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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
    You keep forgetting about the S5
    infirmary scene

    Oh Caz, how could you? I mean it's vital to the plot.

    Wow, you're brave, I know some of the JF fans took a bit of a bashing a few days back, but at the end of the day, what other people think doesn't bother me. People will like who they like, and i'm sure if the situation was reversed they'd be asking the same.
    That's true! I think it must be the whumper in me...I get all protective and concerned when I see the hurt!!

    And the nice thing is we did get some lovely pix for season 5, and for that i'm most grateful. Sure lots more would always be welcomed, but if that's all we get, then what can we do? We'll just have to imagine lots of whumpy scenarios for season 5, we've got good imaginations, it shouldn't be a problem.

    So hon, what image did you conjure up?
    Hee hee! Well...started with his back..............

    Hehe yeah we did start that one, and I think we blinded him didn't we and were going to put him in a gladiator arena or something like that. Or is that the one where he was captured and tortured...

    I agree I do love the Rodney/Shep scenes, I absolutely adored the dysfunctional pair trying to talk in Outcast, and then there was the lovely scene between Shep and Ronon by the 'gate. *sniff* I feel the need to go and watch it again. I may need tissues
    I've got that urge to. Might do that later if I don't go out.


      Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
      You keep forgetting about the S5
      infirmary scene

      Oh Caz, how could you? I mean it's vital to the plot.

      I agree I do love the Rodney/Shep scenes, I absolutely adored the dysfunctional pair trying to talk in Outcast, and then there was the lovely scene between Shep and Ronon by the 'gate. *sniff* I feel the need to go and watch it again. I may need tissues
      I have suitably punished myself by reading a text book!

      Luffs that scene! Shep looks so lost and then his friend turns up to guide him

      What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


        Originally posted by cc_mac View Post
        Hello everyone ...waves ...well, I don't know if I'm a whumper (is that a cross between whip and thump?). But, I've been lurking here for awhile and have to say that I've really been enjoying the pics and the fanfic refs. They have quickly become some of my favorites. So, maybe I'm a whumper in training?
        Welcome!! A cross between whip and thump? Hee! Could be. Lots of fun to be had here (unless you're John Sheppard). If you're enjoying the pics and fics (ooo, a rhyme!) here, then I believe you might have passed training status and moved directly to Whumper.


        Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
        *giggles* oh i'd loved to have been a fly on that wall while you were having the conversation.
        Then you should have seen me trying to not faint when the video we were watching informed us that the shock pads don't adhere well to hairy chests and you must SHAVE the chest hair or rip off the pads (to remove the hair) and re-adhere them for them to work properly.

        I closed my whumper ears and pretended to not hear it. Such desecration.
        Sig by Luciana
        My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


          Originally posted by Elinor View Post
          That's true! I think it must be the whumper in me...I get all protective and concerned when I see the hurt!!
          Ah bless hon, do you want to borrow my florence nightingale uniform?

          Hee hee! Well...started with his back..............

          I've got that urge to. Might do that later if I don't go out.

          You started with his back? I'm sure i'd not have started there.

          Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
          I have suitably punished myself by reading a text book!

          Luffs that scene! Shep looks so lost and then his friend turns up to guide him

          Oh I luff that scene to...

          Feel the need for some Outcast pics


            Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
            Then you should have seen me trying to not faint when the video we were watching informed us that the shock pads don't adhere well to hairy chests and you must SHAVE the chest hair or rip off the pads (to remove the hair) and re-adhere them for them to work properly.

            I closed my whumper ears and pretended to not hear it. Such desecration.
            Blimey!!! That would be a crime wouldn't it?!!


              Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
              Welcome!! A cross between whip and thump? Hee! Could be. Lots of fun to be had here (unless you're John Sheppard). If you're enjoying the pics and fics (ooo, a rhyme!) here, then I believe you might have passed training status and moved directly to Whumper.


              Then you should have seen me trying to not faint when the video we were watching informed us that the shock pads don't adhere well to hairy chests and you must SHAVE the chest hair or rip off the pads (to remove the hair) and re-adhere them for them to work properly.

              I closed my whumper ears and pretended to not hear it. Such desecration.
              oh i'd have loved to have seen your face during that process. Does Listy's poster cover chest hair to?


                Originally posted by Elinor View Post
                Blimey!!! That would be a crime wouldn't it?!!

                Sacrilege, I say.
                Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                oh i'd have loved to have seen your face during that process. Does Listy's poster cover chest hair to?
                It's a good thing the lights were out. 38 Minutes was running through my head, and I was imagining Ford trying to explain to Teyla.... Never mind. I can't even say it.

