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GABIT attendees thread

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    Hi all

    Julia: Many thanks for your kind reply. As an Avalon attendee and AT3 attendee I have had the pleasure of meeting many of you guys and have many fond memories. As I have come to expect, you guys really raise the bar when it comes to organising, and I am sure AT4 will be no exception in this regard.
    I have emailed (as suggested) and hope to be successful if a ticket comes up. In any case, I wish you and the team the very best on what promises to be a wonderful weekend with Amanda.
    Continued success to you all and many thanks again for your kindness.


    Aka Paul!
    "You know Jack, for an Irishman, you never were much of a talker."
    Sara O' Neill's father;
    COLD LAZARUS (Season 1)


      Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post

      As usual that was a very diplomatic and eloquent piece of writing, particularly given the pressures that you, personally and as a team, have been put under over the last few days.


      the voice of the negative always sings above that of the positive.

      So once more, for the record, thank you.

      Tracy xx


      Thank you for this very eloquent and heartfelt piece of writing.

      The statement I made on behalf of all of the G4 was the culmination of Becky and I putting our heads together and writing the piece, so I don't want to take all the thanks for it, it was a combined effort. But thank you for what you said.

      I know that the GABIT family (G4 and staff) will be heartened to read it.

      It's worth remembering that whilst negative voices are nearly always the loudest, the sound travels faster and with more fury and is lost to the wind in seconds. The gentle whispers in the hearts of those who are positive are slower to dissipate, sometimes remaining there forever.

      To influence the quality of another's day. That is the essence of life.sigpic


        Originally posted by bikerchic1977 View Post
        volunteering my fridge as well (if i get one this year) for any jello making.. not sure who's coming w/ me but they'll just have to deal with it.. lol..

        i'm easy, we can do malibu AND vodka versions.. see i have this lovely little recipe booklet of tons of jello and pudding shots.. i usually use little 1 oz cups with labeled lids. makes deciding what you want easier.. lol..

        as to alcohol in the lobby, i know it's not an issue around here unless you try to bring your drink outside.. here in NJ even then some towns don't care but some are very strict about it.. not sure about london tho.. must remember make an anonymous call to the ren when i get back to work on thursday..
        as to booze in the lobby....i think what the ren doesn't know doesn't hurt them

        you're sitting there eating jello. just keep the bottles of booze in the rooms
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          as to booze in the lobby....i think what the ren doesn't know doesn't hurt them

          you're sitting there eating jello. just keep the bottles of booze in the rooms
          Sky, are you suggesting that we niggle the rules for our own merriment?
          I am shocked that you would put forth such an idea!

          (Note to self: Sky said we could do it -- and when the Noodle speaks, esp in a favourable ruling, it's best to run with it! LOL )

          So ... well-labelled jello shots are (unofficially) in ... any other requests for fun in the lobby?
          ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

          SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
          ames on facebook
          ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


            Originally posted by ames View Post

            So ... well-labelled jello shots are (unofficially) in ... any other requests for fun in the lobby?

            Do you really want me to say it again?

            Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

            Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

            Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


              Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
              I am copying this from our own Gabit forum which Becky has just posted in response to several criticisms there from people who didn't get tickets.

              We are seriously working as fast as we can folks to answer everyone's queries and keep our heads above water. I am sorry for those who have not got tickets. People were just so fast onto the site there would have been split seconds between people if that.

              There have been criticisms elsewhere that the links did not go up on time but I can assure everyone that with three computers in front of me, all three pages were uploaded simultaneously and at 15.30 hrs precisely. We are not able to account for people's browsers or speed.

              I think those that know us will know that we operate fairly across the board.

              I think when you see the time frame for sell out you will understand why everything happened so fast.


              "The system allowed people to progress through the reg system so that we could fairly collect peoples details for the waiting list. Sorry if this has caused any upset. We did however ensure that you were not charged.

              If you were not able to pay AT ALL ie you did not get the red HSBC page it is likely you entered the reg system AFTER tickets had all been allocated. If that is the case you will be placed on the wiating list and contacted should tickets become available.

              If you had a problem once you got to HSBC, we'll be in touch to arrange payment. Llikewise if you booked more than one ticket but were only charged for one we will be in touch.

              We had over 500 requests for tickets in the first few minutes. yes over 500. The link did appear on both the pages at the time we said it would

              We will contact people who have sent quesries to asktheg4 or registration addresses. personal e-mail addresses are not being responded to at the moment.

