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Radek Zelenka/David Nykl Appreciation, Thunk, Translation Thread

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    1. I think I speak for most of us (if not all) when I say, we LOVE to hear Radek speak Czech! I for one cannot get enough of his accent!!! I even wrote a song about it.
    2. Yes, I would like to learn more about the Czech language. I can understand a little bit of it if I look at it long enough or hear it slowly enough because I studied Russian, and some of it is quite close. I love languages.
    3. Yes, I knew where the Czech republic was when it was called Czechoslovakia. Now, I might have a little trouble locating some of the countries in that part of the world since the maps have changed. But then, I studied that part of the world when I was in school.

    And again, I think I speak for all of us when I say we are glad to have you on this thread (even if you weren't Czech, but it's great that you are Czech since this is a David Nykl thread).


      I have yet to meet David (although he has been in several of my dreams). Nonetheless, I have heard nothing but good things about him, how he is good to his fans, nice, friendly, and considerate. And, from what I have seen on YouTube, that seems to be an accurate description.


        Awesome find Rosehawk!! David's got great form doesn't he? *smirks* Yeah,that came out cheeky. *points to David* He started it. lol Sam,from what I've read from David's fans,he is the real deal with regards to his kind personality. I've also heard good things about Joe F. too...actually,I don't think I've ever read any bad reports concerning the Atlantis actors themselves but I have read reports where the fans were put off by the actors' minders. More Nykl news,flips,and pix please!! Woohoo!! }:O


          Originally posted by Samantha.Majka View Post
          LOL, you made my day.
          * laughing so much *
          I would like to see ( hear ) you speak Czech It has to be awesome to hear somebody from USA speak Czech :-)
          I am learning Czech at work. My company does alot Globally and they offer classes and I wanted to learn something different. We're off for the summer and then I'm going to pick it up next Fall. Hopefully I'll pick my Spanish back up again too! All I can say is your language is very interesting and I have been enjoying learning it. We just got the basics and I am going to need someone to practice with!

          Originally posted by Samantha.Majka
          When I have met him, I was suprised by him. I though that he would be chesty .. that he would show us that he is the one who was in SGA with the others famous people and so on ..
          But I was wrong. He was totally modest and kind. I think that ( for example ) Joe F. sometimes acts like that, when I saw a couple of videos about him. Do you think the same ? Or do you have different opinion ?
          You pretty much summed it up with David. I've met him twice. Both times he was really great with the fans. Warm, friendly and funny. I was really amazed at how patient he was with fans. At the end of one convention last year, he and his wife were in an obvious hurry to get somewhere, they were making a mad dash to get from the elevator to the outside doors. Fans, not realizing David was in a hurry would stop and talk with him and he stopped, smiled and listen, though if you were watching him you could tell he was ready to bolt. And then I had to laugh as I saw a video he made at the convention where he was being interviewed and he mentioned that he was not always a patient person!
          Joe F. is pretty nice too. Joe is a bit more on the shy side, a bit more introverted, at least with fans. I met Joe last year and get to met him again this weekend as he will be in town for a convention!


            Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
            Awesome find Rosehawk!! David's got great form doesn't he? *smirks* Yeah,that came out cheeky. *points to David* He started it. lol Sam,from what I've read from David's fans,he is the real deal with regards to his kind personality. I've also heard good things about Joe F. too...actually,I don't think I've ever read any bad reports concerning the Atlantis actors themselves but I have read reports where the fans were put off by the actors' minders. More Nykl news,flips,and pix please!! Woohoo!! }:O
            Someone posted it on this thread several years ago. OMG I've been on this thread for over 4 years.
            I've meet a good majority of the actors from SGA and SG1. There has only been a few from my experiences that were less than pleasant and it was with none of the main actors. Some of the actors felt out of place and sometimes the first convention is hard on them as they don't know what to expect.
            Almost all really appreciate their fans and that's why they try to give back as much as they can!

            It's the handlers/minders jobs to be the baddie so the actor isn't put in that position, plus it is there job to protect the actor and it's not always easy to turn that switch on and off. The worst experiences I have had with handlers/minders is them rushing the actor through the autograph and/or photo op lines.



              Originally posted by Samantha.Majka View Post
              Do you like czech language when did you hear it from Radek ( Nykl ) ?
              It was fun to hear another language on the show. I am really glad that they let David expand on it. It was nice that it wasn't one of the standard languages we usually hear! One of my favorite Zelenka scenes was when he talking in 'Letters from Pegasus'!
              Originally posted by Samantha.Majka
              Would you like to learn more about czech language ?
              I am asking because I have heard many opinions about czech language and about the fact, that USA slowly convicing us to use english names and english language. And we have to learn english .. and that there is nobody from USA who would like to learn czech.
              I actually took Czech through my workplace this year. My work teaches many languages for people who travel abroad or just want to learn something new. I've already had about 6 years of Spanish though it's been awhile since I've had the opportunity to practice it, I may pick it back up next year too!
              I very much enjoyed learning. I spent much of the year (we only met once a week) working on pronounciation and sounding the letters out. For me, learning the rest of your language would have been difficult if I hadn't worked on the pronounciation first.

