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John Sheppard Whump

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    Good morning Whumpers! *waves*

    How is everyone? I'm off to catch up.



      Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
      Gooooooood Morning! It's Saturday, no work, and I got lots of Squee to let off.

      ROFLMAO!!!! now there is a thought to wake up to this morning. I so love it! Way to go Linz for egging it on. SQUEEE!!!!


      You are really making me look pathetic now. I know, its not a competition, but.............
      Thanks for the congrats! Me, egging it on? Surely not...
      Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
      woah quiet in here, well im gonna sign off for a bit and get on with my dissertation, speak later peeps!!

      Oh yes, Roo. In answer to that:



        Good thing I wasn't drinking coffee or something when I read JM's blog today. That answer about Carter and the CG Wraith broke me up! And you KNOW someone out there will take that as gospel.

        "Tao" is next week? Any good? In regards to last night's episode
        haven't seen it yet.....but are we sure Kolya is really dead? This being sci fi and all......

        GAH......I've been trying to read only completed fics. I can't believe I got all the way through that one last night and it wasn't finished.



          Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
          Good thing I wasn't drinking coffee or something when I read JM's blog today. That answer about Carter and the CG Wraith broke me up! And you KNOW someone out there will take that as gospel.

          "Tao" is next week? Any good? In regards to last night's episode
          haven't seen it yet.....but are we sure Kolya is really dead? This being sci fi and all......

          GAH......I've been trying to read only completed fics. I can't believe I got all the way through that one last night and it wasn't finished.


          Yep, Tao is next week. I'm looking forward to it. I'm not that one we watched WB???? Gads, I can't even remember anymore what eps I have seen and what ones I haven't.

          Before I click on fic, I look for one little word...COMPLETE! otherwise I don't bother. I've had too many stories that were never finished or updated so infrequently that i had to reread the story cause i had no clue what it was about anymore.


            Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
            Before I click on fic, I look for one little word...COMPLETE! otherwise I don't bother. I've had too many stories that were never finished or updated so infrequently that i had to reread the story cause i had no clue what it was about anymore.
            That's true. I've been reading WIPs and that happens a lot. I have such a lousy memory that more than a few times I had to start again. And sometimes I just give up completely...
            My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
            Sig and avi by me


              That's the thing......I thought it said it was complete! Maybe I read the description of her other fic, that is complete, and transposed the two. Maybe I'm insane! Maybe I need some Shep whump......

              Hey...the sun just came out. Maybe we won't get more rain today after all.



                *sigh* The whumpers not in a talkative mood huh? It's very quiet in here.

                well, I'm going on a park clean up soon, so I'll talk to ya all later. I better not have tons of pages to come back to either.


                  I guess I'll go and do some RL stuff, so later I can come back and play!



                    Congrats to the milestoners!!

                    Originally posted by Josie View Post
                    I've only uploaded it to my LJ so far, there is a link to part two at the bottom of the first part.

                    Thank you to everyone who's left positive comments.
                    Loved it!! You really got the characters. Loved
                    McKay in the cookie jar - priceless!

                    Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                    "Letters from Pegasus".......of course! *bangs head on computer table*

                    Thanks, Linzi, for your concern.
                    We had an incident at the house last weekend involving the kid that comes to cut the grass here and next door at the landlord's. He's on a riding lawnmower and hit something that broke the sliding glass patio doors on our landlord's house. He blamed golf balls hubby hit for making him swerve and hit the pipe he sent through the glass. NO WAY was it the golf balls. I was about to confront him since he came back again today....hubby told me I was acting low class and to let it drop. He won't even defend himself. Rant over.

                    I feel like a cookie now.