              Thank you for your support and patience.
              Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
              I remember, five years ago, when the G4's (Julia's) dream of "Getting Amanda Back In Town" was becoming a reality ... and, just by luck or fate, my daughter and I were two of the last to get tickets.

              This dream turned into quite a memorable first con, marked by professionalism and caring and Amanda's eternal gratitude.

              Each time, since, the G4, all of them, have shown kindness and interest in all their guests and in preserving Amanda's privacy and her time with her fans. If you have never been an administrator or run a large event, you may not realize all the time, the hours, the planning, the logistics of it all to make everything seem so "simple" when the doors open.

              Add to that, personal touches like putting together fan photos for a slideshow for Amanda or the making of the beautiful quilts or the little "gifts" at the cocktail tables which actually try to relate to the individual attendees.

              I had the good fortune to win the tea raffle at AT2 and, even then, there were specially wrapped gifts for all of us and Amanda that Becks had run about to get.

              So ... the event sold out this morning. It is, what it is ... I think it's grand whether I get there or not. Amanda and the G4 can know in their hearts that the event has become quite special. It's also the meeting ground for many, many of us who have become friends because of Amanda and because of the vision of GABIT!

              John, the G4 photographer, is the final member of directors who really puts himself out to capture the weekend events for the fans. I was in the lobby last year when he lugged in what seemed tons of equipment, smiling all the way. The stewards and staff behind the G4 also labor to make sure that every little detail is taken care of and, overall, fans are welcomed properly and have a great time.

              Stepping off my soapbox but just wanted to say that I know how hard it is to run an event (I've had some experience in this area with university responsibilities).

              BE KIND PEOPLE. AMANDA'S ALL ABOUT KINDNESS. SO ARE THE G4! There will be more Amanda events, God willing. And good luck to those funny, folksy people across the pond who are working hard tonight to sort all this out!

              Peace, CG
              Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
              Your registration auto confirmation is only a confirmation that we have received your REQUEST for tickets.

              if on that e-mail the ticket type is BLANK on the first person. you have not been allocated tickets at theis time and you have been put on the waiting list. NO ONE has been allocated a charmed pass yet and we will sort those out when we have sorted everything else out.

              I plan on having some skis attched to my feet when I do the throwing mself off the mountain and I do have a helmet.

              I have individually answered every person who has asked a question. Kay now needs time to sort out the requests into the correct order, arrange the payments from those that underpaid or have not paid, and see if we have any tickets become availible.

              My apologies if any of my responses tonight have ben curt or succint and deviod of the normal chattyness, but frankly I have been trying to control my anger at the vitriol that has spewed forth from some people both on forums and in private while answering serious and valid questions.

              It has not been helpful and I am very disappointed in some people's attitude.

              I have been away from the forum since ordering my ticket and am just starting to catch up on the thread (my, things have been hopping). Just want to add my 2 cents.

              First, I echo the wise (as always) comments of CG.

              Second, hugs to all the G4, sounds like you need it.

              Third, I am not surprised by the overwhelming response to AT4. There certainly seemed to be more chat about it than when I was checking out AT3 last year.

              I assume I have a ticket based on my e-mail confirmation which mentions "weekend" although I haven't got the confirmation of payment confirmation yet. Even if I don't have a ticket, I want to thank the G4 for the opportunity they have provided to me to attend this event. I know they work extremely hard and try to be fair to all. It is a tribute to them as much to Amanda that this event has such high demand. So, whatever happens, hugs to you all.

              Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                as to booze in the lobby....i think what the ren doesn't know doesn't hurt them

                you're sitting there eating jello. just keep the bottles of booze in the rooms
                Yes, please be aware that eating and drinking anything in the public areas (even bottled water) bought off the premises is very much frowned upon by the hotel. Last year an attendee was in the reception area, re-hydrating after a trans-Atlantic flight with a bottle of Tesco still water, and one of the staff came and told me about it...

                Be subtle!

                Kay G4
                For details of AT10 go to


                  LOL Neep and her one-track mind *bounce*

                  Yay Eh-T!!! *hugs*
                  Does this mean you're going to bring those awesome Russian mint chocolates again???
                  (I know, dang but my hints are oh so subtle...LOL)
                  *grins in anticipation*
                  ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                  SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                  ames on facebook
                  ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                    I assume I have a ticket based on my e-mail confirmation which mentions "weekend" although I haven't got the confirmation of payment confirmation yet. Even if I don't have a ticket, I want to thank the G4 for the opportunity they have provided to me to attend this event. I know they work extremely hard and try to be fair to all. It is a tribute to them as much to Amanda that this event has such high demand. So, whatever happens, hugs to you all.
                    Thanks for your kind words and support.

