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    Originally posted by MayoGate View Post
    Keep posting the happy memories - they are making me smile and say 'awwww' lots.

    It's nice to read the happy stuff when the rest of the World is is having a temper tantrum of epic proportions, especially knowing that a large amount of it will probably be re-enacted at a shortly to be confirmed date too Lol
    If you insist. See below.

    Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
    Okay, a great moment (for me) was hanging with the Woohoos and taking a "surprised martin look" photo. It is hanging on my wall with a couple of other faves-- (Getting a hug from Amanda at the auction and hugging the bear for S4K with a long-time friend from another fandom who, it turned out, was also a Sanctuary fan!)

    The Woohoo lunch was also a lot of fun.

    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
    I was in the city for work... it snowed in down town Wellington for the first time in living memory. It was crazy! It snowed right down to sea level... literally beaches covered in snow in some areas! My car even got a light coating. It is still going for the 3rd day

    At work we were all excitedly comparing how our areas fared and I said, "of course Janel thinks we suck." She didn't even look up from her work, just agreed. Our Canadian coworker

    This is an amazing video... you can see Wellingtonians in awe. This has just never happened before. This is a few metres away from my work.

    *ETA* some of these people will be seeing snow for the first time. I know I was. I have seen snow in the ground, but never actually falling. So pretty! Some suburbs look like Godric's Hollow. My mum had to cancel the mothers and babies group she facilitates because half of them were snowed it. Down in the South Island where snow is more normal they are having real problems. Especially in Christchurch where a lot of people lost houses, plumbing, chimneys in the earthquakes. A Wellingtonian friend living in Chch posted on twitter this morning that snow clumps sliding off the roof sound terrifyingly like aftershocks. She had to dig the snow out from around the door of the street portaloo when she needs to go to the toilet. Brrrr. Also- mild winter means early lambs, quite a few won't make it.
    Sorry about the downside but I understand the wonder of looking at snow falling. I have seen it a million times but still love a gentle snowfall, especially when the snowflakes are big. A beautiful sight.

    More memories:

    I have to agree about the dance by the Gabit girls at the TSE meet 'n greet. Absolutley fabulous!

    Chuck Campbell and Chris H. hanging around to talk to the fans. So generous with their time.

    Chris H. sending me signals to keep bidding up items at the TSE auction. RR squatting next to me and suggesting really high bids!

    After TSE, going out on the town with Mandy, JanSam, Suse and Fresh_Horse (and Mandy's Mom). Two or three of us were in our S4Ks t-shirts and wearing our S4Ks wristbands. Twice we were asked what S4K was and we lauched into 5 minute spiels all about the show, the people involved and the work of S4K.

    As for making AT run (which I will not do anymore now I know how jet-lagged she is), the best was at AT3 where she would look to me to bid but I'd wait until she was back to the previous bidder before doing so. Loved the look on her face because she knew I was doing it deliberately and she didn't seem to mind. Last auction I actually told her to stay put several times because I was bidding again.

    After the auction at AT3, having Jenn S. come up to me and give me a hug because I made her cry.

    Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
      I was in the city for work... it snowed in down town Wellington for the first time in living memory. It was crazy! It snowed right down to sea level... literally beaches covered in snow in some areas! My car even got a light coating. It is still going for the 3rd day

      At work we were all excitedly comparing how our areas fared and I said, "of course Janel thinks we suck." She didn't even look up from her work, just agreed. Our Canadian coworker

      This is an amazing video... you can see Wellingtonians in awe. This has just never happened before. This is a few metres away from my work.

