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    Originally posted by Major Tyler
    Well, Chuck is Canadian...
    I know. That's what I'm saying... that I've never really noticed him having a particularly strong Canadian accent before (though admittedly I am a Brit and can't always distinguish that easily between American and Canadian accent - unless it's a really obvious one) and it just seemed a lot more noticeable in this ep.

    I just wondered if anyone else thought the same?


      I absolutely loved this eppy!

      Okay...the plot was a bit flimsy, but Sheppard, Weir and McKay just shined in this eppy!

      As the for the Lucious 'date rape' thing...the wife that the team spoke to said she's slept with him once before he discovered the potion (whatever), so I don't think it's classified as it's not like his wives didn't enjoy it, and it seems that he was married to some of them before his discovery.

      Just enjoy the episode for the piece or fluff it is
      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


        Originally posted by AutumnDream

        Hey, did anyone else think Shep got a little "rawr" when Weir was feeling up Lucius?

        I'm not a shipper, I swear...
        I thought that too, but hey I'm biased

        The episode was crack, pure and simple. I ignored the whole issue about rape because I don't think the writers were going there. The episode had some funny parts but I'm not going to rewatch. What I loved was that it made me love Sheppard. Can we have this Sheppard in every episode.
        My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


          Another thought - was anyone else starting to get a distinct Monty Python vibe when the team all stood around lovingly gazing at Lucius' gourd?


            Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
            The one bit I found truly funny with Lavin was when he was pointing out who the baby he saved grew up to be. That was hilarious.
            Assuming he wasn't lying, then Lucius found a baby that was frozen solid but thawed out and came to life. We've seen this before... Ancient?


              Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle
              What I loved was that it made me love Sheppard. Can we have this Sheppard in every episode.
              I second that. I haven't liked Sheppard this much since the first season.

              Can we keep him?
              "You cannot reason with your own heart;
              it has it's own laws and beats about things
              which the intellect scorns."
              - Mark Twain -


                Ive already posted about this but i feel as though i need to again...

                Funny episode.

                Dont get worked up about the whole rape thing. It wasnt supposed to be that way and its a television show. just enjoy the funnyness of the episode.

                Favorite part of the episode.

                "Fly Lucias, Fly"


                  Originally posted by AutumnDream
                  Hey, did anyone else think Shep got a little "rawr" when Weir was feeling up Lucius?
                  Nope. But then I'm not a shipper so I don't look for it. Tho' I did notice Rodney's hopeful little attempt to get Teyla to look at him with drug-induced interest. That was entertaining.

                  I do agree with you guys that I love this Sheppard. He was sweet and funny and tough and brave and fun with Beckett and with Rodney, just like the Shep of old. I would like to keep this Sheppard, too, please.


                    I was surprised by this episode. I was under the impression that it would be a straight up comedy episode and not have any real drama or resolution to it, but it did and I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. First off, I love Richard Kind in anything he's in, so I really enjoyed his performance here. I think the desire to be liked and to be admired is in everyone and that really came across in Lucius. Albeit he took it way too far, but still. Beckett was quite the prominant player here and I enjoyed what Paul McGillion did throughout the episode. Also, Rodney and Elizabeth's transformations were particularly funny. "Fly, Lucius! Fly..." will be my favorite McKay quote for a while. Though I don't think Ronon and Teyla's adoration went as far as they could have taken it, I liked that they once again actually did something. Looking ahead at the season, it doesn't look like Teyla will get any storylines devoted to her, which is a disappointment, although Ronon's "Sateda" next week looks excellent. My one big complaint with this episode is that it's far too predictable for Sheppard to be the one who saves the day. Give someone else a chance for once, fer cryin out loud!

                    Overall: 2.5/4 stars
                    Check out my fanfiction!


                      I have to say that I was very sceptical about this ep...

                      And it turns out to be the funniest episode imaginable.. I was laughing so hard, it hurt..
                      These actors are the best just because they were able to film this without cracking up every single time! The scene in the jumper where Carson starts crying... How could Paul and Joe stay serious like that??? I was laughing out loud! I really wanna know how many takes some scenes took
                      I give this

                      *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                        I just have to say, I will be so happy to hear the commentary for this ep on the Season 3 DVDs when they come out next year. It will be so much fun to listen to.
                        They say the geek never gets the girl...what about the girl getting the geek?

                        Rodney/ could happen

                        spoilers for "200"
                        Gen. Hammond: It has to spin, it's round! Spinning is so much cooler than not spinning. I'm the general, and I want it to spin!

                        Vala: Are you saying that General O'Neill is...

                        Cam: My daddy?


                          Funny with the funny, I thought Sg1 was amusing, but this was witless and predictable. I would also have liked to see a bit continuity with sg1, but oh well. At least now we know that guy playing ronon can actually act, and some of the villagers were unusually well endowed for US tv - thumbs up.

                          And for people going on about rape, grow up and get a life.


                            Originally posted by KairezLightkeeper
                            Definitely an interesting little sidetrip, this episode was... Ah, but who wouldn't want some of that herb/chemical? If only for “research purposes?”
                            Hell I might actually do it if it meant I had six wives that looked like that!


                              I guess it just shows the signs of the times; even if something is created in light-hearted fun, everyone will always start thinking from the worst point.

                              For me, this was a fun and creepy little episode (like the Stepford Wives, really); it wasn't as funny as some here have said, but there were more than a few guffaws. All of the actors were exceptional, especially McGillion and Flanigan, and Richard Kind was just awesome.

                              Some points:

                              "Fly Lucius, fly!" - just the faces of Rodney and Zelenka sold fact, Zelenka's face thoughout the episode was hilarious, like he was high or something.

                              Right before that "fly" quote, when everyone was clamboring towards the balcony, you can see McKay practically jumping over people to get ahead of everyone. Hilarious.

                              "Did you just say Gourds?" LOL.

                              I loved how Weir started fiddling with Lucius's "tie" later in the episode, it really felt real. I wonder if Torri did that when she was younger.

                              McKay geeking out over Batman.

                              Carson crying - poor guy, John shouldn't have punched him, you know how delicate he is!

                              McKay trying a hand stand.

                              Being male, I did appreciate the eye candy in the little hamlet.

                              Score: 7.5/10

                              Oh, one more thing. From the way this thread looks, it seems most people overreacted AGAIN to the spoilers. When will they ever learn?
                              Last edited by PG15; 29 July 2006, 02:49 PM.


                                This episode was really great. Very hilarious. Best parts had to the hair comments, "How do you get your hair to go like that?" and McKay at the end when he tried to get away w/trying the potion. Excellent acting by the entire cast in this ep, especially PM. Poor Beckettt.
                                Mentally unstable like a fox!!

