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Season Five : Complaints and Misgivings

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    Ok, Sky. But Prion's post of details for the season seemed very much on-topic, as did other posts about the possible ships in this season, why did they vanish? Thanks.


      Gee, is this board going wonky or are the mods just going snip happy?


      Atlantis Focuses On Wraith

      The upcoming fifth season of SCI FI Channel's original series Stargate Atlantis will focus heavily on the Wraith--with a side trip to Las Vegas to commemorate the show's 100th episode, producers told SCI FI Wire during a visit to the show's sets in Vancouver, Canada, on May 16. (Spoilers ahead!)

      ---Gripe. Vegas. Can we say "Jump the Shark"? Will the team end up at the Monticeto?? (as in NBC's "Vegas" series casino?)

      Teyla also sees her abilities get out of hand in an episode in which she touches the mind of a Wraith Queen, which activates her Wraith DNA. According to Luttrell, Teyla "embodies" the Wraith Queen--the actress will appear in full Wraith makeup--and becomes "the leader of an alliance of Wraith."

      Also look for the return of the Wraith-worshipping Satedan Tyre (Mark Dacascos) in an episode in which he captures Ronon (Jason Momoa) and attempts to sacrifice him to the Wraith. Ronon is given so much Wraith enzyme in the episode that he gives in completely to his dark side and apparently does some serious damage to Sheppard (Joe Flanigan).

      Momoa said that he got so deep into his character's rage in the episode that he actually broke a gurney he was strapped to. Momoa called the episode the most fun he's ever had as an actor. (Contrary to previous speculation, however, Momoa does not lose his trademark dreadlocks in the episode.)

      --This is why I take so much of what is said on one blog with a grain of salt.

      Even Dr. Jennifer Keller (Jewel Staite) and Richard Woolsey (Robert Picardo) have close encounters with Wraiths in the coming season, the actors confirmed. Staite said that her character will be trapped with a Wraith in one episode. Picardo cited a moment when Woolsey is about to be killed by a Wraith as an example of his character's emerging courage.

      --Woolsey? Kill a wraith? by sheer luck, me thinks

      Not everything is about the Wraith though. Flanigan said it's his understanding that filming for the show's upcoming 100th episode will take place in Las Vegas. Though Flanigan claimed to have no more details than that, he
      surmised that this would probably mean the episode will have to do with the replicators.

      --I hope to heck JF's wrong as the replicators have been done to death. Overkill. Boring. MOve along.
      Last edited by prion; 20 May 2008, 05:18 AM.


        Originally posted by prion View Post
        Even Dr. Jennifer Keller (Jewel Staite) and Richard Woolsey (Robert Picardo) have close encounters with Wraiths in the coming season, the actors confirmed. Staite said that her character will be trapped with a Wraith in one episode. Picardo cited a moment when Woolsey is about to be killed by a Wraith as an example of his character's emerging courage.
        With any luck, they will sacrifice themselves for the good of Atlantis, and will not return in season 6.

        Not everything is about the Wraith though. Flanigan said it's his understanding that filming for the show's upcoming 100th episode will take place in Las Vegas. Though Flanigan claimed to have no more details than that, he surmised that this would probably mean the episode will have to do with the replicators.
        Gawd NO. No more Replicators!


          Wow. I'm a bit scared about the Vegas thing. I think the whole Replicator thing is extremely unfounded though.

          "Though Flanigan claimed to have no more details than that, he
          that this would probably mean the episode will have to do with the replicators."

          Originally posted by prion View Post
          --Woolsey? Kill a wraith? by sheer luck, me thinks
          No, Woolsey is about to be killed BY a Wraith. I'm sure that will make lots of people happy


            Originally posted by SGFerrit View Post
            No, Woolsey is about to be killed BY a Wraith. I'm sure that will make lots of people happy
            It would...
            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


              Originally posted by SGFerrit View Post
              Wow. I'm a bit scared about the Vegas thing. I think the whole Replicator thing is extremely unfounded though.

              "Though Flanigan claimed to have no more details than that, he
              that this would probably mean the episode will have to do with the replicators."

              No, Woolsey is about to be killed BY a Wraith. I'm sure that will make lots of people happy
              I did know that, but if he's about to be killed by a wraith, he obviously won't be but either he or someone else will have to kill the wraith, and they mentioned something about courage, so one can assume he kills the wraith.

              I'm hoping the replicator is just a wild guess as I'm pretty tired of them. We had YEARS of them on SG1 and SGA doesn't need to pick up leftover villains from that show.

              Vegas. Shudder, that's all I can say. However, I could see SG1 in Vegas only because Vala would go wild


                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                It would...
                Will there be a 100 ways Woolsey died in Atlantis challenge? (HK wants targets)


                  Originally posted by GateLadyM View Post
                  With any luck, they will sacrifice themselves for the good of Atlantis, and will not return in season 6.

                  Gawd NO. No more Replicators!
                  They should sacrifice themselves what a better show we would have!

                  Yay, Gateworld seems to be working today, could not get on at all yesturday

                  I too have had quite enough of the damn replicators, boring move on for crying out loud!

                  I have not heard anything about season 5 that has made me want to watch it, that's pretty bad. I'm gonna let my oh watch it and tape it and then he can tell me if I can watch it without barfing at Keller. Can't believe she's getting trapped with a wraith, she seems to be getting far too much attention for my liking.

                  And if there is any Sheyla I will be buying a swimming pool for the puking! (Which will also come in handy if there's any Keller shipping)!



