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Sateda (304)

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    Great episode! I've liked Ronan from the beginning and been waiting for his backstory. It's seemed like a long time coming, but this episode was definitely worth the wait.

    I also was intrigued by the reveal that there are other runners out there, and Atlantis now knows where they are. I hope they follow up on that. Now that we know Ronan really feels like a part of the team, I would think he would want to help find those other runners and bring them into the fold. Can you imagine Ronan heading up a group of ex-runners against the Wraith? There would be some serious Wraith-thumping going on.


      All I can say is: "priceless":


        Excellent ep and possibly my favourite so far.

        Ronan was fantastic - Jason did a wonderful job.

        Loved Sheppard and Teyla and the cafeteria scene was my favourite. It is the first time we have seen John trying to deal with his feelings and seeing him trying to show affection to Teyla was really heartwarming.

        Loved McKay and I found him hilarious but not over the top. I loved the scene with Caldwell and he was right - he cannot risk his entire crew for the sake of one man, and I was quite glad to see him stand up to Weir for a change. I think Sheppard saw that Caldwell made sense and came to the compromise that dropping them off near the planet would be the best option.

        Carson and McKay fighting over the gun was priceless and I loved the fact that it was Carson who saved the day.

        I nearly sqealed when the jumber de-cloaked over Ronan and the Wraith. I really didn't expect that and I like to be surprised.

        All over great ep and my first 10/10 for a long time.
        Last edited by bluealien; 05 August 2006, 01:11 PM.


          Originally posted by bluealien
          Carson and McKay fighting over the gun was priceless and I loved the fact that it was Carson who saved the day.

          I nearly sqealed when the jumber de-cloakaed over Ronan and the Wraith. I really didn't expect that and I like to be surprised.
          Just want to chime in on the Carson lurv. For some time now, TPTB have set up Carson as not-your-ordinary-doctor in terms of how he deals with situations. We've been seeing the character grow from being a bit fearful of dealing with most situations in S1 to someone who is now willing to grab and gun and defend his team.

          Most sci-fi shows keep doctor characters in the mold of the person who is the voice of reason or a moralist. When they do cross the line of the Hippocratic Oath, they are usually portrayed as bad. However, TPTB have made Carson a very unusual character in that they have shown him willing to do "bad" things like taking up a weapon in a good context (saving a member of his team). More and more, I'm appreciating that Carson is being given a lot more depth than your average sci-fi doctor character.

          That wasn't very well said, but I hope it makes sense.


            Originally posted by Ouroboros
            ...It gave some clues as to what a Wraith attack on Earth might be like,...
            5/5 for me. More like this please.
            Was that the only one hive that attacked Sateda or there were some of them. We don't know really what weapons Satedians posessed (except that cool Ronon's guns which for me shows that Sateda wasn't far from Earth's level of technology). Maybe these were the best they posessed or was some railgun stations or something like Stingers too. We don't know how many population was on Sateda. I heard the radio when Ronon talked to his wife that the last culling took place 200 years ago. Maybe there wasn't so much people to defend their planet. If the only one hive ship would attack the Earth I think there would be slim chanse for them to destroy all population on Earth because we are 6.5 billion and could bring total military force that would outnumbered the Wraith easily. There couldn't be any chance for them on the ground (Teyla took out 8 by herself, Sheppard-6), their hives have no shielding technology so we could throw all our atomic bombs on their hive and their gliders would've been taken out easily with railgun stations (like in the season 1 finals), Stingers or russian Iglas. Of course all F-16, F-18 and Russian SU planes could do some job. But maybe they sent there only 1 hive because they knew that the Satedians are not so cool or are not in big numbers and if they would deal with Earth they would sent bunch of hives (because here are many FOOOOD)
            - the guest member of SGU book club


              I am going to make love to this episode tonight.


                Originally posted by kymeric

                *Man Sheppards got some back story. Trust me, no one is that withdrawn and unable to communicate without something big that happened to them. I bet his parents were gunned down in a dark alley leading him to vow justice as a caped crusader! ... Uhm .....
                Oh I wish!


                  Well, it would be pointless to say just how cool this ep was, since it's already obvious

                  I just wanted to note the fact that even though the ep was pretty serious for most of the time, it did have some comic relief at just the right moments...

                  Rodney was huge with the whole "Well too bad. You tell that ungrateful example of unevolved humanity that we came all this way to rescue him..." while the conversation between Teyla and Shep during the last fight had me laugh out loud... I mean, Ronon was getting his ass kicked up one way and down the other and these two were discussing the morality of killing the BFW (Big Freaking Wraith) that was tearing him to shreds.

                  Thank God for Carson and the American legal system
                  Truth is relative. Pick one that works


                    HOLY CRAP, that was an awesome Atlantis episode!!!

                    That's gotta be one of the best SGA eps that they've ever done- it was just fantastic from beginning to end!

                    The episode made me like Ronon in ways that previous episodes failed. The intensity in his action, especially with the knife to his throat, and in all of the action, was insane.

                    Speaking of action, that's gotta be some of the best of SGA, and thankfully, it didn't turn into yet another spaceshipfest, cuz that just wouldn't have worked for me.

