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    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
    I think of Sky when I shave my legs. I think of PengYn and Titta whenever I drink PG tips.
    Anyone else have those moments where you are reminded of GW friends?
    Well I have to say I never think of Sky when I shave my legs ...but I do think of GW firends every day...when I'm out in my car if I see a number plate that has someones name or abbreviated name on it...did that yesterday in the shopping center carpark then misplaced my own car...embarrassing considering her name is Magnus which is printed on her rear window.
    When I make blue jelly...Amy!! When I use my ladybug bags from Mumsey...well of course I think of Mumsey...and then when I think of Mumsey I think of Julia & remind myself to re read my book....but I only have to look at my photos of AT4 and I'm away in London again. Doesn't take much to make me think of those I had the pleasure in meeting at AT4 or those who'm I see here on GW...the maple leaf always reminds me of EH-T. And my Steve bear form Julia S...who is always on my mind when I see Steve...which was signed by many at AT4 which sits proudly on my book shelf in the lounge room....I dust that shelf every Friday so my thoughts run wild on Fridays.
    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
    I think of Becky everytime i see someone wearing a pink ski helmet, oh wait, that never happens.
    When the time comes that that does happen...take a picture!! There has to be someone out there with a pink ski helmet.
    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
    I think of Cel when I see people with backpacks bigger than they are.
    On the bus...with a grumpy old lady threatening to bop her on the head with her brolly...classic!!
    Originally posted by rderoch View Post
    I actually think of you every Sunday night now. Half of the Ice Road Truckers crew is based in Winnipeg this year.
    Oooh cool. Gonna have to watch to see if we see anyone familair walking along the road in a blizzard...with red mittons!
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      I was at the mall last week and did a double-take so fast I almost tripped. Mumsey, I found your doppleganger. She's running around the Pacific NW.


        Originally posted by EH-T View Post

        I think of Cel when I see people with backpacks bigger than they are.
        Aww, remembered for trying to carry two seasons worth of clothes on my back.

        Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
        On the bus...with a grumpy old lady threatening to bop her on the head with her brolly...classic!!
        Glad you were amused. I remember being tired from the long trip down from London and the bus to the Ren was overcrowded with standing room only. There was nothing I could do! I laugh about it now, but at the time I was a bit annoyed. I tried to think small in hopes that it would help cos I didnt fancy being smacked cos I landed in the poor lady's lap.

        I think of many of you everyday, especially when my thoughts drift to all the AT events I've been to and each new memory I've made whilst there, each new friend I've made.

        Trin - think of you whenever I remember the JtR Walk as that's where I met you for the first time in person.

        EH-T - think of you when I see a maple leaf and all the times I had to put one over your face in pictures. Also, S4K and all the times you made Amanda run back and forth in the hall during the auctions.

        Ames - of course the blue jello, but also the fun times I had making it with you.

        Sanna - pigtails!

        Julia - huge, cuddly teddy bears and fun costumes for the abnormal ball.

        Antoa - Irish dancing. Still remember the first time I met you in person at AT4 and wondering what the large tube contained you were holding onto so dearly...and being very impressed with the drawing you made of AT you were going to have signed.

        Titi - con dancing and your always impressive costumes.

        Neep - boxer shorts...of course.


          Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
          I think about EH-T when I look at my hockey jerseys.
          I thought about you all when I was at London airport waiting for a connecting flight within spitting distance of the Renaissance. The ultimate insult is to be there and not get to see you guys.

          When I meet Anke or talk to her we talk about Gabit events and Anke is still not watching any of Amanda's shows. ;-)
          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
          I hope those we talked to did check out the website as they said they would. BTW, I did tell AT and Jill about our exploits, wondering around town and pimping for S4K. (for those who don't know, the day after TSE, Fresh-Horse and I were touring with the others and we had matching S4K shirts on so people would stop us and ask what it was about--little did they know they would get a 10 minute spiel)

          What's funny about the AT5 steward's photo?
          There is a bit of crazyness going on during the photoshoot. I think it started at AT4, when we all sang to "Hey, Jude" during the shoot. In Vancouver they changed the steward's song to John Farnham's "The Voice" (unfortunately, a lot of people don't know the lyrics and I can't sing). Anyway, to add to the fun we had John asked us to make faces, which we did and he took a couple of more photos.
          Guess which photo they picked?

