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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Josie View Post
    I thought the whole point of bloopers was to laugh at the poor actors expense.

    I'm sure the cast will have given the go ahead for the clips to be used, they all seem more than capable of laughing at themselves.
    I agree but there are bloopers out there that are good and ones that are not. I should hope that the actors are given the say as to which clips are used. There's a different between a funny mistake and one that makes the actor look like a complete idiot. And yes they should be capable of laughing at themselves to a certain point.


      Originally posted by Lorr View Post
      Great minds think alike or fools seldom differ. I can't remember which! LOL I watched Rising a little while ago, too.

      Glad you made it back from the wilds, GG!!!

      Caty, if I don't catch you here tomorrw, have a safe trip on Tuesday!

      You beat me to posting the quote! I wonder if something happened that slashers would be happy with? Maybe Joe and Paul were fooling around between takes. Hmmmm.
      or it could be that we were just bored.

      Originally posted by sherryw View Post
      Hi whumpers....did you miss me? did you even know I was gone?? How is everyone. I see you are all still squeeing. I'm happy to see that.

      What she said and CONGRATS to Strinam as well!!!

      ITA about the directing bit. I wouldn't mind seeing Shep injured or recovering in some way.

      Great pics SGA...did you put those together yourself? If so, you did a fine job. I usually do all the building and putting together in my household. The hubby isn't good at that stuff.

      I'm really interested to see how they do play the ex wife.

      did we mention or agree that maybe this is a pic of Rodney fighting Sheppard or am I out of my mind??? These days I can't remember what I had for breakfast.

      I'm excited about seeing the emotional side of Shep as well. I know JF can handle it because he did such a great job in both TOR and Sunday. I do hope that JF gets the backstory that he really wants. I have a feeling this is his year and ours.

      So what kind of scifi element do you think they could bring in? Let's see a few come to mind:

      1. Pegasus replicators make it to Earth (let's face it they probably aren't going to be destroyed)
      2. Wraith ship makes it to Earth
      3. Kidnapped for his gene by the trust
      4. Maybe a bunch of asteroids are heading for Earth and with all the ships (Daedalus, Apollo etc) gone, they need Shep to activate the throne chair to shoot down the asteroids. (Yes I'm grasping)
      5. Who says that there has to be a scifi element, maybe he goes to the bank and get taken hostage by people robbing it. (OK grasping even more and that story has been done 100 times, but has it been done with Shep getting shot in the chest? HMMMMM??? I think not)

      So anyone else have any ideas. Should we start a list or not?

      I personally think that Shep is going to shoot her down and I get that from that little blurb we saw, but then again I have been consistently wrong so who knows.

      OH you sooo got GREEN for those. Loved it!!!!

      Happy Birthday GG & SheppyD!!!!

      I can't wait to see the blooper reel.
      I also had heard that during the filming of Irresistable that there was a longer scene between Sheppard and Beckett, but they shortened it quite a bit. I wonder if it will be on the specials as well.

      Can you post your next chappie on your LJ instead?
      Ta hon. The pic. I'd bet my last dollar... If I had a dollar, that' that's
      Shep v Evil Shep, they have the same physique, nose and how can you miss the hair. And JM did say that Sheppy was gonna get his ass kicked all over the gateroom Squeeeeeeeeeeeee, and Oh my the *thud* we heard, must have given our poor Shep a concusion, or at least a bit of blood. On closer inspection, what is really strange is that there does't seem to be anyone about, his team, SF's noone. Squeeeee, so could that mean that Shep is all alone fighting his evil other half? Ooooh so that got me thinking, or hoping that Shep will have to fight his other half in his dreams. I'm just hoping if that is the case that there will be physical ramifications as a result of that. You know what happens in your dreams happens when you're awake, including the injuries. Squeeeeeeee

      I love your list. I wonder if Joe's pitch would air directly after
      Miller's crossing, so he's already on Earth when something happens?

