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GABIT attendees thread

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    Yep, those Chinese lanterns are a serious hazard when they're let go in built-up areas - another thing I'd ban if I had my way

    Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good firework display as much as the next person - just not right outside my window and set off by untrained hands.


      As a mod here....Let's take the ticket chatter/questions/issues to e-mail or PM please. Personal issues should be dealt with that way....personally.

      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Now, as a person....i HATE those chinese lanterns. Worst thing to come out of Rapunzel. Had one of them land on my deck last year. Scared me to come out and find it and realize, had it not gone out the house could have burned down.

        I'm a curmudgeon, i want to ban all fireworks in the city limits....largely cause the idiots in the surrounding neighborhood are incapable of respecting the 'only shoot them off 7-10' rule or whatever it is. When i get kept up til 3am with stuff blowing up, i get grumpy.
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          I'm going to be staying in St. Alban's before AT6. It seems they have a fireworks display. From the articles I saw from last year the fireworks appear to be set off by someone who knows what they are doing. At least I hope so.


            Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
            In all the (ten) years Gabit has been in existence I've talked with
            a lot of the fans, plus I have played around in fandoms for (cough) tens of years!

            Once people have had one photo with someone, they usually want
            another and another get my meaning..because it allows
            time for interaction with their favourite person.
            So in the end its not about the photo per se
            but about the experience.

            Anyone has the right to not bother with the
            Photo but think of it as a chance to just say hi,
            or thank Amanda for coming or something.

            I treasure each and every photo I have of myself with Amanda or any of the wonderful people I've met through various cons. It's a moment in time. And every time I see them, I smile. I could have a hundred photo ops with Amanda (and I'm working on it ) and would never tire of having those moments.
            Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
            William Shakespeare

            Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


              armistice day happens somewhere around AT6. i want to be able to go inside the westminster abbey while i'm there, probably just after AT6. will it be closed to the public because the queen is there or was there, like it was for AT4? don't even know the exact date of the holiday. anybody know?


                I'll be in Norwich the weekend before AT6 - apparently there's quite a public display, to which I'm very much looking forward

                When I moved to England ... my first Guy Fawkes 'day' was ... well ... I recall ringing home and informing my parents that it felt like there were bombing raids going on. Perhaps not the most PC description, but seriously - for a week and a half we had constant explosions in the neighbourhoods behind our house! Not just the night of, no no no - seriously it went on and on for about 10 days straight, starting before Hallowe'en We had been warned it would be like that on the day of, but the sheer length of the period seemed extreme!

                Twice I've been involved in 'backyard' fireworks displays over here. Once it was out in the countryside and they were shooting them over a swamp ... the other was last year, where my bro-in-law was shooting them off in the middle of their court. Luckily there was no wind! Don't get me wrong - I love the professionally done fireworks displays (esp those competitions set to music done out on the water - I've been to those in Toronto and Vangroovy - beautiful!!! ) but I would not be sad to see the personal use sales banned TBH. I'd definitely be less nervous around the holidays, anyway! It really doesn't take much for things to go very wrong in a very short order of time
                ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                ames on facebook
                ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                  Guy Fawkes night - I've heard of it but don't know much about it, where would be the best place to be during it? I'm gonna go ask my Dad about it as he's from the UK originally

                  Australia banned backyard fireworks many years ago, I love fireworks though, I spent one particular job travelling around the showgrounds of Australia and every weekend I was treated to fireworks! Just brilliant - all official, so very safe - the way it should be.

                  So as you all may or may not know now as I have been plastering it all over the place this will be my first AT6 event, just wondering what else happens aside from the Jack the Ripper Tour, the Chocolate Party (still wondering when this is) and the Abnormals Ball - I haven't got a ticket to the Cocktail party but just interested to know what else is held around the same time? Thanks very much



                    Often people go down to see all those with CP tickets waiting about to get in, in all their finery (it's a dress-up dinner, hence the earlier convos about outfits ) and then head down the street to the pub for their grub ... at least, that's what I've done in previous years! (The 3 Magpies pub is literally less than 2 blocks down the street from the Ren - easy walk, even when slightly inebriated. Not that I'd know that from personal experience, of course )

                    The chocolate party will be announced on the official schedule, it's usually during one of the afternoon breaks... (I want to say Sat but being somewhat sleep-deprived, it's entirely possible that I could be mistaken. Don't worry though - you'll not be likely to miss it if you're looking for it!)