              Originally posted by Samantha.Majka
              Did you know where the Czech Republic is .. before you met David Nykl ( Radek ) in SGA ?
              The exact location no, that's like asking someone from Europe if they can tell me where Rhode Island is, or where Idaho is in the United States. I did know that it was in Europe and knew a little about CR because they use to make some of the best 'seed beads' for artwork in the world plus I work with people from the CR through work!
              The beer and hockey came about after Zelenka!
              Originally posted by Samantha.Majka
              But it is a little bit of OT
              It's ok to go off topic for a short time!



                *smirks and waves hand in the air* I wanna answer your questions too Sammie!! I enjoyed hearing David speak was nice to hear an international flavor in the world of Stargate. Wasn't Radek the first character to speak his native language consistently versus a character who spoke a made up language? *smirks again* Isn't research fun? hehe I personally find all languages fascinating and wanna learn more about studying Czech. *scuffs toe in the dirt* Before SGA came along,I knew about the Czech Republic from watching Jaromir Jagr play hockey for the Pittsburgh Penguins. I hope the Czech Republic retains its own language and culture while adapting the English language to further opportunities for the Czech people. *scratches head* Yeah,it sounded much less daft in my head. That's what I get for typing with a migraine. Anywho,how's about some Czech shots to celebrate the end of Monday? *cough hint cough hint* lol }:O


                  Okay, okay, I can take a hint!





                    Thanks RH! He was...

                    and just plain Cute!


                      *cheeky grin* Thanks for the wicked pix Rosehawk!! Got more Czech shots? *points to David* He started it. My excuse,sticking to it. Woohoo!! }:O


                        Hey again, I am sorry, I was busy with my school, two exams during one week. Oh my ..
                        I am glad I passed them well. And now I am free from learning for a while and I can go back here and celebrate our little Czech scientist.

                        How are you all ? And how was your day ? Are you busy or do you have free time ?
                        * just wanted to ask *

                        Thanks so much for your answers, I got a new oponion about this "problem". I can tell myself this : "Hoho, I don't live in a dump."

                        Rose, it is great that you learn Czech .. wow .. I admire you .. Czech language is interesting but it os one of the hardest languages ever. So good luck.
                        Willen, Teslen and totally addicted to Helen Magnus! Amanda's fan.
                        / Twitter / FanFiction / CZ Blog /


                          David is always kind and funny to his fans .. No doubt !! Ok ?
                          Hello everybody. How are you ?

                          Rose, if you want and if you have skype .. we can talk together. You will help me with my english and I can learn you something from Czech. But I don't know how big is our time difference. If you want, let me know.

                          About Joe. I don't know him .. I didn't see any video about him .. and about convention where he was, so I can't judge him. And if you say, that he is kind and shy and so one, I believe you.
                          Willen, Teslen and totally addicted to Helen Magnus! Amanda's fan.
                          / Twitter / FanFiction / CZ Blog /


                            Originally posted by Samantha.Majka View Post
                            David is always kind and funny to his fans .. No doubt !! Ok ?
                            Hello everybody. How are you ?

                            Rose, if you want and if you have skype .. we can talk together. You will help me with my english and I can learn you something from Czech. But I don't know how big is our time difference. If you want, let me know.

                            About Joe. I don't know him .. I didn't see any video about him .. and about convention where he was, so I can't judge him. And if you say, that he is kind and shy and so one, I believe you.
                            Yep, I have Skype, we can talk more after this weekend. Our time difference is about 8 hours so it would have to be a weekend thing.
                            I am not at a point that I can speak Czech and make sense. The class only met once a week so this first year it was just to give us exposure to the language. PM me and we can discuss more off-line.
                            I like learning your language, the structure and such is different than the Latin languages - English, Spanish, French, German so it's been a fun and interesting challenge. One of the teachers in my class is from the Czech Republic so he tells us stories when he was growing up!

                            Joe is really nice and funny on stage! David Hewlett is there this weekend too! Only person truely missing is David Nykl *sigh* - Fans can always wish!
                            Last edited by Rosehawk; 09 June 2010, 01:29 PM.



                              *pats Radek on the back* Our fave Czech scientist saved the day on 'Quarantine' this afternoon. *smirks* I so wanna know all the naughty Czech Radek spewed while crawling through Atlantis' ducts. *cough hint to Sammie* lol More Czech shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O


                                2:39 has him in the vents. Sam can tell us if it's an accurate translation or not.

