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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by causeAscene View Post
    Thanks for sharing. That makes me feel quite fortunate. I just got back from the eye doctor and they said things are still looking good, so It's all good. Thanks to all who showed concern.

    I'm also fearful about how much Jackson will be used. Don't get me wrong, I'm a Daniel fan. Of course, I discovered SGA before SG-1, so Shep is my favorite all around, and then I like Daniel on SG-1.

    Anyways, I agree with whoever said that Daniel shouldn't outshine the other characters. RDA in The Return was too much. He definitely took over that show and I remember the commentary where the writers (or someone) was like, "It's RDA! We had to do something big!" But in the end, I think they overstayed his welcome. He's a good character, but when you make him the big hero of another person's show, I think that's pushing it.

    I really did like Teal'c and the way they used him and the other cast in Midway. I think it was a very nice episode overall, but they played Teal'c off of our regulars, and not the other way around, which I think is where they went wrong with RDA.

    Hopefully they will stick to the Midway format. Luckily for me, I do like Daniel/Michael Shanks a lot, so I may be a little more lenient. However, my number one is Sheppard so if they misuse him, I will not be a happy camper
    I'm not a big Danny fan, but I don't dislike him either. As long as he isn't the main focus of the story and is there to complement the existing cast, then that's all good. If he the writers use him like they did RDA in Return II then I think it's an insult to the SGA cast. Guest stars are just that. Guests who appear on the show, not take it over making the regulars look redundant.


      Originally posted by causeAscene View Post
      Thanks for sharing. That makes me feel quite fortunate. I just got back from the eye doctor and they said things are still looking good, so It's all good. Thanks to all who showed concern.

      I'm also fearful about how much Jackson will be used. Don't get me wrong, I'm a Daniel fan. Of course, I discovered SGA before SG-1, so Shep is my favorite all around, and then I like Daniel on SG-1.

      Anyways, I agree with whoever said that Daniel shouldn't outshine the other characters. RDA in The Return was too much. He definitely took over that show and I remember the commentary where the writers (or someone) was like, "It's RDA! We had to do something big!" But in the end, I think they overstayed his welcome. He's a good character, but when you make him the big hero of another person's show, I think that's pushing it.

      I really did like Teal'c and the way they used him and the other cast in Midway. I think it was a very nice episode overall, but they played Teal'c off of our regulars, and not the other way around, which I think is where they went wrong with RDA.

      Hopefully they will stick to the Midway format. Luckily for me, I do like Daniel/Michael Shanks a lot, so I may be a little more lenient. However, my number one is Sheppard so if they misuse him, I will not be a happy camper

      I used to like Daniel a lot but I prefered Jonas actually . Didn't like him as much in the later series, didn't dislike him but there just seemed something different *shrugs*. Aslong as him coming to Atlantis is motivated by the plot instead of motivating the plot then it'll be alright I think. Got to say this is probably the one I'm looking forward to the least from the info we've got. I'm hoping that the main focus of the two parter, maybe not the first one but as a whole, is the new race they encounter And Midway is so the best crossover ever, one of the best eps ever!

      What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


        Oh. Ooh. Shep whump fic alert!

        LOST AND FOUND (complete)


          Episode five of the thrilling adventures of action figure Shep are now up. This was has SHARP TEETH and hellish agony for our poor plastic hero.

          Episode five: Pointy teeth


            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
            I'm not a big Danny fan, but I don't dislike him either. As long as he isn't the main focus of the story and is there to complement the existing cast, then that's all good. If he the writers use him like they did RDA in Return II then I think it's an insult to the SGA cast. Guest stars are just that. Guests who appear on the show, not take it over making the regulars look redundant.
            Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post

            I used to like Daniel a lot but I prefered Jonas actually . Didn't like him as much in the later series, didn't dislike him but there just seemed something different *shrugs*. Aslong as him coming to Atlantis is motivated by the plot instead of motivating the plot then it'll be alright I think. Got to say this is probably the one I'm looking forward to the least from the info we've got. I'm hoping that the main focus of the two parter, maybe not the first one but as a whole, is the new race they encounter And Midway is so the best crossover ever, one of the best eps ever!

            I haven't watched many episodes of SG-1 at all. And I usually won't even bother to watch the last couple of seasons. I like the first seasons and I like Danny in those. But from the few episodes I've watched of the last seasons, I didn't really like anyone in it.

            I think it was the same thing that happened with ER... I love the first seasons of ER, but after that, I lost the interest. So, I watch the first seasons of ER and SG-1 when they are on, and that's about it.

