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Sateda (304)

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    I don't see why so many seem to think that Rob Cooper failed in giving us Ronon's backstory. The use of interspersed flashbacks was done wonderfully, showing us, without words, the reason for Ronon's very existence. We see him lose everyone he ever loved, including his wife, his best friends and commrades-in-arms, in addition to the loss of his home world. It more than explains Ronon's blood lust hatred of the Wraith and one in particular.

    As for Rodney's ramblings, morphine is not used as an anesthetic, but a pain killer. He was probably given IV sedation along with morphine, and in that case, the resulting "twilight sleep" could and usually does produce "ramblings" from people under it's effects. I won't bore anyone with the specific agents that may have been used.

    I think it was a well written and well directed episode and I enjoyed it both times I watched. Not only do we more fully understand Ronon, but also Sheppard and even Rodney shows he is capable of real human emotion.

    I also wondered where Major Lorne was, as his interactions with Rodney in past episodes have always had great chemistry and humor. He would have been the perfect one to try and question Rodney, while our dear Doctor was under the influence, so to speak.

    Final analysis, the best Atlantis episode, to date. Loved the use of neon arcing, back lighting and flashbacks. The action scenes were masterful, my kudoes to BamBam. And now, I'm rambling, so I shall end it here.
    Last edited by Lida; 04 August 2006, 09:28 PM.
    On fighting:
    Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
    Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


      By the way, who WAS Major Buzzcut? He looked familiar. I kept thinking of Capt. Kyle from Rules of Engagement, but I'm pretty sure that's not right. I'm never right about stuff like that.


        Originally posted by blingaway
        Why is the uber-Wraith *nods to Galilahi* mostly hairless? Very atypical.
        I think it has something to do with the writers wanting more personality within the Wraith by individualizing them.
        Last edited by coolove; 04 August 2006, 09:25 PM.

        Love the Lorne | The F.O.R.D shall rule the earth.... | Fly boys do it in the air
        Quirk - The Paul McGillion fanlisting | Grace - The Rachel Luttrell fanlisting


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            I'd put Sateda up there with LfP, except I also don't like it when Rodney is of the jokes. The saving grace is that DH is just so good that even when they use him for comedy relief, you giggle but you still sympathize. He was so funny and sweet doped-up, pushing on the tubes and fuzzily interpreting Carson's medical terminology... ...that I could forgive the humiliation-of-the-week this time. And it led to some other nice scenes, namely Rodney lying on the floor with Shep beside him as they talked, and all the scenes with Carson. My thought about the absent Lorne was that they wanted someone less familiar to Rodney and with less hair so Rodney could make the crack about messy hair. I don't see why else they wouldn't have used Lorne there.

            There were so many good moments between characters in this episode, and that's what makes or breaks an episode for me. This ep was all about connecting, all about family. It was just perfect. Maybe they didn't fit in a lot of details about Ronon's past (although the gist of it was more than clear), but it was very satisfying, the way they let so many of the characters express things they haven't ever expressed before. It was certainly enough for me, for a brief hour of SGA. It was so much more than I was expecting.

            I'm genuinely amazed there are fans who didn't care for the ep.
            I just wanted to say thanks one more time to TPTB and especially Mr. Cooper for giving us such a warm, human, lovely episode. I, for one, really appreciate it.


              Brillant!! Loved it!! So much action and the way the team came together was great!!

              Momoa you hit it out of the ball park tonight!! Bravo!! I am and always will be PROUD to be a fan!!
              Purple's Biggest Fan
              A Purple Creation

              Atlantis Dex Style

              Dex Devil


                I love the nightvision contacts the wraith wore, and the sunglasses they wore outside to protect the eyes. that and the probe were two nice wraith technologies. We also learned they can have kings as well as queens. As for Major Buzzcut or Major Not!Lorne, whichever term you perfer. Initial spoilers for Sateda had Lorne putting together a team to mount a rescue, so Kavan must have been unavailable to play him, so they substituted.


                  Originally posted by smushybird
                  I'd put Sateda up there with LfP, except I also don't like it when Rodney is of the jokes. The saving grace is that DH is just so good that even when they use him for comedy relief, you giggle but you still sympathize. He was so funny and sweet doped-up, pushing on the tubes and fuzzily interpreting Carson's medical terminology... ...that I could forgive the humiliation-of-the-week this time. And it led to some other nice scenes, namely Rodney lying on the floor with Shep beside him as they talked, and all the scenes with Carson. My thought about the absent Lorne was that they wanted someone less familiar to Rodney and with less hair so Rodney could make the crack about messy hair. I don't see why else they wouldn't have used Lorne there.

