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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by bebop View Post
    I'm still a bit low at the moment..thought I'd cheer myself up with a whumpy pic apologies, goes.. I think this is pretty much all the manips I've done so far...


    Thanks hon they are very much appreciated. I've just been watching this ep, and when the scanner went over him, I though for a minute why the heck isn't he nekkid, i'd actually forgotten he was clothed lol your manio was that good...damnit wishes he was nekkid. oops did I say that out loud?

    Originally posted by bebop View Post
    Thanks mate... ..Can't seem to get my head in gear today at all...the thing with mum has really messed me up...and it was all over something so completely trivial........well I'm going to go out for some retail therapy with a friend now and drown my sorry arse in loads of I'll catch you all later.
    *sends hugs* Hope you feel better soon hon and that you work it out with your mom.

    Originally posted by caty View Post
    Not really... Mike will call them today, because they haven't been answering back. I apllied to another university because this is annoying me incredibly and I don't even know if I still want to go there..

    I just hope one of the two works out.
    Is the second one that you've applied to in the US as well Caty? Any more news? *huggles*

    Originally posted by Pocus View Post
    **brushes self off** Glad to see you too! Wish I had more time to play. Hopefully I will be able to sneak on while the kids are having Spanish class!

    Loving your blog! I look forward to reading your thoughts!

    Talk to you later.
    Thanks hon, it seems like ages since i've seen you, what you been up to?

    Originally posted by Josie View Post
    Is anyone interested in reading the prologue of my fic? I'm currently sorting out the main body of it for posting, there'll probably be an epilogue to come but there are no evil cliffies or anything. Anyway you can find the first part here here.
    Yeah, well done Josie we knew you'd get there in the end and I bet it's fantastic oh ye' of little faith I will save this for the weekend along with yours Bebop, Erika's SGA's, writing, visiting mom, work... *cough* I need more hours in the day. *sigh* I might go to the beach tomorrow and have a read of everyone's fics since it's been so lovely today, fingers crossed it's gonna be nice tomorrow and then I can chill with all your yummy fics...ooh I could have a picnic hmmmm that has possibililies

    Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
    yep i liked all the bits you liked and hated the bits you hated too
    i also liked the scene where he sees koyla for the first time and wants to go out and shoot him!

    i loved irresistable..irresponsible..not so much! but its still better than TRW!!

    hey ill admit phantoms was better than irresponsible....but it just means that i have 2 episodes where the potential wasnt met and its disappointing! and i just cant get over it.......!!!!

    the whole
    evil baby thing has been done to death it would be good if they could come up with something more original....tbh im just really confused as to what they could just doesnt quite fit in well enough with the show....and what about when teyla cant be on the team offworld does that mean were gonna get sam in her place...god i hope not

    i read both chapters josie!!!! Loved them!! poor shep!!
    Squeeeeee I love that bit in Irresponsible maybe there's hope for this ep that was my favourite bit cos you could see he was
    a man on a mission
    Gonna end on a positive note

    As for the Teyla arc
    I can't remember the order of the eps airing and it's possible it could change, but I was thinking maybe something's happened in the ep Tabula rasa, that means clean slate. So maybe something happens to Teyla in that ep, and she has no memories of getting pregnant, naturally or otherwise? That would pave the way for events in The seer...hmm. So it's possible that we won't know who the person is that impregnated her until that ep, and there's not much info on it yet.

    Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
    Well i just had to agree with your comments on Irresponsible. I liked the bits that you mentioned too. Like Roo I cant say that I found anything really enjoyable about TRW -that was my least fave ep. I would also say that The Game is down the bottom of my list of likes too!!!!
    I liked TRW Shep was a bit OOC, but for a Lizzie ep it wasn't bad I think it did need more team moments though. There wasn't that sense of urgency as there was for CG or Sateda...did Teyla get her own ep in S3?

