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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Listy View Post
    I have very little medical knowledge at all but I would assume..
    that someone who had been trapped under rubble from a collapsed building, it would be standard practice to imobilise(sp?) them on a backboard with a collar as a precaution, because it would be impossible to tell if there is spinal damage, and just pulling someone out would be dangerous and cause more injury, so I hope we see something like that.

    Also it would be quite good if Sheppard was a bit out of it and not happy at being imobilised and so complains or tries to struggle
    I'd guess it would be Listy, unless a medical person could scan the victim with an Ancient hand held scanner first and clear them?


      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
      I'd guess it would be Listy, unless a medical person could scan the victim with an Ancient hand held scanner first and clear them?
      Damn I hope all theirs are broken


        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
        S and R:

        I really hope that artwork hasn't spoiled me and got me expecting more than we'll get. The thing is Shep looks seriously injured in the piccie, when I guess he could easily not be. So, as excited and hopeful as I am, and yes, I'll be a little disappointed if he isn't badly injured, I do know it's possible he won't be that injured. I do think though, that if Shep isn't badly injured that the artwork is a little misleading. I mean the man has fallen down a hole and has fallen on concrete and is pinned by it. It'd be a little strange if beams of metal and wood and concrete fell and pinned him and didn't actually hurt him. What would the odd of that happening be?

        So, logically he must be reasonably seriously injured. But, this is scifi, I guess.

        I do want Shep to be dug out though. I'd love to see Keller treating him on the scene. I'd love to see how she cares for Shep. We've just not seen her interacting with him much, and maybe that's why I haven't warmed to her that much so far. I mean I do like her, but she needs more interaction with Shep for me to really decide how much I like her.

        But I also realise this is a season premiere with lots going on. I have to be honest. I don't want loads of time spent on Teyla giving birth. This is scifi not a maternity programme! I also know there'll be space battles etc and Michael. Those things are great, as long as Shep gets some focus too.

        Like someone said, Roo, maybe? I'd be a little frustrated if Ronon is the one seriously injured cos we know he gets, spoilers for BT
        whumped terribly in Broken Ties
        , so I do hope this is Shep's turn to be vulnerable, needy and REALLY badly hurt. But, at the end of the day, I know what TPTB are like with whump. So I'm not hopeful I'll get anything even near what I'm hoping. At the end of the day, I'll take what I can get and just read fan fiction, and if it doesn't happen in S and R, pray it happens in a later eppie!

        Peg - hope you feel better soon sweetie!

        I can't see how anyone could end up in that situation and not be hurt, so there must be whump of some kind, I am hoping its not a flash in the pan and jsut a brief mention of it. I guess as you said with it being the season premier they have a lot to get in there, and I really hope they don't cut any H/C scenes for Shep as a way to fit other things in, I will be bored if all of the focus is on Teyla giving birth .

        I also have struggled to warm to Keller, so some nice scenes between them like you said with her treating him while he is stil trapped, would work well for me, and maybe let us see another side to her character, i need to see her actually care about the patient she is treating and if that patient happens to be Sheppard, that would go a long way to help me warm to the character .

        I would be so mad if its Ronon who is hurt the worst so so very mad!!


          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
          S and R:

          I really hope that artwork hasn't spoiled me and got me expecting more than we'll get. The thing is Shep looks seriously injured in the piccie, when I guess he could easily not be. So, as excited and hopeful as I am, and yes, I'll be a little disappointed if he isn't badly injured, I do know it's possible he won't be that injured. I do think though, that if Shep isn't badly injured that the artwork is a little misleading. I mean the man has fallen down a hole and has fallen on concrete and is pinned by it. It'd be a little strange if beams of metal and wood and concrete fell and pinned him and didn't actually hurt him. What would the odd of that happening be?

          So, logically he must be reasonably seriously injured. But, this is scifi, I guess.

          I do want Shep to be dug out though. I'd love to see Keller treating him on the scene. I'd love to see how she cares for Shep. We've just not seen her interacting with him much, and maybe that's why I haven't warmed to her that much so far. I mean I do like her, but she needs more interaction with Shep for me to really decide how much I like her.

