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GABIT attendees thread

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    Hahahaha ... I just booked our room at the hotel and the guy was totally hitting on me .... hahahaha. That was so funny. He would arrange everything for me, it was great talking to me and he said to say hi to my lucky husband. He also kept saying how young I sounded. I'm seriously ROFL here.

    But the room is booked .. yay


      Hi, I'm a newbie - but an extremely happy newbie!! I was just informed by my sister that she has got me an early 21st birthday present - a ticket to me my favouritistist actress ever - AMANDA TAPPING!! I'm so happy. The only thing is - I'll be on my own. Would someone be willing to take up the challenge of looking after me?

      Thanks to Oma-1 for my fab sig - look how wonderful it is!!!


        Originally posted by jacksamgal View Post
        Hi, I'm a newbie - but an extremely happy newbie!! I was just informed by my sister that she has got me an early 21st birthday present - a ticket to me my favouritistist actress ever - AMANDA TAPPING!! I'm so happy. The only thing is - I'll be on my own. Would someone be willing to take up the challenge of looking after me?
        We'll all look after you, sweetie! Don't need to worry about being on your own.

        And if you go to the Gabit website, there's a special forum there for people who are going on their own and want to get to know others before they go....

        Look forward to meeting you!
        Yepp, it's blank down here.


          Originally posted by jacksamgal View Post
          Hi, I'm a newbie - but an extremely happy newbie!! I was just informed by my sister that she has got me an early 21st birthday present - a ticket to me my favouritistist actress ever - AMANDA TAPPING!! I'm so happy. The only thing is - I'll be on my own. Would someone be willing to take up the challenge of looking after me?
          Wow, that's a very cool birthday present!! So your sister is not coming with you??

          Just come and play here and on the gabit forum and you'll know a bunch of people before you even go! I'm sure closer to the date there will be things arranged for people to meet up etc. You won't be alone.


            Originally posted by jacksamgal View Post
            Hi, I'm a newbie - but an extremely happy newbie!! I was just informed by my sister that she has got me an early 21st birthday present - a ticket to me my favouritistist actress ever - AMANDA TAPPING!! I'm so happy. The only thing is - I'll be on my own. Would someone be willing to take up the challenge of looking after me?
            Ooooh - what an awesome bday present!!!
            No worries, there are lots of cool people about to take you under their wings When you get there, there are always groups of people about - feel free to join in ... although to be fair, hanging around in here will mean you'll get to know quite a few of us beforehand as well
            So .... how do you feel about jello? LOL
            ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

            SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
            ames on facebook
            ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


              Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
              Wow, that's a very cool birthday present!! So your sister is not coming with you??

              Just come and play here and on the gabit forum and you'll know a bunch of people before you even go! I'm sure closer to the date there will be things arranged for people to meet up etc. You won't be alone.
              She's not coming to meet Amanda with me (silly girl) but she's coming to London. So it should be fun!

              Thanks to Oma-1 for my fab sig - look how wonderful it is!!!


                Originally posted by ames View Post
                Ooooh - what an awesome bday present!!!
                No worries, there are lots of cool people about to take you under their wings When you get there, there are always groups of people about - feel free to join in ... although to be fair, hanging around in here will mean you'll get to know quite a few of us beforehand as well
                So .... how do you feel about jello? LOL
                Jello - as Joey would say "there's always room for Jello!" (little friends OT there - whoops!)
                As long as it's blue - it rocks my socks!!

                Thanks to Oma-1 for my fab sig - look how wonderful it is!!!


                  Originally posted by jacksamgal View Post
                  Jello - as Joey would say "there's always room for Jello!" (little friends OT there - whoops!)
                  As long as it's blue - it rocks my socks!!
                  Oh, we are *so* going to get on fabulously! LOL
                  Yay for blueeeeeeeeeeey goodness!!! *bounces*
                  ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                  SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                  ames on facebook
                  ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                    Originally posted by jacksamgal View Post
                    Jello - as Joey would say "there's always room for Jello!" (little friends OT there - whoops!)
                    As long as it's blue - it rocks my socks!!
                    And I think you've just made yourself a plethora of new friends with that one statement! Yes, we're shallow.
                    Yepp, it's blank down here.


                      Originally posted by jacksamgal View Post
                      Hi, I'm a newbie - but an extremely happy newbie!! I was just informed by my sister that she has got me an early 21st birthday present - a ticket to me my favouritistist actress ever - AMANDA TAPPING!! I'm so happy. The only thing is - I'll be on my own. Would someone be willing to take up the challenge of looking after me?
                      Great pressie! Stick around here in this thread and you'll get to know us all before November.

                      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                      Huh. So by provoking... we are actually doing Julia a favour? Making her stronger and all that?

                      So if someone showed up at one of the Q&As with say... some super soakers filled with liquid, unset blue jello with the goal of making the place a bit stickeh... that would be a Good Thing.
                      Woohoo! Count me in!

                      *runs away from Julia*


                        Hi all

                        I'm totally new here

                        I was on the waiting list and ... I got this AWESOME email that there was a ticket available!

                        SO YAY! I'm going to AT4!

                        WOOHOO! My first AT con ever
                        * Friendship is born at the moment when one person says to another, "What! You too? I thought I was the only one!" *
                        ~ C.S. Lewis, British novelist ~


                          Welcome to the party, milkyway! Glad you got a ticket!
                          Yepp, it's blank down here.


                            Good to see you here M! I'm very happy for you


                              Originally posted by ames View Post

                              'a bit stickeh' my arse - Neep, have you got any idea how badly the awesomeness that is blue jello stains?????? Fabric, body parts - nothing is safe!!! Besides - seems like a bit of a waste of good jello ... and while you might be onto something with the Conan staple of 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger' ... I think Julia might possibly still have limits that we probably shouldn't push just yet
                              Lol, yes it makes for *great* stories then.... How in the world did you get blue there??? And why is it sticky???
                              awesome siggie courtesy of jasminaGo


                                Originally posted by jacksamgal View Post
                                Hi, I'm a newbie - but an extremely happy newbie!! I was just informed by my sister that she has got me an early 21st birthday present - a ticket to me my favouritistist actress ever - AMANDA TAPPING!! I'm so happy. The only thing is - I'll be on my own. Would someone be willing to take up the challenge of looking after me?
                                Originally posted by milkyway View Post
                                Hi all

                                I'm totally new here

                                I was on the waiting list and ... I got this AWESOME email that there was a ticket available!

                                SO YAY! I'm going to AT4!

                                WOOHOO! My first AT con ever
                                Welcome to you both huge congrats on getting tickets! And don't worry about not knowing anyone stick around here you'll have loads of friends you'll know at AT4

                                Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me