    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
    I have to say that proposed McKay storyline sounds like total pants! I'm so glad that didn't happen. Phew, bit of a near disaster there, if you ask me.
    McKay and Katie Brown having a baby? Surely JM was joking? Yep, he was winding everyone up...had to, didn't he?
    Too soap operish for me I like my SGA action packed, with light and dark moments, not about
    babies, diapers and whose gonna look afte the ankle bitter while Daddy goes off world. I know we're going to get it anyway, but i'm keeping an open mind and hoping it won't be either Rosemary's baby, or Three men and a little baby

    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
    I agree. TRW was my least favourite. The Game isn't one I've watched much - twice, I believe. The end scene justified the episode for me, and I may have re-played that scene several times, but other than that it lacked excitement and drama, I thought. It was ok, but not thrilling, IMO.
    I agree.

    Originally posted by Pocus View Post
    Josie- Wonderful story. I loved it. I got so sucked into it that I almost didn't let my next class into my room until it was late.

    I did like PTW. I thought that testing the serum(?) on a real person and wraith was a bold step. I did like Perna but she seemed a little flat. She only seemed to realize their over zealousness at her end.

    LFP was good too. I loved how Shep hated watching what was happening and not being able to do anything about it.
    Ooooooh I look forward to reading this Josie Wow Pocus twice in one day *sends hugs* Are the kids still at Spanish?

    Well conversion has just finished and I still love that ep from start to finish. The team moments were lovely and everyone sticking up for Shep was completely squee worthy Poor Rodney, bless him he looked like a lost soul. As for the infirmary squee worthy as they were, the balacony scene stole it for me And while we're talking medical coma's why the heck wasn't Shep in scubs under a blanket...semi nekid? If anything were to happen they'd have had to rip off his shirt and let's face it in times of emergency those things really need to not be in the way


      Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
      Thanks hon they are very much appreciated. I've just been watching this ep, and when the scanner went over him, I though for a minute why the heck isn't he nekkid, i'd actually forgotten he was clothed lol your manio was that good...damnit wishes he was nekkid. oops did I say that out loud?

      *sends hugs* Hope you feel better soon hon and that you work it out with your mom.

      Is the second one that you've applied to in the US as well Caty? Any more news? *huggles*

      Thanks hon, it seems like ages since i've seen you, what you been up to?

      Yeah, well done Josie we knew you'd get there in the end and I bet it's fantastic oh ye' of little faith I will save this for the weekend along with yours Bebop, Erika's SGA's, writing, visiting mom, work... *cough* I need more hours in the day. *sigh* I might go to the beach tomorrow and have a read of everyone's fics since it's been so lovely today, fingers crossed it's gonna be nice tomorrow and then I can chill with all your yummy fics...ooh I could have a picnic hmmmm that has possibililies

      Squeeeeee I love that bit in Irresponsible maybe there's hope for this ep that was my favourite bit cos you could see he was
      a man on a mission
      Gonna end on a positive note

      As for the Teyla arc
      I can't remember the order of the eps airing and it's possible it could change, but I was thinking maybe something's happened in the ep Tabula rasa, that means clean slate. So maybe something happens to Teyla in that ep, and she has no memories of getting pregnant, naturally or otherwise? That would pave the way for events in The seer...hmm. So it's possible that we won't know who the person is that impregnated her until that ep, and there's not much info on it yet.

      I liked TRW Shep was a bit OOC, but for a Lizzie ep it wasn't bad I think it did need more team moments though. There wasn't that sense of urgency as there was for CG or Sateda...did Teyla get her own ep in S3?

      Too soap operish for me I like my SGA action packed, with light and dark moments, not about
      babies, diapers and whose gonna look afte the ankle bitter while Daddy goes off world. I know we're going to get it anyway, but i'm keeping an open mind and hoping it won't be either Rosemary's baby, or Three men and a little baby

      I agree.

      Ooooooh I look forward to reading this Josie Wow Pocus twice in one day *sends hugs* Are the kids still at Spanish?

      Well conversion has just finished and I still love that ep from start to finish. The team moments were lovely and everyone sticking up for Shep was completely squee worthy Poor Rodney, bless him he looked like a lost soul. As for the infirmary squee worthy as they were, the balacony scene stole it for me And while we're talking medical coma's why the heck wasn't Shep in scubs under a blanket...semi nekid? If anything were to happen they'd have had to rip off his shirt and let's face it in times of emergency those things really need to not be in the way
      Oh, Perversion Conversion was wonderful! Sigh...

