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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by Jumble View Post
    I agree, it was a howling success and I seriously doubt that there won't be another or in fact several more. It was actually cheaper for GABIT to stage it in Vancouver than it wood have been to do it here because of the costs involved in getting so many guests to the UK I know that because I asked if we could have one in the UK and got a resounding 'No!' because of that
    oh heck yeah. Airfare and hotels times 5-10??? no way. (the actors usually have their transportation and hotel covered as part of their fee for attending)

    that's one reason gatecon (original gatecon) was in vancouver...cheaper for the booking of actors since they rarely had to put them up in hotels.
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Another thing with the photos/autos....if you're in row D and you get sick and lay down and don't make it back down until row H is not stress. WITHIN REASON, you WILL get your photo/auto. it's not handled 'row H only, everyone else go away', it's 'H and below'

      That are saturday, autos are sunday. I know, over the years, occasional accommodations have been made but they're meant to be the exception not the rule. Cause if everyone wanted 'schedule it yourself photos/autos', it'd be chaos

      My point is, if something happens, please let one of the organizers know and help them help you. Don't not say anything then be upset later or get verbal or emotional, because, ninety nine times out of a hundred, things can be fixed.

      Help them help you, but to do that you need to speak up when there's still time to fix things (for example it could be very bad to try and do your photo on sunday because the room has been set up for autos and there's no quick and easy fix)

      If you buy something at the auction that needs to be signed, speak up and remind them when there's still time to snag amanda to sign it...don't wait until monday and then be upset because it can't be fixed. they want to make sure everyone gets what their ticket entitles them to, but you gotta work with them and work within the confines of the schedule.

      Julia works the schedule to allow enough time to get people through, and there is enough time allotted to get everyone the photos and autos they are entitled to. This isn't a 'ok, so and so is there for 3 hours, so we'll see who gets it' type of event.

      Over the years I have seen a lot of people getting very tired, very stressed and very emotional about something, and just please, help them fix something if it needs fixing.
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Chocolate Party! Oh yeah! Saturday 3.20 to 4.15pm (that's some Julia precision right there!)

        So based on the "rules" we had last time, here is how things will go:

        1. Chocolate. Nom. Now, don't try and feed everyone. Remember that everyone will be bringing some so a good rule of thumb is only bring as much as you can eat. All chocolate will be named and any left over will go home with the person who brought it. So don't go stressing... if someone wants to bring 5kg of truffles from... Des Moines or somewhere, it will be up to them to clean up the left overs. Also, if you can only afford to buy/pack a few chocolates that's fine too. A pack of m&m's from the little store across the road will do in a pinch (please don't let there be 20 packets of m&m's now that I have said that).

        2. Allergies- there will be markers at the party. If you know for a fact your chocolate is nut free, label it nut free. If you know it definitely has nuts, label it full o' nuts. If you're not sure, don't worry too much about it. Anyone with a serious nut allergy who has made it this far will be smart enough to go for the nut free chocolate that will be held separately.

        3. Attendees- this is a Gateworld/Samandan organised event, but that doesn't mean anyone should feel left out. While it won't be announced to the general attendees (try fitting the whole con in the bar ) if you have a mate who wants to come along, bring them. Chocolate=love and we are very loving here. Almost too loving. Last time the left overs were laid out on a table for anyone to dig in.

        4. Numbers- just so things feel slightly in control and we don't get sobbing, hysterical G4 (love you guys!) please let me know if you plan on rockin' up. Private message to NZNeep on GW or email [email protected] with numbers and names.

        5. Cross posting- if you have friends on other boards who want to come, please copy/paste this whole thing so they can let me know what numbers we are talking.

        I will be providing 2 plastic table cloths to keep the Ren nice, plastic doggie bags for people who can't eat a metric tonne of chocolate in one go and marker pens to write names and nut status on their chocolate.

        Any questions? Let me know!

        Last edited by NZNeep; 07 January 2011, 06:28 PM. Reason: Adding time and day.
        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


          peanut butter counts as if you're bringing chocolate with peanut butter in it, please note it. Becky - among others - can't eat peanut butter
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Thank you all for the insight into the AT events, especially Kit Kat for the very detailed account.

