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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by caty View Post
    OT frustration:

    Did anyone else notice that fleas are especially bad this spring? We have 4 dogs (and of course, it's Florida) and they have been battling fleas for two months! They have been treated twice, I spray them every time I see them, they get flea baths every week, we had the yard sprayed, we had the house sprayed twice and the dogs are still infested with them!

    I don't know what else to do.. I even have a few bites now. I feel like those things are mutating into monsters
    I'ts the warmer weather. But... you need to do this: cut up an *herbal* flea collar (chemical ones may not be good to inhale dust of) and put it inside the vacuum cleaner bag, then vacuum the baseboards every day without fail. If you suck up fleas and their eggs, they'll die inside the vacuum; without the collar, they'll just live on. We had fleas once and that helped a lot. Hate to say it, but the housework helps, and... when we gave the cats a bath, we put them under a hot lightbulb,and the fleas were attracted to the light/heat (or a TV screen in the dark) and then we coudl catch them by hand (yeah, tedious but we got a dozen or so that way).

    On the other hand, I'd take fleas over ticks. Our poor dog has lyme and another nasty tickborne disease and he's on drugs for the next three weeks. I hate ticks.


      Originally posted by prion View Post
      I'ts the warmer weather. But... you need to do this: cut up an *herbal* flea collar (chemical ones may not be good to inhale dust of) and put it inside the vacuum cleaner bag, then vacuum the baseboards every day without fail. If you suck up fleas and their eggs, they'll die inside the vacuum; without the collar, they'll just live on. We had fleas once and that helped a lot. Hate to say it, but the housework helps, and... when we gave the cats a bath, we put them under a hot lightbulb,and the fleas were attracted to the light/heat (or a TV screen in the dark) and then we coudl catch them by hand (yeah, tedious but we got a dozen or so that way).

      On the other hand, I'd take fleas over ticks. Our poor dog has lyme and another nasty tickborne disease and he's on drugs for the next three weeks. I hate ticks.
      oh... I sympathise!
      Can't stand insects of any kind really... whump the lot of them I say...
      When we lived in England we had a real problem with fleas in the carpets of the house we had just bought. In the end, we sprayed the whole house top to bottom with very heavy duty insecticide and went away on hols for a week.
      Luckily that did the trick.

      There's something really evil about things that suck your blood... (here in Ontario we have mosquitoes.)

      But I guess we are just lucky we don't have iratus bugs!!!

      The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread... Keeping the dream alive.


        Originally posted by prion View Post
        I'ts the warmer weather. But... you need to do this: cut up an *herbal* flea collar (chemical ones may not be good to inhale dust of) and put it inside the vacuum cleaner bag, then vacuum the baseboards every day without fail. If you suck up fleas and their eggs, they'll die inside the vacuum; without the collar, they'll just live on. We had fleas once and that helped a lot. Hate to say it, but the housework helps, and... when we gave the cats a bath, we put them under a hot lightbulb,and the fleas were attracted to the light/heat (or a TV screen in the dark) and then we coudl catch them by hand (yeah, tedious but we got a dozen or so that way).

        On the other hand, I'd take fleas over ticks. Our poor dog has lyme and another nasty tickborne disease and he's on drugs for the next three weeks. I hate ticks.
        Thanks for that, Prion! I'll try that.. I do vacuum every day as it is because the exterminator told us that kills them (or at least the eggs). I'm just so frustrated cause this doesn't seem to go away. It's been dragging on forever now..

        I hate ticks, too. But they don't come in the numbers fleas do
        *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


          Originally posted by caty View Post
          I see the poll on the front page works again... Atlantis is slowly moving up, so keep voting!
          Finally!! thanks for the info.
          Chicago Con Attendee 2011
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            Originally posted by caty View Post
            OT frustration:

            Did anyone else notice that fleas are especially bad this spring? We have 4 dogs (and of course, it's Florida) and they have been battling fleas for two months! They have been treated twice, I spray them every time I see them, they get flea baths every week, we had the yard sprayed, we had the house sprayed twice and the dogs are still infested with them!

            I don't know what else to do.. I even have a few bites now. I feel like those things are mutating into monsters
            Originally posted by prion View Post
            I'ts the warmer weather. But... you need to do this: cut up an *herbal* flea collar (chemical ones may not be good to inhale dust of) and put it inside the vacuum cleaner bag, then vacuum the baseboards every day without fail. If you suck up fleas and their eggs, they'll die inside the vacuum; without the collar, they'll just live on. We had fleas once and that helped a lot. Hate to say it, but the housework helps, and... when we gave the cats a bath, we put them under a hot lightbulb,and the fleas were attracted to the light/heat (or a TV screen in the dark) and then we coudl catch them by hand (yeah, tedious but we got a dozen or so that way).

            On the other hand, I'd take fleas over ticks. Our poor dog has lyme and another nasty tickborne disease and he's on drugs for the next three weeks. I hate ticks.
            I hate fleas. My cat that I had years ago was allergic to them. My parents' one dog was a flea magnet. We never could get rid of them when she was around. My poor cat spent the summer months all scabbed over and pitiful looking. It was so hard to pet him because of the sores.

            Ticks are devil spawn I say. I am so disgusted by them. I act like a two year old if I find one embedded on me. We get the dog's lyme's preventative shots every year.

            I would subject Sheppard to fleas in a heartbeat, but not a tick. That is too much gross whump even for me!


              Originally posted by Kristen999 View Post
              Kind of OT :::

              Vid Rec. Not sure if this has popped up here, been gone a few days.