            So, if Danny is cool in the Atlantis episodes and the writers don't force his character down our throats, I'll be okay. But I definitely agree; it's disrespectful to the regular cast when guest stars come in and take over.

            We'll see.


              Originally posted by prion View Post
              Oh. Ooh. Shep whump fic alert!

              LOST AND FOUND (complete)

              Yay! Thanx for the rec I might get through all the fics I've got saved eventually I'll enjoy it though

              Originally posted by causeAscene View Post
              I haven't watched many episodes of SG-1 at all. And I usually won't even bother to watch the last couple of seasons. I like the first seasons and I like Danny in those. But from the few episodes I've watched of the last seasons, I didn't really like anyone in it.

              I think it was the same thing that happened with ER... I love the first seasons of ER, but after that, I lost the interest. So, I watch the first seasons of ER and SG-1 when they are on, and that's about it.

              So, if Danny is cool in the Atlantis episodes and the writers don't force his character down our throats, I'll be okay. But I definitely agree; it's disrespectful to the regular cast when guest stars come in and take over.

              We'll see.
              I don't watch repeats of SG1 unless its season 6 which he's not even in! I enjoyed the last two series though, LOVE Vala! I didn't think I'd be bothered without RDA but it was about two years for between seeing S8 and S9 so I think that helped cos it was like starting again.

              I still watch ER but I was too young when it started so I've only seen a few of the old eps but I enjoy it now. My dad's still not got over Dr Green dying!

              For FC I really don't want Daniel to be the limelight I want the focus on why he's there not just that he's there. If you get what I mean

              What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post

                I don't watch repeats of SG1 unless its season 6 which he's not even in! I enjoyed the last two series though, LOVE Vala! I didn't think I'd be bothered without RDA but it was about two years for between seeing S8 and S9 so I think that helped cos it was like starting again.

                I still watch ER but I was too young when it started so I've only seen a few of the old eps but I enjoy it now. My dad's still not got over Dr Green dying!

                For FC I really don't want Daniel to be the limelight I want the focus on why he's there not just that he's there. If you get what I mean

                That's funny; I don't watch episodes after season 6, really. We would make a good team.

                And I think I was too young too. I just remember seeing an episode on TNT and they play two episodes every weekday morning (when I'm usually at school) so one summer I watched it and fell in love. And I agree with your dad. After Greene died, I started disliking the show. Not right away, because I love Carter, but the show started going downhill and even Noah Wyle couldn't save it for me. But I still love watching the old episodes.


                  Originally posted by causeAscene View Post
                  That's funny; I don't watch episodes after season 6, really. We would make a good team.

                  And I think I was too young too. I just remember seeing an episode on TNT and they play two episodes every weekday morning (when I'm usually at school) so one summer I watched it and fell in love. And I agree with your dad. After Greene died, I started disliking the show. Not right away, because I love Carter, but the show started going downhill and even Noah Wyle couldn't save it for me. But I still love watching the old episodes.
                  Carter is my favourite ER character ever! I've only seen that ep where he gets stabbed once I wanna see it again! Missing Ray in this season but its still good

                  FC spec
                  Do you think the new race in FC is going to have something to do with the ancients, it has to tie in with Daniel somehow! If so then there is much potential of them wanting Shep for his gene Do we even know if they are friend or foe?

                  What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                    In the spirit of the thread, I just thought I'd share my sig with ya all....



                      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                      In the spirit of the thread, I just thought I'd share my sig with ya all....

                      Sounds fair to me! Thanks for sharing!


                        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                        In the spirit of the thread, I just thought I'd share my sig with ya all....

                        Its great! Gorgeous cap

                        What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                          In the spirit of the thread, I just thought I'd share my sig with ya all....

                          I like thanks for sharing


                            Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                            Carter is my favourite ER character ever! I've only seen that ep where he gets stabbed once I wanna see it again! Missing Ray in this season but its still good
                            Oh honey, let me tell you!
                            I managed to catch that baby and recorded it on my TiVo and watched it so many times I could almost say the lines with the characters. Not a good sign, but hey, I'm a whumper through and through

                            FC spec
                            Do you think the new race in FC is going to have something to do with the ancients, it has to tie in with Daniel somehow! If so then there is much potential of them wanting Shep for his gene Do we even know if they are friend or foe?

                            I don't know! I'm quite intrigued myself! (FC)
                            Part of me says they'll be foes, simply because it's easier to be foes with someone. But I'm hoping for more than just foes, which SGA is pretty good with that. They usually show more to the 'foes' than just plain evil monsters.