      Didn't I say I wasn't gonna specualte on this ep anymore?

      Originally posted by Lorr View Post
      Hey, Sherry! Good to see you back!

      I think the pic is supposed to be
      Shep vs evil Shep. Maybe evil Shep is like a mirror image of the real one, so maybe there some small differences in appearance.

      I love your list! LOL

      Oh, I forgot about that scene in
      Irresistible! I'll bet that is what's on the blopper reel! Didn't JM even mention that they would have liked to use the whole scene but couldn't because of time? Personally, I think they could have lost a lot of the Lucius ad nauseum scenes instead!

      Were you in Starbucks? i can imagine the reactions of people sitting nearby!

      I think you could be right!

      I'm outta here, kids! Only 47 days to go to S4 and 37 to S3 DVDs!!
      ooh I heard about that one between Joe and Paul, can't wait to see if that makes it to the blooper reel, hehehe.

      Originally posted by Elinor View Post
      SheppyD - hope you had a brilliant time yesterday...and GateGeek to! Peggy I loved your poem! LOL!!

      Hee hee...and, 'cos those iPhones are 'magic', even though we use our screen names it somehow manages to hack into GateWorld and find out what our real names are!!

      Hee hee! I'm so excited about the blooper reel!

      I think that to and the fact that Joe says he's been working long hours as well kinda shows that to.
      Thanks hon We like it when Joe works long hours, cos that means lotsa Shep for us Maybe they should give him a rest. *cough*Shep whumped lying nekkid in the infirmary under the blanket intubated *cough*

      Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
      Thank you to everyone for all the birthday wishes!!!!

      Sorry that I kept missing you Peggy - but you picked the one that I would have - hehehehe...just awesome!!!!

      Welcome back GG hope that you had a great time and a great birthday!
      Oh i'm glad hon, did you do anything special?

      Originally posted by caty View Post
      Yay, bloopers! I LOVE bloopers!! Although it's still very long till the Season 4 box set comes out...

      Hm, I really really think it looks like
      BamBam, so it'll ve good Shep against evil Shep... We also wouldn't expect that Shep fights ... Shep...

      Today is my last day at home. *iz scared*
      Ooooh Caty. If I don't get the chance to speak to you later, have a safe trip and let us know you got there safely. *bounces* i'm very jealous.You'll have a great time hon.

      Originally posted by Josie View Post
      Morning all!

      Quick fly by post. Seeing as Ali is away I may, and at the moment it is by no means certain, need a beta for a one shot. So if you are a grammar and punctuation fiend and you have are happy to trawl through my nonsense let me know. Of course it is actually dependent on me creating something I'm halfway happy with first and that may well never happen.

      It's Shep Vs Shep but obviously Joe couldn't really fight himself so it's his stunt double (not Bam Bam who has said he doesn't double for Joe) the scene flies by pretty quickly on screen so when watching it it would look like two Sheppard's, it's not supposed to be seen frame by frame.

      Why would a season three blooper be on the season four DVD's? Unless they are going back through all the seasons.
      I agree Josie. As for the blooper, I don't think JMs said what's going to be on there, but heck i'll take what I can get.


        Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post

        I love your list. I wonder if Joe's pitch would air directly after
        Miller's crossing, so he's already on Earth when something happens?

        Miller's Crossing airs 9th, just before the mid-season two (three) parter but the Shep backstory episode will air in the latter half, expect it toward the end of the season.


          Originally posted by Josie View Post
          Miller's Crossing airs 9th, just before the mid-season two (three) parter but the Shep backstory episode will air in the latter half, expect it toward the end of the season.
          You mean I got it wrong again? There's a shocker! See this is why I don't speculate on facts, cos I have a memory of a goldfish. Hehehe.

