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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
    Considering Melbourne is the sports capital of Australia and further south than Sydney I can't see why Melbourne wouldn't have it...why Sydney anyway??
    Sydney was just a wild a$$ guess on my part. I googled "Australia Curling" and found this info:

    Australian Curling Federation

    The Australian Curling Federation is the national governing body for the Winter Olympic sport of Curling in Australia. Within Australia there is regular curling in Brisbane, QLD and Bendigo, VIC. Sydney has a curling association and is working on getting a set of rocks to establish regular curling at an arena there.

    Australia has Representative National Teams for Men's, Women's, Junior Men's, Junior Women's, Mixed Doubles and Senior Men's categories.

    President: John Anderson
    Vice President: John Theriault
    Victorian Curling Association Representative: Kim Forge
    NSW Curling Association Representative: Rob Gagnon
    Queensland Curling Association Representative: Dave Thomas
    Treasurer: Sandra Gagnon
    Member States
    Membership of the Australian Curling Federation is open to incorporated state curling associations in Australia. Current members include:

    Victorian Curling Association
    New South Wales Curling Association
    Queensland Curling Association


      Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
      Oh yes, please! Been hoping for them to come here up north too, but now luck. M&M was just recently introduced in Sweden and are super expensive, and we only got the two sorts to pick from.
      I've also been hoping for the peanut butter cups and the penguin bars to appear here as well, but so far now luck... So yeah, kinda keeping my fingers crossed for the chocolate party

      And thanks Neep for the list for 'rules'
      Are you all saying that Reese's peanut butter cups are the kind of things you want brought? I thought you were more interested in more exotic or unique stuff. I would be happy to bring peanut butter cups and m&ms if that's the kind of candy everyone would like. They would be easy to obtain and bring. I don't know about these penguin bars though. What about Snickers, 3 Musketeers and Milky Ways?


        Originally posted by Celandine View Post
        Don't forget peanut butter and jelly M&M's....nom. I think these might be my favorite out of all the varieties I've seen/tried thus far.

        I usually just tell everyone I'm going for a convention, what kind and for whom. I gave up long ago trying to explain too much in depth as for some strange reason, not too many people I know understand or know the show. Crazy.
        OK, Brenda, you are from the same country as me. There are peanut butter and jelly M&Ms? I have never heard of them. It must be a northern thing!
        Last edited by penjab; 10 January 2011, 03:59 AM.


          Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
          For time for me at a Con. I was wondering about the autographs, can I choose and print whatever Amanda's pictures that I like?
          This isn't an official answer, but again is based on the fact I have been part of the auto stewarding team for all of Gabit's events, and this might provide a little bit more information to the other answers already given by people on this thread. Generally, the following would be allowed/not allowed:

          1) If you have taken the photo, then it will be allowed through - on the grounds that it is in good taste (yes, I have seen copies of photos that people have asked if they can have signed which really aren't appropriate).
          2) An official item such as: DVD cover, item bought in the dealer's room, etc - these would be allowed through.
          3) A printed screen shot from any of Amanda's films/tv shows - would not be allowed through.
          4) A photo which has been manipulated, whether it be a screen shot, or multiple "official" photos - would probably not be allowed through.
          5) An item which already has other signatures on it, but is something which has been clearly manipulated, either by you or the person/company who have sold it to you - this would probably be allowed through - but again would need to be in good taste.

          For anyone who has not done a Gabit Event before, there are usually two checks done before you reach where Amanda is sitting - these are done by senior stewards in the room. They usually take place as you have entered the room and sat down, then the second one is usually just before you head over to Amanda's table. The reason for the second check is that sometimes people try to "sneak" things through, having pulled them from pockets, under sweatshirts, etc and also they often change their mind the closer they get to Amanda, deciding on a different choice of photo to have signed. Clearly they figure that they have had things checked once, it won't be checked again - it is!

          This checking system saves any embarrassment either by Amanda, or by the individual if the item were deemed as being inappropriate.

          If there is a need to change something, and the item you are trying to get signed is the only thing you have, you will be given the opportunity to either go back to your room and change it (rejoining the queue where you left it) or go and buy something from the dealer's room (again you will be allowed to rejoin the queue).

          Therefore please do not be offended when you are asked by different people, probably in the space of around 10 minutes, if they can check what you are getting signed.

          The comment about fabrics - generally if it is something you get in the auction and want it signing, it will be signed for you.

          Don't forget that you are allowed two items signed by Amanda, generally only one is personalised and the other just has a signature on it - there will be a person as you enter the room who will take the name you want the item personalised to. If, for some reason you get missed (this can happen if a few people enter all at the same time), mention it to the steward when she checks your item and she can get it sorted out for you.

          Your photos taken with Amanda, either on the Saturday, or those taken at the cocktail party, are usually available before the autograph sessions start - sometimes, they will become available from the Saturday afternoon (so keep checking).

          If you have any doubts about the items you are getting signed, ask the steward when they are checked and she will be able to advise you - if we don't know, we generally check with the font of all knowledge - Julia!

          Hope this provides people with a bit more information.


