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Season Five : Complaints and Misgivings

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    all the shipping just reinforces the theory that tptb are desperate to keep their show. (Not like sci-fi has a lot of good shows to begin with) OR tptb realize skiffy is so bad in general they know they can get away with just about anything and still not be canned.

    either way, the show still doesn't address the issues that has plagued it for so long.

    no solid over all story arc, no solid characters that are balanced in development. lack of story follow through, (show consequences for their actions). lack of believable character abilities...they always win!

    lack of interesting nemesis...that the viewer can connect with.

    I haven't been reading much on the spoilers, just a little here and there but I still don't see any solutions to the same problems the show has had and will continue to have because tptb do not think it's a problem.

    now, adding on the shipping with the 3 way, beckett and barbie and chick of the week for shep...blah...why even bother watching.

    I have real doubts for a season 6 for this show.
    Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


      All this talk about shipping reminds me of USPS and how some guy is probably rowing in a boat in the ocean with something I bought. The only explanation for two weeks of waiting and no delivery .


        United Pegasus Shipping can be slow at times...
        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
          United Pegasus Shipping can be slow at times...
          If by that you mean the United States Post Office, I agree .


            Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
            If by that you mean the United States Post Office, I agree .
            Poor guy rowing the ittybitty boat across the ocean... working his butt off to get your package to you. Just hope he doesn't give up and throw it overboard.
            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
              Poor guy rowing the ittybitty boat across the ocean... working his butt off to get your package to you. Just hope he doesn't give up and throw it overboard.

              By the time he reaches Continental Europe, EURO2008 will be long over. I bet he will use a bicycle to Luxembourg . Of course the bicycle, will have a flat in the beginning, then USPS will have to send someone else rowing with a new tire, etc, etc .


                Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
                I was afraid you were gonna say that. I officially declare Reiko more perverted than I am . I will always be traumatized by something with a chair and Carson. I get the willies just thinking of that phrase...***grr***
                » I can now declare victory! Yes, Carson and the Chair. Their love is so canon. And their love makes drones fly. Face it, Carson shoots better drones than Sheppard

                Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
                What point does the relationship triangle serve in the SGA world?
                » Nothing.

                Originally posted by Lahela View Post
                I made a vid to sum up my feelings about S5... it's here.
                » You stole my concept Now I shall sue and make lots of munnies. (Just kidding). Awesome nonetheless ^^

                Originally posted by stclare View Post
                to the bolded part - is there anyone on Atlantis not being shipped this year?
                » There goes my OTP. And everyone does seem to be getting shipped this year - except no word on Woolsey yet. I'm rooting for Keller/Woolsey aka Dickifer for those who like cutesy squished-up names

                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                This part: We want to reflect real people in real-life situations, like the doctors of Grey’s Anatomy and the cops on CSI:Miami. is my favorite. Does he actually think those actors represent real people? Particularly the long-haired beauties in low cut tops who lean over corpses in Miami. LOL
                » Grey's Anatomy - sex in the storage closets during shifts We know where Keller gets it from now.


                  Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                  » You stole my concept Now I shall sue and make lots of munnies. (Just kidding). Awesome nonetheless ^^
                  Yup, I'm just a shameless concept stealer Hey, I should get a job on SGA!


                    I wonder why exactly he needs her child. Will his hybrids become stronger, will they jump higher, read peoples' minds, or what?

                    and why did he even bother to create hybrids in the first place? I'm sure if would have tried to gather humans willing to fight wraith (and give them weapons, supplies, etc.), he would have even bigger and stronger army now. And in the end, humans will worship him.
                    Stolen Kosovo


                      Originally posted by g.o.d View Post
                      if you think he's criminal, I wonder you will say about a captain of the Serenity
                      Never watched Firefly.


                        Originally posted by maxbo View Post
                        Oh my, that's just wicked!

                        No Larrin in Season 5? That's news to me because I thought she was just out for one episode due to lack of actor availability. The thought JM said that he hoped to have her back later in the season?

                        Not that it matters to me whether she returns or not because although I was disappointed that TPTB didn't do a better job with the character, she wasn't around enough to irritate me. Unlike Keller who now reminds me of a kudzu vine because she's clinging to, and overpowering, several aspects of the show that I used to enjoy. TPTB started this overt shipping with her and apparently consider shipping her such a success that they now want to spread shipping out to all the other characters... like an infection.

                        So, he's confirming that Season 5 will be all about ship and that casting decisions are made on ship potential. Lovely.

                        Considering that some of the best actresses are over TPTB's desired mid-20's age range, this means that in the future we're not likely to see actresses with the experience and skill to overcome, or at least offset, much of the lackluster writing that the female characters are usually burdened with. That's unfortunate.
                        The vine that ate the South. Ah yes, I know it well. I think I lost a younger sister when she stood still for a few minutes.