                    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                    Oh that's so like my hubby. He is always telling me to let things go. I'm like a dog with a bone, and stick to my principles, but he just lets things wash right over him. He just doesn't get stressed! Guess he'll live longer than me!
                    God my boyfriend is nothing like that!! I swearhe's going to give himself a heart attack one day, he gets so wound up about stuff. Even watching the news sets him off!!

                    once we were in the supermarket and some little girl comes along and starts squeezing stuff on our trolley to which i said (not nastily) "Do you mind?" Course she runs crying to her mother who say really loud "Some people just don't have a sense of humour"
                    Now i know boyfy was defending me, but anyone coming in at this point would have just seen some bloke intimidating a young mother and child.
                    He said "And why would she need a sense of humour?" to which the lady told him it was none of his business and he starts on how i'm his girlfriend and anything she says to me is his business and wouldn't let her leave demanding to know why we need a sense of humour.
                    I just wanted to get out of there - especially as we were in the aisle for... how shall i put this.... adult protection

                    Originally posted by caty View Post
                    Anyway, things are starting to look up.
                    Tagged for OT:
                    I received a very nice E-Mail from the original uni telling me that they'll look into my course work and transcripts again and see if they can work something out.
                    It was by no means the universities fault, either. The institution I had to send my course transcripts to to get them evaluated ("translated" into the American grade system, cause ours is entirely different) didn't transfer all of my credits. It's a very complicated story, but I do think now that this'll work out for me.. Puh....

                    And I do feel bad now for being so annoyed at the university when it wasn't their fault and they do try to help me. That's what lack of information does to you...
                    Yay!! Fingers still crossed for you but this sounds promising

                    Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
           not really. I did catch some Hewlettitis though.

                    OMG!! I am having a blast watching Irresponsible. Only because
                    I keep squeeing that I actually walked all around that village. I even got pixs of the 'cell' that the team was kept. So even though I hate Lucius, and most of the story line, I am just Squee that I was there where Shep and co were.

                    sorry. hopeless fangirl moment there.
                    Yay for Hewlettitis!! Goes nicely with Shepititis i find.

                    You were on the set!?! Cool!

                    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                    Yes it did. I asked if the CG wraith was definitely coming back, and kind Joe replied yes, and that he's going to be shipped with Carter. He knows how much I love romance, and was trying to be kind, I think I've replied that now I can see a love triangle forming. I mean, as I pointed out to Joe, you'd have to be blind not to see Sheppard's attraction to the wraith. I reckon he and Carter will slug it out for the wraith's heart, personally.

                    Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                    Owwww... I just watched Sunday.
                    It's so sad... it made me all teary and that is so rare and difficult. But Sheppy looked hawt in it. So unfair that Teyla got such a nice whump!!! I would do anything for Sheppy to get that kind of whump. Well, at least there was emotional whump in it...
                    I'm not an overly sentimental person but this ep had me blubbing.
                    Never realised how much i liked Beckett till he was gone!!
                    The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                    l My LJ l


                      Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                      I'm not an overly sentimental person but this ep had me blubbing.
                      Never realised how much i liked Beckett till he was gone!!
                      True to me as well.
                      My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                      Sig and avi by me


                        Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                        "Tao" is next week? Any good?
                        Although Tao is a Rodney episode, I really enjoyed it. IMO the best Rodney ep by far, because it has some pretty emotional stuff from the other characters and Rodney isn't as annoying as he can be sometimes (GUP comes to mind)..

                        You can look forward to that ep
                        *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                          Originally posted by bebop View Post
                          Yup...I'll give it a go...

                          Yup...ok...need supplies though..**rummages through bucket**...hmm?

                          Supplies are a bit thin on the usual...but if Peg can send a pic....?

                          I'll swap for's that sound?
                          Now that sounds like a good deal!!!!! That means I get yummy manips and yummy fic to go with them....and I dont have to do anything !!!!

                          If you need help looking through the internet for supplies let me know what you need and I will see what I can dig up!

                          Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                          Gooooooood Morning! It's Saturday, no work, and I got lots of Squee to let off.

                          ROFLMAO!!!! now there is a thought to wake up to this morning. I so love it! Way to go Linz for egging it on. SQUEEE!!!!

                          CONGRATS TO LINZI and SHEPPYD ON YOUR MILESTONES!!

                          You are really making me look pathetic now. I know, its not a competition, but.............
                          Thanks for the congrats!!! And you are right it is not a is quality not quantity and most of mine fall short

                          Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                          *sigh* The whumpers not in a talkative mood huh? It's very quiet in here.

