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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
    I think of Chelle whenever I'm in a slow or rattley lift, especially if the doors take a while to open
    I think of Titta and her boy whenever I see cheesy New Zealand tourist souvenirs
    I still hate lifts...even tho I have to go in one 4 times every day, I still hate them...I'd rather take the stairs but that's not possible when you're pushing trolleys and skips.

    When I see the camping store with the rock climbing wall, I think of Titta. And Neep, I only have to talk to one of my NZ friends here in Oz or one of my relli's in NZ & I think of you...that and the cans of Rockstar still sitting in the pantry.
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
      Since Sky doesn't seem to remember telling us the nipple story...

      Shaving legs = thinking of Sky.

      Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


        Originally posted by rderoch View Post
        I just thought of everyone watching a movie the other day (I don't recommend the film at all - great cast, horrible film). The closing scene took place at the Ren! So, I spent the last few minutes of the movie going "I've been in that elevator", "I know that hallway", "I miss Gabit!".

        Aren't you still bitter?

        You think of me when you have a snow storm.

        I actually think of you every Sunday night now. Half of the Ice Road Truckers crew is based in Winnipeg this year.
        Actually, I think of you every time I hear the song "Blame Canada"!

        When I'm bitter, I think of Sue.

        I think of AT when I borrow her joke to tell when I give talks in the community.

        Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
        There is a bit of crazyness going on during the photoshoot. I think it started at AT4, when we all sang to "Hey, Jude" during the shoot. In Vancouver they changed the steward's song to John Farnham's "The Voice" (unfortunately, a lot of people don't know the lyrics and I can't sing). Anyway, to add to the fun we had John asked us to make faces, which we did and he took a couple of more photos.
        Guess which photo they picked?

        So now we have this photo of a bunch of lunatics in blue (plus Tracy in red) all making faces.
        I gotta say, Fuchsia's is the best. It reminds me of a Calvin and Hobbes strip where Calvin's parents try to take photos for their Christmas cards. ;-)

        Uh? They moved? Wow, I didn't know that.
        I heard they want to move the Atlanta Thrashers up to Winnipeg. Will they make them the Winnipeg Thrashers or go old-school and name them Winnipeg Jets?

        Those jersey's are a favourite among German game-worn jersey collectors. Everyone wants one. :-)

        In other hockey news: a second German - after Uwe Krupp - has won a Stanley Cup! Yay!
        There were actually two German players in the finals, Dennis Seidenberg for the Bruins and Christian Ehrhoff for the Canucks.

        The Moose are moving to Newfoundland because we do have an NHL franchise again. No word yet on the name.

        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
        Maple leaf = EH-T

        Whenever I'm watching SG-1 or Sanctuary I wonder if Claire has whatever outfit Amanda is wearing

        LOL! Goes without saying that i think of you everytime I hear the words martin or Wood.

        Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
        Hmm? I didn't see your name.

        I think this is a fun thing I started, but don't want to make a big list in case I forget someone

        Um, ask Sky why I think of her when I shave my legs It's a good story, but she might be shy so nag a little.

        I think of Eh-T whenever I see the package I said I would send her in March, sitting on my desk. (I'm awesome) And of course the gorgeous bear with all the messages on it on it from AT4, thanks Julia! EhT wrote a lovely message on it's bum but "forgot" to sign it so it can't be used as evidence.

        I think of Chelle whenever I'm in a slow or rattley lift, especially if the doors take a while to open

        I think of Titta and her boy whenever I see cheesy New Zealand tourist souvenirs
        You are awesome!

        I understand your point about the list but you can just keep adding names like I am.

        I used to think of Sky and her fabulous outfit at dinner at my first AT event but now i will think of her in relation to that story.

        I think of Titta whenever anyone crushes me with a hug.

        I think of Chelle when I see TimTams.

        I think of Starflight whenever I look at my badges.

        Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
        Loving reading all of these stories! It's so nice to see that all of the friendships keep on. And on and on.
        I think of you whenever I drive by the birthing centre being built close to me.

        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


          I think of PengYn when I see Vitamin water (which is every day since they stock it in the break room at work).

          I think of SJSL when I see or eat a bagel (she had at least one every day in Vancouver!)