                I don't think Listy's poster covers chest hair. Maybe she can make another one. "Rules for defibrillation: 1) Rip shirt off. 2) Adhere pads. 3) Don't even THINK about removing chest hair."
                Sig by Luciana
                My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                  Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                  Ah bless hon, do you want to borrow my florence nightingale uniform?
                  Ooo yes please...I can add it to my collection of nurses's outfits down through the ages! Every whumper should have a collection!!

                  You started with his back? I'm sure i'd not have started there.

                  Fab! What I love about that first pic is
                  that the clothes are all nicely folded and laid out on the bed, then he just scrunches them up and shoves them in his bag!! I bet Joe packs like that in real life!!


                    Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                    Sacrilege, I say.

                    It's a good thing the lights were out. 38 Minutes was running through my head, and I was imagining Ford trying to explain to Teyla.... Never mind. I can't even say it.

                    I don't think Listy's poster covers chest hair. Maybe she can make another one. "Rules for defibrillation: 1) Rip shirt off. 2) Adhere pads. 3) Don't even THINK about removing chest hair."
                    Hehe i've not seen her about much, I think this needs our immediate attention.



                    Originally posted by Elinor View Post
                    Ooo yes please...I can add it to my collection of nurses's outfits down through the ages! Every whumper should have a collection!!

                    Fab! What I love about that first pic is
                    that the clothes are all nicely folded and laid out on the bed, then he just scrunches them up and shoves them in his bag!! I bet Joe packs like that in real life!!

                    *snort* You have a collection... oh we must trade notes.


                      Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                      Hehe i've not seen her about much, I think this needs our immediate attention.


                      *snort* You have a collection... oh we must trade notes.
                      Bwahahahaha!! I love it! Mental green for you!
                      Sig by Luciana
                      My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                        Originally posted by cc_mac View Post
                        Hello everyone ...waves...well, I don't know if I'm a whumper (is that a cross between whip and thump?). But, I've been lurking here for awhile and have to say that I've really been enjoying the pics and the fanfic refs. They have quickly become some of my favorites. So, maybe I'm a whumper in training?
                        Welcome, you will learn from the best in here the whumpers are true profesisonals and damn good at what they do

                        Originally posted by scifan View Post
                        Sorry I've been such a stranger lately. I just wanted to come in and ask everyone to keep Elflinn in their thoughts and prayers tomorrow. She is going in for surgery very early. I have a banner going on in the JT thread if you want to post your wishes under it. I'd like to make it into a big post, like the do for games. I hope that made sense. Thanks guys.
                        Hello, Elf has been in my thoughts a lot lately, will head over to the JFT.

                        Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                        *snort* Luffed the books and films you and Josie though of. *giggles* I'm sure through our [streike]brainwashing[/strike] persistance we'll let them know just how important whump is.
                        Hey Peg, where have you been?? you must be woking to hard in RL missed you being around

                        Giggles, see what happens when there is no new whump, we go a little loopy

                        Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post

                        I think it's just the lack of info that makes me nervous. That and the hiatus blues, but I suppose if we look at it there's not been much about the whole cast really and what their roles are, so hopefully when Comic Con comes about we'll get to see some more goodies.

                        I just hope that we get in S&R
                        At least an infirmary scene. I so would love that, but the more I read the more worried I get that we won't get one... but i'm hoping, I mean being trapped under all that rubble, you'd at least expect to be kept in overnite wouldn't you?
                        I totally agree, I would expect nothing less infact I expect much much more well a whumper can hope can't she?

                        *giggles* I've not heard anything so far, I got an email from the lady at Charitybuzz last Tuesday saying that someone would be intouch with me shortly, but nothing yet. If i've not heard anything by tomorrow i'll email her. Thing is, i've no clue what the procedure is for this.

                        But i'm still excited. Knightie and Salty have been giving me a few tips, so i'm really grateful. There's only you guys that know Linz and I are going, hehe. Ahhhh the mystery of the elusive bidder. *giggles*

                        Yay!!!! I would drop them an email just to check in and see what progress is beind made, it can't hurt


                          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                          Choccie snacks? YUMMY!

                          Welcome! Don't worry. We can turn you to the darkside!

                          Best of luck to Elflinn with her op. I'm thinking of you Elfie, and I hope it all goes well for you!

                          *Giggles as well*

                          I'd love to see that too!