                    Dear god! 100th in vegas? Here sharky, sharky.

                    Just need to make Vala the black jack dealer and you got a fan fic.

                    Originally posted by GateofDOOM View Post
                    Overall the thing that annoyed me most about season four is the way ethical dilemma's were handled.
                    Something would come up, like...oh Sheppard convincing the man in Miller's Crossing to sacrifice himself to the wraith. It's dark, it's morally gray and the consequences are mostly ignored.
                    Again in BAMSR Rodney creates a sentient machine and Carter briefly discusses the implications of using a sentient machine as a suicide bomber and then after that little chat everything is in the green and no one minds anymore.
                    The replicator team in This Mortal Coil is introduced. Talk about dilemma's! What does the actual human team do with these copies? Where will they go?, instead they're all conveniently killed off because the consequences are too difficult for the writers to handle.
                    With the current ptb, there is little if any follow through with ethical issues or story arcs for that matter. TPTB drop the ball so many times with follow through it dulls the show and makes it uninteresting.

                    Miller's Crossing could have been real good if Sheppard had to actually address what he did. Instead, it turned into another Rodney ep and how guilty Rodney felt for his sister getting involved.

                    Everything turns into a rodney ep with these guys. The last man was about Rodney's terrible life, BAMSR was another rodney ep, not about weir. Everything turns into rodney, rodney, rodney.

                    Season 5 will still be stargate rodney especially considering the amount of hype JM is doing about all the new cast.

                    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                    Speaking of arcs, have they mentioned any for S5. In S4 it was all about Teyla's huge arc that turned out to me virtually nothing. Who will get the shaft in S5? Let's see, Carson's 5 eps could be called an arc I guess. They're not even doing a Shepisode until maybe the back half. McKay gets the rest as usual I guess.
                    Even when tptb attempt to make sheppard a deep character he comes across as shallow. The character is supposed to be the leading male and the "jack" of SGA. But, there really is nothing beyond looks and a few one liners.

                    Season 5 sounds more and more ridiculas the more I read about it. As if Stargate Barbie wasn't insulting we get to see how Woosley nearly gets feed upon and gets his courage back and more "rage" from Rambo Ronon.

                    Come on! This is just so cliché it screams teenage fanboy!
                    Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                      There was also mention of
                      Sheyla emotional moments. Unless he means he will be consoling her on the death of the man she loves or they will be talking about Elizabeth, I'm not interested.
                      I'm afraid there is not a puke bucket big enough for this or Vegas. I remember reading a bad fan fic about that last one. *shudders*

                      Originally posted by marielabbott
                      If Jason has a better offer elsewhere, go for it, man.

                      Because it's depressing and entertaining, a new snipit from JM's blog involving "emotional moments."

                      Erika writes: “Hi Joe is there going to be any emotional moments between Ronon and Teyla in season 5? You steered me right in BAMS’R anything at all. I also like Keller and Rodney together anything for them in season 5?”

                      Answer: A firm “maybe” to both.
                      What's Joe trying to do? Turn Stargate Atlantis into one big orgy? One of the things I used to like about the show that unlike others such as BSG, people weren't constantly falling into bed with one and another, it wasn't all about sex. It's really degrading the show (more than before) to make the characters seem promiscuous.


                        I thought the 100th ep wasn't going to be a comedy one.


                          Originally posted by Dr Weir View Post
                          What's Joe trying to do? Turn Stargate Atlantis into one big orgy? One of the things I used to like about the show that unlike others such as BSG, people weren't constantly falling into bed with one and another, it wasn't all about sex. It's really degrading the show (more than before) to make the characters seem promiscuous.
                          My take on the Keller shipping is this: TPTB know that people like Shep/Weir, Ronon/Teyla, Shep/Teyla, even McKay/Weir.

                          They know that all these characters are popular.

                          They think (mistakenly) that shipping Keller will make people like her. It's like they're trying to do a Shep/Weir/Teyla or Shep/Ronon/Teyla style triangle with McKay/Keller/Ronon.

                          Not going to work. People don't like the character because she's crud, not because she's not shipped with anyone. They're grasping at straws to get people to like her. Meanwhile, they're killing any remotely viable ships.

                          Shep/Weir is gone because they were dumb enough to dump Torri. Sheyla/Spanky are gone because Teyla's been knocked up by an Athosian (I know the Sheylas would beg to differ on that point, but come on... she's pregnant with another guy's kid)

                          They've got rid of any ship that had the slightest bit of appeal, and they're hoping to 'regain' that ship frenzy with Keller.

                          What they don't realise is that a character has to be remotely likeable for someone to want to ship them in the first place.


                            Las Vegas and replicators? what the frak???
                            Stolen Kosovo


                              Sheppard and McKay will finally get married?
                              Last edited by mcbarr; 20 May 2008, 08:25 AM.


                                » Vegas. W T F. This is a really big "Shark Feeding Centre" sign - if we haven't been there already, they are practically asking for it. Vegas. Mother frakking Vegas. What the hell.

                                » As per speculation on shipping and Dr Weir's and alyssa's comment: exactly. Like Dr Weir said I like that the first three seasons of Atlantis focused on the family/friendship aspect instead of everybody jumping everybody's bones. Geez. THey should just go all BSG and have a giant orgy in those AU episodes that they love and get over it.

                                » And in regards to alyssa's comment - I asked on the blog of DOOM if there will be any Carson/Teyla. If he's beginning to cater to everyone else's shipping needs he really needs to cater to mine too.

                                » But Vegas. WTF?