          But I also realise this is a season premiere with lots going on. I have to be honest. I don't want loads of time spent on Teyla giving birth. This is scifi not a maternity programme! I also know there'll be space battles etc and Michael. Those things are great, as long as Shep gets some focus too.

          Like someone said, Roo, maybe? I'd be a little frustrated if Ronon is the one seriously injured cos we know he gets, spoilers for BT
          whumped terribly in Broken Ties
          , so I do hope this is Shep's turn to be vulnerable, needy and REALLY badly hurt. But, at the end of the day, I know what TPTB are like with whump. So I'm not hopeful I'll get anything even near what I'm hoping. At the end of the day, I'll take what I can get and just read fan fiction, and if it doesn't happen in S and R, pray it happens in a later eppie!

          Peg - hope you feel better soon sweetie!
          S&R Spec.:

          Yes, I want Keller ministering to him... she'll show her true courage, I think, if a patient needs her.
          I don't really want Shep too out of it; I want him feeling everything, moaning, whimpering etc.
          Remember that face he had in 38 mins? You know, he says to Ford, "Don't do that again"?
          That's what I want to see, and then someone slips an oxygen mask on him and we still see his pained and desperate expression.
          Have we seen him looking scared all that much... really scared?
          I want to see him terrified!
          (My bad...)

          The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread... Keeping the dream alive.


            Originally posted by Listy View Post
            I have very little medical knowledge at all but I would assume..
            that someone who had been trapped under rubble from a collapsed building, it would be standard practice to imobilise(sp?) them on a backboard with a collar as a precaution, because it would be impossible to tell if there is spinal damage, and just pulling someone out would be dangerous and cause more injury, so I hope we see something like that.

            Also it would be quite good if Sheppard was a bit out of it and not happy at being imobilised and so complains or tries to struggle
            Oh I hope they at least try and make it a bit realistic! Oh I bet they just have Keller
            say bring the backboard etc and then next time we see him we are in the infirmary! Grrrrrrr! I am hoping that the fact they built the set like they did means that they will make a big deal about climbing down and hopefully getting Shep back out of the hole

            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
            S and R:

            I really hope that artwork hasn't spoiled me and got me expecting more than we'll get. The thing is Shep looks seriously injured in the piccie, when I guess he could easily not be. So, as excited and hopeful as I am, and yes, I'll be a little disappointed if he isn't badly injured, I do know it's possible he won't be that injured. I do think though, that if Shep isn't badly injured that the artwork is a little misleading. I mean the man has fallen down a hole and has fallen on concrete and is pinned by it. It'd be a little strange if beams of metal and wood and concrete fell and pinned him and didn't actually hurt him. What would the odd of that happening be?

            So, logically he must be reasonably seriously injured. But, this is scifi, I guess.

            I do want Shep to be dug out though. I'd love to see Keller treating him on the scene. I'd love to see how she cares for Shep. We've just not seen her interacting with him much, and maybe that's why I haven't warmed to her that much so far. I mean I do like her, but she needs more interaction with Shep for me to really decide how much I like her.

            But I also realise this is a season premiere with lots going on. I have to be honest. I don't want loads of time spent on Teyla giving birth. This is scifi not a maternity programme! I also know there'll be space battles etc and Michael. Those things are great, as long as Shep gets some focus too.

            Like someone said, Roo, maybe? I'd be a little frustrated if Ronon is the one seriously injured cos we know he gets, spoilers for BT
            whumped terribly in Broken Ties
            , so I do hope this is Shep's turn to be vulnerable, needy and REALLY badly hurt. But, at the end of the day, I know what TPTB are like with whump. So I'm not hopeful I'll get anything even near what I'm hoping. At the end of the day, I'll take what I can get and just read fan fiction, and if it doesn't happen in S and R, pray it happens in a later eppie!