                          well, I'm going on a park clean up soon, so I'll talk to ya all later. I better not have tons of pages to come back to either.
                          I am here - have been out all afternoon whilst my garden is getting a make over!!! Lots of work has been done - woo hoo!!!!


                            I have returned my goodness you've been quiet. I might actually get some writing done today The beach was fantstic, there was not a soul in sight for miles, it was beautiful, I enjoyed it so much going back tomorrow And I collected shells for mom so she could sniff the ocean

                            Originally posted by bebop View Post
                            Yup...I'll give it a go...

                            Yup...ok...need supplies though..**rummages through bucket**...hmm?

                            Supplies are a bit thin on the usual...but if Peg can send a pic....?

                            I'll swap for's that sound?
                            deal, but i've only got one on my HD, my uncle has the rest so i'll send it on over. Not sure if it'll's a bit of a weird angle pic, so if it doesn't work, i'll see if I can get some more off my uncle Do you want me to email it to you or PM?

                            Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                            ooooh cant wait to see joe do that!! i hope canadian tells us more!!
                            DG SQUEE!!!!

                            oh dear dont give them ideas!!!!

                            i go to uni by the beach and i live by the beach at home, well a 5-10 minute drive but still !! only i cant go to the beach this weekend because im still writing my dissertation!!

                            i reeeeeeeeeaaaalllllyyyyy wish we had season 4 now damnit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                            I can't wait to see
                            is it our Shep or evil shep that's going to be smirking. I bet it's going to make for great angst, especially if the team remembers some of their dream

                            How's your dissertation coming on hon? Are you making progress?

                            Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                            Good Morning!

                            It's cold today... and it's still autumn. My Shep clone is not doing such a great job warming me up... he's too busy having fun with the Rodney clone...
                            Okay that's just disturbing... so is he warming McKay up instead then, You have to teach him to obey you're every command hon, cos you know how wilfull he is

                            Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                            Owwww... I just watched Sunday.
                            It's so sad... it made me all teary and that is so rare and difficult. But Sheppy looked hawt in it. So unfair that Teyla got such a nice whump!!! I would do anything for Sheppy to get that kind of whump. Well, at least there was emotional whump in it...
                            I loved the 'gate and infirmary scene made me want to bawl, and when he looked over at Rodney, just before they went to pick up the casket, I bawled again. The bagpipes got me... I know, I think that's the only thing that annoyed me, Teyla had lots of whump, big whump to, and our Shep...not so much

                            Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                            Good thing I wasn't drinking coffee or something when I read JM's blog today. That answer about Carter and the CG Wraith broke me up! And you KNOW someone out there will take that as gospel.

                            "Tao" is next week? Any good? In regards to last night's episode
                            haven't seen it yet.....but are we sure Kolya is really dead? This being sci fi and all......
                            One word about ToR, fantastic. *wants that ep for Shep*

                            Mmmmm maybe we should ask JM about
                            Kolya see if there's any way to bring him back

                            Fics were beautiful ladies, i've just got a couple more to read, but read and reviewed Bebops and Josie's. Great job you two, Josie hon, why were you worried?


                              Welcome back Peg!!!!

                              You have made me desperate to see the sea too - I may have to drive down to the coast if the weather holds in the next week or so!!!!!


                                Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                                I can't wait to see
                                is it our Shep or evil shep that's going to be smirking. I bet it's going to make for great angst, especially if the team remembers some of their dream

                                I loved the 'gate and infirmary scene made me want to bawl, and when he looked over at Rodney, just before they went to pick up the casket, I bawled again. The bagpipes got me... I know, I think that's the only thing that annoyed me, Teyla had lots of whump, big whump to, and our Shep...not so much

                                One word about ToR, fantastic. *wants that ep for Shep*
                                evil shep!!

                                Sunday - that's the exact moment my boyfriend yelled "It's not real!!" at me.

                                ToR -
                                at least got emotionally whumped in that one. so sweet!
                                The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                                l My LJ l

