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GABIT attendees thread

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    ^ Sorry to disappoint! Would you be less disappointed if I chose to not attend that event? I didn't know she was coming til last year at Armageddon when it was announced...mind you I was in the bathroom (typical! ) when the announcement was made but all I could here was the audience going nuts and screaming and cheering...when I got back my daughter told me what I missed...but as much as I would like AT4 to be my first meeting...I'm kinda glad that it won't...I need to know that I won't have a major panic/anxiety attack so far from home...and my biggest security blanket is hubby...he'll only be a short drive to Melbourne verses a long flight to London should I need him!
    I thought I told you already about meeting Amanda in October??? Gotta check my sig...I have a ticker thingy for that event too...I think it's about 8 and a bit months now!!
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      Originally posted by EH-T View Post
      Are you saying rderoch makes sense? Now that doesn't make sense.
      I was as surprised as you were.
      Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
      William Shakespeare

      Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


        292 Days to go until AT4!!!!!!!!!!!


          Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
          ^ Sorry to disappoint! Would you be less disappointed if I chose to not attend that event? I didn't know she was coming til last year at Armageddon when it was announced...mind you I was in the bathroom (typical! ) when the announcement was made but all I could here was the audience going nuts and screaming and cheering...when I got back my daughter told me what I missed...but as much as I would like AT4 to be my first meeting...I'm kinda glad that it won't...I need to know that I won't have a major panic/anxiety attack so far from home...and my biggest security blanket is hubby...he'll only be a short drive to Melbourne verses a long flight to London should I need him!
          I thought I told you already about meeting Amanda in October??? Gotta check my sig...I have a ticker thingy for that event too...I think it's about 8 and a bit months now!!

          You probably did mention it but I'm old and forgetful! Not really disappointed, just thought I'd like to be there for the historic event. You know, kind of like the millions who went to President Obama's inauguration!

          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
            You probably did mention it but I'm old and forgetful! Not really disappointed, just thought I'd like to be there for the historic event. You know, kind of like the millions who went to President Obama's inauguration!
            I just caught up with a old friend on facebook... he moved away when we were 10. At the moment he is traveling in the US and happens to be living in DC right now. He was there!
            Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

            Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

            Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


              I have a question about the Ren hotel.
              What's the latest you can check-in?
              I checked the website but it says:
              Check-in: 3:00 pm
              Check-out: 12:00 pm

              Uhm LOL help

              I'd arrive Friday evening (kinda late)
              * Friendship is born at the moment when one person says to another, "What! You too? I thought I was the only one!" *
              ~ C.S. Lewis, British novelist ~


                I would think that check-in is possible till late in the evening, but yeah ... I would check with the hotel to be sure.


                  usually you can just tell the hotel that you will be a late arrival and they'll understand. they don't mind people being late, they just need to know it so that they know you're not gonna default on the room
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Ok thanks

                    Do you also know if you have to arrive at the same time as your roommate? Do you have to check in together?
                    Last edited by milkyway; 25 January 2009, 10:51 AM.
                    * Friendship is born at the moment when one person says to another, "What! You too? I thought I was the only one!" *
                    ~ C.S. Lewis, British novelist ~


                      Yepp, we didn't arrive til about 6ish last year (maybe a little before that) and it was fine. As Sky said, they just need to know that you're coming so they don't charge your credit card.

                      Also... quick note:

                      I've heard that a couple of people were hurt/upset by the fact they weren't included on my spoof seating plan. There are lots of people I missed off, including people I class as good friends. Quite frankly, I used to use photoshop on my old machine but don't have it on my new one. So I was using GIMP and I just find the software difficult to use and unweildy, so I gave up.

                      I was quite surprised when this person said that there were upset parties, because I thought it was obvious that nothing malicious was intended by it, particularly given who I put on the seating plan - I could hardly be accused of only including friends!

                      So yeah... sorry if there were hurt feelings. It was just meant to be a joke.
                      Yepp, it's blank down here.


                        Originally posted by milkyway View Post
                        Ok thanks

                        Do you also know if you have to arrive at the same time as your roommate? Do you have to check in together?
                        You don't have to check in or check out together, as long as you keep the hotel informed about what's happening. As others have said, you can check in as late as you want, as long as you let the hotel know your approximate timings. In fact, one person can check in for both of you, unless you're wanting to pay separately.

                        I think this is fairly standard for all hotels of this type/size.



                          For me at AT3 the room was in my roomies name (Dona) and she had arrived the night before me I think. When she arrived she told the people at the hotel that I would be arriving the next dat and that they needed to give me a key. When I got there, everything went fine, I could go up to the room and I met with Dona hours later. So you don't even have to arrange everything behorehand.


                            sometimes the key is, the person that's paying needs to be first.

                            or the person whose name is on the reservation needs to be first.

                            for example, if Sue reserved a room for two and I arrived first, i was SOL until Sue got there (a non issue since we met up and flew on the same plane)

                            but if i make reservations and put both names on it then each person as autonomous. meaning that both can get keys and it doesn't matter who is first.

                            When i made the reservations for AT3 i made sure that sue's name was on the room, which might have been a good thing since, due to weather, i came >< to missing my flight from chicago to heathrow. I'd have been a good 12 hours behind her if i hadn't have done and OJ Simpson and ran my way across the terminal at O'Hare.

                            So, i'd suggest, if you're rooming with someone, make sure the hotel knows the names of both parties and that you may be arriving separately. then there shouldn't be any 'i'm sorry ms.......but the room is in Ms Someone ele's name and we can't give you a key without her permission'

                            they're used to people rooming, but they also have to protect the privacy of their guests, so they're balancing a lot.
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              if i hadn't have done and OJ Simpson and ran my way across the terminal at O'Hare.
                              *remembers O'Hare....not a small feat*
                              Is there video of this??


                                I flew into O'Hare on the way back from AT3 and I was expecting the worse! Especially considering they only left me just over 2 hours to get through customs, get my baggage and recheck it and then head over to the gate.

                                It surprisingly went really smoothly. I got through customs really quickly. The only thing that happened was a gate change and an annoying toddler in the waiting area.