      The bit where Sheppard is in Weir's office and he looks at his mutating hand and then tries to persuade Weir to let him off had me captivated. Joe did so brilliantly in that scene. Then Shep loses his temper and breaks the glass wall! Sigh... I did love that we got to see him in the infirmary though...even if he was buggified!
      I'd forgotten how much I love that eppie!


        Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
        I thought one of the funniest parts was Zelenka's message: all about the city rising (in Czech). "Security clearance?" It wasn't my favorite of S1 but I thought it was very well done for a clip show. It at least had a point. And I will admit to be a little choked up when they all said goodbye at the end. *sniff*

        Guess I'm the weird one then (no comments please). I really liked PtW. I thought it was actually quite dark - being willing to sacrifice half of your population to try to save the other half, the human experiment with the Wraith, the idea that they tried to help only to wind up killing them (either directly or later when the Wraith found out what happened). Our heroes didn't save the day. I love it when something is truly grey - no black and white to be found. Fascinating.
        Hey, you couldn't be as weird as me!! I did like parts of the episode, and I agree, it was good to see the team failing. It was dark, but lacked something. I like it, but it isn't one of my favourites, if that makes sense?


          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
          Oh, Perversion Conversion was wonderful! Sigh...

          The bit where Sheppard is in Weir's office and he looks at his mutating hand and then tries to persuade Weir to let him off had me captivated. Joe did so brilliantly in that scene. Then Shep loses his temper and breaks the glass wall! Sigh... I did love that we got to see him in the infirmary though...even if he was buggified!
          I'd forgotten how much I love that eppie!
          Do we need to put this in tags?
          He hates sitting around doing nothing, and I love it when he says, 'This is my life we're talking about', squeee. I would have liked to have seen how annoying he was in the infirmary, when he told Lizzie he was going a bit nuts i think that could've been intersting him getting under Carson's feet and being a pain in the ass till he let him go for a walk


            Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
            Do we need to put this in tags?
            He hates sitting around doing nothing, and I love it when he says, 'This is my life we're talking about', squeee. I would have liked to have seen how annoying he was in the infirmary, when he told Lizzie he was going a bit nuts i think that could've been intersting him getting under Carson's feet and being a pain in the ass till he let him go for a walk
            I am not sure what the situation is re s2- has it finished being shown in syndication now?

            Oh I am being a very busy bee this evening and have decided to throw all my videos away (well see if a charity wants them) - that is a reasonable thing to do right??? They are just gathering dust and so is my video player!!


              Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
              Do we need to put this in tags?
              He hates sitting around doing nothing, and I love it when he says, 'This is my life we're talking about', squeee. I would have liked to have seen how annoying he was in the infirmary, when he told Lizzie he was going a bit nuts i think that could've been intersting him getting under Carson's feet and being a pain in the ass till he let him go for a walk
              Actually, I don't know. Where is the US up to in syndication now? I just thought I'd be safe in case. It may have aired. Anyone know?


                Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                Ooooooh I look forward to reading this Josie Wow Pocus twice in one day *sends hugs* Are the kids still at Spanish?

                Well conversion has just finished and I still love that ep from start to finish. The team moments were lovely and everyone sticking up for Shep was completely squee worthy Poor Rodney, bless him he looked like a lost soul. As for the infirmary squee worthy as they were, the balacony scene stole it for me And while we're talking medical coma's why the heck wasn't Shep in scubs under a blanket...semi nekid? If anything were to happen they'd have had to rip off his shirt and let's face it in times of emergency those things really need to not be in the way
                Nope kids are done Spanish but I am sneaking on while they are playing and coloring Mother's day cards. SHHHHHH!

                Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                Oh, Perversion Conversion was wonderful! Sigh...

