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GABIT attendees thread

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    i gotta say, please dont' expect the G4 to schedule the con around it. It is when it is.

    it could be a good thing to do during the afternoon because it can run an hour or two, and really, the photo lines aren't that long

    Friday afternoon during the end of hte photo session, or maybe right after dinner and before hte disco. or maybe it can be going on out in the lobby during the disco, people can pop out, get a sugar buzz, go back in and dance

    It's beyond informal. Seriously, all we had was a 'meet here at this time' and that's it.

    about the only task for the one(s) hostessing will be getting people to take their chocolate with them and then working on finding homes for the leftovers. (i believe a lot got handed out sunday while people were picking up their photos
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      During the disco might be a good idea!


        Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
        Yeah that is what I was thinking, just in the lobby... hanging around there with chocolate and introducing ourself and just talk a bit and eat choccie from all around the world
        i like that idea. Everyone comes in and drops of their chocolate as they come. and the 'price' for helping yourself, introducing yourself.

        let it be informal, that's my suggestion anyway

        and there can even be mupltiple hostesses, each person can be 'on duty' for an hour or so and maybe hte party lasts for 2 or 3
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
          During the disco might be a good idea!
          To be honest, I think we should do it during autographs and disco night, and just let people join whenever they want, give their chocolate, taste some chocolate there is and talk a bit, get to know each other a bit. Then go their own way... and obviously other people will join in too. That is how you get to know one another.

          And multiple hosts might be an idea for when another host has to get autographs or pictures or wanna join the disco. I kind of want to join the disco this year, since i missed most of it last year


            Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
            To be honest, I think we should do it during autographs and disco night, and just let people join whenever they want, give their chocolate, taste some chocolate there is and talk a bit, get to know each other a bit. Then go their own way... and obviously other people will join in too. That is how you get to know one another.

            And multiple hosts might be an idea for when another host has to get autographs or pictures or wanna join the disco. I kind of want to join the disco this year, since i missed most of it last year
            Sounds like a plan to me So not the introduce yourself part like we did last year, but (even lol) more informal. And maybe even more people than just from here can come say hi?

            But I guess it's either afternoon during pictures, or at night during disco. And in between will be auction right? For both, that would be really long?


              iirc, the cocktail party is thu, disco fri, auction sat

              so, maybe, after dinner/right before/during the disco on friday?
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                *gives up*

                *deletes subscription*

                Yep, that's me, queen of deletion. And email saving, fyi.

                For those who care, talk to you elsewhere. For those who don't, I'm better off.


                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  iirc, the cocktail party is thu, disco fri, auction sat

                  so, maybe, after dinner/right before/during the disco on friday?
                  No, it was saturday. Talks, pictures, auction, dinnerbreak/chocolatepart, disco. IIRC.


                    Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                    No, it was saturday. Talks, pictures, auction, dinnerbreak/chocolatepart, disco. IIRC.
                    It starts on a friday, so no thursday Sky

                    I think Lies has it right... although I thought the auction was Sunday...


                      No, closing ceremony was sunday.

                      So, I guess we either do it saturday afternoon during picture taking, or later, right before / during disco. In the afternoon has my vote

                      EDIT: or we could go with Sky's plan and add a thursday to this con
                      Last edited by SamJackShipLover; 04 January 2009, 01:41 PM.


                        there were two auctions i though, a 'main' one and a little one if stuff didn't make it the night before.

                        It could be after the cocktail party you know, or start during and last after. as a way to get to know each other. give those that don't get tickets something to do, but last long enough to have dessert for those that do get tickets.

                        might be a little late though. i seem to recall the cocktail party lasting until 7 ior 8 or something, or maybe later

                        saturday could be good

                        maybe if becks or julia has a second to confirm what's what day, then people can go from there and find a time that works in with the G4 schedule.
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Lol ... a thursday and 2 auctions? I missed all sorts of things The little auction was just the silent one I think?

                          And yeah, maybe when we know for sure what is when in the con schedule, we can plan for sure.


                            Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                            Lol ... a thursday and 2 auctions? I missed all sorts of things The little auction was just the silent one I think?

                            And yeah, maybe when we know for sure what is when in the con schedule, we can plan for sure.
                            Lies, you sure you were on the right event??


                              I think I was at the same event as Lies. Either that, or she was sat close enough to me to be affected by the alcohol vapours.

                              Tracy (no, I'm not talking to myself, I'm talking to the other one)- hungover doesn't even begin to describe my state on the Sunday. Yes, I was quiet. I also only took 2 pictures because I was so bad. I must have had four or five cups of black coffee at breakfast that morning and was still only capable of grunting like an ape.

                              You'll be pleased to know that I've not been that bad since!
                              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                                *is not laughing about Tracy grunting like an ape *