            Peg - hope you feel better soon sweetie!
            Well it seems remarkable to me
            that many people would have survived getting out of a building collapse like that. It is probably why I assumed when watching TLM that they had all actually already left the building somehow before it went down so didnt give it a second thought.

            Now given that it appears that they were actually trapped in the building when it went down you would have to assume that there were some serious injuries. We have seen McKay and Lorne and they have the obligatory scratch - so that leaves Ronon and Sheppy to take the brunt of this explosion. I really cant see Ronon having serious injuries ( because of Broken Ties) so that leaves Shep. If he doesnt have serious injuries then the whole thing would have been a total waste of time and quiet honestly pathetic. TPTB must think that we are total idiots to think that everyone would simply get up and walk away from that. With this in mind I am really hoping that the pic wasnt posted to mislead us and I deep down dont think that it was.

            I think he must be seriously hurt - but I have reservations about how this will be dealt with and how it will be resolved. I hope it wont be brushed off in a very unrealistic way - or in an unsatisfactory sci fi way


              Originally posted by Listy View Post
              Damn I hope all theirs are broken

              oh agreed!!!

              Originally posted by Listy View Post

              I can't see how anyone could end up in that situation and not be hurt, so there must be whump of some kind, I am hoping its not a flash in the pan and jsut a brief mention of it. I guess as you said with it being the season premier they have a lot to get in there, and I really hope they don't cut any H/C scenes for Shep as a way to fit other things in, I will be bored if all of the focus is on Teyla giving birth .

              I also have struggled to warm to Keller, so some nice scenes between them like you said with her treating him while he is stil trapped, would work well for me, and maybe let us see another side to her character, i need to see her actually care about the patient she is treating and if that patient happens to be Sheppard, that would go a long way to help me warm to the character .

              I would be so mad if its Ronon who is hurt the worst so so very mad!!
              We really need something good from her so that we can try and accept her as the CMO.

              Originally posted by fuchsia View Post
              S&R Spec.:

              Yes, I want Keller ministering to him... she'll show her true courage, I think, if a patient needs her.
              I don't really want Shep too out of it; I want him feeling everything, moaning, whimpering etc.
              Remember that face he had in 38 mins? You know, he says to Ford, "Don't do that again"?
              That's what I want to see, and then someone slips an oxygen mask on him and we still see his pained and desperate expression.
              Have we seen him looking scared all that much... really scared?
              I want to see him terrified!
              (My bad...)

              Well yes
              seeing him in pain with a desperate expression would be fab. I would still like him to get weaker and weaker and then pass out.


                Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                Oh I hope they at least try and make it a bit realistic! Oh I bet they just have Keller
                say bring the backboard etc and then next time we see him we are in the infirmary! Grrrrrrr! I am hoping that the fact they built the set like they did means that they will make a big deal about climbing down and hopefully getting Shep back out of the hole
                Oh I would be so annoyed if the did that.

                Definitely, it would be a total waste of money and time and effort if they weren't going to do anything good with it.

                Well it seems remarkable to me
                that many people would have survived getting out of a building collapse like that. It is probably why I assumed when watching TLM that they had all actually already left the building somehow before it went down so didnt give it a second thought.

                Now given that it appears that they were actually trapped in the building when it went down you would have to assume that there were some serious injuries. We have seen McKay and Lorne and they have the obligatory scratch - so that leaves Ronon and Sheppy to take the brunt of this explosion. I really cant see Ronon having serious injuries ( because of Broken Ties) so that leaves Shep. If he doesnt have serious injuries then the whole thing would have been a total waste of time and quiet honestly pathetic. TPTB must think that we are total idiots to think that everyone would simply get up and walk away from that. With this in mind I am really hoping that the pic wasnt posted to mislead us and I deep down dont think that it was.

                I think he must be seriously hurt - but I have reservations about how this will be dealt with and how it will be resolved. I hope it wont be brushed off in a very unrealistic way - or in an unsatisfactory sci fi way
                ITA - I want it to be realistic and no way would it be if
                everyone got out of the building without a serious injury

                Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                oh agreed!!!