                The bit where Sheppard is in Weir's office and he looks at his mutating hand and then tries to persuade Weir to let him off had me captivated. Joe did so brilliantly in that scene. Then Shep loses his temper and breaks the glass wall! Sigh... I did love that we got to see him in the infirmary though...even if he was buggified!
                I'd forgotten how much I love that eppie!

                Conversion is my favorite ep of all the seasons. I love the reactions and interactions between team members. I love how Joe played the whole transformation. He did make a nice looking bug too.

                I just watched the DVD commentary on this ep the other night. I like how MG decided to portray the story. He said he did not want to write it but it turned out to be one of his favorites. To me it is very sci fi but a very human story also. A person undergoing a change they have no control over how their friends handle it.


                  Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                  Hey, you couldn't be as weird as me!! I did like parts of the episode, and I agree, it was good to see the team failing. It was dark, but lacked something. I like it, but it isn't one of my favourites, if that makes sense?
                  Makes total sense. We all have different things we are looking for. One of my favorite things about the whump thread is hearing what other people saw. I always learn something from all of you - the different viewpoints actually help me enjoy the eps more. Now when I watch it again, I look for what you were seeing.

                  Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                  Do we need to put this in tags?
                  He hates sitting around doing nothing, and I love it when he says, 'This is my life we're talking about', squeee. I would have liked to have seen how annoying he was in the infirmary, when he told Lizzie he was going a bit nuts i think that could've been intersting him getting under Carson's feet and being a pain in the ass till he let him go for a walk
                  No more spoiler tags needed for Conversion. Coup d'Etat is showing this weekend. Anything before that is free reign.
                  Sig by Luciana
                  My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                    Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                    Nope kids are done Spanish but I am sneaking on while they are playing and coloring Mother's day cards. SHHHHHH!

                    Conversion is my favorite ep of all the seasons. I love the reactions and interactions between team members. I love how Joe played the whole transformation. He did make a nice looking bug too.

                    I just watched the DVD commentary on this ep the other night. I like how MG decided to portray the story. He said he did not want to write it but it turned out to be one of his favorites. To me it is very sci fi but a very human story also. A person undergoing a change they have no control over how their friends handle it.
                    It's my favourite season 2 eppie. It doesn't quite beat 38 Minutes, CG or TDO though. I don't know why, because some bits are so moving. It's just me wanting Shep in more pain, I think!


                      Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                      Makes total sense. We all have different things we are looking for. One of my favorite things about the whump thread is hearing what other people saw. I always learn something from all of you - the different viewpoints actually help me enjoy the eps more. Now when I watch it again, I look for what you were seeing.

                      No more spoiler tags needed for Conversion. Coup d'Etat is showing this weekend. Anything before that is free reign.
                      I agree. It is nice to hear different perspectives!
                      Edit: Thanks for the info on Conversion. No tags needed! Doh me!
                      Last edited by Linzi; 27 April 2007, 11:05 AM.


                        Hey peeps I came down from my sugar high with a bump and was outcold by the time my head hit the pillow last night, however woke up this morning feeling really tired and have a big bruise on my leg - no idea where it came from!! maybe I should lay off blue icing

                        Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                        What she said!
                        Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                        Congrats on your milestone Listy!!!!!!
                        Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
                        Evening whumpers *blinks blearily and waves*

                        CONGRATULATIONS LISTY ON 1200 POSTS!!

                        CONGRATULATIONS WHUMPERS ON 74000 POSTS!! WOW!!!
                        Thanks everyone

                        Originally posted by bebop View Post
                        I'm still a bit low at the moment..thought I'd cheer myself up with a whumpy pic apologies, goes.. I think this is pretty much all the manips I've done so far...


                        and this one because he looks so incredibly hawt....

                        OMG where is the pillow manip i needed it to break my fall they were fantastic, I love your manips, hope you are feeling more cheery now hun I had a sucky day at work today am pretty glad I am leaving

                        Originally posted by caty View Post
                        Not really... Mike will call them today, because they haven't been answering back. I apllied to another university because this is annoying me incredibly and I don't even know if I still want to go there..

                        I just hope one of the two works out.
                        I really do hope you work something out hun and get to go to the US you ahve worked so hard and you deserve to be rewarded with this.

