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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
    Lise, I know what you mean about the con-blues, it was so sad saying goodbye to everyone. When I got home later that day my carer came in and asked me if I'd had a good weekend, I was chatting with Titi on MSN at the time and I burst into tears. I'd been on such a high all weekend I found it really hard to settle down into 'normal' life again, and I missed everyone I met so much (I still do, *hugs* everyone) I can't wait to do it all again.
    I remember getting home and glueing myself to the lappie to write up my con report. By the time I was finished my face looked like it belonged on the wall of weird I was sobbing so hard. But Lies and I had a really great talk that evening which was filled with a combination of post-con euphoria and a touch of the blues..

    And yep, can't wait to do it again


      Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
      Gabit's merchandise room is small and expensive. It's a great place to peruse though. And the prices at the auction are high. As a result, I really didn't spend much. I gave more to the dogs than I spent on merchandise.
      The other thing is that many of the "extras" are included in the entry fee, so you won't have to pay for the autographs or the picture with her. I only have two pictures of me with a guest. One is with Jerry Doyle, who posed with some people who were working the con, and one with Amanda.
      If you don't mind me asking...what are the price ranges at the auction??? Maybe I can save extra hard for something special...if possible.
      My favourite picture I have with a guest is the one with Don S Davis and Carmen Argenziano...and I'm stuck in the middle of these two amazing men...I will treasure that photo for the rest of my life.
      Originally posted by EH-T View Post
      Chelle, glad you are already planning the itinerary, that is really thinking ahead!
      I purchased the package that included the breakfast at the hotel. The breakfast was very good I thought and it was also a way to meet new people or visit with the ones I met the day before. Since breakfast was very filling, I didn't need much lunch so I just had something light at the hotel in one of the rooms set up for attendees. Also a good opportunity to visit people. Not expensive.
      It was interesting to look in the merchandise room but I didn't buy anything (except a picture for someone who shall remain nameless ) as I am not a collector. I did buy my button (2 English pounds I think) and the proceeds went to the dogs. I also bought raffle tickets because the proceeds were for charity. Those are discretionary things so you don't have to spend anything (well, you might want to buy one raffle ticket for tea with Amanda, it only takes one to win ) Don't plan on buying anything at the auction, because the prices are high, but you can have lots of fun at the auction without buying anything in my opinion.
      The GABIT package comes with lots of souvenirs and you get a picture and autographs so you will have lots of wonderful mementos of your trip.
      You know I;ve been told that when it comes to organizational skills, that I can be quite
      anal!! *please tell me you've heard of that term??
      But I like planning out and being prepared...should have been a scout instead of a Brownie!!!
      I'm really looking forward to meeting everyone...I think it's highly plausible to be able to meet everyone,..if it's planned right!!! I think!! I hope!!
      Originally posted by antoa View Post
      I arrived on Thursday afternoon (having flown out Wednesday night L.A. time). I was completely jet lagged the entire con. I swear I am not usually *that* scatter-brained!
      For AT4 I would like to get there a few days before the con to hopefully get over my jet lag, but I also don't want to leave on the Monday afterwards. It was nice having that extra time after to still hang with the people that were still in town.
      What I'm hoping to do is maybe arrive on the Wednesday and leave on the Tuesday...well at least that's what I hope to do!! I don't think jet lag will be a problem for me...I should be well and truly acclimatized from flying in from Australia by the time I get to the UK...I think I will take a week off after I get home from my trip.
      Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
      I arrived on Friday afternoon and left again on Monday morning. Next time I'm going to try and arrive a day or two early to maybe do some touristy stuff before the con.
      Lise, I know what you mean about the con-blues, it was so sad saying goodbye to everyone. When I got home later that day my carer came in and asked me if I'd had a good weekend, I was chatting with Titi on MSN at the time and I burst into tears. I'd been on such a high all weekend I found it really hard to settle down into 'normal' life again, and I missed everyone I met so much (I still do, *hugs* everyone) I can't wait to do it all again.
      Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
      We arrived last time Thursday early afternoon, and I likely will again. That way I only miss 5 days of work as I will leave Tuesday again. Maybe. We did OUR London tour the following Monday but I was still in "burst into random tears" mode. And then I had another week seeing the rest of Europe with my friends from Croatia. Yeah...I won't do that again. I just wanted to be home, hugging a pillow. this whole "blues" thing is kinda scary...beautifully scary but scary none the less...I hope I can hold it together til I get home.
      Originally posted by JanSam View Post
      Hey Mumsey,
      Speaking of there anyway that Thursday can be included with a con rate even if it without the breakfast? I meant to suggest it on the feedback form but forgot to turn it in before we left. Mandy and I managed to stay awake Thursday til that night due to large amounts of coffee and visiting with buddies but I really couldn't imagine arriving from across the pond Friday morning and being coherent for the cocktail party that night. The jet lag was much worse on the return trip although it might have been all the late nights catching up to me .
      Sounds like a great idea Jan!!!
      Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
      This is actually Becky and Julia's side of things, but I do believe we will try to get the Thursday on the con rate too. The operational word there is "try". I know it was discussed at the post AT3 meeting, so it is on the agenda.
      Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
      I've heard before (from people that fly all over the world for their job) that flying east is way worse for the jet lag. friends and I were chatting about it tonight over dinner and they said the same thing...I'm the only one in our group that hasn't traveled abroad...well except for New Zealand when I was 15...but that was ages ago and I was with my parents...this time I'll be on my lonesome!!!
      So in theory my jet lag is gonna be murder on me when I go home...I think its an 18 hour flight to Australia...something like that...ouch!!!
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        Originally posted by PengYn View Post
        I remember getting home and glueing myself to the lappie to write up my con report. By the time I was finished my face looked like it belonged on the wall of weird I was sobbing so hard. But Lies and I had a really great talk that evening which was filled with a combination of post-con euphoria and a touch of the blues..
        And yep, can't wait to do it again
        Well I'm gonna be looking out for you girls to pick up my pieces if I should fall apart...hubby will be no good to me on the other side of the globe.
        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
        ~Amanda Tapping