      *ETA* some of these people will be seeing snow for the first time. I know I was. I have seen snow in the ground, but never actually falling. So pretty! Some suburbs look like Godric's Hollow. My mum had to cancel the mothers and babies group she facilitates because half of them were snowed it. Down in the South Island where snow is more normal they are having real problems. Especially in Christchurch where a lot of people lost houses, plumbing, chimneys in the earthquakes. A Wellingtonian friend living in Chch posted on twitter this morning that snow clumps sliding off the roof sound terrifyingly like aftershocks. She had to dig the snow out from around the door of the street portaloo when she needs to go to the toilet. Brrrr. Also- mild winter means early lambs, quite a few won't make it.
      Lovely to watch the wonderment on their faces. Brings back a memory of one christmas when I was still at school and my parents invited three Australian girls that my big Sis was working with, to spend Christmas Day with us as they were somewhat homesick. They had never seen snow, and on Boxing Day (26th) they went to Edinburgh just to experience it. When they got back they were full of excitement over it. My parents got a wonderful thank you letter from their parents, in which they said that the girls had written huge letters detailing their experiences - the first time they had written home in a couple of months!


      loving all the 'memories' postings. Full of warm fuzzies.
      For details of AT10 go to


        Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
        Lovely to watch the wonderment on their faces. Brings back a memory of one christmas when I was still at school and my parents invited three Australian girls that my big Sis was working with, to spend Christmas Day with us as they were somewhat homesick. They had never seen snow, and on Boxing Day (26th) they went to Edinburgh just to experience it. When they got back they were full of excitement over it. My parents got a wonderful thank you letter from their parents, in which they said that the girls had written huge letters detailing their experiences - the first time they had written home in a couple of months!


        loving all the 'memories' postings. Full of warm fuzzies.
        There is a fabulous poem about my city in the winter. It was written by a English lady who was visiting in town and was inspired bythe snow she saw and the wonderful winter scenes. It seems many locals have seen it too often to enjoy the wonder of the snow that it takes someone from away to really appreciate it.

        Oh, here's another memory. AT once called me a rockstar! That was kind of nice.

        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


          Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
          That was an exciting, nervewracking moment! But maybe nothing beats coming into waterloo station with my Londoners who I'd spent the day with and who decided to walk me to the train, looking for Dee and Sil (I had no idea what they looked like!) and getting blindly wrapped in a bear hug by Dee. It was the first time I realized that I was really going to meet y'all!
          Yes, Dee's hugs are Awesome!!

          Nerve-wracking? You were worried about meeting us? Aw!

          Actually, I'm getting very nervous about meeting Nad for the first time on Friday


            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
            Yes, Dee's hugs are Awesome!!

            1. Nerve-wracking? You were worried about meeting us? Aw!

            2. Actually, I'm getting very nervous about meeting Nad for the first time on Friday
            1. I totally was!

            2. So excited for you guys. Wish I could be there.

            come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


              Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
              1. I totally was!
              But...... we're not that scary.....

              2. So excited for you guys. Wish I could be there.
              I wish you could be here too Never mind, we'll meet again at AT6 and TSE2


                Another memory from AT5. In the lobby after it was all over and Julia was holding "court". Then people were lined up to hug her and Mumsey was hiding in the line (behind Ames). I have a great photo of the two of them laughing and about to hug! Sent it to Julia by e-mail. Hope she got it. I think I sent one to the Gabit e-mail for Mumsey too.

                Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                  Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                  Another memory from AT5. In the lobby after it was all over and Julia was holding "court". Then people were lined up to hug her and Mumsey was hiding in the line (behind Ames). I have a great photo of the two of them laughing and about to hug! Sent it to Julia by e-mail. Hope she got it. I think I sent one to the Gabit e-mail for Mumsey too.
                  Don't remember seeing that one! Can you send it to me?

                  For details of AT10 go to


                    Oh, I remember that! Hugs all round

                    20 minutes until I leave for work and I'm huddled in front of the fire with mum, granddad, one cat and one dog. Magnus has two legs lifted so his belly is fully exposed to the warmth. We are watching another cat stalking a bird, waiting to see if she actually makes a pounce for it and hits the window between them.

                    Oh, and about the pants thing. If I had known the crowded lift was the VIP lift, I would have waited for the next one. Was just as embarrassed to see I had squished in with Amanda and Thomasina as I was remembering I had my boxers on.

