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Irresistible (303)

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    Originally posted by Major Tyler
    He had six wives and claimed to have slept with them all (at the same time, no less). When Sheppard interviewed one of the wives, she confirmed that before Lavin was on the herb, she refused to sleep with him...but now she does.

    That's the definition of drug-induced rape.
    "All at the same time" Yes, ewww. For me, that's creepy and disgusting but for others, it may be a good time. (How many of you laughed about Jack dreaming about "twins"? )That's an orgy, not rape. Again, he drugged himself, not them. He increased his own body's natural biological processes. They reacted to him. On Earth it's plastic surgery, big hair and skin tight leather. I guess it just depends on how you look at it.

    Also, why is everyone focusing just on the sex? (Oh - Duh, Sela.) He affected everyone around them. Why aren't people as outraged about manipulating Carson to give him the gene therapy and trying to steal a jumper, putting SGA members lives in danger to get the herb, and putting all of Atlantis in danger of discovery from the Wraith? He made Ronon pull a gun on Shep for crying out loud - and shoot him?! To me, that's pretty bad, if you think about it.

    I'm just sayin....
    Last edited by Sela; 28 July 2006, 09:27 PM.
    "You cannot reason with your own heart;
    it has it's own laws and beats about things
    which the intellect scorns."
    - Mark Twain -


      Originally posted by gill2_1
      i so hated this ep that i really had to come up here and write that i hate this ep
      do u hear me producers do
      The only reason i watched this is to see how pathetic this could be and it war very pathetic to begin with
      i mean couldn't u come up with a better ep idea i mean there are a lot of fan who will give u ideas
      when u have to drop this low to a level to fill in the ep requirements
      could u just make a show of exploration or of how the wraith or just another good old impossible mission
      WHOA NELLY! That is a little harsh don't you think? I understand you didn't like this episiode and that's fine but that is a little over the top. I happened to enjoy this episode, you didn't fine. But you shouldn't bash the actors or producers(read terms). Try to keep this a freindly palce to compare thoughts.
      Last edited by Skydiver; 29 July 2006, 07:47 AM.
      Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
      "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
      Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


        I really liked this ep. it's always fun to get out of the same ol' formula and try something new. all the actors rose to the challenge.

        "Teyla he wanted you to be his seventh wife!"
        "I know, I hope I didn't mess that up."

        Weir acting like she was 15 and mooning over the quarterback.

        "Fly Lucius, fly."

        Carson crying like a little girl.

        "How do you get your hair like that?"

        I thought Lucius was pretty harmless until the end of the ep. Then he got creepy threatening.

        FYI the definition of rape is:
        The crime of forcing another person to submit to sex acts, especially sexual intercourse.
        The act of seizing and carrying off by force; abduction.
        Abusive or improper treatment; violation: a rape of justice

        So what Lucius did to his wives was rape; he took away their ability to consent by way of his drug.

        "I will follow you to the ends of this world and into the next. I will not leave you."


          Originally posted by Sela
          "All at the same time" Yes, ewww. For me, that's creepy and disgusting but for others, it may be a good time. (How many of you laughed about Jack dreaming about "twins"? )That's an orgy, not rape. Again, he drugged himself, not them. He increased his own body's natural biological processes. They reacted to him. On Earth it's plastic surgery, big hair and skin tight leather. I guess it just depends on how you look at it.
          Well, he drugged himself to make his body produce a drug that makes people have sex with him, so I really don't see the moral distinction. Any way you slice it, Lavin forced women to sleep with him when they otherwise would not (and in the case of the woman Shep talked to, she already said "no" many times).
          Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.


            Dear God, I need to scrub my brain with harsh chemicals. That was . . . that was just so bad, I'm speechless. Lucious needed to die, a lot. OMG, assasinate him! I understand it was suppose to be a funny carefree episode, but "Duet" did it about a billion times better. This was just cringe worthy.

            Oh, and btw, I think it was rape. He may have used the drugs on himself, but the girls/guys were all drugged by the effects of his herbs. They were, by definition, under the influence. That's rape. *shudders*

            This was, quite possibly, worse than "The Tower."

            And I actually went in with optimistic hopes.
            Last edited by Ironic; 28 July 2006, 09:48 PM.
            My Livejournal, feel free to friend me.


              I was prepared to hate this episode, but I found it rather funny. It wasn't overly slapstick, and it definitely had a couple of squee-worthy moments for me.