          So now we have this photo of a bunch of lunatics in blue (plus Tracy in red) all making faces.
          I gotta say, Fuchsia's is the best. It reminds me of a Calvin and Hobbes strip where Calvin's parents try to take photos for their Christmas cards. ;-)

          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
          That jersey is now a collector's item. The team has moved.

          Love Anke!
          Uh? They moved? Wow, I didn't know that.
          I heard they want to move the Atlanta Thrashers up to Winnipeg. Will they make them the Winnipeg Thrashers or go old-school and name them Winnipeg Jets?

          Those jersey's are a favourite among German game-worn jersey collectors. Everyone wants one. :-)

          In other hockey news: a second German - after Uwe Krupp - has won a Stanley Cup! Yay!
          There were actually two German players in the finals, Dennis Seidenberg for the Bruins and Christian Ehrhoff for the Canucks.

          Originally posted by rderoch View Post
          I just thought of everyone watching a movie the other day (I don't recommend the film at all - great cast, horrible film). The closing scene took place at the Ren! So, I spent the last few minutes of the movie going "I've been in that elevator", "I know that hallway", "I miss Gabit!".


            Maple leaf = EH-T

            Whenever I'm watching SG-1 or Sanctuary I wonder if Claire has whatever outfit Amanda is wearing
            Last edited by Jumble; 23 June 2011, 01:29 AM.


              Awww! After reading those posts I feel all warm and cosy hugs everyone.

              Let me see if I can think of a few people and what reminds me of them. When I look at my Olympic mittens I think of EH-T! When I see a lady bug/bird I think of Chelle! When someone mentions skiing I think of Becky! When someone talks about hugs or magnates I think of Mumsey And the every time I'm on stage at the theatre I think of Julia, I also think of Mocha when I see a highland cow (don't ask LOL) I could go on for ages LOL. But my poor little fingers can't type any more at the moment LOL

              Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                Awww! After reading those posts I feel all warm and cosy hugs everyone.

                Let me see if I can think of a few people and what reminds me of them. When I look at my Olympic mittens I think of EH-T! When I see a lady bug/bird I think of Chelle! When someone mentions skiing I think of Becky! When someone talks about hugs or magnates I think of Mumsey And the every time I'm on stage at the theatre I think of Julia, I also think of Mocha when I see a highland cow (don't ask LOL) I could go on for ages LOL. But my poor little fingers can't type any more at the moment LOL

                Of course, every large teddy bear I see reminds me of you

                In a good way


                  Originally posted by ames View Post
                  *hugs* to Eh-T for including me in her list
                  It's good to be remembered!
                  Hmm? I didn't see your name.

                  I think this is a fun thing I started, but don't want to make a big list in case I forget someone

                  Um, ask Sky why I think of her when I shave my legs It's a good story, but she might be shy so nag a little.

                  I think of Eh-T whenever I see the package I said I would send her in March, sitting on my desk. (I'm awesome) And of course the gorgeous bear with all the messages on it on it from AT4, thanks Julia! EhT wrote a lovely message on it's bum but "forgot" to sign it so it can't be used as evidence.

                  I think of Chelle whenever I'm in a slow or rattley lift, especially if the doors take a while to open

                  I think of Titta and her boy whenever I see cheesy New Zealand tourist souvenirs
                  Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                  Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                  Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                    Aww *hugs* I think everyone when I look at him but I most especially think of Julia.

                    Have some more too, pants I think Neep blue jello, I think Amy. an auction I think Sue. Bubble-wrap I think Tracy N (I've seen the pics lol)

                    Last edited by samcarterrules; 23 June 2011, 01:53 AM. Reason: missed a word lol
                    Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                      Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                      Trin - think of you whenever I remember the JtR Walk as that's where I met you for the first time in person.
                      I'm very glad I went! I almost didn't. I'd only landed a couple of hours before and I'd been in transit through all of what was my normal sleeping time. But going to the pub was so much fun, even if I did skip the actual walking tour in favor of heading for bed.

                      Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                      Neep - boxer shorts...of course.
                      Neep, don't worry. I (and my mom) don't remember you for being somewhat underdressed. We remember you more for the Tim Tams you were so kindly willing to trade me for. I saved them and gave them to my mom for Mother's Day. She clearly was wondering if I was playing a practical joke on her when I taught her how to eat them, and the look of surprised delight was hilarious when she realized that they're delicious.

