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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
    You were there?
    How could you forget me I was the one who poured the drink over your head!

    Ooops, now Jan is going to know what really happened to her beer

    my fanfic


      As much as I am loath to admit it, some of those pictures had you in them, Mandy.

      In memory of Deejay.
      May we all be so well loved.


        Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
        You have to pay close attention to Scari's posts. We knew because of her.

        Well that may be asking too much.

        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


          Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
          Lol, good to know. If you order one here, you'll get lots of leaves, and boiled egg, olives, sometimes tomato and of course tuna (without mayo).

          I think I would appreciate your tuna salad as well normally, but I was way too excited and nervous to eat stuff like that.
          Ah, I forgot lots of people add hard boiled eggs to salad too. My hubby is one of them. And I've seen it done the way you're describing as well, just that the "salad" part usually refers to everything IN it, not arround it. But you really never know what you'll get. Mostly it's a tuna salad sandwich.

          Originally posted by chelle db View Post
          Oooh...something for me to look forward to then...I could do with a few less kilos!! *and the rest!!*
          HEH A few less kilos means even MORE I'm with you!

          Originally posted by chelle db View Post
          Just found a dollar on the dining table...another coin to add to the AT4 tin!!! Yay!!
          The sad thing is, it was probably yours to begin with! HEEHEE

          Originally posted by Celandine View Post
          Yay on finding free money. Finders keepers, losers weepers..right?

          hehe...that dollar in England would only amount to half its worth though. Save, save, save!
          That would be even funnier if it weren't so true! *sigh*

          Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
          My Aussie mate Ryk will be coming to Vancouver, and I'll probably get some practice from him (and Alan, one of the GAtecon organisers). - with my accent that is!! (Get outta the gutter you lot!)
          You know, I had to re-read that to see what I'd missed. I wasn't gonna "go there" until you did. MUMSEY!? You're a bad influence on me! LOL!

          And she looked so sweet and innocent...

          Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
          The Hoppa bus takes you to the front door of the Ren, which is very handy. I just cringed at paying $8 for each one way trip.
          I didn't like that part either, with the Hoppa bus. But it's roomy and with as much luggage as we brought, worth every penny. But really, I only needed the Hoppa bus a few times, and once, on the trip back from the airport after taking the tube downtown for our tour and being left at the London eye at the end *glares because she didn't know she wouldn't be taken back*, we did find a bus that charged, but we said where we were going and got to ride for free. You just have to find the right one (this was the 105) and tell them. Not good for luggage, but great for the pocket book!

          Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
          We did eat a couple of times at the Three Magpies, and the company was better than the food... and the food wasn't bad.
          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
          Gee, thanks
          Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
          You were there?
          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
          How could you forget me I was the one who poured the drink over your head!


            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
            Well that may be asking too much.
            Don't we all need something to aspire to so our brains don't stagnate?

            Not to mention that I'm likely to pay attention to anyone who knows about London.

            In memory of Deejay.
            May we all be so well loved.


              Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
              The directions sound right, but I couldn't repeat them from memory if I tried. We did find an information kiosk, though, and because of them and a nice lady who worked for the airport, we got to where we were going... for free. All you have to do is cross the street to get to the hotel. The Hoppa bus takes you to the front door of the Ren, which is very handy. I just cringed at paying $8 for each one way trip.
              I wouldn't mind paying if it meant I wouldn't get lost...peace of mind if you will. I'm gonna have to research a lot before I leave!!
              Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
              Row can be pronounced two ways, as in row,row,row your boat or as in a fight.

              Suse and I actually packed food to bring along with us. We ate a lot of peanut butter and jelly on whole wheat. We also brought trail mix, nuts and snack bars. I have a wonky tummy too. Not to mention a tight budget. We did eat a couple of times at the Three Magpies, and the company was better than the food... and the food wasn't bad.
              Whoops...well it's the row as in row row row your boat!!

              I live on muesli bars for lunch here so I think I could survive on the same over there...except I'm sure I'd be too nervous to worry about that...I'm thinking I might just roll with what ever happens. At least I know I won't starve or's the budget I have to worry about though...I'll be living on very limited funds...not that I'm complaining...I hate spending money as it is...not that I'm frugal or anything...I just prefer to not shop and open the old purse...but when it comes to cons...OMG...I love perusing the merchandise and crying at what I can't have and deciding what I can have!!!

     soon before the event does everyone start arriving at the Ren??? Or in London??
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping


                Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                (Who has a shopping bag that always makes me think of chelle because it has ladybirds all over it!)
                You have a shopping bag with ladybugs??? Oh man!!! That is sooo cool!!!
                Ladybugs are soo cute...especially the red ones.
                Do you call them ladybugs or ladybirds??? I have no idea what we call them now...but as a kid we called them ladybirds. I used to collect them and keep them as pets...and snails!!...not that we had no pets...we always had animals...dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, birds of many kinds, mice, sheep, ducks, chickens...and ferrets!!!!
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Originally posted by chelle db View Post
         soon before the event does everyone start arriving at the Ren??? Or in London??
                  Just dont try and do it in a 3 or 4 day weekend. The jet lag will kill you.

                  For AT3 I didnt think it would really affect me being such a insomniac anyways, but dang! Even though I couldnt get myself to settle down and rest, the jet lag just hung over me and I couldnt shake it for anything. Yeah, there were times when I didnt notice it (the Q & A's, photo/auto sessions, disco, etc...) but when my mind wasn't busy doing something, I felt like I was just dragging.