                    If you have an AT4 number, then you have a ticket (or tickets if you ordered more than one).

                    I was playing with the traffic taking Becky and her hubby to Heathrow this morning. (as I write they are somewhere over The Arctic circle heading for Whistler) Anyone who knows anything about the M25, the M11 and the M4 (all of which I had to negotiate - in the rush hour ) will appreciate just how difficult that morning was - after a big freeze and half an inch of snow (don't ask!) and will know just how much time it took. I then had to attend a clinic for my leg. So, after having fed No. 1 Son, who has just come home from work, I will get to sending out confirmation emails and emails to those of you who need to pay for your tickets.

                    Please be patient and hang in there. It will take me several days to get everyone sorted out.

                    Kay G4
                    Last edited by SWMBOTGSG; 06 January 2009, 09:22 AM. Reason: Doesn't know her Arctic from her Antarctic! (Blushes)
                    For details of AT10 go to


                      Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post

                      As usual that was a very diplomatic and eloquent piece of writing, particularly given the pressures that you, personally and as a team, have been put under over the last few days.

                      It is great news that so many people have been able to get tickets due to duplicate registrations - I'm sure you've made quite a few people's day!

                      I just want to say publicly, and I know that there are several people who will agree when I say this, a huge thank you not only for your hard work and amazing organisational skills, but for the patience and kindness with which you have dealt with the various trials of the last few days. You're a better woman than me!

                      I also want to disagree (Very slightly) with a few comments that I have seen. Not because I disagree with the fact that Amanda has a growing fanbase, or that she has touched so many lives, or that Sanctuary has had a positive effect on ticket sales. The reason I disagree is because I don't believe this is the *sole* reason for the sell out. I truly believe that it is not only a testament to Amanda, but also to your skills as convention organisers.

                      The reputation that Gabit has forged over the past few years is one of an excellent convention which is run fairly, treating fans as people and not cattle, treating Amanda as a person and not a star, and treating everyone equally as friends. It is an event where we get to have fun, yet we're safe in the knowledge that things will run smoothly (and you will never have problems getting Christopher Lee off stage).

                      I just sincerely hope that this reputation is never tarnished or damaged by unfounded accusations, because in this world, sadly but truly, the voice of the negative always sings above that of the positive.

                      So once more, for the record, thank you.

                      Tracy xx
                      Well said Tracy!! Thank you so much to the G4 you guys are truly awesome!! *massive hugs*
                      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                      Just watched Sanctuary Revelations 2...

                      We really need to take our pants off.
                      ROTFLMAO!!! Neep you totally rock!!

                      Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                        Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                        Yes, please be aware that eating and drinking anything in the public areas (even bottled water) bought off the premises is very much frowned upon by the hotel. Last year an attendee was in the reception area, re-hydrating after a trans-Atlantic flight with a bottle of Tesco still water, and one of the staff came and told me about it...

                        Be subtle!

                        Kay G4
                        I don't want to offend anyone I haven't even met yet, or even those I have, but after lurking around here for a while I'm reasonably convinced that 'subtle' is not a word usually associated with Gabiteers. Maybe surreptitious, or secretive, might work?

                        Last edited by LeeFraser; 06 January 2009, 09:50 AM. Reason: Or even sneaky??


                          Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                          Anyone who knows anything about the M25, the M11 and the M4 (all of which I had to negotiate - in the rush hour ) will appreciate just how difficult that morning was - after a big freeze and half an inch of snow (don't ask!) and will know just how much time it took.

                          Oh my god, DO I! We were coming back from Surrey on the M25 the day after Boxing Day and we managed to go about 10 miles in just under 2 hours!!! It was awful! Talk about numb bums!
                          Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
                          Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
                          Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


                            Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                            Yes, please be aware that eating and drinking anything in the public areas (even bottled water) bought off the premises is very much frowned upon by the hotel. Last year an attendee was in the reception area, re-hydrating after a trans-Atlantic flight with a bottle of Tesco still water, and one of the staff came and told me about it...

                            Be subtle!

                            Kay G4
                            What's this s word?

                            Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                            Thanks for your kind words and support.

                            If you have an AT4 number, then you have a ticket (or tickets if you ordered more than one).