                        And that also explains why good actresses with normal bra sizes for their frame get fired.

                        Originally posted by Jackie View Post
                        all the shipping just reinforces the theory that tptb are desperate to keep their show. (Not like sci-fi has a lot of good shows to begin with) OR tptb realize skiffy is so bad in general they know they can get away with just about anything and still not be canned.

                        either way, the show still doesn't address the issues that has plagued it for so long.

                        no solid over all story arc, no solid characters that are balanced in development. lack of story follow through, (show consequences for their actions). lack of believable character abilities...they always win!

                        lack of interesting nemesis...that the viewer can connect with.

                        I haven't been reading much on the spoilers, just a little here and there but I still don't see any solutions to the same problems the show has had and will continue to have because tptb do not think it's a problem.

                        now, adding on the shipping with the 3 way, beckett and barbie and chick of the week for shep...blah...why even bother watching.

                        I have real doubts for a season 6 for this show.
                        Actually from the spoilers I have read, Shep is the only one they haven't announced any ship for. But we all know where that's going.

                        Originally posted by g.o.d View Post
                        I wonder why exactly he needs her child. Will his hybrids become stronger, will they jump higher, read peoples' minds, or what?

                        and why did he even bother to create hybrids in the first place? I'm sure if would have tried to gather humans willing to fight wraith (and give them weapons, supplies, etc.), he would have even bigger and stronger army now. And in the end, humans will worship him.
                        He needs her child so that Shep can rescue him and return him to the arms of his mommy while bonding with the baby in a cutsey wootsey way that will make my Sheyla heart go pitter patter.

                        Originally posted by Pajus View Post
                        Never watched Firefly.
                        What kind of sick freak are you? Seriously, never ever? Your head would explode.

                        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                          Originally posted by Pajus View Post
                          Never watched Firefly.
                          watch it! it's great
                          Stolen Kosovo


                            Originally posted by stclare View Post
                            from jm's blog of doom

                            RangerOne writes: “Also, isn’t a little hypocritical of you saying in the casting of the all-women team (or casting a role in general) in Whispers that it was done strictly on talent and not looks when a casting call for a female role for another episode specifically called for “a very beautiful woman in her 20’s” and never gave an average looking or older actress a chance to audition for the part?”

                            Answer: Isn’t it a little hypocritical when fans criticize actresses on the basis of their looks without even having seen them perform, then turn around and gush repeatedly over the absolutely dreamy male lead? Yeah, I think so too. I’m not sure what your point is. What do my casting requirements for Whispers have to do with someone else’s casting requirements for a completely different episode? I would assume that the reason a producer sought an attractive young woman for the role was because that was what the script called for. In Whispers, I described Porter as a “cute nerd” because I wanted the character to have chemistry with Beckett and suggest the possibility that something could develop between the two. Now, I could have described her as a “haggard witch” and cast someone else in the role, but I have a feeling that, at the end of the day, it wouldn’t have worked out nearly as well. All that said - even though we produce a science fiction television series, we are ever-mindful of striving for authenticity when casting aliens, androids, and fearless planet-hopping space-explorers. We want to reflect real people in real-life situations, like the doctors of Grey’s Anatomy and the cops on CSI:Miami.

                            to the bolded part - is there anyone on Atlantis not being shipped this year?

                            if you haver the stomach for it and read the rest Mr M does post a comment from someone reagarding turning Atlantis into a soap opera, there is no denial though!!
                            You know JM's righteous indignation would be a teeny bit more convincing if we all hadn't already seen season 4


                              Originally posted by g.o.d View Post
                              watch it! it's great
                              It is worse than BSG !!! . Saw that Serenity thingiemabob, biggest cliche ever :

                              ... Him injured from those wombies...

                              her :" You've been protecting me all my life, now its time for me to protect you". No s*it Sherlock when you are getting pwned by wombies and they are coming to kill you . Oh yeah, 30 seconds and she kills everyone after running for her life the whole film.
                              Last edited by Integrabyte; 06 June 2008, 10:19 AM.


                                Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
                                It is worse than BSG !!! . Saw that Serenity thingiemabob, biggest cliche ever :

                                ... Him injured from those wombies...

                                her :" You've been protecting me all my life, now its time for me to protect you". No s*it Sherlock when you are getting pwned by wombies and they are coming to kill you . Oh yeah, 30 seconds and she kills everyone after running for her life the whole film.
                                watch it again you'll find out why she's suddenly kung-fu master
                                Stolen Kosovo

