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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Listy View Post
    Congrats to all the milestoners I have missed.

    Bebop congrats on 1700

    You're not the only one hun

    I got so over excited at the relationship comment, I mean Ronon must be mobile or semi-mobile as in the state I envisage Sheppard, he wouldn't be able to shout or talk too loudly, so Ronon must be able to go to him.

    Also after the concept art, and then the picture of the almost identical hole, minus SHeppy, he must be trapped and for it to be realistic I think he must have some good injuries, no one could come out of a building exploding and being trapped in the rubble with only a minor head wound. I know I shouldn't get overexcited and I should hold in my squee because he might not be injured but I am so hopeful i am just enjoying day dreaming about it.

    I still have my fingers crossed for that re-bar causing problems

    I think maybe Ronon will have some injury (hopefully not a dislocated shoulder, he had that already and his girlie scream still gives me shivers) that along with Sheppards injuries will prevents him from digging Sheppard out that will add to his frustration and that frustration will feed Sheppards angst and frustration at being helpless and trapped, having to wait for someone to come to their aid. While trying to keep Sheppard talking.

    Then when help finally gets there, they start the slow task of digging him out by hand and maybe having to cut re-bars. With Sheppard hooked up to IVs and an oxygen mask misting up as he painfully breathes..... he must have at least a few cracked ribs that might want to introduce themselves to his lunges and cause bleeding.

    All in all I am pretty full of squee for this ep, regardless of whether it meets my expectations or not, thinking about the possibilities is sure making me smile

    Gigglesnort .......but (he's not the only one afraid of them) *shudders*
    One of the things that really freaks me out are the street performers or people who dress up in costumes for promotional things, it scares the carp out of me, my friends think its pretty funny if I am not aware of one and suddenly come face to face...I apparently squeak , they have been known to even steer me towards them without me knowing (meanies )

    Welcome to the thread!!!!! so glad you decided to delurke

    I had one this weekend it keeps trying to sneak up on me, have a feeling it will be causing me problems for the next few weekends

    LMAO....I can' t see me every playing rugby, it look spainful.......hmmmmmm Atlantis blokes playing those rather nice white rugby shorts....they would show up blood so well.......*day dreams*

    ha depends how over excited you get, some people on her have been known to have rather long squee's

    me wants!!!!!!!!!

    ooo have you thought of lots of good questions to get Connor to spill the beans?

    I read that too and thought the exact same thing
    Sheppard doing the shooting but maybe receiving a good bouncing off a wall

    Haven't seen it yet, gonna wander over and take a looksee, I am intrigued

    Me too, I hope it goes ahead, it could be so very very good!!

    Hey GG, glad to see you are doing ok, we miss you, pesky RL's they do just play havoc with net time take care hun and pop in as often as you can!!

    I got a fan fic alert to say Alipeeps has written a new fic, its an AU re-write of Trio (this version I would have watched over and over)
    To The Power of Three

    Your S and R ideas had me doing a complete whump thunk! I REALLY want what you speculate about! I want it to be July now!

    Welcome back to Roo and GG!


      SQUEE!! Geeklet is wanting to watch Atlantis from the beginning. He's really starting to get into it. But is still a McKay fan. Although, Shep is starting to edge out just a bit. I think it comes down to Shep firing guns more often. Boys. *shakes head*

      Well, getting a bit excited again for S5 to start. A friend of mine offered me the opportunity to go over to his house to watch the eps on his 53 inch plasma TV. GUH!! Somehow I think that will make the whump all the more squeeworthy. Is it August yet?


        Originally posted by elliecat View Post
        That is so spooky you live near Newton Abbot too! Im in Heathfield but have always lived in N/A.

        It was a nice surprise some of the episodes last season for Shep. Like Midway and Millers Crossing didn't expect much of Shep and they turned out quite good. Lots of angst Shep (my fav)! Especially in MC.
        my mum goes to college in Heathfield!

