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Fight for sga!/Save our Stargate.. Fans frustrations with the SGA cancellation

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    Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
    JM blog will probably give us some more insight on the cancellation of SGA in his blog on Thursday. If I read his posting correctly.

    yeah, he actually put a comment in his comment section which said he would elaborate in tomorrow's blog...
    My Manips & other artwork!


      Originally posted by Lt.Col.Errandboy View Post
      And that's thanks to those whiny pusbags who advertise their garbage on television not selling enough of their substandard products.

      Pity the fanbase doesn't have the final say on the television production industry. Instead TPTB are constantly kowtowing to the whims of used car salesmen and multinational junk food pushers.
      Here in Canada, 5th season episodes are on Movie Channel and it's shown with NO commercials. When it airs on Space and CityTV it has commercials but those are re-runs and are a season or two behind. TV fans should revolt against commercials. These invasions into our TV viewing are an insult to all of us. No woman gets THAT happy over housecleaning!

      Yes I will watch SGU because it is from the same creative minds that brought us SG-1 and SGA but as with other shows I've lost over the years I will miss the characters I love. I'll have to go looking for the new work my fave actors move on to. I agree wholeheartedly that until changes are made at the top, the quality of TV will continue to decline and shows that I love will keep disappearing. I started watching Lost but lost interest after the way they broadcast the show. A few new eps, then repeat for those who had missed them, then a special for those who'd jumped on the bandwagon. Finally six to eight weeks later they might start showing new eps! I got so fed up with it I stopped watching, even though Kevin Durand (Zipacna) has been on the show now.

      Once SGA is over I'll have nothing to look forward to on TV. To paraphrase Bruce Springstein......A couple of hundred channels and nothings on.


        okay, rather than reading pages of " oh my god, waah they canceled it, meanies" I would like some hard facts. Where is the press release, which clearly states it's being cancelled? All I've seen so far is someone's word.
        If it ends, it ends anyway. Rather than it getting old and tired. We'l still have universe afterwards, so not like its the end of stargate forever.


          Look on the main Gateworld page, the story is at the top of the Stargate News column.


            Originally posted by Puddle Splasher View Post
            As I described it that's pretty much the role of each. However what you state is a distinct possiblity, it's just not the case here. SG1 started out on Showtime then Sci-Fi. MGM was behind the show during both. It's possible that a production Co. like MGM could give up on a series if a cable channel didn't pick it up, but not a certanity.
            No, it's a certainty. There was a clause in MGM's contract with Sci Fi which made it impossible for them to sell the show to anyone else, and if there's a similar clause in the Atlantis contract then it wouldn't matter what MGM wanted, if Sci Fi's not buying them MGM isn't selling.


              Ah right. Well, to be honest I think it may be about time. Don't get me wrong, I'l be sad we no longer get to see the city, or many of its un-explored regions, buy atlantis has dwindled so.
              I know nothing about actors getting fired, so I base no opinions on that but the show really became a let down by season four. The chopping and changing of characters, the way it always kept on recreating a character.

              It was like Sam carter, except they did it to everyone. By season five, it's still unsure on characters emotions and such, and if it's like that at the halfway point, do we really want another five seasons?


                *throat punch*
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                  Originally posted by Automission View Post
                  if it's like that at the halfway point, do we really want another five seasons?
                  I don't think Atlantis could go 10 seasons nor would I want it to. I think 6 would be a better number. Mainly cause they're ending on a cliffhanger which sucks big time. Let them do one more season that they know is gonna be their last so they can go out with a bang!



                    new so forgive the lack of adornment, im a big fan of the show and have been for a long time,to see this happen now is the most outrageous thing ive seen from either the network or the studio in a long time, not having read any information other than the gate world announcement my 1st thought was to blame the network, maybe its not their fault but here is a fact there wont be much on scifi that i will be willing to watch, the only good thing that might come out of this is if MGM is taking this opportunity to move a current series in to movie production, which can be done at higher quality with more return on investment than airing twenty episodes on scifi, due to the dvr market same day viewing is down, since same day is related to commercial revenue that is all the funding that scifi gets, meaning less money to the studio, but the two SG1 movies have been cash cows MGM might see the direct to dvd as being a better avenue both in terms or story quality(expensive special effects) and in terms of revenue. two or three SG1, SGA movies a year might be the best for all involved but i share the sentiment with most who post, that one or both parties are in the wrong and there will be negative repercussions, hopefully those repercussions wont close the gate for good


                      hmmm. only just hearing the news. Wish I could say I'm surprised but I really am not. I mean season 5 has been a big improvement on 3 and 4 but I just get this sense that the producers have basically just had the show on life support for two seasons. And at the beginning of each season have just yelled the words "CLEAR!" before trying to envigorate the show a bit more with Carter or Woolsey or the just doesn't work.......
                      Please do me a huge favour and help me be with the love of my life.


                        Originally posted by AlbinoMonkeyC View Post
                        I accepted it when SG1 was over, 10 years was just right. I ain't giving up on SGA without a fight!!!!!!!!
                        Well IMO it was time to finish SG1, the last couple of seasons were pretty crap but I watched it cos they weren't terrible.