              Rodney's little-boy-excited look when explaining the gate-jumping to Ronon and Teyla. So cute.

              When they get to the planet and Lucius is attempting to mack on Teyla, Rodney was the first to step in. And my inner Rodney/Teyla shipper squees like crazy.

              I also kind of liked the fact that Rodney was totally checking out the women in the village. Because that part of him so often gets overlooked because of Sheppard's exploits, but I like it when Rodney checks out women. Partially because I don't find him the least bit skeezy, just...appreciative. Also, the sheer power of testosterone in the characters of Sheppard and Ronon overpower him sometimes, so it's nice to have a reminder that Rodney=virile male.

              And omg were there a lot of sex references in this episode! My inner twelve year old dirty mind was having a field day with this.

              Independent!Teyla and Exasperated!Rodney are so my new favorite versions of those two.

              I love the tone John took when telling Lucius he couldn't have a jumper. Like someone explaining something to a little kid. And the facial expression was priceless, too. Joe Flanigan did a great job in this episode.

              I really liked the costumes in this episode. They were so colorful and pretty; I love the dresses the women were wearing. And of course, the breasts, because we can't have a skeezy guy and pretty women without lots and lots of cleavage. I found that amusing.

              *my inner 12 year old comes out* Yeah, I bet Lucius has a couple of things he wants to share with Carson. 'Cause Carson's just that much of a stud. I love his voice and his facial expression when he says he doesn't need Lucius's potions. So self-confident and dry. Carson doesn't need any help; he's got chicks lined up around the block already. Can we have more of that sexy, dry, confident Carson this season? Please?

              Anyone else get the impression that, when Lucius first sat down in her office and grabbed her hand, Weir was fighting with the urge to just kick him in the nuts? And he got such a nervous look when she moved to the other side of the table, like he had forgotton how to deal with people who didn't instantly worship him.

              The batman scene? So many levels of priceless. It's a mini geek-out! Rodney is a total fanboy, and Sheppard has his fanboy tendencies as well. I can't decide whether that expression on his face was him trying to get Rodney to move on with it, or embarrassed that he had just shared his dorktastic side. And this coming after the cafeteria scene from "No Man's Land"? The writers so have our number here.

              Sheppard returns to the planet and the colors are muted and the boobs are hidden. Because that's how you show despair, by covering of the breasts. Sad people don't have cleavage.

              I was really, really hoping that McKay would hold out and help save the day so he could regain all the cool points they stole from him on SG-1. But that would be too easy, I guess.

              Ronon hugging a bag of drugs should not be that cute.

              I was surprised that Sheppard didn't tell Lucius about the people on his home planet suffering without him. Shep didn't even attempt to guilt the creep into going back to his six buxom wives. Probably because he wanted to save everyone instead of just Atlantis, but still, it seems like a bit of an oversight not to have him even mention it.

              Carson helping trick Lucius? All kinds of awesome. He needs to save the day more often; it's surprising and refreshing and fun.

              "No lingering desire for his touch?" Yes, it's probably insensitive and hurtful towards Liz (except I'm living in my little happy world where Lucius didn't actually sleep with any of the women on Atlantis because he was afraid of Sheppard finding out and killing him), but it was so funny. Especially as Carson was the one who replied. What were you two getting up to, Doc?
              There were a lot of Shep/Weir moments in this ep, but Shep was good here and all the moments were so well-written, I'm disinclined to gripe.

              And of course Rodney used the drug on Shep. It was payback for the lemon thing from SG-1.
              And omg Rodney totally gave Teyla The Look in that last scene and my inner Rodney/Teyla shipper is squeeing in so many ways, omg, omg, omg. Though it was the slightest bit sketchy, but that was probably a side effect of the herb.

              Now, to end my stream-of-consciousness squee and talk about other things in the ep.

              Sending Lucius back at the end: Totally the right thing to do. His crimes on the planet deserved to be punished by the people of that planet. What right did we have to punish him; we were not the victims of his crime. We are not the moral police of the Pegasus galaxy, nor should we be. We detoxed the people of his home planet and they were in their right minds when we returned him. Just because Sheppard didn't say that Lucius was being severely punished didn't mean that he wasn't. It's not at all our place to decide how he should pay for his crimes.

