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Sateda (304)

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    i have waited so long for this ep and thank you for delievering on a silver platter.

    rodney getting shot in the ass: priceless.

    i loved the look and feel of sateda, very blue and smoky.

    uber-wraith scared the pants off me.

    the teyla and shep scene was great. thanks john for finally expressing some feeling that doesn't envolve groping and/or nailing an alien chick

    i loved rodney's dissertation on his and ronon's "relationship that goes deeper than words." man-crush much?

    YAY Carson!! way to save the day. ronon's hug at the end was great.

    did the girl who played ronon's wife bother anyone else? i can't figure if it's the actress, or the character/writing.

    i loved it!!! 10/10

    "I will follow you to the ends of this world and into the next. I will not leave you."


      Originally posted by MasySyma
      Agreed. It just reinforces his grunt and shoot role on the show and fails to provide any depth for his character. I could have lived without a few seconds of Ronon's fighting skills and his battle cries for a few more scenes of character development.
      I found that moment reinforced the state in which Ronon had become lost. It summed up nearly a decade of issues. Think about it. He'd been sent to a planet that used to be home to his people. He was being hunted (again) by the enemy that destroyed his world in every conceivable way. This time he was fighting amid the husks of his former teammates, in what was left of buildings that used to be whole. Those motions and cries just before he took on the uber-Wraith reminded me that between the moment of confrontation with the uber-Wraith and the battle he'd lost on Sateda there had been seven or eight years of bitter isolation ... It communicated primal rage (pure Ronon) and absolute desolation (new Ronon moment for me) in just a few instants and therefore (for me) worked really well.


        Originally posted by ShadowMaat

        I was also utterly crushed by the lack of Lorne. Who the frack was Major Buzzcut?
        I was wondering that too. He had a familiarity with the rest team that took me by surprise because we hadn't seen him before. He was, dare I say, somewhat Lorne-ish.

        Love the Lorne | The F.O.R.D shall rule the earth.... | Fly boys do it in the air
        Quirk - The Paul McGillion fanlisting | Grace - The Rachel Luttrell fanlisting


          The thing is... Ronon's already all about the primal rage, so showing off more of it just... doesn't work for me. I'm not expecting him to say, "Forsooth! Thou hast ravaged my sacred homeworld! Prepare to do battle, recreant fiend!" But something other than a bad Tarzan impression would have been nice.

          I guess I also had a hard time feeling the build-up of rage and angst because the flashbacks were so crappily handled (IMO). I kept tuning them out.


            Hands down the Best episode of Atlantis EVER PERIOD
            The enemy has spoken


              Originally posted by Galilahi

              did the girl who played ronon's wife bother anyone else? i can't figure if it's the actress, or the character/writing.
              Definitely not!! I loved her. I get a sense of Ronon's people as particularly noble (Chieftan not with standing if Malena {Marlena? I couldn't tell} wasn't slandering).


                This episode was awsome!!!! There are still questions to be answered like what was Ronon running from? His wife said he couldn't keep running. Why can't the wraith feed on him? I also loved the head wraith and the new wraith with night vision, very cool and much better. Great job Jason and all. This episode was outstanding! Can we have another one just like it please?


                  Why is the uber-Wraith *nods to Galilahi* mostly hairless? Very atypical.


                    Originally posted by blingaway
                    Why is the uber-Wraith *nods to Galilahi* mostly hairless? Very atypical.

                    Sorry, where were we?


                      THANK YOU. Finally, after a huge drought since Coup, an ep that I thought was worth rewatching. This kind of stuff makes me regain confidence in Atlantis and hope for its future. Come on PTB, you should be writing like this all the time! I had all but written off Shep and Ronon, yet how they were portrayed here made me regain interest in both of them. More importantly, there were so many small yet poignant moments of bonding - from Shep and Rodney on the floor in front of Rodney's laptop to Rodney and Carson talking about Ronon, to Shep and Teyla discussing Shep's feelings about his team. This is the kind of stuff that was sorely lacking in s2, hopefully this indicates that the writers are making amends and that this kind of development will continue.

                      -This was Ronon's ep to shine, and the writers did a great job showcasing his background. Now we finally get an idea of what he had to endure and what would have turned him into such an angry, blunt, and violent character. The hug at the end may be an indication of a turning point for him.

                      -I love Rodney. Seriously, his drugged "I'm looking for a guy, he looks like you but he has messy hair" comment was the best line of the ep. Point 2 for Shep's hair!!

                      -Shep's conversation with Teyla was probably the best Shep scene I've seen, capturing his awkwardness at expressing his feelings yet showing how much he does care for all of these people. Teyla's thanks for how Shep and Weir stood up for her was also nice. Nice to see a scene that doesn't hit me over the head with the ship anvil either.

                      -Great filming style, made me almost think I was watching a BSG ep. Almost.

                      Mild irks:

                      -Didn't care for Caldwell vs. the team at all. I thought they had moved beyond that and were actually getting along? Caldwell had a point, yet everyone else painted him as the jerk. Meh.

                      -Everyone else had a part, yet Weir was relegated yet again to princess in the tower. I'd still like to see her being interrupted in a briefing or something rather than looking like she just sits around waiting for the team to call...

                      -The Ronon fight at the end was a bit overdone - shooting while flying through the air, slow motion shots two-fisting guns, slapping the chest and grunting? I was making hulk-like "Ronon ANGRY!!" comments throughout the entire thing.
                      (Incidentally, Teyla's "Ronon is VERY angry." comment over the radio immediately got my response of "No kidding lady, where have you BEEN the last 20 eps?! Heh.)

                      -A bit weary of that damn blue filter. Maybe next time they can visit the purple planet that looks suspiciously like Vancouver forest? Or how about the orange one?


                        Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                        I'm not expecting him to say, "Forsooth! Thou hast ravaged my sacred homeworld! Prepare to do battle, recreant fiend!"
                        Wrong genre. It would be:

                        You have dishonored my family, and you have dishonored the Satedan temple.

                        FOR THIS YOU MUST DIE!!


                          This episode certainly had some good character moments and great team development that Atlantis has sorely been missing for quite some time now. There were a few things in the ep that were quite predictable, but on the whole, this ep is adding to my opinion that I think Atlantis has finally found its feet.

                          Overall a good episode and worth watching again. Especially for the scenes between Teyla and Shep, the hug Ronan gives Beckett and the floor scene between Shep and McKay.


                            Originally posted by blingaway
                            Why is the uber-Wraith *nods to Galilahi* mostly hairless? Very atypical.
                            i guess because he's older, much older than any other wraith we've seen. i was wondering about the absence of a queen.

                            the chest beating battle cry reminded me not of Tarzan but of the Mauri war cry. i can't think of what it's called...anybody from new zealand?

                            "I will follow you to the ends of this world and into the next. I will not leave you."


                              Originally posted by blingaway
                              Wrong genre. It would be:

                              You have dishonored my family, and you have dishonored the Satedan temple.

                              FOR THIS YOU MUST DIE!!
                              How about, "My name is Ronon Dex. You killed my homeworld. Prepare to die!"

                              Anyway, I like "forsooth" and "recreant fiend." I use them as much as possible regardless of context.


                                Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                                How about, "My name is Ronon Dex. You killed my homeworld. Prepare to die!"

                                Anyway, I like "forsooth" and "recreant fiend." I use them as much as possible regardless of context.
                                Oh my God! I was just about to post that, precisely. I mean, as soon as I saw people talking about that, the scene from the Princess Bride immedaitely sprang to mind.