            For the record, I live very close. Less than 4 miles away. It'd be closer if I could drive across the runway but, ah, they get a bit tetchy when people try to do that, for some reason! (Hey, but it's ok for them to nearly land their flipping planes on the A4 )
            Hence why I can't justify the hotel. I just can't for that.
            I have a 4 year old to think about. It was all sorted but... life got turned upside down.
            I don't have cocktail party tickets so the Friday will be fine but I'll need to spend some time with him Sat/Sun even if he's mostly looked after by friends/family. It's not really fair on him at this moment, for me to abandon him for two whole days and not see him at all. I'm more or less doing that just a week before for work requirements. I'll probably have to make some compromises along the way so I get to see him, even if I can arrange a sleepover with his cousins so he doens't have to see the state of me after some very much NOT non-alcoholic blue jello shots on Saturday night.


              Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
              Thank you all for the insight into the AT events, especially Kit Kat for the very detailed account.

              For the record, I live very close. Less than 4 miles away. It'd be closer if I could drive across the runway but, ah, they get a bit tetchy when people try to do that, for some reason! (Hey, but it's ok for them to nearly land their flipping planes on the A4 )
              Hence why I can't justify the hotel. I just can't for that.
              I have a 4 year old to think about. It was all sorted but... life got turned upside down.
              I don't have cocktail party tickets so the Friday will be fine but I'll need to spend some time with him Sat/Sun even if he's mostly looked after by friends/family. It's not really fair on him at this moment, for me to abandon him for two whole days and not see him at all. I'm more or less doing that just a week before for work requirements. I'll probably have to make some compromises along the way so I get to see him, even if I can arrange a sleepover with his cousins so he doens't have to see the state of me after some very much NOT non-alcoholic blue jello shots on Saturday night.
              Judging by the amount of chocolate last time, you will probably be heading home with a doggy bag with his name on it
              Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

              Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

              Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                Originally posted by myblackrose View Post
                There are MUCH better places to go in Ireland than Blarney Castle... unless you really enjoy hanging upside down for some reason Check out the Cliffs of Moher, the Ring of Kerry, the Aran Islands, Bunratty Castle and Killarney.
                I have been to the first 3 on that list and they are on the top of my list as well. It might be a bit chilly in Feb to do (and this is for Cel and Neep), the highlight of my last trip was taking a ferry to Inis Mór, renting a bike for 10 Euros (you give them 20 and then you get 10 back when you return the bike) and just riding all around the island. Just gorgeous! Though this is when I managed to seriously sunburn the back of my hands (myblackrose was witness to the aftermath and provided an ice pack).

                For mocha, there are horse drawn carriage options to see the island.


                  thanks for all the input everyone. this is what i decided. i will train it to dumfries where a taxi will be waiting for me and i'll go to the 2 places that interested me there. if i can't go inside, that's ok, the outside is beautiful. then back to the train and off to edinbrough where i'll spend the night. then i'll tour edinbbrough till just after dark(dipsofjazz offered to show me around. that will be great)then take the train to york where i will stay for a few days(viking fest). i have no plans of being hung upside down at the blarney stone, but want to see the castle and there was something else near there also, but can't remember what it was at the moment. i should be able to see a lot of beautiful scenery as i train all over. there were just so many things in ireland but just not enough time. would also like to have the time available to go to the scottish highlands and see some of those long hair cows. but i'm grateful for whatever i'll have time to see. God sure created a lot of beautiful things and i'd like to see as much as i can. it will be a lot of early mornings and late nights, but i love traveling. sure am glad i have a travel agent that has been to the uk many times helping me with all this. it's all very confusing, especially the small train services. this will be a great trip - can't wait. 32 days!!


                    Another thing which everyone should be aware of at AT5. Within your goodie bag you will receive a booklet outlining the very simplistic rules for the event, ie don't try and approach the stage whilst Amanda is on it, turn your flash off when asked to for your camera, don't record any part of the event, and turn your phone off during the talks - there are many other things so these are just a guidance.

                    This information is as much about your enjoyment at the event as well as that of everyone else (and of course Amanda's). My advice therefore is to read it, particularly as you will often find the answer to a question you may have within the document.

                    It also includes information on many of the auction items, so will give you a heads up if there is something you fancy bidding on.

                    There is also a rogues gallery of the G4, staff and room captains for the main hall and photo/auto areas just to help you identify them, especially if this is your first Gabit Event.