                  There were so many good moments between characters in this episode, and that's what makes or breaks an episode for me. This ep was all about connecting, all about family. It was just perfect. Maybe they didn't fit in a lot of details about Ronon's past (although the gist of it was more than clear), but it was very satisfying, the way they let so many of the characters express things they haven't ever expressed before. It was certainly enough for me, for a brief hour of SGA. It was so much more than I was expecting.

                  I'm genuinely amazed there are fans who didn't care for the ep.
                  I just wanted to say thanks one more time to TPTB and especially Mr. Cooper for giving us such a warm, human, lovely episode. I, for one, really appreciate it.
                  Just responding to what's in bold..yeah well it's those fans who seem to spew total negativity all over the S3 thread, not that it's not allowed. It's just turning very very predicatable and I'm starting to wonder why said people bother watching the show in the first place.

                  Actually I think it's because it gives them grounding to whinge some more. I'm like it's not SG1, don't expect it to be handled the same way, just take the ep for what it was. And this was just undoubtedly a fantastic ep---the flashbacks were even better (every part of where he visited in Sateda, as he's running from Wraith, brings back the awful and hurting memories of his last days on Sateda, that was do well done, it's not funny).
                  Click statement above to read article.


                    Originally posted by blingaway
                    You forgot to thank the Director of Photography. And the Editor. Bloody hell. They've ruined us. Nothing else will ever be good enough.
                    I tried to thank them by name, but I couldn't find a listing. Did anyone catch the names? Great job!
                    Hatshepsut, Queen Pharaoh


                      Talk about some grim stuff too like seeing Ronon's wife (or lover) get engulfed by flames, seeing all of his buddies get killed, etc. This has to also be one of the more depressing episodes SGA has done, some people complain about the humor getting in the way but without it I bet they'd have a big frown on their face by the end.
                      "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
                      DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


                        Very nice episode; probably one of the best I have seen in some time.

                        I am even watching the rerun now; guess I must have really liked it.
                        Last edited by Kliggins; 04 August 2006, 11:32 PM.


                          Originally posted by Merlin7
                          Meh. I didn't hate it, but it wasn't anything to keep my interest either. Basically I was bored. It was predictable to the point where I called Rodney getting hit in the bum before it happened. And the spoilers for the ep were THE EP! I knew that Ronon would sacrifice himself for Shep and Teyla. They would go after him. Ronon would fight and survive Wraith after Wraith. Even his back story flashes were exactly what the spoilers said so I predicted them too.

                          John and Rodney on the floor was a sweet moment.

                          John NOT expressing himself to TEyla was really nice.

                          John suddenly feeling the need to lie about how many Wraith he killed? STUPID! He doesn't have to prove himself to anyone, least of all Ronon or Teyla and he knows it. That was just STUPID STUPID writing.

                          And Rodney and Carson were used for Comedy in what should have been a serious ep. So...meh.
                          Don't take this as an insult, but it's not really their fault that you read the spoilers. Of COURSE you knew what was coming... and I thought the Sheppard thing was hilarious.
                          Theoretically spoilerish:
                          Sig courtesy of Pandora.


                            This episode was the best episode this season. It was interesting and had good action sequences. Only two things I can really say, because they nagged me:

                            Enough time had passed for the bodies to decompose to the point where you could see bone, but all the weapons on the planet were still operational? There should have been so much grime, grit, and dirt in those guns that they could never be fired without extensive cleaning.

                            And of course Ronon's entire squad was wiped out. That happens when everybody stands in the freaking open!
                            "May God stand between you and harm in all the empty places where you must walk." - Susan Ivanova

                            "The universe is run by the complex interweaving of three elements. Energy, matter, and enlightened self-interest. " - Citizen G'Kar

                            "I will see you again, in the place where no shadows fall." - Delenn


                              Did Carson get into Sheppard's hair products stash? He looked mighty well groomed...


                                I hate to get too personal with Rodney McKay, OK, I wouldn't mind it, but was Rodney wearing yellow smiley boxers? Was that a shout out to online fans?
                                Hatshepsut, Queen Pharaoh