                          Thanks to all of those wishing my little one well yesterday. She came third in her race, which is pretty good considering it was the first time she'd competed at 1200m. I think her time was 4mins 34 seconds. Which means nothing to me Oh, I got sunburnt! Yes. I look like a beetroot! Ouch!
                          oh glad little un did well, 4 mins 34 seconds sounds impressive to me (I am still aching from that Spinning class and that was like what three days ago . Yay you got sunshine, excellent, I said you should take sunblock and alcohol free wine

                          Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                          It would be cool if he could meet HF, but alas, most likely not. Unless he comes to EAA in July..then its possible.

                          Whoo Hoo!! Whumper reunion!!! Yeah, Wolf gladly exchanged my P3 ticket for a P4 one. They even told me it was well within the first 300. So it's definately a M&G! I'm all excited to Squee with the whumpers!! now, to get one of those black wristbands....
                          Yay P4 is going to be awesome.

                          Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                          Welcome!! A cross between whip and thump? Hee! Could be. Lots of fun to be had here (unless you're John Sheppard). If you're enjoying the pics and fics (ooo, a rhyme!) here, then I believe you might have passed training status and moved directly to Whumper.


                          Then you should have seen me trying to not faint when the video we were watching informed us that the shock pads don't adhere well to hairy chests and you must SHAVE the chest hair or rip off the pads (to remove the hair) and re-adhere them for them to work properly.

                          I closed my whumper ears and pretended to not hear it. Such desecration.
                          OMG SHAVE chest hair OMG that is just so wrong on so so many levels

                          Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                          Ah bless hon, do you want to borrow my florence nightingale uniform?

                          You started with his back? I'm sure i'd not have started there.

                          Oh I luff that scene to...

                          Feel the need for some Outcast pics
                          Guh so nice!!!!

                          Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                          oh i'd have loved to have seen your face during that process. Does Listy's poster cover chest hair to?
                          It doesn't *panics...runs in circles.....panics some more* the poor poor chest hair!!!!!!!!!

                          Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                          Sacrilege, I say.

                          It's a good thing the lights were out. 38 Minutes was running through my head, and I was imagining Ford trying to explain to Teyla.... Never mind. I can't even say it.

                          I don't think Listy's poster covers chest hair. Maybe she can make another one. "Rules for defibrillation: 1) Rip shirt off. 2) Adhere pads. 3) Don't even THINK about removing chest hair."
                          It doesn't *panics even more, gets dizzy running in circles and falls over*

                          Originally posted by Elinor View Post
                          Fab! What I love about that first pic is
                          that the clothes are all nicely folded and laid out on the bed, then he just scrunches them up and shoves them in his bag!! I bet Joe packs like that in real life!!

                          yeah that was very amusing

                          Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                          Hehe i've not seen her about much, I think this needs our immediate attention.


                          *snort* You have a collection... oh we must trade notes.
                          Oh thank goodness!!!!! nice poster hun


                            Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                            Hey Ya whumpers!!

                            Checking in before I head to work in a bit. *yuck!*

                            Linzi - Congrats on the little one's placement yesterday!! That is so cool!!

                            Peg - YES!! I am still attending P4!! I'm still debating whether or not I want to extend the time a few days to go sightseeing. But yeah, looking forward to finally meeting all my friends from across the pond!

                            SQUEE!! Geeklet officially became a Young Eagle yesterday! He completed his flight and has his certificate. His name will be added into the official book. Young Eagle is a program designed to introduce kids age 8-17 to the joy of aviation. Harrison Ford is the chairman of the program too.

                            SQUEEEE!!! 2 months, 6 days till S5!! And hopefully lots of Shep whump to boot!!
                            Oh, congrats to Geeklet! What an achievement! Harrison Ford is chairman? Really? That's interesting. I didn't know he was interested in flying.

                            Is it 2 months, 6 days to go? That still sounds a lot to me! I want it to be a week away! I have no patience I REALLY hope we get some great Sheppy stuff and some wonderful whump!
                            Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                            It would be cool if he could meet HF, but alas, most likely not. Unless he comes to EAA in July..then its possible.

                            Whoo Hoo!! Whumper reunion!!! Yeah, Wolf gladly exchanged my P3 ticket for a P4 one. They even told me it was well within the first 300. So it's definately a M&G! I'm all excited to Squee with the whumpers!! now, to get one of those black wristbands....
                            That's good! I had one for P3, which Ali kindly got for me, and I wore it proudly. Now, where did I put it????? I can't find it. Damn it!
                            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                            I have some spare.
                            Save one for me! I've lost mine! WB!
                            Originally posted by Elinor View Post
                            Well done to her. I think that time sounds not bad actually, although it's rather a long time since I entered athletics competitions. I've just started up running again and I can just about manage to run about 100m. Hee hee! Unfit or what!!
                            I have no idea how good it is! She had another county competition today and did 800m in 2mins 48 seconds. Which I'm told is quite good for a novice? Fortunately this competition was reasonably local and hubby took her while I cleaned the rabbits out. Though, I have to say maybe the athletics would have been better, as the rabbits had decided having a poop-a-thon would be fun...nice!

