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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
    Welcome back Peg!!!!

    You have made me desperate to see the sea too - I may have to drive down to the coast if the weather holds in the next week or so!!!!!
    ta hon It's supposed to last all weekend, and what was really nice was that there were no crowds...heck there were no people Just me and my mp3 walking along the beach, so peaceful Shame there was no ice cream van though *sigh* that would have just perfected things, fic, whump, surf, sea, sand Shep clone by side and a nice 99. You lot just make sure you read that number right!

    Originally posted by Squonk View Post
    evil shep!!

    Sunday - that's the exact moment my boyfriend yelled "It's not real!!" at me.

    ToR -
    at least got emotionally whumped in that one. so sweet!
    Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I swear if the summer doesn't come soon, i'm gonna start asking my doc for some prozac that way I won't care if we have to wait anouther 5 months....

    Ah who the heck a I kidding, it's too long a wait. I wish it was starting in July *sigh*

    Ya know I feel the urge to go and have a nap so not like me...


      Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
      ta hon It's supposed to last all weekend, and what was really nice was that there were no crowds...heck there were no people Just me and my mp3 walking along the beach, so peaceful Shame there was no ice cream van though *sigh* that would have just perfected things, fic, whump, surf, sea, sand Shep clone by side and a nice 99. You lot just make sure you read that number right!

      Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I swear if the summer doesn't come soon, i'm gonna start asking my doc for some prozac that way I won't care if we have to wait anouther 5 months....

      Ah who the heck a I kidding, it's too long a wait. I wish it was starting in July *sigh*

      Ya know I feel the urge to go and have a nap so not like me...
      Oh your day sounds awesome!!!!

      I feel like going upstairs lying on the bed and watching some Sheppy whump!!!


        Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
        Okay that's just disturbing... so is he warming McKay up instead then, You have to teach him to obey you're every command hon, cos you know how wilfull he is

        I loved the 'gate and infirmary scene made me want to bawl, and when he looked over at Rodney, just before they went to pick up the casket, I bawled again. The bagpipes got me... I know, I think that's the only thing that annoyed me, Teyla had lots of whump, big whump to, and our Shep...not so much
        He's not with Rodney anymore... He's tied up on the basement after a good whump. That was great for a warm up.


        yeah, that scene, JF acted out so well during that, the way he looks, the angst. And bagpipes always get to me.
        My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
        Sig and avi by me


          Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
          He's not with Rodney anymore... He's tied up on the basement after a good whump. That was great for a warm up.


          yeah, that scene, JF acted out so well during that, the way he looks, the angst. And bagpipes always get to me.
          He did indeed!!

          Very quiet in here again!! Where are all the whumpers?????? All these RL's!


            Congrats, Linzi, SheppyD, Caty and any other milestoners!

            I know I forgot a few when I read how Linzi wants a love triangle! I nearly choked when I read JMs blog last night. The man is quite wicked. Hmmm, it would be interesting, though.

            I've only seen it once. Bagpipes make me cry no matter where I am or what I'm doing. I think it must be the little bit of Scot in my blood.

            We have a lovely day here today,
            but I am doing laundry before going out. Since I don't have a car, I have to arrange all errands to make the minimum number of trips possible. So, doing laundry first made sense.

            Need to be on topic...


              Originally posted by caty View Post
              Do you get to go often? England doesn't exactly have beach weather reputation...
              in the summer i do...the weather has been brilliant this year though so i have been quite a bit!
              Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
              Owwww... I just watched Sunday.
              It's so sad... it made me all teary and that is so rare and difficult. But Sheppy looked hawt in it. So unfair that Teyla got such a nice whump!!! I would do anything for Sheppy to get that kind of whump. Well, at least there was emotional whump in it...
              yeh i know, that one whump in a long line of whumps that teyla got and all i could think was "i wish it was sheppy instead" lol but i do love that ep, even though now we know thingy is coming back it doesnt quite have the same emotional impact anymore i find. but joe was brill in that ep!
              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
              Oh yes, Roo. In answer to that:

              glad you agree!!

              Originally posted by caty View Post
              Although Tao is a Rodney episode, I really enjoyed it. IMO the best Rodney ep by far, because it has some pretty emotional stuff from the other characters and Rodney isn't as annoying as he can be sometimes (GUP comes to mind)..

              You can look forward to that ep
              i liked the tao but i didnt love was a great rodney ep (better than gup def and it made me a bit teary)and shep of course was brilliant as ever...but rodney eps just still fall a little flat for me. and its not just because i wanted it for shep since i know these writers wont ever give us anything like that. of course everyone else loves it so im obviously just in the minority here, but you know me and rodney...(and me and phantoms, and TRW and everything else i rant about lol). saying that i preferred mckay and mrs and miller to tao, because it was a bit more teamy and...well i dunno i just do.
              Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
              How's your dissertation coming on hon? Are you making progress?
              im getting there, ive written quite a lot of it actually and i hope to finish it by tomorrow if poss, since i need to get it bound before handing it in on weds. im just having a break watching doctor who and gonna make some tea and then get back to it.....ill be so glad when its over!! even though i do need to write another essay after it and revise for an exam!



                I'll try to have some writing done then I'll go home. I'm going to have dinner with my sis and mom today!
                My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                Sig and avi by me


                  Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                  So....what episode are they showing next week? *hopes it's a good one* I may actually get to see this one as it airs!!!!

                  I hope the sound came back okay for you guys! That sucks.