        Im hoping we get some good stuff, im just still slightly peeved that in the meantime shep has to prop everyone else in their eps and doesnt get one until the second expecting big things in that second half for our shep or i will be well pissed...and there better be enough for him in the first half that i dont miss having a shepisode..... at this moment in time however, ive really just had enough of spending time worrying about this new season, so im just gonna wait and see and not spend much time in the mean time thinking about it. i dont want to get too excited and left disappointed but i dont want look at every spoiler with a doom and gloom perspective...unfortunately though i am still looking for a spoiler to make me squee, and thats not happened yet. oh well......still only at april there is still time.



          Self Pimp:

          The ficathon is over with. Here's the first story I wrote for it. I'm going to tweak a few things on the second before I put it anywhere else.

          "Mea Culpa"

          Features angry!sheppard. Lots of angst and whump for all.

          Here is the masterlist for the genficathon with the auhtors and stories.

          My fanfic-


            Originally posted by Linzi View Post

            The Daedalus Variations looks to be a fun episode from the brief spoilers up on GW's homepage. And it involves all the team, as we already knew. But it's sounds intriguing!

            Very happy with the sound of this ep THE TEAM!!!

            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
            TDV does sound good. It's sounds very exciting, I'd agree, and not like anything we've had on SGA before - which is always good. I love AM's writing. He has such a good handle on the characters and I just like his writing style.

            Originally posted by gater101 View Post
            There's just something about a tied up Shepp.. Gets me every time
            Mmmmm *day dreams*

            OT - Full swing production of my short film starts this week AHHHHH! So whats the first thing I hear this morning? The production Designer has tonsilitis

            What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


              Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
              Very happy with the sound of this ep THE TEAM!!!


              Mmmmm *day dreams*

              OT - Full swing production of my short film starts this week AHHHHH! So whats the first thing I hear this morning? The production Designer has tonsilitis

              *joins you in day (soon to be night) dreaming *
              don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

              facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                SQUEE!! Geeklet is wanting to watch Atlantis from the beginning. He's really starting to get into it. But is still a McKay fan. Although, Shep is starting to edge out just a bit. I think it comes down to Shep firing guns more often. Boys. *shakes head*

                Well, getting a bit excited again for S5 to start. A friend of mine offered me the opportunity to go over to his house to watch the eps on his 53 inch plasma TV. GUH!! Somehow I think that will make the whump all the more squeeworthy. Is it August yet?
                If it were, you would have missed S&R
                *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                  Some slightly whumpy icons because I'm bored and want to play

                  Using TR pics


                    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                    I'm not thinking about cream teas, not thinking about them....YUMMY!

                    TDV does sound good. It's sounds very exciting, I'd agree, and not like anything we've had on SGA before - which is always good. I love AM's writing. He has such a good handle on the characters and I just like his writing style.

                    Ditto! I'm very impressed with him, but then again I liked his SG1 eppies too. I'm hopeful this will be a really rollercoaster type episode!
                    I'm becoming a big AM fan, too. I'm looking forward to TDV.

                    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                    I'm so desperate for Hexed to be written. I just love the whole idea of whumped Shep, both mentally and physically. The title is really intriguing too. I just hope the creative snafu is sorted out, and we do get it in the back half of the season. Come on writers, sort it out so the whumpers can squee!
                    ITA! They should come and ask us whumpers for a resolution to the creative problem! We'd be able to work it out.

                    Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                    SQUEE!! Geeklet is wanting to watch Atlantis from the beginning. He's really starting to get into it. But is still a McKay fan. Although, Shep is starting to edge out just a bit. I think it comes down to Shep firing guns more often. Boys. *shakes head*

                    Well, getting a bit excited again for S5 to start. A friend of mine offered me the opportunity to go over to his house to watch the eps on his 53 inch plasma TV. GUH!! Somehow I think that will make the whump all the more squeeworthy. Is it August yet?
                    That's one smart young man you have!

                    OMG! 53 inches!!!! **swoons**

                    Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                    my mum goes to college in Heathfield!