          So were Joe's eps both set on Earth then? CAn anyone remember? They scrapped (sorry, shelved) one of the pitches as it was too similar to one they were doing already, so I wonder if that was a non Earth one? Or if it was one early on? I wonder what the cliffhanger finale will be? Oooh maybe it's Sheppy D's ultimate dream, and the cliffie is will Sheppy live or die?

          One can only hope. I think my brain is getting more warped as the day goes on


            Morning!!!! Fly by today.

            Happy Birthday SD!!!!!!


            *tries to hold down the squee*

            *fails and bursts*


            The good news is that my boss at the English school loved the class she watched and decided to give me two more classes to VIP students (meaning one or two students in one class). That means I'm working everyday of the week except Sunday and Friday and I'm getting big buck at the end of the month!!! OMGOMGOMGOMG!!! I so hope I get to save some.

            *runs around the office*

            Love the especulation over S4. It makes my squee even higher, if that's possible. The only bad part of working so much is that I don't get enough time to play here on GW. I NEED SHEP WHUMPED TO OBLIVION!!!

            I need to watch TDO, Storm/Eye, Hot Zone... I'm so behind on the pre-s4 thing of watching the eps... But I can't today. I have a patient coming and then I have to study for the class later today... I so love working, but I wish I could stay here more... maybe I should give up on sleeping and simply use that time to do all SGA related stuff... sleeping is such a waste.

            Well... I'm off now. See ya all later!
            My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
            Sig and avi by me


              are you a bit excited hon? Hehehe


              *wants Shep whumped to oblivion to*

              Congrats on the special teaching job hon, you deserve it after the rough time you've had.


                Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                Sheppy D, i'm posting this on JM's blog, but if anyone wants to add or change anything, then i'm open to suggestions

                My brain is battle weary this week

                Sheppy D's Birthday Prose x 2



                It’s Sheppy D’s birthday,
                And she hopes her wishes come true,
                Of Sheppy in the infirmary,
                Can you make her wish come true?

                Can I be really cheeky and ask,
                She’d like him nekkid to,
                And have him whumped to oblivion,
                So his lips turn almost blue.

                I’m sure she’d have a fangirl squee,
                As she’s been waiting from the start of season 3,
                For her dream of seeing him ventilated
                Has lasted longer than my quest,
                And of seeing Sheppy shirtless,
                or getting a glimpse of his manly chest.

                For so long she has been waiting,
                For hot and sweaty shep.
                And to have his shirt ripped open,
                Would be the best gift she could get.

                So Mr M, I am asking you please,
                And have no problems of begging,
                Or getting down on both knees.
                So that Sheppy D, has her birthday wish come true,
                But alas I’m just a minion,
                Which is why I’ve turned to you.

                Prose 2 - Spoilers for S3+4


                Oh Mr M I’m begging you please,
                Would it help if I got on my knobbly knees,
                The whumpers saw the clip,
                of that ep, where Rodney died,
                And I speak for us all, when I say that some of us cried,

                He was whumped to oblivion,
                So we had a lil squee,
                Cos we don’t just care about Shep, but also Rod-ney.

                But I would really like to say,
                That we’d beg a whole lot more,
                For us to get a scene like that,
                For Shep in season four.

                For we’d love to see Shep hurting,
                Ad not just action Shep you see,
                But since you did it for Rodney,
                Can you do it for the cheeky in me?

                We would love for Shep to be intubated,
                And be whumped so we can squee,
                As our poor lil Sheppy D,
                has been waiting since season 3.

                So I implore you Mr M,
                I hope you’ll be so kind,
                To let Sheppy get his ass kicked,
                So the whumpers lose their minds.

                I don’t mind if he’s not…. shirtless,
                For my friend’s wishes mean more to me,
                She has her heart set on that scene,
                So it would mean a lot to me.
                Therefore, I’m willing to, forgo my quest,
                And to not get a glimpse of John Sheppard’s chest..

                So Mr M I’ll leave you,
                With that lil request, of not seeing John Sheppard,
                And his thunkworthy chest,
                In exchange for that scene for our good friend SD,
                And just for the record I’m into bribery.
                OMG - they are too funny.

                Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                in the words of that famous QUEEN song....

                I WANT IT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                i want blood, bruises...the lot....i want what teyla got last season boo!!!!!
                Heh - on a slightly OT note. I put my iPod on shuffle and it came up with I Want It All.........and then followed it with the Mike and The Mechanics track, I Don't Want It All. Geez, make up your mind! lol

                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                This was posted in The Official Countdown to S4 thread!
                Thanks to Agent Dark for this!

                It's the right time zone...I thought this was a hoot!
                brilliant, love it.

                Originally posted by prion View Post
                JM didn't post a lot on his blog today (Aug 12th), but did say

                And by the way, in case you thought I’d forgotten, work continues on gathering together material for Stargate Atlantis’s very first blooper reel that will be one of the special features on the season four DVD box set. Some recent finds include: an uncoordinated wraith, an indignant replicator, and a little something for those Shepkett fans out there.

                Okay, what's a shepkett? New breed of dog? Eh, what? Confused? Out of touch? (er, never mind, JM's version of Sheppard/Beckett).
                BLOOPER REEL!!!!!!! YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!


                Originally posted by sherryw View Post
                did we mention or agree that maybe this is a pic of Rodney fighting Sheppard or am I out of my mind??? These days I can't remember what I had for breakfast.
                I'm going for
                EvilShep vs GoodShep. I reckon the shep on top (evil) is a stunt man for now and it'll be fixed up to look more like Shep in the final edit.

                Originally posted by Josie View Post
                I thought the whole point of bloopers was to laugh at the poor actors expense.

                I'm sure the cast will have given the go ahead for the clips to be used, they all seem more than capable of laughing at themselves.
                Very true! lol

                I remember that the Enterprise cast had to give their permision for each clip and could veto any they didn't want shown. I'd imagine the SGA cast will be given similar rights.

                But then this is JM, he may just stick what he wants in there and to hell with the cast - MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!! (kidding, of course )

                Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                Morning!!!! Fly by today.OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG!

                *tries to hold down the squee*

                *fails and bursts*


                The good news is that my boss at the English school loved the class she watched and decided to give me two more classes to VIP students (meaning one or two students in one class). That means I'm working everyday of the week except Sunday and Friday and I'm getting big buck at the end of the month!!! OMGOMGOMGOMG!!! I so hope I get to save some.

                *runs around the office*
                Excellent news!! Well done you. I knew you'd be brilliant. And well deserved too.
                The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                l My LJ l


                  Originally posted by Kristen999 View Post
                  I still think its going to be something like


                  a funeral his mom or dad died and thats why he goes back. that way you get a random 2 min run in with the ex and the rest is fallout and the back story comes out that way...I'm still not sure how they're going to spin the sci fi element thats going to be needed..i still don't think that can have just a %100 character driven eppy. it just doesn't fit with the way they do things

                  TRW was boring on so many levels but it wasnt helped by the fact it was taken up by 35 mins of weir when shes not an interesting character to me or someone who can hold my attention for a shep story where he was the main focus like that would be fine with me, cos he can hold my interest and weve waited so long for a hopefully decent backstory ep that if he needs to tak up most of the ep to catch up with everyone else then thats fine. i think ronon and rodney will end up being in it though, hopefully doing some angsting over our boy....and joining him in whatever plot this ep has.

                  im intrigued as to where
                  his ex wife will fit into this story

                  Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                  Bloopers Reel!!! SQUEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!
                  i love blooper reels, i wish they would just release a blooper reel dvd after season 4 is finished filming, id buy a dvd of just them!!
                  Originally posted by sherryw View Post
                  did we mention or agree that maybe this is a pic of Rodney fighting Sheppard or am I out of my mind??? These days I can't remember what I had for breakfast.
                  hi sherry!!
                  i think most of us believe its shep vs evil shep which makes sense i think, it fits in with the shep v evilshep beatdown...i mean it may not look too much like shep but obv he cant fight himself (when you stop instinct frame by frame you can his stunt double being attacked by elia before they go to joe/shep on the floor being attacked)...and weve seen post production things before like on the progeny promo with shep screaming but not showing the hand in his head josie said its not supposed to be stopped frame by frame anyway.....that person has way too much hair to be rodney..i not gonna so too much speculating over screen caps like this where it could be anything......phantoms phantoms phantoms