              Richard Kind played this role very well. He leaned in and invaded people's personal space a lot when talking to them, which fit in very well with spreading of the pheromone. Also, when Lucius talked to Shep in the prison cell, he went from a little skeezy to just plain disturbing. A bad guy who not only refuses to acknowledge his wrongs but says that they're not hurting anyone, even when confronted by the evidence? The creepiest type of criminal.

              This was a simple, standalone ep, which made no efforts to delve into complex moral issues. And after the last two episodes, that's perfectly okay. This was the right spot for a simple breather. And besides, this had to be so much fun for the actors. I would have loved to be on set while they were shooting this.

              Like it, don't like it, whatever, but it's best to just take this episode for what it was intended to be: fun.
              They say the geek never gets the girl...what about the girl getting the geek?

              Rodney/ could happen

              spoilers for "200"
              Gen. Hammond: It has to spin, it's round! Spinning is so much cooler than not spinning. I'm the general, and I want it to spin!

              Vala: Are you saying that General O'Neill is...

              Cam: My daddy?


                Originally posted by Major Tyler
                Well, he drugged himself to make his body produce a drug that makes people have sex with him, so I really don't see the moral distinction. Any way you slice it, Lavin forced women to sleep with him when they otherwise would not (and in the case of the woman Shep talked to, she already said "no" many times).
                I didn't say it was moral. I said to me, it wasn't rape. And Shep only talked to one woman. Like I said, it's all how you look at it. Let's agree to disagree on this point.

                It's been an interesting thought provoking discussion and I thank you for stating your views and disagreement with my views in a respectful manner.
                "You cannot reason with your own heart;
                it has it's own laws and beats about things
                which the intellect scorns."
                - Mark Twain -


                  I for one couldn't sit through more than 15 minutes of The Tower, but loved this episode, so I don't think the comparison stands. IMHO, of course.

                  I hate quoting myself, but I basically reviewed the things I liked about the episode in another thread, so instead of typing it all again, I figure I'd just repost it and add some more thoughts in another post.

                  (Warning: the original post was made in the Sparky thread, so ignore any shippy squeeing. There's not much, I swear!)

                  My thoughts on Irresistible:

                  1. When Ronon mentioned something about Atlantis or the puddlejumpers when they were eating, did Teyla take a light swat at him? I thought that was the cutest thing ever!

                  2. "How do you get your hair like that?" + Shep's expression = ROTFLMAO

                  3. Lucius looking at Elizabeth's chest and her instantly backing away, insulted, was awesome. There's only one man allowed to have wandering eyes on our girl.

                  3. Shep with a cold is decidedly the cutest thing ever. Give him more colds, please. Thank you.

                  4. The Batman conversation was hysterical. That's friendship - the little things.

                  5. Shep walking in on Elizabeth and Lucius' conversation. To me, he seemed dangerously territorial. Not liking Lucius' proximity to her one bit. Also loved yet another show of him defending her honor by stoutly denying that she's a coward.

                  6. Teyla's response to Shep reminding her that Lucius wanted her as his seventh wife: "Yes . . . I hope I did not upset him." I laughed so hard . . . she's so cute.

                  7. Carson having a hissy fit and Shep smacking him was too cute. Those two need some more interaction.

                  8. Elizabeth's "They're taking off!" was hysterical to me for some reason. So was Rodney's "Fly, Lucius, fly!"

                  9. The end, OMG, Ronon was looking at Teyla for like 20 seconds! Get a room!

                  10. The way Shep said "lingering desires" - thank goodness Liz has self-control, because if I were her I would have pounced on him!

                  Overall, I was initially worried about this ep, but I was laughing the whole way through, and many parts had me practically in tears. A great, fun, character-full episode. I luvs me my Carl binder, I do, I do.


                    Starfox, I have to agree on something with you. Yes, there were a lot of Teyla/Rodney scenes! Where did that come from? (Not that I didn't find those particular scenes funny).
                    My Livejournal, feel free to friend me.


                      A fun episode.


                        I found this episode weirdly charming, I'll tell you right now I didn't know what to expect for this episode. Before this episode air I hope that it would be good, but in the back of my mind I thought it would be most likely bad. But gladly I'm WRONG because it was would was GREAT . like Lucius there is strange charm you can't resist this in episode. This is the weirdest episode of both Stargate series. I can't think of a weirder episode.

                        best moments

                        1. Looks between Lucius and Teyla
                        2. Carson's breakdown a moment that can never be forgotten
                        3. Ending with Mckay
                        4. all interaction between Lucius and Weir or Teyla


                          Gee, they need to make a :barf: smilie...

