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John Sheppard Whump

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    sigs by Cazz,scifan,elephantgirl, john-and-teyla , Donna , Linda, maffieg, and wraithlord . I'm in AWE of your talent and J/T is the best


      Wow only 2 pages to catch up. Where's all the squee? Hello???

      Originally posted by Lorr View Post
      Congrats on 3200, Listy!!

      Rhymer, that was another priceless bit of fun! thank you

      Wow, only just over two pages in here today. Y'all have been quiet.

      Has anyone seen Ali or Pilgrim Soul? It's been several days, at least, since they were here. And, Salty?
      I've been in touch with Salty and RL has been hectic. She's also getting ready for her Disney Cruise. I believe she's leaving this weekend. I know I saw her lurking yesterday. Maybe she'll stop by and say hey.

      Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
      AVI by *ERIKA*


        Originally posted by rhymer View Post
        re. that April Fool's "spoiler", perhaps a short fic might make people feel better:

        (no spoilers, just length)
        "Hurry up!" Sheppard had never seen Rodney look so urgent. "To the Gate Room. We've got to get revenge."

        "Justice," Ronon corrected him. "You told me you guys don't like to call it revenge."

        "Revenge," Rodney said grimly. "Believe me, what these people have done... No punishment is too dreadful."

        "What did they do, Rodney?" Teyla asked, hefting her P90.

        "They... They..." Rodney was clearly struggling with emotion. "They... toyed with the Shep Whumpers," he blurted out. "Fed them news of spectacular whump, then said it was all a joke. They laughed."

        Ronon turned pale with fury. "They what? Let me at them!"

        "I'm with you, big guy," Sheppard said. "We need to make such an example of these... these..." His vocabulary gave up and refused to supply a word strong enough.

        He remembered when he had feared the Shep Whumpers, but over the years they had become almost like old friends. Better the devil you know, and all that. Okay, so the hellish agony that consumed him ninety percent of the time was a little vexing, but at least they respected him. They never humiliated him - well, apart from their habit of taking all his clothes off underneath infirmary blankets - and they always allowed him to triumph over the odds, which did wonders for the ego. Admittedly, it was slightly inconvenient when triumphing over the odds involved 48 days stranded in the wilderness subsisting on bugs, trying to fight the temptation to gnaw his own arm off, but it was the thought that counted.

        Besides, they made life interesting. Even simple things, like patting a fluffy kitten or taking a bite from a slice of chocolate cake or putting on socks, had a habit of turning turning into hellish agony. You never knew quite when it would happen. Whenever you eyed something like a place mat and thought there was no way on earth even one of the Shep Whumpers could use it to inflict hellish agony on you, they proved you wrong.

        Best of all, they always ensured that his team would gather around him afterwards, and he always drifted back to consciousness to the sound of them saying how worried they were and wondering how they could possibly live without him. It was all quite gratifying. Sometimes they even let him have friendly snuggles, and stoic but fuzzy male bonding.

        "Let's go," he said grimly. "Let's teach them a lesson that no-one in the universe will ever forget. No-one, I repeat no-one, toys with the Shep Whumpers."

        His team nodded, united by their noble cause, and they set out to unleash righteous vengeance.
        LMAO! that was priceless.

        Congrats on 3200 Listy!!
        Chicago Con Attendee 2011
        Chicago Con Attendee 2010
        GateCon Attendee 2008
        Vancouver Con Attendee 2007


          Here's a puzzle you might enjoy...


          The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread... Keeping the dream alive.


            Thanks for the update, Pocus and Sherry. I knew that, but my brain is a bit of a sieve, so just didn't remember. I need to get over to LJ more.

            Cute puzzle, fuchsia! thanks

            I think it's dinner time for me. be back later!


              Originally posted by fuchsia View Post
              That was fun.

              Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
              AVI by *ERIKA*


                Fic rec: Sibling Rivalry by liketheriverrun. Admittedly not whump, but so worth reading. You may whump yourself laughing.
                Sig by Luciana
                My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics



                  Did anyone see this week's TV guide? Under WMC they have a mention of JF in there. Just thought I'd pass that along to anyone that wanted to know.

                  Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
                  AVI by *ERIKA*


                    This video is freaking funny
                    Not sure where to post it per se but it includes Shep so LOL !!
                    If it is inappropiate for this furum I'm sorry as I do not want to offend anyone and no I'm not into the slashing but I had to laugh watching this LOL !!


                    sigs by Cazz,scifan,elephantgirl, john-and-teyla , Donna , Linda, maffieg, and wraithlord . I'm in AWE of your talent and J/T is the best


                      Originally posted by fuchsia View Post
                      Yes I did enjoy that !!! thanks
                      Sig by me my LJ - the place to find some of my artwork and fics - My Stargate vids


                        Originally posted by taffy rose View Post
                        This video is freaking funny
                        Not sure where to post it per se but it includes Shep so LOL !!
                        If it is inappropiate for this furum I'm sorry as I do not want to offend anyone and no I'm not into the slashing but I had to laugh watching this LOL !!

                        I'm still laighing from that one thanks for the link
                        Sig by me my LJ - the place to find some of my artwork and fics - My Stargate vids


                          Originally posted by fuchsia View Post
                          I did it! That was fun. Thanks for the link fuchsia!

                          Originally posted by taffy rose View Post
                          This video is freaking funny
                          Not sure where to post it per se but it includes Shep so LOL !!
                          If it is inappropiate for this furum I'm sorry as I do not want to offend anyone and no I'm not into the slashing but I had to laugh watching this LOL !!

                          That was funny Kimberly Thanks for posting that link. Very naughty indeed , but still fun!
                          Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
                          Save Our Seeker!
                          LotS on LJ.


                            Originally posted by sherryw View Post

                            Did anyone see this week's TV guide? Under WMC they have a mention of JF in there. Just thought I'd pass that along to anyone that wanted to know.
                            What did it say, Sherry? Or was it just a passing mention?
                            Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                            Fic rec: Sibling Rivalry by liketheriverrun. Admittedly not whump, but so worth reading. You may whump yourself laughing.
                            Great read. Thanks for the rec!
                            Originally posted by fuchsia View Post
                            Thanks for that. I enjoyed doing it!
                            Originally posted by pisces27 View Post
                            LMAO! that was priceless.

                            Congrats on 3200 Listy!!
                            Ditto! Congrats Listy!


                              Originally posted by fuchsia View Post
                              I love jigzone. I used to play there often. I forgot you can make your own. Hmm, might have to play with that idea now. Thanks for posting the link.


                                Originally posted by fuchsia View Post
                                That was nice. I need more time to play...

                                It's such a cloudy and wet day today.... makes me not want to work...

                                How's whumpland today? Whumpy I hope. For Shep, of couse. Not the whumpers.
                                My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                                Sig and avi by me