                            The Genii have confused me a little because at first they were bad, but then Ladon came and they were friends, and yet they were still mostly bad people! I guess it was the rebel groups that were running around, but still, we saw more of those rebel groups than we do of Friendly!Genii. That's why it leads me to believe possible enemies. But I think it's about time we made some friends...

                            And they must have something to do with Ancients, which makes me very excited. Of course, they may have nothing to do with Ancients, but I think its a logical assumption. Either way, I think the eppy has potential to be really good, and potential to upset quite a few people.

                            We'll just have to wait and see, I guess.

                            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                            In the spirit of the thread, I just thought I'd share my sig with ya all....

                            Ooh. Me gusta mucho.




                                Originally posted by causeAscene View Post
                                Hey guys. So, I'm sure a lot of you have already seen the new info on the S5 mid-season part 1...
                                (mid-season - no major spoilers)
                                Daniel comes to research Janus from 'Before I Sleep.' From the little information we got, it kind of sounds like it will be a big McKay episode. Again, very little information, but they only mentioned McKay and how he's protective and jealous and yadda yadda yadda. But, the writers do love McKay so... I'm going to expect a LOT of him. I guess they'll do the scientist vs. scientist.

                                Either way, I do hope there's some good stuff with Sheppy. You can't have too much geeky stuff without a hero and macho man, so I'm not letting go of hope just yet.

                                Beyond that... I have an eye appointment tomorrow morning. Which is an interesting story if anyone's interested. It's a very long story, but it's about those really weird medical conditions that you can't explain. So, if that's up anyone's alley

                                *Deep breath.* Now that was fun, wasn't it? I will be very surprised if anyone read all of that.

                                Anywho, my newest fic is coming along. I usually mention it in my posts here, but that's because it's whumpy and talking on this thread reminds me of it. I'm not trying to advertise or anything I haven't even started posting it yet, so it wouldn't matter.

                                Umm... other than that, just waiting for Reliquary to show up and I've been watching a SGA commentary marathon. I tell you, I don't think I'll ever get tired of the Conversion commentary. Priceless.

                                And... I think that's it. And I probably took up half the page with this, but the thread has been quiet anyway.. hope you all don't mind
                                CAS How horrid for you *hugs*

                                Re FC
                                Oh joy scenes and scenes of McKay and Daniel trying to out do each other - yipeee *sarcasm*
                                Actually I liked early Daniel not a fan of Daniel from season 8 onwards, but it is only him he's not bringing anyone him so try and reserve judgement….
                                But what I am is really really anti TPBT bringing in more races especially when they are struggling to develop the ones they already have, eg the genii or the Travellers.
                                The other thing if all these technological races are suddenly coming out of the woodwork it feels as though the wraith were not as fearsome as made out to be. I hope you get the drift as its explained badly

                                Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
                                Hello whumpers! *waves madly*

                                How is everyone today?

                                Guh! I just went to my happy place.

                                Oh lookie! My fave rant. Those two should have been trying every underhanded trick in the book to get at each other! Even the part where Teyla held Shep back was unconvincing. There was just no oomph! They should have been shooting, hitting, clawing, rolling around in the dirt, kicking and even spitting in the other's eyes. Both should have been bruised and bloody, making that showdown at the end actually mean something. Okay, so I'm not completely bloodthirsty, but these two have been very evenly matched, first on getting the upper hand, then the other. And after the amount of times Sheppy has foiled Kolya's plans.. he lost everything, command, respect, control. He hated Sheppy's guts. And Sheppy, after the Wraith incident, was ready to cast honour to the winds and shoot on sight. He hated Kolya's guts. Where was this in the ep? Where was the angst? Where was the tension? Where in God's name was the whump????? We wanted whump, and we got cheese. Not good.

                                *deep breath* Okay. Calm now. But needless to say this ep tops my list of missed whump opportunities.
                                See now what I imagining is a knock down drag out dirty fight between the two of them (with shep getting the tee shirt all ripped getting dirty and bloody…. Ill be back later )
                                And to prove my mind is else where I typed every word in that sentence incorrectly.

                                Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                                Episode five of the thrilling adventures of action figure Shep are now up. This was has SHARP TEETH and hellish agony for our poor plastic hero.

                                Episode five: Pointy teeth

                                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                                In the spirit of the thread, I just thought I'd share my sig with ya all....
                                Very nice

                                Nice pics Linzi