                          It was a really dumb episode with a few pretty funny parts that made it almost worth watching. Sure, I laughed at some parts, but most of the time I was just feeling really embarrassed for the main characters. The end was probably the most unexpected part. And, yes, I laughed. But still....

                          Fandoms come and go, but geekiness lasts forever.

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                            Originally posted by gill2_1
                            i so hated this ep that i really had to come up here and write that i hate this ep
                            do u hear me producers do
                            I {Mod Snip}HATE THIS
                            The only reason i watched this is to see how pathetic this could be and it war very pathetic to begin with
                            i mean couldn't u come up with a better ep idea i mean there are a lot of fan who will give u ideas
                            when u have to drop this low to a level to fill in the ep requirements
                            great plzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzz dont bring that {Mod Snip} ACTOR EVER AGAIN ON THIS SHOW
                            only i will hate him whtever show movie he comes into
                            could u just make a show of exploration or of how the wraith or just another good old impossible mission
                            How could they disregard such an articulate critique?

                            As for the people concerned with the "rape" aspect, these aren't real people and the episode was meant as a piece of levity. It's just another part of the suspension of disbelief. I know the thought certainly didn't even occur to me until I read it on here.

                            I wasn't splitting a gut (then again, I tend to enjoy the show's intentional humor less than most GW folks), but I thought it was cute and there were some moments that got an audible chuckle from me.

                            "Fly, Lucias, fly!"
                            Last edited by TameFarrar; 28 July 2006, 11:04 PM.
                            Theoretically spoilerish:
                            Sig courtesy of Pandora.


                              Originally posted by starfox
                              Joe Flanigan did a great job in this episode.
                              Was he not just utterly fabulous? I loved him in this ep, with his poor little cold (Sheppard, didn't your mom ever tell you to cover your mouth when you cough?) and the crack about his lovely hair and then he had to save everyone and when Ronon pulled the gun on him and everyone was against him, that was an interesting moment--I felt scared for him. There were aspects of this episode that were well done. That moment and also when Shep was imprisoned and Lucius went from fatuous and obnoxious to creepy and disturbing, it gave the ep a little more weight--but I agree with posters who think we should have been informed at the end that he was imprisoned by the women of the village. I feel there's a difference between being susceptible to a guy's charms and completely helpless against an herb/drug that powerful.

                              Originally posted by starfox
                              The batman scene? So many levels of priceless. It's a mini geek-out! Rodney is a total fanboy, and Sheppard has his fanboy tendencies as well. I can't decide whether that expression on his face was him trying to get Rodney to move on with it, or embarrassed that he had just shared his dorktastic side.
                              That was my favorite moment, far and away. The type of friendshippy moments that have been sorely lacking in recent eps we finally get in this ridiculous episode. :sigh: Well, it's better than nothing, I suppose.
                              How these guys remember moments from these old tv shows! I watched Batman when I was a kid and I don't remember that ep at all. Maybe it's a guy thing.

                              Originally posted by starfox
                              I was really, really hoping that McKay would hold out and help save the day so he could regain all the cool points they stole from him on SG-1. But that would be too easy, I guess.
                              It was clear early on that Shep's cold was going to be his protection, the same way Daniel's allergy was his in that old episode of SG1. I would've liked to see Rodney save the day, too--but it was fun that Shep and Carson did. They were adorable together.

                              Originally posted by starfox
                              And of course Rodney used the drug on Shep. It was payback for the lemon thing from SG-1.
                              So slashy. I almost died. That was fun. The Carson stuff was pretty slashy too.

                              Also, having the SGA group on SG1--that was such a fantastic episode in so many ways. I wouldn't mind if they did that more often. The banter was some of the best I've ever seen on either show. DH was so great in the whole ep. His scenes w/ Shep and Cameron, his scenes with Sam--just wonderful.

                              I wish all the episodes could be that good.


                                I have to say I completely enjoyed this episode. I took it for what I thought it was ...just a fun romp and some big moral dilema and no big social context Just a fun romp of silliness and a bunch of *Guy writers * having some fun with the cleavage

                                The whole thing reminded me ALOT of Harry Mudd from the old Star Trek.

                                I just sat back and laughed at all of the antics of all of the SGA team and just plain enjoyed myself
                                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..