                        Atlantis on the other hand is a whole different ball game. I always knew that it would never run as long as SG1 (spin-offs really do) but I thought we'd at least get a 6, possibly even a 7 at a push. No reasonable person could realistically expect it to go on much beyond that.

                        This is the only programme that I have ever watched from day 1 with absolute joy at the characters and storylines no matter how out there they are at times. It's sci-fi, it's meant to be out there!!!! I look forward to every episode and this is just a total kick in the stomach. I hate the way they are telling us 1/4 of the way in that "oh btw we're gonna f*** you all & cancel it, and you're not even gonna get another one to get closure, so there". They should have the common decency to do a 6th. Are they seriously expecting us to believe that neither MGM or Skiffy don't have the money?!?!?! Sorry but that's just b*llocks.

                        Originally posted by RedvsBlue View Post
                        Someone should send Sci-Fi & MGM SPAM BOT EMAILS SO THEY WONT STOP GETTING THEM
                        A knee jerk reaction obviously, but I hardly think they'll be bothered by a few e-mails... think about the amount they muct get every day... it'd just be a drop in the ocean, and childish to boot

                        Originally posted by tombombadail View Post
                        are they still planning SGU?
                        They've been planning it for as long as I can remember. As soon as they talked about starting it when Atlantis ended I didn't think it would bode well, but the way they've been farting around with it, I thought late 2009/ early 2010 tbh.

                        Oh and I like the way that they obviously have the money for something totally new; something they don't even know whether would realistically get the ratings. I certainly won't watch something just because it's Stargate, I'll watch it if the story sounds good. I never watched Star Trek, but the number of spin-offs that had was ridiculous, and even my partner gave up on it, who is a dedicated Trekker.

                        Originally posted by AlbinoMonkeyC View Post
                        #1 its ma'am
                        #2 [email protected]

                        Originally posted by veryangrystargatefan View Post
                        We need to send these <mod snip> bags and bags of LEMONS! This will symbolize 2 things. One is that McKay is allergic to citrus so it's an SGA link there and the fact that MGM and SciFi will be lemons themselves and boycotted and banned if they go ahead with this! Symbolism seems to work with these people because it seems to be the only thing their<mod snip> brains understand. So go to the store, get the address of the braindead, go to your post office or local UPS store and SEND THOSE LEMONS!
                        Haha, I like the idea but as I said with the spam e-mails, it's not the way to go.

                        Originally posted by Col.Foley View Post
                        ...unless they plan on giving us ten movies.
                        Yeah right... it's taking them all there time to get the SG1 films out, so I can't see them rushing to get anything done for Atlantis

                        I am sooo annoyed!!!!



                          It might not "work" for you P-90_177 but it does for many others!!

                          I agree - at least a sixth season, knowing it would be their last, could tie a LOT of loose ends. Thing is, the supposed 'injections of new blood' (ie Carter or Woolsey) isn't what the fans's just what the producers wanted.

                          HAD they bothered to listen to the fanbase, they would've KEPT Carson/Elizabeth/Ford & not bothered with this new mob of bimbos they're trying to introduce.

                          IF they'd bothered to read some of the excellent fan fic available, they might have found some cracking story arcs to incorporate into the show!

                          For me, they didn't explore the main characters enough (in particular Sheppard - hell, he's the damn LEAD CHARACTER & we STILL don't know much about him & what makes him tick!) They seemed to drift off into 'minor characterland' and forgot who actually drives the show!

                          I still think it was MGM (MONEY GRUBBING MORONS) seeing nothing but dollar signs in their eyes, and they let SGA go in favor of trying out SGU. I have a feeling it may blow up in their faces, because again they refuse to listen to what the FANS want.
                          My Manips & other artwork!


                            Originally posted by Lt.Col.Errandboy View Post

                            I still think it was MGM (MONEY GRUBBING MORONS) seeing nothing but dollar signs in their eyes, and they let SGA go in favor of trying out SGU. I have a feeling it may blow up in their faces, because again they refuse to listen to what the FANS want.
                            Exactly and personally i hate SGU before they make the show, it's idiot, but it's what i feel now.

                            my delicious


                              I live abroad but I faithfully bought every DVD box set, franchise etc. etc. to support the show. And now I feel like it didn't matter at all, like I as a fan don't matter. I wrote both Sci-Fi and MGM telling them what a low blow this cancelation was and that from now on, I will think twice of supporting any of their shows, I signed the petition...

                              But I'm afraid it won't matter. Both Sci-Fi and MGM always treated SGA like the unwanted cousin that always took backseat first to SG-1 and now to SGU. I know that I should be happy and grateful that we have had 5 years of great entertainment and now there might be movies, that's more than fans of most other shows ever get, but I'm not content with it, I'm not happy. I'm crushed and hurt and disappointed.


                                I am gutted that the show has ended so quickly.

                                I thought we would go to at least 6 if not 7 seasons, but I guess MGM can see more $$ in DVD's than live airing shows.

                                I can't say that it will be a hardship to see Sheppard and his Team (assuming all the core Team actors will be in the DVD!) for a straight two hours with no adverts, but that is nothing compared to nearly 20 hours!

                                I am not a happy bunny!

                                Tashira's Bubble of Reality on LJ