            Originally posted by penjab View Post
            Are you all saying that Reese's peanut butter cups are the kind of things you want brought? I thought you were more interested in more exotic or unique stuff. I would be happy to bring peanut butter cups and m&ms if that's the kind of candy everyone would like. They would be easy to obtain and bring. I don't know about these penguin bars though. What about Snickers, 3 Musketeers and Milky Ways?
            But that is the exotic stuff! At least from my point of view
            (We do have Snickers and Milky Ways here though)
            You should bring whatever you feel like, from what I remember last time it was a great variety chocolates from very unique and exclusive chocolates to the basic sorts. You should bring something suitable to your budget and luggage. Me, I'm bringing a box of a fairly common chocolate around here, but I doubt they would be easy to find anywhere else.

            And by now I assume all the newbies have come to the understanding that gabit events actually is just a clever cover for a world-spanning chocolate distribution network.


              Originally posted by The Kit Kat Lady View Post
              This isn't an official answer, but again is based on the fact I have been part of the auto stewarding team for all of Gabit's events, and this might provide a little bit more information to the other answers already given by people on this thread. Generally, the following would be allowed/not allowed:


              Thank you, once again, for all this wonderful information.

              Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
              But that is the exotic stuff! At least from my point of view
              (We do have Snickers and Milky Ways here though)
              You should bring whatever you feel like, from what I remember last time it was a great variety chocolates from very unique and exclusive chocolates to the basic sorts. You should bring something suitable to your budget and luggage. Me, I'm bringing a box of a fairly common chocolate around here, but I doubt they would be easy to find anywhere else.

              And by now I assume all the newbies have come to the understanding that gabit events actually is just a clever cover for a world-spanning chocolate distribution network.
              I'm curious as to what chocs you're bringing? Come on, spill!

              OK, when is this chocolate party thing? Normally I smell it a mile away. Somewhere I missed one of my memos?
              (Not that my waistline can take it )

              You know, it occurs to me for all those who are deciding how best to explain to those who don't get the whole convention thing, what you're doing... yeah, 2Shy is right; just tell folks you're going to an international Chocolate Lovers Convention. Trust me just about everyone will nod in understanding.


                Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                Thank you, once again, for all this wonderful information.

                I'm curious as to what chocs you're bringing? Come on, spill!

                OK, when is this chocolate party thing? Normally I smell it a mile away. Somewhere I missed one of my memos?
                (Not that my waistline can take it )

                You know, it occurs to me for all those who are deciding how best to explain to those who don't get the whole convention thing, what you're doing... yeah, 2Shy is right; just tell folks you're going to an international Chocolate Lovers Convention. Trust me just about everyone will nod in understanding.
                ..... and beg to go with you

                I'm going to do my best to avoid all that chocolate - at SE I had to walk past Ames' table several times and just couldn't get by it without eating something very bad for me My willpower was definitely on hold at SE


                  Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                  ..... and beg to go with you

                  I'm going to do my best to avoid all that chocolate - at SE I had to walk past Ames' table several times and just couldn't get by it without eating something very bad for me My willpower was definitely on hold at SE
                  *makes mental note not to stock freezer up with Ben and Jerry's for that weekend*


                    Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                    *makes mental note not to stock freezer up with Ben and Jerry's for that weekend*
                    Not on my account - can't stand the stuff

                    I only like the real thing. For me, chocolate has to be chocolate, not something chocolate flavoured


                      There is an advantage to stewarding a lot of the weekend in that you do miss things such as the chocolate party, and by the time we've stopped, chocolate is one of the last things you want! Also, because we are moving around quite a bit, if we did happen to see it, "stealing" the odd piece wouldn't be a problem, because it would soon be worked off again...


                        Originally posted by The Kit Kat Lady View Post
                        4) A photo which has been manipulated, whether it be a screen shot, or multiple "official" photos - would probably not be allowed through.
                        A question about this one: Would that then mean, say I - for instance - decided to take images from AT4, a couple of pics of my friends and I hanging out and pics of AT during the Q&A and made sort of 'memories' photo collage which I then printed out - that that wouldn't be allowed?


                          Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                          A question about this one: Would that then mean, say I - for instance - decided to take images from AT4, a couple of pics of my friends and I hanging out and pics of AT during the Q&A and made sort of 'memories' photo collage which I then printed out - that that wouldn't be allowed?
                          I always thought 'manipulations' were photos where you take things out of context, e.g. put someone's head on someone else's body, photoshop someone into a picture they weren't in, things like that. I would assume collages of pictures you took yourself would be fine. That only seems reasonable.


                            Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                            A question about this one: Would that then mean, say I - for instance - decided to take images from AT4, a couple of pics of my friends and I hanging out and pics of AT during the Q&A and made sort of 'memories' photo collage which I then printed out - that that wouldn't be allowed?
                            It would be allowed as long as you have the permission of the taker of the pictures and you are not using the images ouside the conditions in which you were allowed to take them. Ie not for commercail gain and for your own personal use. If the senior steward thinks they are unsuitable they may take your item to check with Julia or myself for a final word.
                            Amanda does not mind signing fabrics, but please be aware they are hard to sign nicely and the item may become damaged. You can stabilise the area to be signed by ironing on some freezer paper to the back ( don't worry it will peel off without leaveing a trace.) We will have a variety of markers but having trouble getting the gold and silver fabric paint markers for dark fabrics over here. You have to buy them fresh as they don't "store" well once opened. We will have the normal silver and black sharpies and as many other colous as Julia allows us to play with )

                            Couple of other responses and clarifications.
                            There will be a few changes to the normal schedule this time. its all good but we have a couple of extra goodies for you to enjoy this year. I could tell you but I would have to kill you.

