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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by kir_fect View Post
    Intercepted Memo

    Customs Memo and All Baggage Checker People:

    To all staff members it has come to our attention that has been a rash of chocolate smuggling crossing several international and local borders. It should also be noted that strange amounts of ground up legumes have been also noted to be appearing in several passengers luggage. Also of interest is the increased about of jello of the blue variety has been noticed in these bags.

    Please be advised that these passengers all have a slight giddiness while checking their luggage. Also there has been occasional outburst of a very strange noise emanating from these passengers sounding like squee.

    Approach with caution and keep a close on these suspicious individuals.

    Please advise that some of them have even made cracks about being strip searched.

    ROFL, Very funny Kir! Fridge is locked so sending ya vitual green.

    Boarding pass printed just a few more hours and we're off to Toronto.

    Hey PengYn; Mandy and I picked up something very special just for you


      Hey PengYn - I think I'd be scared!

      ...and that's a bleedin' fast plane, SJSL!!! Wow
      ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

      SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
      ames on facebook
      ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


        Originally posted by JanSam View Post

        Hey PengYn; Mandy and I picked up something very special just for you
        LOL RUN PengYn! I'm predicting a wake up call for you in the morning psst turn off the cell phone I think I am safe they have already left. EDIT: Or not. lol

        All of you going to GABIT have a wonderful time and STAY OUT OF TROUBLE!!
        Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 30 April 2008, 08:03 AM.


          Originally posted by JanSam View Post
          ROFL, Very funny Kir! Fridge is locked so sending ya vitual green.

          Boarding pass printed just a few more hours and we're off to Toronto.

          Hey PengYn; Mandy and I picked up something very special just for you
          Yes something very, very special

          Safe travel to everyone making their way to AT3...will see you soon

          my fanfic


            My flight leaves in 11 hours and 35 minutes.

            I still have to get through a half day at work. Torture!

            I can't wait to see you all!


              Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
              LOL RUN PengYn! I'm predicting a wake up call for you in the morning psst turn off the cell phone I think I am safe they have already left.

              All of you going to GABIT have a wonderful time and STAY OUT OF TROUBLE!!
              WE haven't left yet Annie


              my fanfic


                Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                WE haven't left yet Annie

                D'oh.... Ooooopppppps
                Never mind PegYn!

                OK I'm off to lunch .. you two have a safe trip! lol and don't get lost. PegYn or Suse has your bail money so be nice

                Hope you all have a GREAT Time!!
                Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 30 April 2008, 10:06 AM.


                  Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                  Have a safe flight everyone and see y'all on Friday!!!

                  *iz nervous once again*

                  I tell you my mood changes by time, excited- nervous - panicking - happy - scared. And then it starts from the beginning again
                  Originally posted by kir_fect View Post
                  Intercepted Memo

                  Customs Memo and All Baggage Checker People:

                  To all staff members it has come to our attention that has been a rash of chocolate smuggling crossing several international and local borders. It should also be noted that strange amounts of ground up legumes have been also noted to be appearing in several passengers luggage. Also of interest is the increased about of jello of the blue variety has been noticed in these bags.

                  Please be advised that these passengers all have a slight giddiness while checking their luggage. Also there has been occasional outburst of a very strange noise emanating from these passengers sounding like squee.

                  Approach with caution and keep a close on these suspicious individuals.

                  Please advise that some of them have even made cracks about being strip searched.

                  Originally posted by Celandine View Post
        'll be fine hon. The rollercoaster feeling will end in a few days.

                  Me myself? I'm just trying to get my excitement level *back* up. It's been in the gutter the past few days cos of darn rl stuff happening and it kinda sucked all the fun outa going on this trip for me. Ah well. Hopefully when I get there things will be on the up swing. One thing I know for sure though...I'm definitely gonna be holding up some bar somewhere in London on Friday.

                  Oh and I guess I should get packing.
                  Originally posted by sofie View Post
                  Just bought myself a new camera *grins*
                  Almost done packing, I'm so excited, see you all friday!!!!!
                  See you Friday Sofie *bounce*
                  Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                  Eve, how late are you travelling? And how long does it take by train? We'll be leaving by plane at 13.30, and arrival time 13.40, gotta love that time difference. And we just have handluggage so we''ll be at the hotel soon.
                  Hehe! That's a quick flight eh

                  I'm a bit sad today, my dog Lucy went to the kennels this morning, she'll be fine and I'll see her again on Tuesday....I just hate saying goodbye to her, she looks at me with her big puppy-dog eye that say "don't leave me Mum"

                  Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                    Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                    And I'm all SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEy

                    I'm dreaming about it all the time lol. Though I guess the hotel lobby doesn't look like a movie theater eh?
                    ME too!!!!! See you all in 2 days!!!! Actually I'm leaving for the airport in 5-1/2 hours--yikes!!! My kitties know there's something up... poor babies


                      we leave from nottingham, via train, at 130 tomorrow, then it's the joy of navigating st pancras station, then an hour tube ride to hatton cross station, then a short bus trip to the ren.

                      probably be there early evening i think
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Left Waco this morning, and am at my parents in Dallas. My poor cats, they are trying to figure out why we all had to go, and mom was in a mood this morning. But they are roaming the house, so it's all good. Suitcase and backpack are in front hall, all ready for tomorrow!! EEEP!!! I leave tomorrow!!

                        (((HUGS ALL)))

                        See ya across the pond!!
                        Hallowed are the ORI!!! And then shoot them!!



                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          we leave from nottingham, via train, at 130 tomorrow, then it's the joy of navigating st pancras station, then an hour tube ride to hatton cross station, then a short bus trip to the ren.

                          probably be there early evening i think
                          St Pancras is where I take the Eurostar to Paris so it is a long way for me to go on Moday then.

                          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                            I'm off to the airport in three hours! Wooo... I still remember planning for this like MONTHS ago. Oi, can't wait to meet y'all! :]


                            San Diego Comic Con 2007 Attendee
                            San Diego Comic Con 2008 Attendee


                              Originally posted by Vikitty View Post
                              I'm off to the airport in three hours! Wooo... I still remember planning for this like MONTHS ago. Oi, can't wait to meet y'all! :]

                              Have a save flight!!!!
                              See you friday


                                YAY! Finished work for the week! No more work till after the event... i'll be sorely depressed the next time i'm at work 'cos the event will be over! *SOBS*

                                I'll be heading down South tomorrow night. My friend has a dinner to go to first and then we'll be heading out. We're staying with my nan thursday night cos she only lives half an hour away from Heathrow and i don't fancy battling with Bank Holiday traffic all the way from Lincolnshire!!!

                                I still have to think up a question to ask Amanda. I'm racking my brains but can't come up with one that seems good enough!!!

                                So excited. So for those of you attending the cocktail party i'll see you friday night!!!
                                Last edited by Sam_Carter; 30 April 2008, 12:11 PM.
                                Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
                                Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
                                Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."