                            I don't think I could even run 50m

                            Originally posted by Elinor View Post

                            Flippin' too! *wanders off in her imagination*

                            Well done to Geeklet! I bet he's thrilled!

                            I was looking in the comments on JM's blog yesterday (yes I'm still reading it!) and noticed
                            someone is calling her/himself 'A Former Flanigan Fan'! What and why?!! No loyalty with some people is there!! I'm getting so suspicious that the thought did cross my mind that it's Mr M posting with an alias 'cos he wants to stir things up and cause a bit of controversy!

                            For peace of mind, I really, really, really should stop going over there!

                            Anyway, I know from what I've read and con vids I've seen, I think that JF is there!!

                            To be honest, I don't even read the comments on the blog anymore - since JM gave his little speech on Shep not being mentioned much on his blog etc and blaming everyone else under the sun for that, I suddenly lost interest in what he had to say - and lost a lot of respect for him too, I'm sad to say. And thus I gave up reading the comments too.

                            Some don't like Shep? I don't care. People want to slag off JF? Well, I don't approve of anyone slagging off real people. But at the end of the day, I couldn't care less what supposed fans like or don't like. JM's blog is not what it once was, IMO. I don't find it entertaining anymore, so I've moved on from it for the moment. If there's anything interesting in the comments etc... I know someone here will let us know
                            Originally posted by Elinor View Post
                            You know, I think the Shep and Ronon scenes may be nudging out the Shep and McKay scenes for me these days. Only's pretty close between the two. You see a different side to Sheppy with each of those characters and I love it! I think that the fact that Joe and Jason are close friends for real just adds to it and Joe has said he loves David (at the London Expo) and I think that shows on screen also. It's a joy to watch it all!

                            I'm having to agree with you here. Shep and Ronon friendship scenes are beginning to really appeal to me now. I'll always love Shep and McKay, but somehow Ronon seems more of a friend at the moment. Maybe that's after Outcast and Midway? I don't know. But I'm really excited to see S and R!


                              Originally posted by Listy View Post
                              oh glad little un did well, 4 mins 34 seconds sounds impressive to me (I am still aching from that Spinning class and that was like what three days ago . Yay you got sunshine, excellent, I said you should take sunblock and alcohol free wine
                              Well the weather man said it was going to rain! He never said take sun block! I should have listened to you. As I wasn't driving, (hubby dropped us at the sports centre to get the coach and picked us up) I should have taken alcoholic wine with me! It certainly would have livened up the proceedings, though I guess my headache would have been even worse if I'd been boozing!

                              Originally posted by Listy View Post

                              Yay P4 is going to be awesome.
                              It is! I can't wait for the whumpers to get together again!

                              Originally posted by Listy View Post

                              OMG SHAVE chest hair OMG that is just so wrong on so so many levels
                              Chest hair whump? NOOOOOOOOOO!

                              Originally posted by Listy View Post

                              Guh so nice!!!!

                              It doesn't *panics...runs in circles.....panics some more* the poor poor chest hair!!!!!!!!!
                              Leave the chest hair alone, I say! I like it!
                              Originally posted by Listy View Post

                              It doesn't *panics even more, gets dizzy running in circles and falls over*

                              yeah that was very amusing

                              Oh thank goodness!!!!! nice poster hun
                              Indeed! Very nice poster!


                                Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                                Well the weather man said it was going to rain! He never said take sun block! I should have listened to you. As I wasn't driving, (hubby dropped us at the sports centre to get the coach and picked us up) I should have taken alcoholic wine with me! It certainly would have livened up the proceedings, though I guess my headache would have been even worse if I'd been boozing!
                                nevermind hun, good thing is it didn't rain so no puddlejumping needed ..... wait no, don't listen to me, I hardly ever talk sense, thats way too much pressure

                                It is! I can't wait for the whumpers to get together again!

                                Chest hair whump? NOOOOOOOOOO!

                                Leave the chest hair alone, I say! I like it!

                                Indeed! Very nice poster!
                                *Hides in the corner with ListySC and buggyshep clone* Is the chest hair intact?? is it safe to come out??

