel? i'm looking for asiatic food (yeah, i crave asiatic food when i travel LOL) *iz madness gal*


          Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
          I have a little problem...I'm having a bit of trouble getting the chocolate penguins this year...would everyone mind if I only bought the chocolate caramel koala's and some Tim Tams? I'm sorry to be such a pain in the there anything else I can bring to make up for the lack of penguins?

          Neep...I sent you a PM...did you get it?
          Nope, but inbox was full. Empty now if you want to resend

          Originally posted by antoa View Post
          I have no idea what chocolate I am going to bring. At this unemployed point, spending $30 on chocolate is probably not the wisest thing, so I may have to skip the chocolate festivities

          But for those bringing stuff, chocolate without nuts (of any kind) would be the best IMHO.
          Totally understandable. There is going to be so much chocolate that I hope anyone in this sort of situation feels welcome to dig in. So no skipping the festivities if you aren't in a position to chip on chocolate-wise, your company is more than enough.

          I'm thinking separate table fo' nuts. I'm definitely bringing a big block of gorgeous macadamia nut chocolate.
          Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

          Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

          Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


            Originally posted by PengYn View Post
            Starrr trekkingggg across the univerrrrrse, boldly going forward 'cause we can't find reverrrse

            And now that that's in everyone's heads, goodnight!
            And just in time for another day of training....*hums loudly*
            Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
            My Fanfic~My Femslash


              39 DAYS to go until AT4!!!!!

              Days to go until The Sanctuary Experience!!!!!!!

              Days to go until Meet the Man!!!!!!!!!!!


                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                All we really need is you Chelle!
                Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                Your lovely self is enough Chelle! Seriously!
                Can we do Tim Tam Slams though?
                Awww...stop it you wanna make me cry?? *hugs*

                Ok Tittamiire...I love my Tim Tams...and apparently so does Amanda ...but what the heck is a Tim Tam Slam?
                Originally posted by antoa View Post
                I have no idea what chocolate I am going to bring. At this unemployed point, spending $30 on chocolate is probably not the wisest thing, so I may have to skip the chocolate festivities
                But for those bringing stuff, chocolate without nuts (of any kind) would be the best IMHO.
                I thought chocolate was made from nuts...I will check to see what the koala's are made from...and see if they contain nuts or nut products.
                Oh and better be at the chocolate party...or Neeps gonna run through the hotel calling your name without her pants on!
                Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                Starrr trekkingggg across the univerrrrrse, boldly going forward 'cause we can't find reverrrse
                And now that that's in everyone's heads, goodnight!
                Oh you are just evil....bad, bad, bad!!! Wait til I get my hands on you...why you little......
                I'll probably hug ya but if you start singing that song again...well Neep won't be the only one running around without her pants!
                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                Nope, but inbox was full. Empty now if you want to resend
                What? I have to re send it? a minute...I'm busy posting in GW!!

                2 weeks today I fact this time in 2 weeks, I shall be flying over something...I hope!!! Or I'll have jumped out of the plane if my brothers do what they threaten to do...and drive me totally nuts all the way to Germany!
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  by chocolate without nuts folks mean ones that don't have peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts, macadamias, etc in them

                  chocolate is an emulsion of cocoa butter, crushed cocoa bean, and fats/milks. And i don't think it triggers a nut allergy. but the nuts that people put in it can.
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                    I thought chocolate was made from nuts...I will check to see what the koala's are made from...and see if they contain nuts or nut products.
                    Oh and better be at the chocolate party...or Neeps gonna run through the hotel calling your name without her pants on!
                    Yeah, what Chelle said. Hehe. But seriously, I honestly think most folks are focusing on the chocolate they want to introduce everyone else to just as much as the chocolate they are going to nom. Everyone is welcome!

                    Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                    What? I have to re send it? a minute...I'm busy posting in GW!!
                    Yes. *cracks whip*

                    Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                    2 weeks today I fact this time in 2 weeks, I shall be flying over something...I hope!!! Or I'll have jumped out of the plane if my brothers do what they threaten to do...and drive me totally nuts all the way to Germany!

                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    by chocolate without nuts folks mean ones that don't have peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts, macadamias, etc in them

                    chocolate is an emulsion of cocoa butter, crushed cocoa bean, and fats/milks. And i don't think it triggers a nut allergy. but the nuts that people put in it can.
                    Deathly, some of those nut reactions.

                    Don't worry, I will have a separate table and stickers/sharpies for nut labelling. Anyone who has made it to adulthood with such a serious allergy is probably pretty good at reading labels and playing it safe, so don't worry too much.