              I don't care if you view this as GEN or slash, doesn't matter to me. This is just an awesome video, chronicling Ronon and John and makes a lot of great parallels about steps in their lives. It has guns, explosions, angst and friendship. The editing is very well done, has some nice technical aspects and its just a wonderful all around great video.

              Can't rec it any more then that. Check out if you love John and Ronon whatever the case may be! Or just admire the artistic elements of the video.

              Thanks for the rec, that was a very cool vid!

              Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
              Hey there Whumpers!

              I totally feel your pain. Here in Louisiana we've got mosquitoes, bees (I hate those things!!), and ants all over the place. Soon we'll get the roaches. Bleh!

              I'm off to catch up, then off I go with hubby for more SGA viewing. He ASKED if we were watching tonight!


              Growing up in Texas and living in Australia, I experienced my share of fleas, ticks, roaches, ants, flies spiders, etc. Also had snakes, field mice, and other nasties. We have roaches here in downtown SF, but I don't get them in my flat (thankfully!). I rarely see any of the others.

              How much longer until S5???


                Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                Thanks for the rec, that was a very cool vid!

                Growing up in Texas and living in Australia, I experienced my share of fleas, ticks, roaches, ants, flies spiders, etc. Also had snakes, field mice, and other nasties. We have roaches here in downtown SF, but I don't get them in my flat (thankfully!). I rarely see any of the others.

                How much longer until S5???
                Too long **pouts**


                  Well, we're another day closer! S5 will be here before we know it!

                  Goodnight and happy whumpy dreams!



                    Okay, so now, why am I thinking...Sheppard, with fleas? Probably got 'em from Todd after their little stay in that Genii prison...

                    "The gift of fleas, is reserved only for our most devout worshippers, and our cellmates..."



                      Originally posted by Kristen999 View Post
                      Kind of OT :::

                      Vid Rec. Not sure if this has popped up here, been gone a few days.

                      I don't care if you view this as GEN or slash, doesn't matter to me. This is just an awesome video, chronicling Ronon and John and makes a lot of great parallels about steps in their lives. It has guns, explosions, angst and friendship. The editing is very well done, has some nice technical aspects and its just a wonderful all around great video.

                      Can't rec it any more then that. Check out if you love John and Ronon whatever the case may be! Or just admire the artistic elements of the video.

                      Thanks am just heading over to check this out
                      Sig by me my LJ - the place to find some of my artwork and fics - My Stargate vids


                        Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                        Okay here is a question that may kick start this thread a little!

                        S&R (not spoilers as such just a speculation questions)
                        What is the minimum (whump wise) that you expect from this episode? What would make you feel totally short changed?

                        Hi I haven't been around for a couple of days. RL and all that. At least GW's poll is now working and I can vote. Atlantis is still lagging but the results are very close. I think one problem is that GW is made up of some very die-hard SG1 fans who are still pining for their show.

                        Anyway to answer SD's question.

                        The minimum I expect from S & R
                        At least some screen time devoted to freeing Shep from the rubble. When he is freed - he must have some damage. Like a broken bone or two, plus plently of cuts and bruises.

                        The maxium
                        I wrote in my story 'Trapped' over on

                        I would feel totally short changed and highly disappointed if
                        Shep walks away from the rubble with hardly a scratch. Or he is beamed out and we don't see how injured he is. Or most of the time is spent dealing with Michael and Teyla. Or Shep is injured but we don't get any infirmary time or team angst.

                        Sorry to hear about your flea problems caty. I know it is horrible when your pets have them. At the moment our cat is free of them but it is still a possibility if he meets a flea ridden cat and has a fight with it. Not that he is doing much of that these days, as the poor old boy hasn't been all that well so far this year.


                          How I hate insect whump good luck with getting rid of them! Horrible things, also on your pets!

                          I feel crap, but a bit better since I saw three SGA eps this morning. Ah, how fine! Some The Defiant One whump, Hot Zone and Inferno. I like that last one. I generally like planet whump in general

                          And finally SGA is getting up in the vote! Just a bit behind when I last checked!
                          Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
                          Save Our Seeker!
                          LotS on LJ.


                            Fleas? Ugh! I'm alergic to them, their bites get huge in me. We have our share of insects around these parts. The main problem is mosquitoes that transmit diseases. Dengue (don't know if there's a translation) is being a really major problem, and there're a LOT of people getting sick, including lots of famous people. *shakes fist at mosquitoes*

                            Maybe Shep could get mosquito whump at some tropical jungle planet and get sick. Yes, that's the only kind of insect whump I like. In Shep.
                            My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                            Sig and avi by me


                              Originally posted by Astraldust View Post

                              Sorry to hear about your flea problems caty. I know it is horrible when your pets have them. At the moment our cat is free of them but it is still a possibility if he meets a flea ridden cat and has a fight with it. Not that he is doing much of that these days, as the poor old boy hasn't been all that well so far this year.
                              That;s just it. I'm used to animals. We have 5 cats at home (in Germany) and they NEVER have fleas... They get treated with Frontline twice a year and that's it! Here, the dogs get treated every 6 weeks and they're still infested with fleas. Darn things are probably immune by now

                              That is one kind of whump I do not want for Shep. I'll take Iratus bug whump over flea whump any day Of course, I doubt Shep would...
                              *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                                Hi Peeps!!!..

                                *shudders at the talk of fleas*.....I treat the dogs with Stronghold and... *touches wood*..we haven't had any problems with fleas or ticks or mites as yet.

                                Now then, we need some whump I think..*rummages in bucket*...A HA!


                                my fan fiction place