          LOL Chelle coincidently my longest and first international flight was to Melbourne and it was 19 hours.......not fun especially since I couldn't sleep on the plane and the rest of the team was sleeping......the endless night was a drag and the jet lag was horrible (we had a game the next night and well we were very sluggish )
          London wasn't so bad as I broke up the flight by stopping at Mandy's but was still unable to sleep on the plane. Jet lag wasn't too bad either going but might be due to the excitement of seeing my friends. Coming home was rough though....took me a week to adjust back and yes you do dwell on the great time you had and are disappointed it ended so soon.


            Originally posted by antoa View Post
            For AT4 I would like to get there a few days before the con to hopefully get over my jet lag, but I also don't want to leave on the Monday afterwards. It was nice having that extra time after to still hang with the people that were still in town.
            I really enjoyed the extra time afterward too, especially the Jack the Ripper tour that so many of us went on.

            Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
            If I could afford more hotel I would stay longer on both ends, but, alas, most people HAD left, and I DID have the it might not be a good idea.
            But staying around and sightseeing with others who stay behind is a nice way of conquering the blues. I wish I could have connected more with the people who stayed in town after the con.

            We did move into town to stay at a much less expensive place.

            In memory of Deejay.
            May we all be so well loved.


              Originally posted by chelle db View Post
              If you don't mind me asking...what are the price ranges at the auction??? Maybe I can save extra hard for something special...if possible.

              You know I;ve been told that when it comes to organizational skills, that I can be quite
              anal!! *please tell me you've heard of that term??
              But I like planning out and being prepared...should have been a scout instead of a Brownie!!!
              I'm really looking forward to meeting everyone...I think it's highly plausible to be able to meet everyone,..if it's planned right!!! I think!! I hope!!
              To be honest, I don't remember much about the prices other than the fact everything cost well over 100 pounds. I couldn't afford anything at that price in dollars much less pounds (2 dollars to the pound when we were there).

              I've certainly been called anal before. I like most everything planned out in advance. Certainly the big details. I started saving for AT3 two years in advance and gave a years notice at work that I would be out. I spent a lot of time researching different things about London. And I'm glad I did all these things. I don't like unexpected or unpleasant surprises.