                We really need something good from her so that we can try and accept her as the CMO.

                Well yes
                seeing him in pain with a desperate expression would be fab. I would still like him to get weaker and weaker and then pass out.
                oh that woul dbe nice


                  Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                  Oh I hope they at least try and make it a bit realistic! Oh I bet they just have Keller
                  say bring the backboard etc and then next time we see him we are in the infirmary! Grrrrrrr! I am hoping that the fact they built the set like they did means that they will make a big deal about climbing down and hopefully getting Shep back out of the hole
                  I hope that's not the case that, SR:
                  we see the beginning of the rescue and that's it. But it's possible with editing. I really hope they used the set a lot too. It must have cost a fortune to build that, so I'd hope they'd use it a lot!

                  Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post

                  Well it seems remarkable to me
                  that many people would have survived getting out of a building collapse like that. It is probably why I assumed when watching TLM that they had all actually already left the building somehow before it went down so didnt give it a second thought.

                  Now given that it appears that they were actually trapped in the building when it went down you would have to assume that there were some serious injuries. We have seen McKay and Lorne and they have the obligatory scratch - so that leaves Ronon and Sheppy to take the brunt of this explosion. I really cant see Ronon having serious injuries ( because of Broken Ties) so that leaves Shep. If he doesnt have serious injuries then the whole thing would have been a total waste of time and quiet honestly pathetic. TPTB must think that we are total idiots to think that everyone would simply get up and walk away from that. With this in mind I am really hoping that the pic wasnt posted to mislead us and I deep down dont think that it was.

                  I think he must be seriously hurt - but I have reservations about how this will be dealt with and how it will be resolved. I hope it wont be brushed off in a very unrealistic way - or in an unsatisfactory sci fi way
                  Originally posted by Listy View Post

                  I can't see how anyone could end up in that situation and not be hurt, so there must be whump of some kind, I am hoping its not a flash in the pan and jsut a brief mention of it. I guess as you said with it being the season premier they have a lot to get in there, and I really hope they don't cut any H/C scenes for Shep as a way to fit other things in, I will be bored if all of the focus is on Teyla giving birth .

                  I also have struggled to warm to Keller, so some nice scenes between them like you said with her treating him while he is stil trapped, would work well for me, and maybe let us see another side to her character, i need to see her actually care about the patient she is treating and if that patient happens to be Sheppard, that would go a long way to help me warm to the character .

                  I would be so mad if its Ronon who is hurt the worst so so very mad!!
                  Ditto to all of those points!
                  Originally posted by fuchsia View Post
                  S&R Spec.:

                  Yes, I want Keller ministering to him... she'll show her true courage, I think, if a patient needs her.
                  I don't really want Shep too out of it; I want him feeling everything, moaning, whimpering etc.
                  Remember that face he had in 38 mins? You know, he says to Ford, "Don't do that again"?
                  That's what I want to see, and then someone slips an oxygen mask on him and we still see his pained and desperate expression.
                  Have we seen him looking scared all that much... really scared?
                  I want to see him terrified!
                  (My bad...)
                  Sounds good to me!
                  Originally posted by Listy View Post
                  Oh I would be so annoyed if the did that.

                  Definitely, it would be a total waste of money and time and effort if they weren't going to do anything good with it.

                  ITA - I want it to be realistic and no way would it be if
                  everyone got out of the building without a serious injury

                  oh that would be nice
                  It would be nice indeed!


                    Originally posted by Listy View Post
                    Thanks for the link, will bookmark and give it a read later

                    Hope you feel better soon, i am excited to read your four new fics, I do love a good fanfic and yours are always good.

                    I personally without a doubt would go for the one were Larrin is holding his face.