                  GG....did you say you caught Hewlettitis?

                  Can you believe I've been reading a fanfic over at that's 32 chapters long and it's NOT COMPLETE? I thought it was! MY EYES!!!!! LOL I think it's called "Uncommon Alliances" or something like that and involves Shep torture (SQUEEEEE) and the CG Wraith.

                  See you guys in the AM.

                  I've been reading that fic. It is AWESOME! Highly recommend it (by StarGalaxy). She posts often. Bookmark it if you don't read WIPs.

                  Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                  I think you're right. Once I'd calmed down, there were bits I really liked.

                  I didn't like the juxtaposition of the two guest characters. Didn't work for me.
                  One, Shep's evil nemesis, the second a supposed comedic character, who irritates a lot of people? Nope, good idea, but didn't quite work, IMO. As for Kolya's end? Growl. I will never get over that! What a waste!!

                  It's good to rant. When I first watched Irresponsible, I had a complete tantrum! I'm over it now, and can see the good parts. You'll feel better in time, but will never be happy with the eppie if you're like me.

                  Ditto! I adore those two together!
                  I made myself watch it again and found I liked it a lot better. I guess since I already knew about the bimbos, Lucius, and Kolya, I could relax and look for other stuff. I thought Ronon was hilarious. Loved everybody protecting McKay. And I really think Kolya is dead. I think Shep shot him in the heart. It's never going to be a favorite ep though.
                  *considers rewatching Irresistable to see if it has improved*

                  Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                  Yes it did. I asked if the CG wraith was definitely coming back, and kind Joe replied yes, and that he's going to be shipped with Carter. He knows how much I love romance, and was trying to be kind, I think I've replied that now I can see a love triangle forming. I mean, as I pointed out to Joe, you'd have to be blind not to see Sheppard's attraction to the wraith. I reckon he and Carter will slug it out for the wraith's heart, personally.
                  Now that cracks me up!

                  I loved ToR. Both 'gates should be awesome next week. Too bad I won't be home to watch. *wuvs DVR*

                  Coup d'Etat was on today. Still don't care for the yellow glasses, but it's always nice to see Lorne. He'll never replace Shep, but still.... *fans* Is it hot in here? Oops. Wrong thread

                  Congrats to GG, gravy, Linzi, SheppyD, Caty and any other milestoners!
                  Sig by Luciana
                  My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                    Evening whumpers!

                    Peg - glad you had a wonderful day at the beach. I bet it was glorious!!! I had a nice walk in the fields with the puppy!

                    Tor is next week in the US? Oh, that was a fabby episode. I loved it.

                    I'm glad people seem to find my idea of a Carter/Wraith/Shep love triangle amusing. You know me...such a die hard shipper. I just can't help myself. I see romance wherever I go... and promptly throw up! I'm sorry, I just can't help myself. I have shipper friends who I adore here, honestly, and I do respect their choices and likes. It's just a few posters who have soured all this romance stuff for me, because of the shipping wars and extreme vitriol. I swear I will never ship ANYONE in a TV show. Well, except for the Deddy and Apollo, and the Wraith love triangle...they're matches made in heaven... *Bad Linz*


                      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                      Evening whumpers!

                      Peg - glad you had a wonderful day at the beach. I bet it was glorious!!! I had a nice walk in the fields with the puppy!

                      Tor is next week in the US? Oh, that was a fabby episode. I loved it.

                      I'm glad people seem to find my idea of a Carter/Wraith/Shep love triangle amusing. You know me...such a die hard shipper. I just can't help myself. I see romance wherever I go... and promptly throw up! I'm sorry, I just can't help myself. I have shipper friends who I adore here, honestly, and I do respect their choices and likes. It's just a few posters who have soured all this romance stuff for me, because of the shipping wars and extreme vitriol. I swear I will never ship ANYONE in a TV show. Well, except for the Deddy and Apollo, and the Wraith love triangle...they're matches made in heaven... *Bad Linz*
                      *waves back* Hiya hon, i've just woke up from a lovely hour's nap, I really shouldn't cos it just makes me want to sleep forever

                      *giggles* Poor Shep he doesn't have much luck in the love department does he. I'm with you hon, I don't ship for anyone in Atlantis, but i've got friends who are the same as yours. As for your 'shipping'...what about the poor neglected puddle jumper?


                        Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                        *waves back* Hiya hon, i've just woke up from a lovely hour's nap, I really shouldn't cos it just makes me want to sleep forever

                        *giggles* Poor Shep he doesn't have much luck in the love department does he. I'm with you hon, I don't ship for anyone in Atlantis, but i've got friends who are the same as yours. As for your 'shipping'...what about the poor neglected puddle jumper?
                        Oh no! My poor little PJ! I love those ships! Hmmmm, maybe I should ship zelenka with one? He seems to spend a lot of time fine tuning them...ok, I think the sun has got to me today!!!


                          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                          Oh no! My poor little PJ! I love those ships! Hmmmm, maybe I should ship zelenka with one? He seems to spend a lot of time fine tuning them...ok, I think the sun has got to me today!!!
                          ya think?

                          You're coming out with some doozies today


                            Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                            ya think?

                            You're coming out with some doozies today
                            I know. It could be that my marbles have finally been lost!


                              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                              I know. It could be that my marbles have finally been lost!
                              Hon to lose something you had to have them to begin with



                                Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                                Hon to lose something you had to have them to begin with

                                You got me there!
                                *Linz runs off in search of those elusive marbles she never had*

