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Will you watch season 4?

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    i will still be watching but i am hoping we will see carson beckett again and Ford.
    Thankyou SG-1 for 10 great years!
    sig made by kidwizz

    join Stargate Atlantis: save the lost city and lets get our show back


      ^ me to


        How could anyone not want to watch S4 after seeing First Strike? Fantastic episode, best for a while. Let's hope S4 keeps the same high standard.
        "Ce qui ressemble a l'amour est toujours de l'amour." - Tristan Bernard


          Originally posted by Commander Ivanova View Post
          How could anyone not want to watch S4 after seeing First Strike? Fantastic episode, best for a while. Let's hope S4 keeps the same high standard.
          People keep asking that question over and over, and the answer (speaking for myself here) is simple. It's not just about whether or not the show is still entertaining at all any more; at least, it isn't for me. Explosions, big guns, pretty faces, and pretty graphics just don't do it for me. I do admittedly think that character development and interesting and original plot lines are failing here for the last 6 episodes of season 3 in a row, and it does have me worried. But ultimately, for me it's about how TPTB have been mistreating actors who have been nothing but loyal and supportive over the years, actors that I really love and respect, and I will not tolerate it. So, rather than risk watching the show become an even bigger disappointment, I will simply choose not to watch it until I have a better idea of whether or not there will any improvement at all. And that means undoing certain mistakes and improving the quality of the show overall. Otherwise, I won't love it like I used to, and it's just not worth the anxiety it would cause me.


            after seeing the awesome first strike i sure as heck will be watching season 4!!!!my love for this show is definately back!

            and ill admit i was wrong,
            keller and ellis both seem like good editions (ive accepted the cast changes now and tbh i liked both characters)...the only thing im not looking forward to is Sam coming over but im willing to give her a chance as long as she doesnt get in the way too much of the atlantis characters....i still dont like her though at this point in time, but i never liked her on sg1 either so i do have something to base my dislike for her on.

            but anyway yes Roll on season 4!!!



              Originally posted by Commander Ivanova View Post
              How could anyone not want to watch S4 after seeing First Strike? Fantastic episode, best for a while. Let's hope S4 keeps the same high standard.
              What high standards are those exactly? Shiny computer generated FX with shallow stories wrapped around them? In other words more popcorn stuff. It was a problem of current Hollywood to give us that type of movies. Thank goodness the industry is starting to deliver good movies like "Little Children", "Blood Diamond" and "Last King of Scotland"
              He's like fire, ice and rage. He's like the night, and the storm in the heart of the sun.
              He's ancient and forever. He burns at the centre of time and he can see the turn of the universe.
              And he's wonderful.


                I'm really looking forward to season four. I enjoyed s03, and have no problems with the changes in the cast. I hope s04 will have a good combination between character episodes, and action episodes, and no irresistable/irresponsible like episodes.


                  Of course! It will be great! cant wait for it and im only half way through season 3


                    Originally posted by Mice View Post
                    I have zero interest in watching after all the cast changes.
                    I ca see where you are comming from but really there havent been that many changes have there!, only two characters wier wasnt that amazing, BUT i do agree that beckett should'nt have gone!



                      I thought season 3 was overall very good - better than the second half of season 2. Although I didn't think the show need any major changes, I'm interested to see how those changes will play out and will likely to continue to be entertained nevertheless.

                      While I think SG-1 suffer a bit initially when RDA left the show, they eventually recovered, imho. I don't think the SGA changes are as drastic to even suffer a period of adjustment. I don't think the changes will change fundamentally what most fans, including myself, like about the show.

                      SGA season 4 is not going to be like Sliders season 3 (starting to imitate cheap horror flicks) or Earth Final Conflict (new direction in each of its 5 seasons)
                      I just love shows about wormholes!


                        i dont need to explain or make up anything so my reponse to this question is YEs
                        DAM YOU SCI FI.....DAM U TO SCI HELL arghhhh.....


                          I'm finding just a couple of the stories a little hard to deal with, in various small nagging points, but overall I think Atlantis is improving, and becoming more interesting, compelling with each continuing season.

                          Though I find it a little disappointing that sometimes, they don't follow up with all the interesting technologies/characters that are brought into the mix (like, where the heck is Ford, for one thing? There has to be SOME explaination/conclusion to that)

                          Some of the events near the end of S3, major changes to the dynamic of the expedition, have made me a little concerned for S4 and hopeful that the cast of characters we've come to know and love will continue to exist as we know them, but I'll definitely be anxiously anctipating the return of the show when it begins airing eps again... to see where things go, and to enjoy a fantastic scifi series.

                          The major changes in past seasons that have left me questioning, have turned out to be masterstrokes in the end or at least I've thought so, and I just hope TPTB continue on with their great track record, that they carry on with their wonderful show for many more seasons to come! So yes I'll be there too, with my popcorn and beer, watching S4 with baited breath!



                            Will you watch season 4?

                            YES,YES,YES..have I mentioned YES!!!
                            Season 3 was nothing short of amazing.I just hope the writers will be able to write even more interesting stories to bring back all those people who are now saying they won't watch season4 and help atlantis to live for at least another 3 years.
                            4 easy steps how to make people hate you
                            Ignore them
                            talk bad about them behind their backs
                            Use lots of spoiler tags
                            Your name has to be Rihard Gaberšcek



                              Of course I'll watch it.

                              So there were a few changes, no big deal, I love the show on the bigger picture, and although I do enjoy characters, they are in the end a part of the show.

                              Either way, I think I like the new direction. I was getting worried when we got episodes like "Phantoms" or any episode that was basically only character centric. Of course characters are important, but there is also a story that must continue, and there must be a balance, which I think is what the new situation (at least current new situation) will provide.


                                In a word, of course I'm gonna watch season 4. Especially if they are truly totally cut off from earth.

                                A very wise man once said...."Reality is an illusion created by a lack of Alcohol."