                      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                      I think this is a fun thing I started, but don't want to make a big list in case I forget someone
                      I'm the same. I'm generally not a sappy person and I'm more than a bit uncomfortable using phrases like "life-changing", but it does apply in a literal sense. I think I've posted before (somewhere around this post) that everyone both here and at the conventions has been so welcoming and so much fun that I am planning - yes, making actual, financially-backed plans - to do scary things that I would have thought were so much air and fantasy before AT4. In December 2009 after AT4, I realized that my job, while still delightful in many ways, is not one that I can keep for the next 30 years and I will need to have other skills in order to qualify for the job that I do want. I was looking around at the master's degree programs in my field, only to discover that all of them were too far from home to commute to, too expensive, or part-time programs that would take 2 or 3 years to complete instead of 1 year for a full-time program. If I have to move away from all of my family, I would rather do it for one year instead of two. I know myself well enough to ignore online programs because I wouldn't learn enough to justify the expense and very likely wouldn't finish it.

                      On an impulse prompted by happy memories of people at AT4 the month before, I widened my search to include programs in the UK. Following the same impulse, I booked a flight the following February to go look at some of the campuses. An AT4 friend happened to live near the uni that had a mind-blowingly fantastic program, and she spent an afternoon gallivanting around with me.

                      Life got in the way again and the idea of going back to university started to feel like a silly and impractical daydream. This would be around the time when everyone began talking about TSE. I hadn't been planning to go because the university trip to England was all of my travel budget, but one of the Aussies who had frequently made me laugh (and wasn't at AT4) said she was going to be there. It seemed like it would be, well, downright rude if she flew more than 7,000 miles and I didn't take a 6-hour train ride to at least say hi in person. Then Laurie offered to let me carpool half of the way up with her and Starsong and it became officially ludicrous not to attend. Which is how I suddenly found myself surrounded by people who didn't share my belief that England was so far away as to be almost mythical. Several of them even volunteered to be my welcoming committee when (they did not say "if") I made it to the university. That was enough to push the idea back out of the "silly and impractical" category into the "difficult but not impossible" column.

                      Then came AT5. I again felt fiscally foolish for wanting to go, though I compromised with myself by scheduling a day to get to know the city around the university I'm planning to apply to. I met even more people at the convention who astonished me with their enthusiasm for what still occasionally feels like my funny little daydream. It even extended so far as making one new friend who promised to let me visit her workplace because she happens to work closely with the industry I'm trying to move forward in.

                      It's not something that only happens at the conventions, either. There are several people on this board and the Gabit board who have offered advice or encouragement. One in particular approached me out of the blue recently (slight jello joke) and unintentionally gave me a nudge when I'd started to lose momentum.

                      So I won't be writing a list of people I enjoyed spending time with or the things that make me think about them. There's too much danger that I might leave someone out or perhaps even (horror of horrors) get moments confused because there were so very many of them. The truth is that there aren't many days in my week that I don't think of the conventions I've been to and the people I've met because it's what reminds me that my goals are possible and I'm not being unreasonable in wanting to achieve them.

                      I'd much rather just say, "Thank you." If you don't know if I included you in that, just ask yourself if you met me at any of the conventions and then assure yourself that I did. Even if all you did was contribute to the welcoming atmosphere of the convention, know that it helped and I appreciate it every day.
                      Last edited by Trindajae; 23 June 2011, 08:56 PM.


                        Since Sky doesn't seem to remember telling us the nipple story...

                        Shaving legs = thinking of Sky.
                        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                          Loving reading all of these stories! It's so nice to see that all of the friendships keep on. And on and on.

                          come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                            Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                            Since Sky doesn't seem to remember telling us the nipple story...

                            Shaving legs = thinking of Sky.


                              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                              I know, right? Just try reaching for a razor without that flashing through your head.
                              Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                              Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                              Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                                I know, right? Just try reaching for a razor without that flashing through your head.
                                Yeah, thanks for putting that into my head

                                And every time I look at the WooHoo pics from AT6 I think of you, remembering that I didn't know it was you behind the camera until we were all back home again