          I think of Cel when I wear my Wonder Woman t-shirt

          I think of MoB when a broadway musical song comes up on my iPod

          I think of Neep when an Avenue Q song comes up in my iPod.

          I think of Eh-T when I packed and then unpacked my Olympics mittens (wasn't really cold enough to wear them this year)


            Originally posted by EH-T View Post

            I think of you whenever I drive by the birthing centre being built close to me.
            This pleases me to no end.

            Originally posted by antoa View Post

            1. think of MoB when a broadway musical song comes up on my iPod

            2. I think of Neep when an Avenue Q song comes up in my iPod.
            1. After this weekend, that problem is going to get worse, just sayin.

            2. Josiane and I went to see that last night! I can totally see why it reminds you of Neep.

            come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


              Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
              1. After this weekend, that problem is going to get worse, just sayin.

              2. Josiane and I went to see that last night! I can totally see why it reminds you of Neep.
              1. Yay! You are actually singing one of the few broadway songs that I have on my iPod - I only have 'South Pacific', 'Crazy for You', 'Avenue Q' and a couple from 'Annie Get Your Gun' (the only show I have actually seen on Broadway).

              2. Neep and I saw it in London together after AT4. Good show.


                Originally posted by EH-T View Post

                LOL! Goes without saying that i think of you everytime I hear the words martin or Wood.
                Seems a lot of people do Poor Martin

                I think of you whenever I drive by the birthing centre being built close to me.
                I think of MoB every time I hear a baby cry - which in my job is often


                  Originally posted by antoa View Post
                  I think of PengYn when I see Vitamin water (which is every day since they stock it in the break room at work).

                  I think of SJSL when I see or eat a bagel (she had at least one every day in Vancouver!)

                  I think of Cel when I wear my Wonder Woman t-shirt

                  I think of MoB when a broadway musical song comes up on my iPod

                  I think of Neep when an Avenue Q song comes up in my iPod.

                  I think of Eh-T when I packed and then unpacked my Olympics mittens (wasn't really cold enough to wear them this year)
                  Ditto on the bolded part.

                  Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                  Seems a lot of people do Poor Martin

                  I think of MoB every time I hear a baby cry - which in my job is often
                  Yes, in fact, when I hear Martin Wood, I think of you first and Martin second!

                  Oh, and listening to Stuart MacLean on radio makes me think of donamac.

                  I think of dipsofjazz when I see the Scottish flag.

                  i think of the hearing dogs everytime i save yet another stamp!

                  Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                    This thread makes me so happy right now. I agree with all of these!
                    Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                    Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                    Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                      Originally posted by Trindajae View Post
                      I was at the mall last week and did a double-take so fast I almost tripped. Mumsey, I found your doppleganger. She's running around the Pacific NW.

                      For details of AT10 go to


                        Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                        This thread makes me so happy right now. I agree with all of these!
                        It is fun reading all the little things that remind us of each other. Also helps pass the time 'til we see one another again.

                        I would say that paying people for hugs reminds me of KitKatLady and/or Julia but no one else makes me pay.

                        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                          Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                          I know, right? Just try reaching for a razor without that flashing through your head.
                          i had totally forgotten about that.
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            I'll pitch in with a few of my own, but I was a bit of a bewildered n00b at AT5, so they'll come in fits and spurts.

                            Any time I see a maple leaf, I think of EH-T

                            Whenever nubbins are mentioned, I think of Antoa

                            For some reason, I can't imagine why, whenever I see a neighborhood girl wandering around in boxers and a t-shirt, I think of Neep.

                            Kids skipping remind me of Cel.

                            Any picture or mention of Martin Wood reminds me of Jumble.

                            Hmmm... there's more, give me time...

                            come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                              Originally posted by eh-t View Post
                              actually, i think of you every time i hear the song "blame canada"!

                              Originally posted by jumble View Post
                              So, I'll be forgiven if I stop shaving and look like a Sasquatch?

                              Does anyone else have an issue with the new smiley selector. I can't see all of them now. How the heck do you scroll down?
                              Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                              William Shakespeare

                              Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                                I couldn't get the to work yesterday either... hmmmmm

                                Edit: oh lookie, apparently it's working today! Yay
                                ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                                SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                                ames on facebook
                                ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )

