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    OK, I'm packed...I tomorrow. OK to Chicago then to London, so I'm outta here. Safe flights to those still packing and following...see everybody there!!! Oy Vay...this came quick and long at the same time. Bye!



      Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
      We leave TOMORROW
      I KNOW. ME TOO.

      Still packing though... Haha!

      San Diego Comic Con 2007 Attendee
      San Diego Comic Con 2008 Attendee


        Have a safe flight everyone and see y'all on Friday!!!

        *iz nervous once again*

        I tell you my mood changes by time, excited- nervous - panicking - happy - scared. And then it starts from the beginning again


          Intercepted Memo

          Customs Memo and All Baggage Checker People:

          To all staff members it has come to our attention that has been a rash of chocolate smuggling crossing several international and local borders. It should also be noted that strange amounts of ground up legumes have been also noted to be appearing in several passengers luggage. Also of interest is the increased about of jello of the blue variety has been noticed in these bags.

          Please be advised that these passengers all have a slight giddiness while checking their luggage. Also there has been occasional outburst of a very strange noise emanating from these passengers sounding like squee.

          Approach with caution and keep a close on these suspicious individuals.

          Please advise that some of them have even made cracks about being strip searched.

          "The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it."--Thucydides


            Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
            Have a safe flight everyone and see y'all on Friday!!!

            *iz nervous once again*

            I tell you my mood changes by time, excited- nervous - panicking - happy - scared. And then it starts from the beginning again
  'll be fine hon. The rollercoaster feeling will end in a few days.

            Me myself? I'm just trying to get my excitement level *back* up. It's been in the gutter the past few days cos of darn rl stuff happening and it kinda sucked all the fun outa going on this trip for me. Ah well. Hopefully when I get there things will be on the up swing. One thing I know for sure though...I'm definitely gonna be holding up some bar somewhere in London on Friday.

            Oh and I guess I should get packing.


              Just bought myself a new camera *grins*
              Almost done packing, I'm so excited, see you all friday!!!!!


                2 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                  Well, GABIT Chaos Central was finally tamed in the early hours of this morning. Now all I have to do is get it round the M25 (after packing it all in the cars that is.) Here's hoping I haven't forgotten anything.

                  Have a safe trip everyone. See you all very soon now.

                  For details of AT10 go to


                    Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                    We leave TOMORROW


                    Safe travels all those near and and far!

                    I have butterflies in my stomach.



                      Originally posted by PengYn View Post

                      Safe travels all those near and and far!

                      I have butterflies in my stomach.

                      And I'm all SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEy

                      I'm dreaming about it all the time lol. Though I guess the hotel lobby doesn't look like a movie theater eh?


                        Originally posted by sofie View Post
                        Just bought myself a new camera *grins*
                        Almost done packing, I'm so excited, see you all friday!!!!!
                        aww is jealous, wait I only got a new one at Christmas and I also have my digital reflex camera, who really could use a new lense though with a zoom but that will have to wait for a while

                        I can't believe that Friday we'll be on the train to London OMG even more and also squeeeee and awww and
                        Yes i still have my moodswings

                        eta: I do think I got everythin I need so yay And my amazing gf just put money on my english phonenumber so mom can call me cause she is extremly worried about me, she is scared more then me cause she know I never went on my own without her or my girlfriend before


                          Originally posted by Vikitty View Post
                          I KNOW. ME TOO.

                          Still packing though... Haha!
                          Ditto. Airport ETA is 5:15 from now.

                          Yes, I'm turning off the computer now.

                          In memory of Deejay.
                          May we all be so well loved.


                            Eve, how late are you travelling? And how long does it take by train? We'll be leaving by plane at 13.30, and arrival time 13.40, gotta love that time difference. And we just have handluggage so we''ll be at the hotel soon.


                              Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                              Eve, how late are you travelling? And how long does it take by train? We'll be leaving by plane at 13.30, and arrival time 13.40, gotta love that time difference. And we just have handluggage so we''ll be at the hotel soon.
                              it's on 25 minutes from Gent to Brussel, then onto the eurostar is an hour and 50 minutes, But you have to be a half an hour there in advance and the waiting is most of the times what makes me go crazy and wanna go back. And well then the train is just going mental until I calmed down a bit. I am sure sofie will come out of the train screaming because of me So if you hear someone screaming, it's sofie and well followed by me
                              At least I'll have my DS with me so I can play some games and distract myself from traintrip. And I bought a new one for the occasion cause then I am really focused on that lol.

                              And wow you are only traveling 10 minutes eh


                                I still can't believe Eve has a shorter travelling time than me and I'm coming from the same country!


                                Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                                My Fanfic~My Femslash