                            The seating plan is nearly done... sorry guys this is my fault, I messed it up the first time and have to have another go.

                            Flying into Gatwick/stansted is insane, you can almost spit onto the runway at heathrow from the Ren, indeed when you see the airport on the news with the runway and the radar tower it's usually been taken by a new crew on the grassy hill out the back of the hotel. Gatwick is a good 45 mins drive away and the M25 is a complete nightmare at the moment, best stick to Heathrow.

                            Chocolate party- as a Peanut allergee it would be great if you could keep the boxes/ ingredients lists handy, I can't eat peanuts but can eat other nuts ( like macademias- yum)

                            Just to confuse you guys the staff and G4 may be wearing our black fleece tops a bit more this time. Look for the headsets.

                            TSE2, AT6, I could tell you but then I would have to kill you :0)

                            There will be jugs of water and glasses about the event rooms. It is tap water, but it's generally okay to drink. Please DO bring a water bottle with you and re-fill it. it saves on washing up and you can take the water with you. We will also have a small supply of new GABIT water bottles on sale at the reg desk. Limited numbers, so get yours early! We are not doing the bottomless tea and coffee this year, but we do have some spare mugs left so if you missed out or want a couple more for a set, these will also be on sale at the reg desk. Please write you name and or seat number on the base of your Mug/ bottle incase you put it down somewhere and forget.

                            We will have a limited number of extra event shirts and hoodies / fleeces at the event. Once all the pre-ordes are picked up and people are happy with thier sizes, we'll put those out on sale too. Any items we have from previous events willalso be made available at the reg desk.

                            We have indeed had some poeple who decided the rules didn't aply to them and recorded during our events. Those people who have been caught are no longer allowed to attend GABIT events. Pretending to not understand english is NOT an excuse, we have lots of language skills within the attendees, staff and stewards and if you are attending an event entirly in english you would expect to be able to understand "no recording is allowed" It wasn't as much of a problem at TSE, but MTM was very disappointing. But then at MTM the no Flash after five minutes rule didn't seem to get through even when in 3 foot high letters....

                            Back to chocolate. A Milky way inthe UK is a mars bar. A milky way inthe uk is a small 3 mustateers bar but the chocolate is better in a UK milky way. Snickers is snickers ( but used to be a marathon)
                            Penguins are like flatter wider tim tams.... but tim tams are better.

                            Any more questions please just ask. I don't get here often but Mumsey lurks.

                            off to do the seating plan again.


                              Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
                              It would be allowed as long as you have the permission of the taker of the pictures and you are not using the images ouside the conditions in which you were allowed to take them. Ie not for commercail gain and for your own personal use. If the senior steward thinks they are unsuitable they may take your item to check with Julia or myself for a final word.
                              Thank you Becky. They would, indeed, be my own personal pictures taken with my camera at the last Gabit event


                                Originally posted by elephantgirl View Post
                                I always thought 'manipulations' were photos where you take things out of context, e.g. put someone's head on someone else's body, photoshop someone into a picture they weren't in, things like that. I would assume collages of pictures you took yourself would be fine. That only seems reasonable.
                                Some collages can be classed as Manips, these can be done tastefully but usually are not. They can be as basic as adding a necklace to a person, and transplanting thier head onto someone elses body. These usually fall into the soft or not so soft porn area. Don't get me started on the morals of Manips. I just don't understand need for it.

                                We talk about Taste and decency with items for the auto room. No body parts, and any items of clothing must not be being worn at the time. We've had some odd requests which are just odd and some downright inappropriate ones... "No, we are not going to let you ask Amanda if she will sign your panities... no, not even if you are not wearing them... "

                                Please remember Amanda has requested a no gift policy again at AT5. you may hand over a letter or card at the auto table and Amanda usually takes these and reads them on the plane home. Please don't expect her to open them at the table. You must put your Seat number onthe outside of the envelope. You are solely responsible for the content of the letter/ card we do not read the letters so they can be sealed, however, large envelopes with Journals and other "epics" will not be accepted.

                                All your photos with Amanda should be ready before your Auto session if it isn't we will be aware why and can make arrangements.

                                Anyone leaving early on sunday for a flight or train/ bus MUST let us know if they think they might miss thier normal session. we can juggle things for people but you will need to show tickets with booked travel times.

                                As sky said please do talk to us. We want everyone to have a great time and if you are not we would like to have the oppotunity to fix it if we can. During the event things can get crazy so do speak up, and if you think we have forgotten, speak up again. we do forget things... frequently...

                                Who needs a new sig file....