                    The use of character was also excellent, not only with Ronon, but with pretty much everybody. The scene between Teyla and Shep was especially good. At LAST, I see something concerning the character that isn't the usual "I'm the great, hot leader" thing. He has trouble expressing deep emotions. Coolness. The shippy stuff aside...

                    There are so many wonderful shots involving Ronon in this ep. The grenade-tossing gag was just PIMP. The figth with the Wraith in the dark was frickin awesome, especially the final moment when he comes bursting out of the door.

                    In short, the episode just rocked.

                    More like this one, please! :>


                      With last week's humorous episode coming so early in season three, I suspected the next would get intense, and it did.

                      Loved it when Beckett fired a drone at the wraith.

                      Just wondering. How many wraith disobeyed the hibernation edict? We have the wraith the captured Ronan and turned him into a runner, and the wraith in season two that fed on the convicts on the island.

                      I really hope this makes the ratings blossom.
                      Last edited by mgbland; 05 August 2006, 12:52 PM.


                        I'll probably get shot for this but I have mixed feelings for this ep, there was alot I liked but alot I disliked aswell.

                        Firstly what I liked. I loved the beginning with mckay getting shot in the butt, really good laugh, I liked Ronon's little speech about killing himself before he lets his friends being taken by the wraith. I really liked that wraith in this episode (I haven't always been the biggest wraith fan) I loved that for once they weren't killing to survive but actually just for the sport and the new wraith outfits looked excellent. The wraith king was really kool, even if he did seem a tad speech impaired, wish they hadn't of killed him would of liked him to be recurring. Also really liked beckett and Mckay fighting over the gun for ages lol. I liked ronon's general backstory aswell, it's good to know a bit about your characters.

                        Now the bad unfortunately, even though there isn't that much wrong. Weir got on my nerves in this episode, the fact she was willing to put a whole ship of people at risk for one man seemed really dumb, fair enough if the crew were willing to risk their lifes for ronon but it seemed like she was going to force them into it and let her personal feelings get involved too much. I hate say it but I hated the bonding in this episode (I know it's what atlantis has been lacking), it seemed like too much crammed into one episode for my liking. Also the relationships were too apparent (forced on us if you will), in sg-1 they never said about how close they were but you could just see it from the little things they did and seemed close without needing to say it. The only other thing I didn't like was Ronon's whole ape beating his chest before he took on the wraith king lol. Oh and it didn't like the part where ronon took out all the wraith in the warehouse, he put all the guns in the right positions but how did he know where the wraith were going to go? Bit too convenient.

                        In all a good episode but for me not the fantastic episode I thought it would be, sorry to be so pessimistic lol .



                          That was the best ep for S3 and possibly the best ep ever!!!!!

                          THe writers said we were going to get some character moments and boy did we hit the mother load.

                          Rodney getting shot with an arrow was both amusing and angsty. Besides the John and Teyla brilliantly written conversation, I loved all of Carson/Rodney scenes from the infirmary where he is high on morphine to them fighting over the rifle so they can go help rescue Ronan. Rodney description of Sheppard, Teyla and Ronan while on the morphine was perfect. Love the reference to Sheppard's hair and then callin Ronan a caveman.

                          Was it just me or did Sheppard looked almost teary eyed during his convo with Teyla? I might just have to go back and watch this again. Then Rodney and Carson show up with the puddle jumper and blast the crap out of that wraith. It was so sweet to see Ronan hug Carson.

                          I love the confrontation with Cadwell. John saying that the reason Caldwell isn't interested in rescuing Ronan is that he does belong to their military. Then his snipe at Weir when she said that we don't leave people behind was so cool. I love seeing that there is some tension there.

                          Loved the way they shot it. The Ronan/Wraith fight scenes were incredible. Loved the flashbacks to Ronan's life before he became a runner.

                          An all round EXCEPTIONAL EP!!!:
                          Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


                            Jason make good job. I like this episode, maybe best episode of Atlantis, least at one of the best.

                            By the way, leader of the wraith, it seems to my eye that is male? Ugly is.
                            Asgard in memoriam


                              Originally posted by starfox
                              Notes as I'm rewatching the episode:

                              *Sheppard going against Caldwell while wearing the black leather jacket just emphasized the sense of 'rebel' that the writers have been trying to work into him. Leather-covered back as he strides past Caldwell? It's the very symbol of young rebel.

                              *I think I just saw Ronon use a triple-barrelled shotgun. That wins. I admit, I have a weakness for big guns. And that gun? Just. so. cool.

                              *McKay insulting Ronon like a drill sergeant? So awesome.
                              And how has no one mentioned Rodney's lemon-lime print boxers before now?
                              I don't usually notice the clothing but I couldn't take my eyes off of
                              Rodney's boxer shorts!!!!!

                              That leather jacket that Sheppard was wearing was so sexy!!!! OMG!!!

                              More reasons to love this ep.

                              The more Rodney insults someone the more he cares about them. If he didn't like someone, he would just ignore them.
                              Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


                                Originally posted by Hatusu
                                I ran right over to look. It's not there yet.

                                Hatusu ducks one of Tame's bolts of lightning.
                                LOL...I said THIS WEEK....not this minute .... But I so love that you are my one and only fan.... I have to pay Sela to read
                                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..