                        Originally posted by Josie View Post
                        Good morning all!

                        Tired and feeling poorly today. I'm a bit bored at the moment, I was the same yesterday feeling really restless and not sure what to do with myself. I finished the bulk of my fic (and Ali likes it apparently) I've just got an epilogue to add to it, so I may do some writing later.

                        Anything exciting happening in the world of whumping?
                        Hope you feel better soon, am glad you ahve made progress on your fic, I am very excited to read it I saw you posted links to it so once I have caught up on here I will wander off to read it

                        Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                        OMG! I have tons of alerts from All of a sudden they decided to send them all at the same time...
                        Me too, but only a few of them I didn't know about so I only have a few chaps to catch up on

                        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                        I like the sound of that dream!!! I could, no, PG forum...
                        Ditto that dream had potential

                        Originally posted by Josie View Post
                        You see I've thought about it and I don't think I would have minded
                        the McKay as a parent idea as long as it wasn't over done. I do hope we get to see him and Katie be a real couple though, it's unrealistic that out of our team of four very attractive people none of them have had a proper relationship in 3 years and personally I think Rodney and Katie are adorable together (plus, as JM has said, Rodney being in a relationship will mean he won't be drooling at Carter the whole time).
                        ITA to me it seems like a reasonable progression
                        I doubt they have all had no action in 3 years, and I don't think McKay being a dad would have had too much of an affect on the team dynamic, and would have shown some normal everyday life in the Pegasus Galaxy. so I agree it wouldn't have bothered me and we would have had the added bonus of no stupid ROdney Carter moments

                        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                        Oh I meant to say, I know probably loads of you have the new Stargate mag, and the readers poll has been mentioned, but I got my copy today, and thought some of you might like to see the poll results that haven't been mentioned. In spoilers for OTness:

                        Best SGA section

                        1.Common Ground
                        2. Duet
                        3. M&MM

                        Top Male
                        1. John Sheppard (Hooray!...sorry!)
                        2. Rodney McKay
                        3. Carson Beckett

                        Top Female
                        1. Dr. Weir (52%)
                        2. Tela (48%) - so VERY close. Which is nice!

                        Top Tearjerker
                        1. Perna's Death. This surprised me, because I nearly barfed, personally
                        2. LFP. (I thought this should have won, though, spoilers for Sunday
                        Carson's death couldn't be included because it hadn't aired on US TV I think.

                        3. Teyla singing
                        4. Old Weir's death
                        5. Death of Ronon's wife.

                        Most romantic moment
                        1. John and Chaya's picnic
                        2. Carter and McKay's kiss
                        3. McKay and Beckett
                        4.Carson and Perna
                        5. Shep and Weir (TLG) So Thalan and Pheobus then

                        Ok, the rest are pretty boring so I'll just post the winners!!!
                        Funniest Moment:
                        1. Cadman having her consciousness in Rodney's body

                        Best Guest 1. Michael

                        Best Villain 1.The Wraith

                        Best oneliner:
                        1."we're in another bloody galaxy, how much more out can you get?" Beckett to McKay in Rising
                        2. "Oh my God, he is Kirk!" (sorry, I just love that line from Sanctuary, even if it did cause a fan furore!!!

                        Best Atlantis set 1. Atlantis

                        Best Costume 1. Wraith
                        Best Cliffhanger 1. Siege I and II
                        Best overall writer 1. Robert C Cooper
                        Best director 1. Martin Wood (yay, my favourite!)
                        mine came today too haven't read it yet though but had a quick flick through and noticed this have to say doesn't look like there is much in it this issue


                          afternoon whumpers
                          Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                            *waves* Hey mkc! How's you?
                            Sig by Luciana
                            My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                              tired just finished a 16 hour shift. you?
                              Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                                Oww... the s1 talk made me want to watch the eps... Some of them I've only seen once. Didn't really like Childhood's End and PTW wasn't my favorite (I really hated those people...) But I loved LFP. I need to buy the DVDs soon...

                                I have to go RL is calling and then I'm going home. But I'll be back tomorrow.
                                My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                                Sig and avi by me