                    Im hoping we get some good stuff, im just still slightly peeved that in the meantime shep has to prop everyone else in their eps and doesnt get one until the second expecting big things in that second half for our shep or i will be well pissed...and there better be enough for him in the first half that i dont miss having a shepisode..... at this moment in time however, ive really just had enough of spending time worrying about this new season, so im just gonna wait and see and not spend much time in the mean time thinking about it. i dont want to get too excited and left disappointed but i dont want look at every spoiler with a doom and gloom perspective...unfortunately though i am still looking for a spoiler to make me squee, and thats not happened yet. oh well......still only at april there is still time.
                    Actually, the eps where Shep is propping up the others have been really good eps for him. Better that than five seconds at the beginning and end! I would love a good Shep whumped ep, though.

                    Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                    Some slightly whumpy icons because I'm bored and want to play

                    Using TR pics
                    More great icons, Pocus!


                      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                      I know Ruffles gave the link to the new comm (Genficathon) Sholio has set up. But I just wanted to rec this wonderful ficcie. It's called No Matter What, and it's a wonderful, whumpy read. Sigh...

                      Thanks hon! Glad you liked it.
                      Sig by Luciana
                      My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                        Goodie, I have that one bookmarked. I need to get printing out some fics. I'm going to the wine country weekend after next and will be sans SGA and GW for two days. I will need something to keep me company!


                          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                          I know Ruffles gave the link to the new comm (Genficathon) Sholio has set up. But I just wanted to rec this wonderful ficcie. It's called No Matter What, and it's a wonderful, whumpy read. Sigh...

                          I'll second the rec, Linzi.

                          Ruffles should be proud of this one, its filled with gut-twisting emotion, Rodney and Sheppard bonding and some very intense, seriously whumpy situations. Its raw and vivid.

                          "Getting to Know John" by stealthdragon was also a great piece.
                          My fanfic-


                            Hi and welcome Elanthra! I like your name.

                            I just had a quick scan of the spoilers for TDV...yep, I agree with you all. Looks like that could be pretty interesting!

                            Thank you all for your fics and recommendations. Hopefully I'll get a chance to read some of those this week!

                            Originally posted by Lorr
                            ITA! They should come and ask us whumpers for a resolution to the creative problem! We'd be able to work it out.
                            I mentioned that to Mr M the other day! Hee hee! Cor....the brilliant ideas that come on up the whump thread. They'd have enough to last a whole season-ful! Imagine that...20 episodes featuring a different kind of Shep whump! That could quite possibly be perfection!!


                              Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                              Thanks hon! Glad you liked it.
                              It was yours! I had no idea. Just loved it to bits. What an awesome read. Well done!
                              Originally posted by Kristen999 View Post
                              Self Pimp:

                              The ficathon is over with. Here's the first story I wrote for it. I'm going to tweak a few things on the second before I put it anywhere else.

                              "Mea Culpa"

                              Features angry!sheppard. Lots of angst and whump for all.


                              Here is the masterlist for the genficathon with the auhtors and stories.

                              Ditto to you, Kristen! I had no idea this was your story, but it was wonderful too. I've enjoyed reading these stories so much and am sorry the genficathon is over now! Couldn't it have gone on for ever?
                              Originally posted by Kristen999 View Post
                              I'll second the rec, Linzi.

                              Ruffles should be proud of this one, its filled with gut-twisting emotion, Rodney and Sheppard bonding and some very intense, seriously whumpy situations. Its raw and vivid.

                              "Getting to Know John" by stealthdragon was also a great piece.
                              Indeed. There are some great stories for everyone, but so many are wonderfully whumpy Sheppy one's! Friendshipper is a star!


                                Originally posted by Elinor View Post
                                Hi and welcome Elanthra! I like your name.

                                I just had a quick scan of the spoilers for TDV...yep, I agree with you all. Looks like that could be pretty interesting!

                                Thank you all for your fics and recommendations. Hopefully I'll get a chance to read some of those this week!

                                I mentioned that to Mr M the other day! Hee hee! Cor....the brilliant ideas that come on up the whump thread. They'd have enough to last a whole season-ful! Imagine that...20 episodes featuring a different kind of Shep whump! That could quite possibly be perfection!!

                                I think I'd spend all my time on the floor!