                    And she did! Silly cat hit the window and staggered off. Sigh. She isn't that bright.
                    Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                    Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                    Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                      Oh, and about the pants thing. If I had known the crowded lift was the VIP lift, I would have waited for the next one. Was just as embarrassed to see I had squished in with Amanda and Thomasina as I was remembering I had my boxers on.
                      Almost all of my best stories are only funny afterward. I've been told the definition of "adventure" is "a series of unlooked-for and often unpleasant events." I take pride in the fact that I can make most of them into entertaining stories later, even if it's sometimes much, much later.

                      Neep, if you ever want to hear someone's embarrassing story to help you feel better about your event, one of the stories I've learned to really enjoy telling is The Great Non-Existent Apartment Fire. I attracted the attention of one of the city commissioners, the news media, a bunch of coworkers, and about 100 fire fighters. (It only took me six years and a new 14 million dollar computer system to live it down.)

                      Because I believe if you're going to accidentally attract attention, you should do it properly. ;D


                        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                        Another memory from AT5. In the lobby after it was all over and Julia was holding "court". Then people were lined up to hug her and Mumsey was hiding in the line (behind Ames). I have a great photo of the two of them laughing and about to hug! Sent it to Julia by e-mail. Hope she got it. I think I sent one to the Gabit e-mail for Mumsey too.
                        Oh my gosh, yes! I still can't believe that Julia didn't see what we were up to
                        B/c I was the block, so to speak, I didn't get any pics of it, but the moment was pretty awesome, and still makes me smile!

                        Originally posted by Trindajae View Post
                        Almost all of my best stories are only funny afterward. I've been told the definition of "adventure" is "a series of unlooked-for and often unpleasant events." I take pride in the fact that I can make most of them into entertaining stories later, even if it's sometimes much, much later.

                        Neep, if you ever want to hear someone's embarrassing story to help you feel better about your event, one of the stories I've learned to really enjoy telling is The Great Non-Existent Apartment Fire. I attracted the attention of one of the city commissioners, the news media, a bunch of coworkers, and about 100 fire fighters. (It only took me six years and a new 14 million dollar computer system to live it down.)

                        Because I believe if you're going to accidentally attract attention, you should do it properly. ;D
                        Very true Trin ... and I'm definitely looking forward to hearing how you explain this one!! LOL

                        A couple more happy memories to maybe trigger some of yours...
                        *being voluntold I was now in charge of the blue jello -- look what amazing fun (and fundraising!) bluey goodness sharing has turned into!
                        *finding after I went home from AT3 that I could now hear people's accents when I read their posts
                        *being able to put faces to names ... and/or screennames, as the case may be
                        *explaining who Amanda Tapping is, as well as why I didn't look like the pic on my nametag ... or why I had horns on my forehead... in the elevator, in the bar, in the lobby... LOL
                        *befriending a pair of newbies at AT4, who then were so excited to see me again and share their travel adventures at the next event
                        *having my travel companions recognise where we were not by the Ren sign, but by the 3 Magpies pub going by! (The bus driver found it amusing as well )
                        *The Great Nubbins Hunt of AT4 (otherwise known as why ames should never leave her camera unattended...hehehe)
                        ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                        SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                        ames on facebook
                        ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                          Originally posted by ames View Post
                          *having my travel companions recognise where we were not by the Ren sign, but by the 3 Magpies pub going by! (The bus driver found it amusing as well )
                          Great pub...anyone up for dinner there at AT6?
                          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                          ~Amanda Tapping


                            i think not a con goes by that there's not at least one meal there
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Haha, of course! You really have limited options in the way of eating. Ren food, McDonalds, Three Magpies and the other pub about three long blocks down the street. Think it was the Pheasant...?

                              Six days!!!


                                Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                                Yes, Dee's hugs are Awesome!!

                                Nerve-wracking? You were worried about meeting us? Aw!

                                Actually, I'm getting very nervous about meeting Nad for the first time on Friday
                                It was a great evening! I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Jumble and Sara again and meeting everyone else for the first time. It was a wonderful evening. I also had fun riding the train to and from. The ride back to London with Dee, Sylvia and Jenn was a blast.