              In memory of Deejay.
              May we all be so well loved.


                Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                Well I'm gonna be looking out for you girls to pick up my pieces if I should fall apart...hubby will be no good to me on the other side of the globe.
                No problem


                  Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                  I've heard before (from people that fly all over the world for their job) that flying east is way worse for the jet lag.
                  for me, i fly kansas to california, i've 'gained' a couple of hours and i'm fine beyond the feeling to stay up later than i should, but flying home, it takes me 7 hours to make a 3 hour flight so it takes me all day to get home while ti takes me half a day to get west
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by antoa View Post
                    I arrived on Thursday afternoon (having flown out Wednesday night L.A. time). I was completely jet lagged the entire con. I swear I am not usually *that* scatter-brained!

                    Originally posted by JanSam View Post
                    Hey Mumsey,
                    Speaking of there anyway that Thursday can be included with a con rate even if it without the breakfast? I meant to suggest it on the feedback form but forgot to turn it in before we left. Mandy and I managed to stay awake Thursday til that night due to large amounts of coffee and visiting with buddies but I really couldn't imagine arriving from across the pond Friday morning and being coherent for the cocktail party that night. The jet lag was much worse on the return trip although it might have been all the late nights catching up to me .
                    Great idea Jan (can't believe I just admitted that ).

                    Hmmm .... maybe that explains my babbling incoherently!

                    Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                    If you don't mind me asking...what are the price ranges at the auction??? Maybe I can save extra hard for something special...if possible.
                    My favourite picture I have with a guest is the one with Don S Davis and Carmen Argenziano...and I'm stuck in the middle of these two amazing men...I will treasure that photo for the rest of my life.

                    You know I;ve been told that when it comes to organizational skills, that I can be quite
                    anal!! *please tell me you've heard of that term??
                    But I like planning out and being prepared...should have been a scout instead of a Brownie!!!
                    I'm really looking forward to meeting everyone...I think it's highly plausible to be able to meet everyone,..if it's planned right!!! I think!! I hope!!

           this whole "blues" thing is kinda scary...beautifully scary but scary none the less...I hope I can hold it together til I get home.
                    I don't remember exactly but I think I bid 350 English pounds for the t-shirt with 37 signatures from Stargate stars and guest stars, 375 for the hat signed by Amanda and 450 or 475 for the book (Visual Guide to Stargate?) with 17 or so signatures in it. Can't remember what the least expensive item was but I think the BDUs went for even more money than the stuff I bought. I think the highest priced item was around 600 pounds (was that the phone call with RDA or his BDU shirt?)

                    That sounds like a great photo Chelle!

                    Yes, I've heard the term!

                    I didn't have the blues as I was too excited about going to Paris and seeing family. If you are heading straight home it may be different.

                    Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                      Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                      To be honest, I don't remember much about the prices other than the fact everything cost well over 100 pounds. I couldn't afford anything at that price in dollars much less pounds (2 dollars to the pound when we were there).

                      I've certainly been called anal before. I like most everything planned out in advance. Certainly the big details. I started saving for AT3 two years in advance and gave a years notice at work that I would be out. I spent a lot of time researching different things about London. And I'm glad I did all these things. I don't like unexpected or unpleasant surprises.
                      I'm with you. I am definitely a planner, at least on trips this big. Every tour/ticket is purchased in advance if possible. Hotel reservations and such are made at least 2 months before. Unfortunately, some things went wrong on the first trip, so I was out the money that had been paid in advance for some things, but the second trip worked out much smoother. I'd rather plan out what I'm going to do/see before, rather than wasting time figuring out what you are going to do each day when you're there. Doesn't leave much room for spontaneity, but I want to maximize my time when I'm going someplace that I have no guarantee I'll ever make it to again.
                      Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                      William Shakespeare

                      Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                        Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                        But staying around and sightseeing with others who stay behind is a nice way of conquering the blues. I wish I could have connected more with the people who stayed in town after the con.
                        I might book the Stone Henge tour this time, haven't decided yet. But no, I was a wreck while I TRIED to enjoy London.