                    Well as a minimum I would like to see
                    SHeppard trapped in the rubble unconscious, ROnon concerned for his wellbeing, then Sheppard coming round, being really disorientated, due to a nasty headwound about his right eye which wil need stitches, so blood is running down his face, I want to see him trying to move and feeling pain shoot through his body and a bit of panic on his face at being trapped and out of control. I want a long rescue that we see rather than just hear about, with team angst and I want them to have to lift Sheppard from the rubble onto a gurney (if possible on a backboard with a collar) and I want to see him in the infirmary. Then I would like after effects, like him being sore and not as agile and mobile as normal, so if he does have to go help with something he can't do his job to the best of his ability which frustrates him..... thats the MINIMUM , in an ideal world I would like much more, and I doubt we will even see half of what I would like on my minimum spec

                    I will feel short changed if they beam him out straight away so we see a second of him in that hole and then a flash of light and the empty hole and him wandering around fine and all he has is a bruise and we don't see any infirmary scene or team comfort, or if he gets himself out (Sheppard surely can't save himself this time, I mean its not like he can dig himself out.....can he?).

                    hope you feel better soon hun, love your minimum description
                    *hugs hon* after reading that, i'm feeling much better. Oh Listy, can I just say that makes me really excited.

                    Especially the whole
                    frustrated bit, especially as we know Shep hates not being in control and being productive or helping and is at the mercy of something else. Oh gosh think of the angst, poor Shep lying on the concrete as blood seaps down his side, making him weaker as he drifts in and out. Beads of sweat from exertion and shock as his body shuts down starts on his upper lip, then his forehead starts glistening and he starts shivering as his body temperature drops. All his major organs then start shutting off one by one to keep him alive.... then just as he tries to hold on, his body gives in and he lapses into a coma, just as Keller arrives to put him in an Aspen collar and backboard. I'm with you Listy, a fall like that you should get people out by backboard especially if they're pinned. Is it july yet?

                    Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                    Yes I really want
                    them to have to dig him out and his life really be in the balance. I think his arm in a sling would be awesome!

                    Yes if
                    it is all over really quickly and he is off looking for teyla after five mins I will not be happy at all!! Beaming out would really annoy me. I really hope that doesnt happen!
                    Me neither, I think they're going to go for a balance between the storylines, so I do think that
                    we will get to see some sort of rescue, but I think we're all agreed about the no quick rescue, especially if they dig Rodney and Lorne out by hand.

                    I want him to be
                    unconscious at least part of the time ( so vulnerable). I want all the things that you mention too but I guess you have to be realistic. As you know I am desperate for intubation but dont expect that but I would at least expect them to give him some oxygen at some point - that would make me happy
                    I know you are hon,
                    and I really want that for you. *hugs* you've just been so patient, so i'm hoping we'll be really surprised by the ending. We'll have the oxygen on standby for you. oh yes, with all that debris floating around and the smouldering fires, he'll definately need some oxygen

                    I want some comfort. I would like someone to actually say a few kind words to him while digging him out. Just letting him know that he is going to be okay. I certainly want an infirmary scene and will feel short changed without.

                    I hope that the picture hasnt spoilt this epsiode for us by raising our expectations. Goodness given that I never really considered this when I was watching the ending of TLM - what would we have been like watching S&R without having this spoiler pic. If the whump turns out even half as good as we are hoping we probably would have totally passed out!
                    Ditto, if we don't see any
                    comfort, what's the point of seeing someone hurt? The whole point for me anyway is that when someone is hurting and they're vulnerable, they need to feel that there's someone close by that cares if they live or die, and without it, if I don't see that or see the anguish and desperation then it really loses something... I do love the comfort part, I go really snuffly, and gushy and it makes me cry. After watching TLM a few more times now that i'm seeing it differently it's a good story, but i'm just really surprised they didn't show the team at teh end of the ep all hidden under the rubble, can you imagine people's reactions to that? It would have blown them away!!

                    I know we cant expect
                    too much - there just will not be enough time to have too many of the things that we want given that there are lots of other things going on in the ep. I guess at the end of the day we want something new. We want something that hasnt been done before - something that sets this whump apart from what has gone before. That is either the extent of his injury or the reaction of the team and the concern that is shown. No way do we want a quick fix and a beaming out!
                    You said everything I wanted to say, definately something different and completely unexpected that we've not seen before. And goodness me definately lots of reactions.

