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Irresistible (303)

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    Originally posted by Alipeeps
    Soooo.. as per the Misbegotten thread, one of the main complaints about the team's actions therein was that it was "arrogant" of humans to want to impose our own social and ethical/moral values onto a race/culture/society from another galaxy (the Wraith). Wouldn't we be doing exactly that again - exactly what people have been criticising the team for - if we attempted to impose our laws onto Lucius. Besides which, I think returning him to the tender mercies of the people he so mistreated is probably a worse punishment...

    Aside from which - this episode was supposed to be - and was - fun and lighthearted.. not a damning indictment of the deeper moral consequences of using drugs on people without their knowledge. Sometimes you can over-analyse this stuff!
    Ali, I agree 100%, but you and I are glass half full gals.

    We have an episode where Sheppard acts like a military leader; he is both professional and handily stops the baddy without much violence and certainly no loss of life. It's a fun episode and one with humor and team dynamics. The team doesn't force their views on anyone else and Shep and Carson save the day.

    So, after watching an episode that I thoroughly enjoyed, I think to myself that I hope other fans enjoyed the episode as a whole lot of fun after a few darker eps. Rather, I find Sheppard is still in trouble because he let a rapist go back to his own world to be judged by his own people.

    I firmly believe that everyone is entitled to his or her own point of view, but I also think that some TV is supposed to be escapism. There is so much horror in the real world that I don't go searching for it in my escapism. Fun isn't always great art or high minded, because that might take the fun out of it! This was a goofy episode that I thought was inserted as comic relief after several heavy eps.

    Even the tragic Greeks watched a comedy now and then and it enjoyed it. And if the high-minded Greeks thought it was okay to watch something funny and laugh, then that's good enough for me!


      I hated this episode - fun shows are great, like the 100th episode of Stargate, but this was neither funny nor great. A few good lines, that's it. Too bad.


        Originally posted by Alipeeps
        Yeah someone else made that comparison... I guess Lucius is rather Harry Mudd-like..
        I actually object to them using the name Lucius. I'm sorry, but that's a complete insult to Mr. Malfoy in SO many ways.

        The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


          Originally posted by rarocks24
          I actually object to them using the name Lucius. I'm sorry, but that's a complete insult to Mr. Malfoy in SO many ways.
          What cos Lucius Malfoy's such a lovely, kind, warm-hearted guy?

          No copyright on names I'm afraid. You may as well say Dr Weir's christian name is an insult to Queen Elizabeth!


            I could see how all the actors were having a great time doing this episode, but I just didn't find it funny. Maybe it was my mood and I'll have to watch again, but I barely laughed at all. Some of the attempts at goofy, OTT acting were just cringe-worthy (sorry, Torri). I have loved humorous SG-1 eps: Urgo, even The Other Guys, but this didn't cut it. It's like I saw the whole premise in 10 seconds and it never changed. Urgo at least had a life-or-death reason for his attempts to manipulate the team.

            I can't believe they're going to do another ep with this character. I guess it shows how different perspectives can be on what's funny.


              Just from the name Irresponsible, it sounds like he does something bad, and might not exactly be all that "funny" if you understand what I mean.

              Advice For The New Millenium: A watched torrent never downloads.


                THis is the wackest, weirdest episode of Both Stargate series.
                There is a undeniable charm that stops you from hating this episode.
                Carson's meltdown best scene


                  Originally posted by macktheknife
                  Just from the name Irresponsible, it sounds like he does something bad, and might not exactly be all that "funny" if you understand what I mean.
                  Well what Lucius did in this ep was pretty irresponsible and, from the spoilers I've read for Irresponsible, he's up to more of the same in that ep - trying to find ways to trick people so as to gain respect/power.

                  Edited for typos.
                  Last edited by Alipeeps; 29 July 2006, 09:19 AM.


                    Originally posted by rarocks24
                    I actually object to them using the name Lucius. I'm sorry, but that's a complete insult to Mr. Malfoy in SO many ways.

                    I really think it's more of a play on the name Lucius/ Luscious.
                    Last edited by LaCroix; 29 July 2006, 11:54 AM.


                      Originally posted by rarocks24
                      I actually object to them using the name Lucius. I'm sorry, but that's a complete insult to Mr. Malfoy in SO many ways.
                      That's what this episode reminded me of, Lucius was a bit like Gilderoy Lockheart in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. The buffoon that captured the admiration of people through deception.

                      The one bit I found truly funny with Lavin was when he was pointing out who the baby he saved grew up to be. That was hilarious.


                        Silly episode, but entertaining for the most part. Hard to believe they wouldn't have caught on a whole lot earlier that this guy was using something to make everyone adore him. But it was worth watching to see Beckett blubber like a girl. I enjoyed it, had some funny lines. McKay's leer at Teyla at the end--agh!-- He's such a bad boy sometimes. I love him.

                        As for the coercive powers of the drug and how exposure to it effectively turned people into victims: perhaps that's why Lucius was written to be so sickeningly nice and non-hostile. The baker guy on a power trip. If he'd shown a darker nature this would've been a whole different episode. But they wrote it light, and that's how it played. The subject of rape: valid interpretations.

                        I also wonder if he had been young and handsome how that would've made a difference in how we perceived him.

                        Last edited by kris; 29 July 2006, 10:25 AM.


                          Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
                          That's what this episode reminded me of, Lucius was a bit like Gilderoy Lockheart in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. The buffoon that captured the admiration of people through deception.

                          The one bit I found truly funny with Lavin was when he was pointing out who the baby he saved grew up to be. That was hilarious.
                          Good point - the character is in many ways similar to Lockheart. Using trickery (be it magic or drugs) to make himself what he is not in order to garner admiration and power.

                          Gotta love that moment you mentioned too: "Maybe a little brain-damaged, but just a little.."


                            Random thought here: Is it just me, or is Chuck the technician's accent a lot more noticeable in this ep? I've never really noticed him have all that strong a Canadian accent before but it really seemed to leap out at me in this ep - both when Sheppard and McKay ask him where Zalenka is and even more so when McKay asks him who's in jumper 3 - his "I dunno" seemed to be really accented?


                              Originally posted by Alipeeps
                              Random thought here: Is it just me, or is Chuck the technician's accent a lot more noticeable in this ep? I've never really noticed him have all that strong a Canadian accent before but it really seemed to leap out at me in this ep - both when Sheppard and McKay ask him where Zalenka is and even more so when McKay asks him who's in jumper 3 - his "I dunno" seemed to be really accented?
                              Well, Chuck is Canadian...
                              Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.