                          Originally posted by chelle db View Post

                 soon before the event does everyone start arriving at the Ren??? Or in London??
                          Hi Chelle, Just my two little cents worth....I was able to combine a bit of sightseeing time in London with AT3. I arrived in London about mid-morning on the Sunday before the con. I stayed in Central London until Wednesday and then made my way over to the Ren on Thursday.

                          I really debated sightseeing before or after the con. But in the end I figured I'd save the con for the end of the trip for no other reason than the Ren is so close to the airport. For me, it turned out to be the right decision.

                          AT3 was the highlight of my trip. The GABIT team does such a fabulous job. The atmosphere and energy the entire weekend was just so amazing. Meeting Amanda and my fellow GWers; it was the perfect way to end my trip.

                          I'm so hoping to do the same for AT4.

                          Thanks, sueKay!

                          Thanks, Mala!


                            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                            I don't remember exactly but I think I bid 350 English pounds for the t-shirt with 37 signatures from Stargate stars and guest stars, 375 for the hat signed by Amanda and 450 or 475 for the book (Visual Guide to Stargate?) with 17 or so signatures in it. Can't remember what the least expensive item was but I think the BDUs went for even more money than the stuff I bought. I think the highest priced item was around 600 pounds (was that the phone call with RDA or his BDU shirt?)
                            ...OUCH!! Well I'm gonna keep never know...I might be able to buy something teeny...I think I'm so out of the running though for anything like the RDA phone call.
                            I just did a conversion thingy and I think the mist I'd be able to afford is around 200 pounds!
                            Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
                            I might book the Stone Henge tour this time, haven't decided yet. But no, I was a wreck while I TRIED to enjoy London.
                            Oooh...want some company???
                            Originally posted by starflight View Post
                            Hi Chelle, Just my two little cents worth....I was able to combine a bit of sightseeing time in London with AT3. I arrived in London about mid-morning on the Sunday before the con. I stayed in Central London until Wednesday and then made my way over to the Ren on Thursday.
                            I really debated sightseeing before or after the con. But in the end I figured I'd save the con for the end of the trip for no other reason than the Ren is so close to the airport. For me, it turned out to be the right decision.
                            AT3 was the highlight of my trip. The GABIT team does such a fabulous job. The atmosphere and energy the entire weekend was just so amazing. Meeting Amanda and my fellow GWers; it was the perfect way to end my trip.
                            I'm so hoping to do the same for AT4.
                            I'm definitely leaning towards getting there early...I can understand how tired one can get at the end of the weekend...I've just finished my weekend shift...early mind you...but I'm heading off to bed extra early tonight!!!
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                              I don't remember exactly but I think I bid 350 English pounds for the t-shirt with 37 signatures from Stargate stars and guest stars, 375 for the hat signed by Amanda and 450 or 475 for the book (Visual Guide to Stargate?) with 17 or so signatures in it. Can't remember what the least expensive item was but I think the BDUs went for even more money than the stuff I bought. I think the highest priced item was around 600 pounds (was that the phone call with RDA or his BDU shirt?)
                              I paid way over 600 pounds for the blue Carter BDU shirt. The phone call to RDA was 800 I think, the second highest bidder bid 750 I believe.

                              The different raffles were great. The 1 pound raffle, the instant raffle, there was the silent auction where prices did not go as high as during the auction. I think there were enough opportunities for everyone.


                                Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                                Well I'm gonna be looking out for you girls to pick up my pieces if I should fall apart...hubby will be no good to me on the other side of the globe.
                                Lol, my hubby was right there, but he totally didn't understand hehe.

                                I thought there was stuff from Legends that wasn't all that expensive. I got some little things, like 3 sets of 4 Amanda cards, that was only 5 pounds. Now I wish I got them double, so I could actually send a card out to someone lol. I also got some buttons (not sure they were legends) and of course the raffle tickets. I think the prices of the big (and beautiful) pictures weren't that high as well.

                                The auction was great fun, although there were just a couple of people who could actually bid on the items, that didn't matter. It was the most fun evening. I know someone who felt bad she couldn't bid, so it's good to know in advance the prices are insane to most of us