                    AND NOOOOOOOOOO
                    BEAM OUT!!!!

                    Originally posted by Listy View Post
                    I have very little medical knowledge at all but I would assume..
                    that someone who had been trapped under rubble from a collapsed building, it would be standard practice to imobilise(sp?) them on a backboard with a collar as a precaution, because it would be impossible to tell if there is spinal damage, and just pulling someone out would be dangerous and cause more injury, so I hope we see something like that.

                    Also it would be quite good if Sheppard was a bit out of it and not happy at being imobilised and so complains or tries to struggle
                    I have lots of medical knowledge on broken necks and hospitals.

                    I would be very surprised if Shep isn't lifted out on a back board, unless we don't see it.... but so not going there. If you've ever been in a car accident, had a fall, or there's even the slightest chance you've injured your spine or neck, they'd put you in a brace and strap you down. But I guess it's all dependant on whether timing will allow for this. I'm hoping so as I really think it'll add to the drama especially if they lift him off the rocks and the audience sees all that blood. For me what would be the point of 'wasting' the blood if the audience wasn't going to see it? That's sort of how i'm looking at it anyway.

                    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                    S and R:

                    I really hope that artwork hasn't spoiled me and got me expecting more than we'll get. The thing is Shep looks seriously injured in the piccie, when I guess he could easily not be. So, as excited and hopeful as I am, and yes, I'll be a little disappointed if he isn't badly injured, I do know it's possible he won't be that injured. I do think though, that if Shep isn't badly injured that the artwork is a little misleading. I mean the man has fallen down a hole and has fallen on concrete and is pinned by it. It'd be a little strange if beams of metal and wood and concrete fell and pinned him and didn't actually hurt him. What would the odd of that happening be?

                    So, logically he must be reasonably seriously injured. But, this is scifi, I guess. [/spoiler]

                    That's my impression to, and why go to all that trouble of...

                    Building such a huge set like that, if we the audience weren't going to see it, why have the concept art, the boulders to make it as authentic as possible if there was no chance it was going to be in the eppy. Sure things get cut, but certainly not to that degree. I'm wondering if he's got snagged by something metal as he's gone down and it's ripped the side of his tac vest and exposed his side?


                    do want Shep to be dug out though. I'd love to see Keller treating him on the scene. I'd love to see how she cares for Shep. We've just not seen her interacting with him much, and maybe that's why I haven't warmed to her that much so far. I mean I do like her, but she needs more interaction with Shep for me to really decide how much I like her.

                    But I also realise this is a season premiere with lots going on. I have to be honest. I don't want loads of time spent on Teyla giving birth. This is scifi not a maternity programme! I also know there'll be space battles etc and Michael. Those things are great, as long as Shep gets some focus too.

                    I think for me that's the one thing we've not really seen in S4

                    Keller treating Shep, we've seen her treat repliclonesheppy, but not our Shep, and even then she was a bit off with him. ANd even in DG she was more interested in Rodney as he was going into cardiac arrest. And she so needs to do that defib scene again. Sorry Joe that shirt will have to come off. Sometimes you just have to suffer for your art. But I think maybe if we see that, we might like her more... well I might Cos i'm petty and shallow like that.

                    Like someone said, Roo, maybe? I'd be a little frustrated if Ronon is the one seriously injured cos we know he gets, spoilers for BT
                    whumped terribly in Broken Ties
                    , so I do hope this is Shep's turn to be vulnerable, needy and REALLY badly hurt. But, at the end of the day, I know what TPTB are like with whump. So I'm not hopeful I'll get anything even near what I'm hoping. At the end of the day, I'll take what I can get and just read fan fiction, and if it doesn't happen in S and R, pray it happens in a later eppie!

                    Peg - hope you feel better soon sweetie!
                    Indeed, that's my hope to, but we also know that in BT
                    shep gets his butt whumped to. Agreed not as much as Ronon, but still So i'm with you i'm hopeful, but cautious, and have the dummy/pacifier ready to throw if things get a bit dodgy.