                  I'm excited about seeing the emotional side of Shep as well. I know JF can handle it because he did such a great job in both TOR and Sunday. I do hope that JF gets the backstory that he really wants. I have a feeling this is his year and ours.
                  i hope so. and yes joe is fantastic at the small pieces of emotion they let him do whilst all the good stuff goes to rodney *grumble* so its about time they gave him something bigger to sink his teeth into.
                  So what kind of scifi element do you think they could bring in? Let's see a few come to mind:

                  1. Pegasus replicators make it to Earth (let's face it they probably aren't going to be destroyed)
                  2. Wraith ship makes it to Earth
                  3. Kidnapped for his gene by the trust
                  4. Maybe a bunch of asteroids are heading for Earth and with all the ships (Daedalus, Apollo etc) gone, they need Shep to activate the throne chair to shoot down the asteroids. (Yes I'm grasping)
                  5. Who says that there has to be a scifi element, maybe he goes to the bank and get taken hostage by people robbing it. (OK grasping even more and that story has been done 100 times, but has it been done with Shep getting shot in the chest? HMMMMM??? I think not)
                  id love
                  number 3 but thats too similar to millers crossing with jeanie and mckay being kidnapped for whatever not sure what theyll do to be honest

                  I personally think that Shep is going to shoot her down and I get that from that little blurb we saw, but then again I have been consistently wrong so who knows.
                  yes it looks like that
                  but there are still all these flirty scenes which will make me cringe...hope im surprised with this hate to have to skip through so much of a shepisode

                  Originally posted by Josie View Post
                  Miller's Crossing airs 9th, just before the mid-season two (three) parter but the Shep backstory episode will air in the latter half, expect it toward the end of the season.
                  wish we didnt have to wait so long for the backstory rather swap out millers crossing and have the backs ep 9th instead!



                    Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                    Heh - on a slightly OT note. I put my iPod on shuffle and it came up with I Want It All.........and then followed it with the Mike and The Mechanics track, I Don't Want It All. Geez, make up your mind! lol
                    hehehe i love mike and the mechanics, well the 3 or 4 songs i have anyway! but on this occasion i agree with Queen.....we want it all and heads will roll if we dont get it!!!!!!



                      Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                      You mean I got it wrong again? There's a shocker! See this is why I don't speculate on facts, cos I have a memory of a goldfish. Hehehe.

                      So were Joe's eps both set on Earth then? CAn anyone remember? They scrapped (sorry, shelved) one of the pitches as it was too similar to one they were doing already, so I wonder if that was a non Earth one? Or if it was one early on? I wonder what the cliffhanger finale will be? Oooh maybe it's Sheppy D's ultimate dream, and the cliffie is will Sheppy live or die?

                      One can only hope. I think my brain is getting more warped as the day goes on
                      We were never given any spoilers for the first episode JF pitched, just that it was "a very cool idea" but the fact that there was talk about three Carson episodes and then one of those was dropped around the same time makes me wonder if the third Carson episode was JF's first pitch.


                        Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                        hehehe i love mike and the mechanics, well the 3 or 4 songs i have anyway! but on this occasion i agree with Queen.....we want it all and heads will roll if we dont get it!!!!!!
                        Mike and The Mechanics rock (should be rocked, they say they're not doing anymore ). Boyfy has all their albums so i nicked my faves off him

                        But yes, on this occasion i too will be siding with Queen (best band ever) in that I want it all, i want it all, i want it all and i want it NOW!