                  Funny thing is that on Monday, the day I was scheduled to fly back home, I felt completely "normal". For this reason, next year I'm making AT4 *at least* a week long holiday for myself.


                    Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                    Just dont try and do it in a 3 or 4 day weekend. The jet lag will kill you.

                    For AT3 I didnt think it would really affect me being such a insomniac anyways, but dang! Even though I couldnt get myself to settle down and rest, the jet lag just hung over me and I couldnt shake it for anything. Yeah, there were times when I didnt notice it (the Q & A's, photo/auto sessions, disco, etc...) but when my mind wasn't busy doing something, I felt like I was just dragging.

                    Funny thing is that on Monday, the day I was scheduled to fly back home, I felt completely "normal". For this reason, next year I'm making AT4 *at least* a week long holiday for myself.
                    I'll be flying intro Germany way before the event so I'm not too worried about jet lag...and with luck I'll be spending some time with Eve before I get there too!!
                    So I was thinking I might get there a few days before and leave on the Monday or Tuesday and head back to Germany...or back home with either Eve or lies...I have options...for which I am eternally grateful for...I just have to plan...lots and lots of planning!!!
                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      Chelle. I know after the event I was really in a post-con-blues. I left on late mondayafternoon and by then it seemend almost everyone had left already, it was a bit depressing watching everyone leave. Luckily a couple of friends were still there, so we enjoyed our morning and lunch anyway, but next time I think I would want to leave early mondayafternoon.
                      Didn't Antoa also said she would've preferred to have had her sightseeing trip before the con? It's just difficult to get into something after the con, cause the event was such a high. Maybe hanging out a bit more with peeps who went (I know I did online, I loved talking to Megyn the very same night) helps with the blues.

                      I arrived on friday, I think in the beginning of the afternoon. I didn't go to the cocktailparty, so there was quite a bit of waiting. I know some people arrived on thursday, I would consider that for next time if people I really want to meet are also there, it gives us more time. Weren't we planning a Gabit week??


                        I'd be happy to get there on the Wednesday...I'd love to see something of London before I go home!!
                        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                        ~Amanda Tapping


                          Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                          I'd be happy to get there on the Wednesday...I'd love to see something of London before I go home!!
                          Was it in London?

                          Sounds like a plan though, lets keep it in mind


                            Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                            I live on muesli bars for lunch here so I think I could survive on the same over there...except I'm sure I'd be too nervous to worry about that...I'm thinking I might just roll with what ever happens. At least I know I won't starve or's the budget I have to worry about though...I'll be living on very limited funds...not that I'm complaining...I hate spending money as it is...not that I'm frugal or anything...I just prefer to not shop and open the old purse...but when it comes to cons...OMG...I love perusing the merchandise and crying at what I can't have and deciding what I can have!!!
                            Gabit's merchandise room is small and expensive. It's a great place to peruse though. And the prices at the auction are high. As a result, I really didn't spend much. I gave more to the dogs than I spent on merchandise.

                            The other thing is that many of the "extras" are included in the entry fee, so you won't have to pay for the autographs or the picture with her. I only have two pictures of me with a guest. One is with Jerry Doyle, who posed with some people who were working the con, and one with Amanda.

                            In memory of Deejay.
                            May we all be so well loved.


                              Chelle, glad you are already planning the itinerary, that is really thinking ahead!

                              I only arrived Friday morning and went straight to bed for a couple of hours. Lucky for me the room was ready - good reflection on the hotel. I came at the last minute because I was off to France after the con and wanted as much time there as possible. In hindsight, not the best idea. If there had been any delay I would have missed the cocktail party. I took an early train to Paris Monday morning. Next time I'll arrange to fly out later Monday (or maybe stay a bit) because then I won't have to go to bed so early Sunday night and it will allow more time for visiting.

                              I purchased the package that included the breakfast at the hotel. The breakfast was very good I thought and it was also a way to meet new people or visit with the ones I met the day before. Since breakfast was very filling, I didn't need much lunch so I just had something light at the hotel in one of the rooms set up for attendees. Also a good opportunity to visit people. Not expensive.

                              For dinner I just tagged along to a pub with whatever GWers I could find. Again, this was not expensive but I don't drink so that may have had something to do with it!

                              It was interesting to look in the merchandise room but I didn't buy anything (except a picture for someone who shall remain nameless ) as I am not a collector. I did buy my button (2 English pounds I think) and the proceeds went to the dogs. I also bought raffle tickets because the proceeds were for charity. Those are discretionary things so you don't have to spend anything (well, you might want to buy one raffle ticket for tea with Amanda, it only takes one to win ) Don't plan on buying anything at the auction, because the prices are high, but you can have lots of fun at the auction without buying anything in my opinion.

                              The GABIT package comes with lots of souvenirs and you get a picture and autographs so you will have lots of wonderful mementos of your trip.

                              Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                                I arrived on Thursday afternoon (having flown out Wednesday night L.A. time). I was completely jet lagged the entire con. I swear I am not usually *that* scatter-brained!

                                For AT4 I would like to get there a few days before the con to hopefully get over my jet lag, but I also don't want to leave on the Monday afterwards. It was nice having that extra time after to still hang with the people that were still in town.