                    There is also a group heading out on Thursday for dinner and a musical ... not 100% sure which musical we're aiming for but last I heard Les Mis was a strong contender. If you're interested, let me know and I'll get you in touch with the group
                    ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                    SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                    ames on facebook
                    ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                      Oh v cool, thanks for that ames!

                      Definitely interested in Les Mis, that's my fave stage musical!! Much appreciated

                      Cool, glad I won't miss out on the Choc Party then.

                      So you hang around on the Friday night to see all the lucky ones with CP like little children begging their parents to let them play too... I'm all for that! hehe

                      Anyway, better go, have lots of stuff to organise, I'm actually arriving on the 29th Oct, heading to Paris for a few days and now thinking about Chevron 7.9, anybody here going to that and is it any good?

                      See you all soon... literally eep!!


                        Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
                        In all the (ten) years Gabit has been in existence I've talked with
                        a lot of the fans, plus I have played around in fandoms for (cough) tens of years!

                        Once people have had one photo with someone, they usually want
                        another and another get my meaning..because it allows
                        time for interaction with their favourite person.
                        So in the end its not about the photo per se
                        but about the experience.

                        Anyone has the right to not bother with the
                        Photo but think of it as a chance to just say hi,
                        or thank Amanda for coming or something.

                        That's if you retain the fallatus to speak properly at all


                          For Cindy, the chocolateparty info below, you can put yourself on the list
                          Let's try to keep all info together when you quote.


                          Chocolate party attendees
                          NZNeep (Eileen)
                          Spacegirlnz (Emma)
                          Zippy (Sammy)
                          ATFan (Amanda)
                          llp (Laurie) *
                          MidwifeOnBoard - MAYBE
                          Annelies * & Flow *
                          Beth (possibility)
                          Lisa (possibility)

                          * depending on stewards duties

                          Message from NZNeep (Eileen) re the chocolateparty:
                          I'm happy to take responsibility for the chocolate party on the day again. I will just need someone else to collect names and let the G4 know approximate numbers since I won't be available for the 6 weeks leading up to AT6. Last time we had a list here which worked well. I will start

                          Message from JuliaR re the chocolateparty:
                          I've done the schedule today and the chocolate party is on it. I looked at my notes and Mumsey is the link person to talk to so can you finalise with her in numbers.
                          It's down for 3.20 on Saturday in the bar alcove again.
                          Participants need to go for their photos at the beginning of the 2.20 photo session.
                          Hope this helps



                            Oooh I must have missed this too

                            Chocolate party attendees
                            NZNeep (Eileen)
                            Spacegirlnz (Emma)
                            Zippy (Sammy)
                            ATFan (Amanda)
                            llp (Laurie) *
                            MidwifeOnBoard - MAYBE
                            Annelies * & Flow *
                            Beth (possibility)
                            Lisa (possibility)
                            samcarterrules (Julia) *
                            Donna *
                            Doris *

                            * depending on stewards duties

                            Message from NZNeep (Eileen) re the chocolateparty:
                            I'm happy to take responsibility for the chocolate party on the day again. I will just need someone else to collect names and let the G4 know approximate numbers since I won't be available for the 6 weeks leading up to AT6. Last time we had a list here which worked well. I will start

                            Message from JuliaR re the chocolateparty:
                            I've done the schedule today and the chocolate party is on it. I looked at my notes and Mumsey is the link person to talk to so can you finalise with her in numbers.
                            It's down for 3.20 on Saturday in the bar alcove again.
                            Participants need to go for their photos at the beginning of the 2.20 photo session.
                            Hope this helps
                            Last edited by samcarterrules; 10 October 2012, 12:47 AM. Reason: missed dashes
                            Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                              Originally posted by ames View Post
                              Normally I try to stay out of arguments that don't involve me, and I really don't want to escalate anything, but I just want to say I'm feeling really uncomfortable with the tension on here.
                              I was too but I just took a step back & let it rest...kinda like when the kids have a fight...sometimes you just have to let them have it out then walk in later with the ice cream.
                              Originally posted by MayoGate View Post
                              2) I wore GABIT clothes today
                              I wore my AT4 jacket last weekend when it was a bit chilly - that jacket is just deliciously warm!
                              I wear my S4K jacket to work every day.
                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping


                                29 days til AT6 Ripples!!

                                My apologies for yesterdays post with 32 days listed instead of 30...there is now in fact only 29 days left til AT6...we are now in the 20's!!! Oh, and I've amended the previous countdown post. Sorry for any confusion.
                                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                                ~Amanda Tapping