                    *hugs* thanks, i'm getting there, it's just slow going at the moment. I need some squee I think.



                    Originally posted by Listy View Post
                    Damn I hope all theirs are broken

                    *sending out huggles to Lauriel* Hope your brother is ok hon. There's some horrible people about.


                      Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                      *hugs hon* after reading that, i'm feeling much better. Oh Listy, can I just say that makes me really excited.

                      Especially the whole
                      frustrated bit, especially as we know Shep hates not being in control and being productive or helping and is at the mercy of something else. Oh gosh think of the angst, poor Shep lying on the concrete as blood seaps down his side, making him weaker as he drifts in and out. Beads of sweat from exertion and shock as his body shuts down starts on his upper lip, then his forehead starts glistening and he starts shivering as his body temperature drops. All his major organs then start shutting off one by one to keep him alive.... then just as he tries to hold on, his body gives in and he lapses into a coma, just as Keller arrives to put him in an Aspen collar and backboard. I'm with you Listy, a fall like that you should get people out by backboard especially if they're pinned. Is it july yet?

                      Me neither, I think they're going to go for a balance between the storylines, so I do think that
                      we will get to see some sort of rescue, but I think we're all agreed about the no quick rescue, especially if they dig Rodney and Lorne out by hand.

                      I know you are hon,
                      and I really want that for you. *hugs* you've just been so patient, so i'm hoping we'll be really surprised by the ending. We'll have the oxygen on standby for you. oh yes, with all that debris floating around and the smouldering fires, he'll definately need some oxygen

                      Ditto, if we don't see any
                      comfort, what's the point of seeing someone hurt? The whole point for me anyway is that when someone is hurting and they're vulnerable, they need to feel that there's someone close by that cares if they live or die, and without it, if I don't see that or see the anguish and desperation then it really loses something... I do love the comfort part, I go really snuffly, and gushy and it makes me cry. After watching TLM a few more times now that i'm seeing it differently it's a good story, but i'm just really surprised they didn't show the team at teh end of the ep all hidden under the rubble, can you imagine people's reactions to that? It would have blown them away!!

                      You said everything I wanted to say, definately something different and completely unexpected that we've not seen before. And goodness me definately lots of reactions.

                      AND NOOOOOOOOOO
                      BEAM OUT!!!!

                      I have lots of medical knowledge on broken necks and hospitals.

                      I would be very surprised if Shep isn't lifted out on a back board, unless we don't see it.... but so not going there. If you've ever been in a car accident, had a fall, or there's even the slightest chance you've injured your spine or neck, they'd put you in a brace and strap you down. But I guess it's all dependant on whether timing will allow for this. I'm hoping so as I really think it'll add to the drama especially if they lift him off the rocks and the audience sees all that blood. For me what would be the point of 'wasting' the blood if the audience wasn't going to see it? That's sort of how i'm looking at it anyway.


                      That's my impression to, and why go to all that trouble of...

                      Building such a huge set like that, if we the audience weren't going to see it, why have the concept art, the boulders to make it as authentic as possible if there was no chance it was going to be in the eppy. Sure things get cut, but certainly not to that degree. I'm wondering if he's got snagged by something metal as he's gone down and it's ripped the side of his tac vest and exposed his side?


                      do want Shep to be dug out though. I'd love to see Keller treating him on the scene. I'd love to see how she cares for Shep. We've just not seen her interacting with him much, and maybe that's why I haven't warmed to her that much so far. I mean I do like her, but she needs more interaction with Shep for me to really decide how much I like her.

                      But I also realise this is a season premiere with lots going on. I have to be honest. I don't want loads of time spent on Teyla giving birth. This is scifi not a maternity programme! I also know there'll be space battles etc and Michael. Those things are great, as long as Shep gets some focus too.