                    Finally, for ease: G4 wear purple t-shirts, staff wear read and all stewards wear royal blue - this will help you to identify everyone. Many people who have attended a previous AT event, may know the answer, or it could be in your guide, but for a definitive answer it might be easier to ask someone working at the event. Start with asking a steward because there are more of them available, and if they don't know the answer, they will know a person who can either find out, or get in touch with the right person. Final word of caution, if this is your first Gabit Event, but have been to several other cons, do not assume that this will work in the same way - much of it probably will be very similar to something else you may have attended, but there will also be some things done very differently - so if in doubt, ask.

                    Gabit is all about a relaxed event both for Amanda and all the attendees, so you will not be herded like cattle through any queues, and you will have a chance to chat to Amanda if you want (but do remember there are other people attending, so try not to take too much time!). As Skydiver said, if you miss your photo or auto, or need to change the time because of travel arrangements - tell us. We seriously cannot do anything about it if you just mention it to another attendee in passing, or ***** and moan about it after the fact because you left it too late - there are around 260 attendees and it does become difficult to remember who has been through and who hasn't, so please don't assume that someone will notice.


                      Talking about peanut butter - I so wish Australia would bring in the peanut butter M&M's - we have the Reeces peanut butter cups but hot damn those peanut butter M&M's are just delish!
                      And speaking of the chocolate party and doggie bags - my doggie bag got squished on it's journey back to Holland so pack a lunch box instead of a plastic bag!

                      I've still got my chocolate letter "C" from (IIRC) Black Peter??!! I just can't bear to eat it.
                      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                      ~Amanda Tapping


                        Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                        Talking about peanut butter - I so wish Australia would bring in the peanut butter M&M's - we have the Reeces peanut butter cups but hot damn those peanut butter M&M's are just delish!
                        I am not sure what to bring, so I will probably just default back to these. They are always a hit and they are inexpensive!


                          Originally posted by antoa View Post
                          I am not sure what to bring, so I will probably just default back to these. They are always a hit and they are inexpensive!
                          Yes please

                          Thanks for chocolate party 'rules' Neep ... I will ask if Flow wants to come and e-mail you.

                          Not long now!


                            I've just booked my hostels, so I've got places to kip each night I'm in England now
                            Now to gather all the addresses and put them with my itinerary and proof of flight home ... I can see my passport from where I'm currently sitting, so that's a bit of a relief

                            Chelle, I'd send you PB&choc yumminess, but between your weather and mine, I don't think there's a time of year where it won't melt on one end of the journey or the other =/
                            ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                            SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                            ames on facebook
                            ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                              Originally posted by antoa View Post
                              I am not sure what to bring, so I will probably just default back to these. They are always a hit and they are inexpensive!
                              You got me hooked on those yummy delights - thanks!! Beats all the M&M flavours we have which is pretty much only 3 kinds.
                              Originally posted by ames View Post
                              Chelle, I'd send you PB&choc yumminess, but between your weather and mine, I don't think there's a time of year where it won't melt on one end of the journey or the other =/
                              Aww, thanks for the thought Ames...will have to make a trip to your place to enjoy the sweets then eh! Perfect excuse -
                              "Sorry dear, gotta go to Canada to pick up some peanut butter M&M's!...back in a month!...have fun with the kids, don't forget to feed the dog....would you like me to bring a souvenir home for you? - No Niki, I don't think I can squeeze one of those Canadian Mounties in my suitcase!!"
                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping


                                Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
                                thanks for all the input everyone. this is what i decided. i will train it to dumfries where a taxi will be waiting for me and i'll go to the 2 places that interested me there. if i can't go inside, that's ok, the outside is beautiful. then back to the train and off to edinbrough where i'll spend the night. then i'll tour edinbbrough till just after dark(dipsofjazz offered to show me around. that will be great)then take the train to york where i will stay for a few days(viking fest). i have no plans of being hung upside down at the blarney stone, but want to see the castle and there was something else near there also, but can't remember what it was at the moment. i should be able to see a lot of beautiful scenery as i train all over. there were just so many things in ireland but just not enough time. would also like to have the time available to go to the scottish highlands and see some of those long hair cows. but i'm grateful for whatever i'll have time to see. God sure created a lot of beautiful things and i'd like to see as much as i can. it will be a lot of early mornings and late nights, but i love traveling. sure am glad i have a travel agent that has been to the uk many times helping me with all this. it's all very confusing, especially the small train services. this will be a great trip - can't wait. 32 days!!
                                "heeland coos"

                                So, anyone else having people question them as to why on earth they are going to London in February?

                                Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.