                    As for people allergic to chocolate itself? I know 3 people... and each of them tend to weigh up the pros and cons (nom vs icky tummy) and dig in anyway. At least, occasionally. One of them is this pretty lady...

                    Chocolate fish for the first person who can name her!

                    OMG... I need to bring chocolate FISH!

                    An on a not completely unrelated note... can anyone who lives in or around London (ie not too much traveling distance) please PM me? I have a favour to ask. *bats eyelashes* Thanks!
                    Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                    Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                    Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                      That's Simone Lahbib
                      Anyway. Will anyone bring anything other than chocolate? I'm a curious little Gabit Event newbie, remember...


                        Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                        Nope, but inbox was full. Empty now if you want to resend

                        Totally understandable. There is going to be so much chocolate that I hope anyone in this sort of situation feels welcome to dig in. So no skipping the festivities if you aren't in a position to chip on chocolate-wise, your company is more than enough.

                        I'm thinking separate table fo' nuts. I'm definitely bringing a big block of gorgeous macadamia nut chocolate.

                        Becky can eat Macadamias - in fact she loves them!

                        (Skiving off for a bit.)
                        For details of AT10 go to


                          OK, this will be my first GABIT event... and I can see you're all talking about chocolate and jelly and stamps...

                          Can someone please give me a list of what to bring?

                          So far my list consists of:
                          a dress

                          I'm sure my list will get much longer... it's just good to have the important stuff at the top


                            Originally posted by Azeleen View Post
                            LOL yeah, not to everyone, I'd need an entire luggage for those xD. I'll bring a full box, and little packs because some people asked me to. and i'll ask to make sure there are no nuts in them (or i'll bring one box with and another without ).

                            anyway, beside the mcdonald, anybody knows if there is a place to eat around the hotel? i'm looking for asiatic food (yeah, i crave asiatic food when i travel LOL) *iz madness gal*
                            We mostly ate at a pub down the street. I'm sure the locals can tell you if there are any Asian restaurants in the area.

                            Originally posted by NZNeep View Post

                            Totally understandable. There is going to be so much chocolate that I hope anyone in this sort of situation feels welcome to dig in. So no skipping the festivities if you aren't in a position to chip on chocolate-wise, your company is more than enough.

                            I'm thinking separate table fo' nuts. I'm definitely bringing a big block of gorgeous macadamia nut chocolate.
                            So, Neep is going to be at a separate table with the nuts. Why does this not surprise me?

                            Originally posted by babancat View Post
                            OK, this will be my first GABIT event... and I can see you're all talking about chocolate and jelly and stamps...

                            Can someone please give me a list of what to bring?

                            So far my list consists of:
                            a dress

                            I'm sure my list will get much longer... it's just good to have the important stuff at the top

                            No doubt people are confused by this thread. One would think we are attending a food convention (which we are).

                            The chocolate is for a GW chocolate party. The idea is to bring something from your country or local area for others to try. As Sky mentioned, don't bring enough for everyone or we will all overdose. I'm bringing a box of Russian Mints made by a local company.

                            The jello is for those who have blue jello in their countries (apparently the UK is a blue jello free zone) to bring. It is for a jello party and for those in the UK who would like to stock up. However, I think they have already got enough for the party and enough volunteers to bring some for the UK contingent so you probably don't have to worry about that.

                            The stamps are for the Hearing Dogs (the charity not the actual dogs, they use e-mail ). These are cancelled stamps you receive on letters. Cut off the stamp (don't steam it off) leaving about a 1 cm border. They sell the stamps to collectors to raise money for the charity. On that note, I received a very interesting one the other day. It is a stamp of a large wood man (not Martin) which is a statue in Prince George, B.C. Apparently we have run out of things to put on stamps and are now resorting to large statues from small towns in Canada. Hilarious.

                            Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                              Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                              Awww...stop it you wanna make me cry?? *hugs*

                              Ok Tittamiire...I love my Tim Tams...and apparently so does Amanda ...but what the heck is a Tim Tam Slam?

                              I thought chocolate was made from nuts...I will check to see what the koala's are made from...and see if they contain nuts or nut products.
                              Oh and better be at the chocolate party...or Neeps gonna run through the hotel calling your name without her pants on!
                              I thought they just ate eucalyptus leaves


                                Thanks everyone, you have all convinced me to join the party. I think I can rustle up a bag or two of peanut butter M&Ms that aren't available over there and people seem to like (the bag will be place in the Peanut section). I just hate going to parties and not contribute anything.

                                Also, I still need a cheap place to stay for 3 days after the con. Does anyone have any suggestions. I would prefer a 2 star hotel over a hostel. The only requirements are that it is clean and in a relatively safe neighborhood near a tube station.