                      I think for me that's the one thing we've not really seen in S4

                      Keller treating Shep, we've seen her treat repliclonesheppy, but not our Shep, and even then she was a bit off with him. ANd even in DG she was more interested in Rodney as he was going into cardiac arrest. And she so needs to do that defib scene again. Sorry Joe that shirt will have to come off. Sometimes you just have to suffer for your art. But I think maybe if we see that, we might like her more... well I might Cos i'm petty and shallow like that.

                      Indeed, that's my hope to, but we also know that in BT
                      shep gets his butt whumped to. Agreed not as much as Ronon, but still So i'm with you i'm hopeful, but cautious, and have the dummy/pacifier ready to throw if things get a bit dodgy.

                      *hugs* thanks, i'm getting there, it's just slow going at the moment. I need some squee I think.




                      *sending out huggles to Lauriel* Hope your brother is ok hon. There's some horrible people about.
                      Oh peg, love your descriptions, I am finding it really hard to keep my squee in check.... so I am just not. If we don't get what we hope for then I will deal with it then and be upset, until that time I am just gonna squee my butt of and enjoy all the things that can be in all their whumpalicious glory


                        Originally posted by Listy View Post
                        Oh peg, love your descriptions, I am finding it really hard to keep my squee in check.... so I am just not. If we don't get what we hope for then I will deal with it then and be upset, until that time I am just gonna squee my butt of and enjoy all the things that can be in all their whumpalicious glory
                        Let it out hon, we all need to see someone squeeing and who knows it might be infectious.

                        I'm just watching Season one again on Sky, and i'm loving it. Watched TDO and the Storm/Eye yesterday and the Brotherhood today.

                        I did notice that Shep seemed more dangerous in his actions and his words earlier on. Has anyone else noticed that. ALthough he's not lost that in later scenes he's got more used to the danger, but I love that he gets stuck in and whumped in the process hehehehe.


                          Last post for today ..
                          I really think it's high time for some Shep whump .. I'm nearly famished, while I'm still waiting for the 4. season ..they're gonna start with the 1. again ..That sucks!!
                          Okay good night everybody ..
                          Caress the one
                          The never-fading rain in your heart
                          The tears of snow-white sorrow
                          Caress the one
                          The hiding amaranth
                          In a land of the daybreak


                            Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                            Let it out hon, we all need to see someone squeeing and who knows it might be infectious.

                            I'm just watching Season one again on Sky, and i'm loving it. Watched TDO and the Storm/Eye yesterday and the Brotherhood today.

                            I did notice that Shep seemed more dangerous in his actions and his words earlier on. Has anyone else noticed that. ALthough he's not lost that in later scenes he's got more used to the danger, but I love that he gets stuck in and whumped in the process hehehehe.

                            Are you sure???!!???........ok......


                            I watched TDO and just love it, I think I might have to get my jamas on get into bed and watch some more s1 whump

                            Edit: maybe its because he didn't really know how bad it could get and then he heard of the whumpers ..... and got a bit more reserved. to be honest I haven't noticed, will ahve to watch all eps from start to finish again just to see if he does, its a tough job


                              Originally posted by Listy View Post
                              Are you sure???!!???........ok......


                              I watched TDO and just love it, I think I might have to get my jamas on get into bed and watch some more s1 whump

                              Edit: maybe its because he didn't really know how bad it could get and then he heard of the whumpers ..... and got a bit more reserved. to be honest I haven't noticed, will ahve to watch all eps from start to finish again just to see if he does, its a tough job
                              Wow, that's a great idea for a monday night!
                              Is it a sign of being one half of an old married couple when the thought of curling up with a fictitious character on screen is your idea of heaven?
                              38 mins + TDO = whump heaven!

                              The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread... Keeping the dream alive.


                                Originally posted by fuchsia View Post
                                Wow, that's a great idea for a monday night!
                                Is it a sign of being one half of an old married couple when the thought of curling up with a fictitious character on screen is your idea of heaven?
                                38 mins + TDO = whump heaven!
                                I hope not I am 27 and single

                                Edit: Right I am offski to curl up and watch SGA