                        (It was playing in the shopping centre once and i overheard a little kid saying to his mother - "Well he's not going to get anything if he asks like that!")
                        The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                        l My LJ l


                          Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                          Morning!!!! Fly by today.

                          Happy Birthday SD!!!!!!


                          *tries to hold down the squee*

                          *fails and bursts*


                          The good news is that my boss at the English school loved the class she watched and decided to give me two more classes to VIP students (meaning one or two students in one class). That means I'm working everyday of the week except Sunday and Friday and I'm getting big buck at the end of the month!!! OMGOMGOMGOMG!!! I so hope I get to save some.

                          *runs around the office*

                          Love the especulation over S4. It makes my squee even higher, if that's possible. The only bad part of working so much is that I don't get enough time to play here on GW. I NEED SHEP WHUMPED TO OBLIVION!!!

                          I need to watch TDO, Storm/Eye, Hot Zone... I'm so behind on the pre-s4 thing of watching the eps... But I can't today. I have a patient coming and then I have to study for the class later today... I so love working, but I wish I could stay here more... maybe I should give up on sleeping and simply use that time to do all SGA related stuff... sleeping is such a waste.

                          Well... I'm off now. See ya all later!
                          Yeah for you!! Sounds like things are looking up!

                          All this discussion about the pic. Great stuff.
                          I do think it is Shep vs Shep but upon occasion it looks like Lorne's profile to me.
                          I can't wait to find out though. Maybe there should be a poll on the whumper LJ?

                          Gotta run to work. Only two weeks left to plan, prepare, organize and decorate for the new group of young'uns.
                          **iz a bit scared**


                            Originally posted by Josie View Post
                            I thought the whole point of bloopers was to laugh at the poor actors expense.

                            I'm sure the cast will have given the go ahead for the clips to be used, they all seem more than capable of laughing at themselves.
                            Blooper reels have always been compiled for the cast/crew, not for fans. They're shown at Xmas parties, and the like. Occasionally they'll creep out into fandom but SG has been pretty good at keeping a tight lid on them. I still remember seeing one for War of the Worlds (the old tv show) in which the actor (military charater) was attempting to toss a hook on a rope and failing at each attempt, so they just put one attempt after another in the clip, with the laughter (from crew) and swearing (from actor) escalating.

                            Hopefully we'll get at least twenty minutes of bloopers, as that's the usual length of those reels.


                              Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post

                              Oh i'm glad hon, did you do anything special?
                              Oh you know the same old- had too much to eat and drink hehehe!

                              Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                              Morning!!!! Fly by today.

                              Happy Birthday SD!!!!!!


                              *tries to hold down the squee*

                              *fails and bursts*


                              The good news is that my boss at the English school loved the class she watched and decided to give me two more classes to VIP students (meaning one or two students in one class). That means I'm working everyday of the week except Sunday and Friday and I'm getting big buck at the end of the month!!! OMGOMGOMGOMG!!! I so hope I get to save some.

                              *runs around the office*

                              Love the especulation over S4. It makes my squee even higher, if that's possible. The only bad part of working so much is that I don't get enough time to play here on GW. I NEED SHEP WHUMPED TO OBLIVION!!!

                              I need to watch TDO, Storm/Eye, Hot Zone... I'm so behind on the pre-s4 thing of watching the eps... But I can't today. I have a patient coming and then I have to study for the class later today... I so love working, but I wish I could stay here more... maybe I should give up on sleeping and simply use that time to do all SGA related stuff... sleeping is such a waste.

                              Well... I'm off now. See ya all later!

                              Thanks Erika!


                                Yay! For blooper reel. It was about time!

                                I think that the pic is
                                Good Shep vs Evil Shep. It's hard to tell from the pic, but that's all I see in it. Too much hair for Rodney and the top guy doesn't look like Lorne to me.
                                My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                                Sig and avi by me