                            I was playing with the traffic taking Becky and her hubby to Heathrow this morning. (as I write they are somewhere over The Arctic circle heading for Whistler) Anyone who knows anything about the M25, the M11 and the M4 (all of which I had to negotiate - in the rush hour ) will appreciate just how difficult that morning was - after a big freeze and half an inch of snow (don't ask!) and will know just how much time it took. I then had to attend a clinic for my leg. So, after having fed No. 1 Son, who has just come home from work, I will get to sending out confirmation emails and emails to those of you who need to pay for your tickets.

                            Please be patient and hang in there. It will take me several days to get everyone sorted out.

                            Kay G4
                            Urgh...I hate all of those roads with a fiery passion *hugs Mumsey* have some of the jello shots to aid recovery
                            Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                            My Fanfic~My Femslash


                              Originally posted by babancat View Post
                              Hello everyone *waves*

                              This is my first post to this board... I do believe I have a ticket to AT4. It will be my first AT event, though not first convention (that was Gatecon ).

                              I do believe I recognise a few names from S/J Ship family (that's usually where I lurk...) and it was in fact SamJackShipLover who told me to come introduce myself

                              I look forward to getting to know you all, and meeting some of you in November...

                              Bye for now *waves*
                              Welcome. You will have a blast at AT4!

                              Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post

                              As usual that was a very diplomatic and eloquent piece of writing, particularly given the pressures that you, personally and as a team, have been put under over the last few days.

                              It is great news that so many people have been able to get tickets due to duplicate registrations - I'm sure you've made quite a few people's day!

                              I just want to say publicly, and I know that there are several people who will agree when I say this, a huge thank you not only for your hard work and amazing organisational skills, but for the patience and kindness with which you have dealt with the various trials of the last few days. You're a better woman than me!

                              I also want to disagree (Very slightly) with a few comments that I have seen. Not because I disagree with the fact that Amanda has a growing fanbase, or that she has touched so many lives, or that Sanctuary has had a positive effect on ticket sales. The reason I disagree is because I don't believe this is the *sole* reason for the sell out. I truly believe that it is not only a testament to Amanda, but also to your skills as convention organisers.

                              The reputation that Gabit has forged over the past few years is one of an excellent convention which is run fairly, treating fans as people and not cattle, treating Amanda as a person and not a star, and treating everyone equally as friends. It is an event where we get to have fun, yet we're safe in the knowledge that things will run smoothly (and you will never have problems getting Christopher Lee off stage).

                              I just sincerely hope that this reputation is never tarnished or damaged by unfounded accusations, because in this world, sadly but truly, the voice of the negative always sings above that of the positive.

                              So once more, for the record, thank you.

                              Tracy xx
                              Worth repeating!

                              Originally posted by Shirt'n'Tie View Post
                              Hi all

                              Julia: Many thanks for your kind reply. As an Avalon attendee and AT3 attendee I have had the pleasure of meeting many of you guys and have many fond memories. As I have come to expect, you guys really raise the bar when it comes to organising, and I am sure AT4 will be no exception in this regard.
                              I have emailed (as suggested) and hope to be successful if a ticket comes up. In any case, I wish you and the team the very best on what promises to be a wonderful weekend with Amanda.
                              Continued success to you all and many thanks again for your kindness.


                              Aka Paul!
                              Good luck. Keeping my fingers crossed you get a ticket.

                              Originally posted by ames View Post

                              Yay Eh-T!!! *hugs*
                              Does this mean you're going to bring those awesome Russian mint chocolates again???
                              (I know, dang but my hints are oh so subtle...LOL)
                              *grins in anticipation*
                              Yup! Love supporting the local chocolate company (and feeding your chocolate habit).

                              Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                                Originally posted by Shirt'n'Tie View Post
                                Hi all

                                Julia: Many thanks for your kind reply. As an Avalon attendee and AT3 attendee I have had the pleasure of meeting many of you guys and have many fond memories. As I have come to expect, you guys really raise the bar when it comes to organising, and I am sure AT4 will be no exception in this regard.
                                I have emailed (as suggested) and hope to be successful if a ticket comes up. In any case, I wish you and the team the very best on what promises to be a wonderful weekend with Amanda.
                                Continued success to you all and many thanks again for your kindness.


                                Aka Paul!
                                *waves to S'nT*

                                I hope that something does come through for you in the end, and you'd be able to join us at AT4. I still remember meeting you at the big-screen watching of "Unending" in London, amongst all the jello and giant tissue boxes! Would be lovely to see you again

