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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
    Me? *looks innocent* none at all all the ideas are from the rest of you
    I believe you :roll eyes:

    Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
    not that I am completely obsessed about intubation or anything like that !

    Happy Birthday Astral!!!!

    Oh Linzi and I have talked about this a few times. I think it would have been even more fabulous than it is already. I just think we would have got so much more angst from the rest of the team - it would have been lovely!!

    *sigh* wishes that they could do a remake ! hehehehe!
    Originally posted by fuchsia View Post
    I'm a sicko too cos I love the BLOOD!

    And I was thinking (again)...
    S&R pic discussion:
    There was an awful lot of blood - it pooled and then over flowed, so I wondered how cool it would be if Shep was impaled and the docs couldn't get to him. Ronon was there and he had to remove the bar and then Shep had a massive haemorrhage and Ronon might have to jam a rolled up jacket into his side...(John screams in agony)

    Is there a cure for psychotic whumpmania?
    I hope not - I enjoy it too much

    Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
    the benefits of having 38 mins later than season 1:

    Lets see a big fat Yes to all of those point.

    I'm not sure I trust the TPTB to write the episode today as anew episode, I don’t think they would give us the whump at least not shep they would probably injure one of the others and have shep piloting the jumper so he's not in the episode much.

    I am not sure if I would want them to remake it today-either could you imagine the writers tweeking it a little to fit into the current story arc and you know probably injure on of the other cast members Same goes for a sequel as much as I would like it I doubt it would be what I wanted to see.

    Interesting. From the gateworld review it sounds a little bit like zombies the horror angle could be interesting. Not sure how I feel about an all women team though. Will be interested to see how they explain carson going home to his mum after being dead for two years
    Agree Carson/John over Carson /Rodney as well


      I have returned!

      Welcome to TJ......and happy birthday Astral, in case I didn't wish it before.

      I was amused with the commentary for "Rising" since they were talking about the scene when Shep first sits in the chair and they discover he has the Ancient gene......JF was laughing that the chair was too short! Martin Wood laughed about that too. JF also called Rodney "David McKay", which made me giggle.

      Ahhhhh.....I actually was wondering about had they made "38 Min." later in the series rather than different it would have been! Let's see.....
      If it had been in S-2 or beyond....which team member would have used the defibrillator on Shep? I think Rodney would have come across as more human too.....but then we might not have had the GREAT line "Don't talk to ME about SCREWED!" The Iratus bug would have looked more like a real bug and not plastic. Best of all......they could have focused more time on Shep and his suffering than going back and forth with the Athosian stuff. And less of Kavanaugh would have been nice. I was reading in the Companion Book that the episode came in short and they had to add the Weir-Halling scenes later.
      I agree Teyla would have been more of a help (she might even have done the defibrillating after she cut Shep's shirt open)

      As for Shep......I would not change a thing he did in that episode. Every time I watch this episode I find something new to like about JF's performance. This time it was how his scream echoed through Atlantis as they showed the various team members listening to his agony when the bug reacted to the salt and water.

      And that final shot of Shep trying to get comfy in the Infirmary of my favorites ever! SQUEEEEE.



        Originally posted by Kristen999 View Post
        I don't know I'm more excited about it now. oh you might want to tag yours with whispers.

        spoilers for Whispers

        I was very interested in this eppy from a horror perspective but a little put off by the idea of JUST Carson and a ton of minor characters. Now that John's in the mix, sounds very exciting. I for one will not complain if there are more women, he IS the hero of the show...and this does seem more Carson focused, so I doubt it'll play out like that.

        I prefer Team eppys, I'll take Carson and Sheppard over Carson and Rodney together with them.

        Me too
        I think it has a lot of potential, and I have to say I am really really intrigued by the horror angle. I really want to see Sheppard spooked and whumped (but I guess the whump is obvious) I also like the fact they are going to spend the night in an unfamiliar village, new and unfamiliar locations make for scary places. I think they could all be really tense and jumpy and that each others stress levels could play off each other and be so much fun to watch.


          Originally posted by Listy View Post
          Me too
          I think it has a lot of potential, and I have to say I am really really intrigued by the horror angle. I really want to see Sheppard spooked and whumped (but I guess the whump is obvious) I also like the fact they are going to spend the night in an unfamiliar village, new and unfamiliar locations make for scary places. I think they could all be really tense and jumpy and that each others stress levels could play off each other and be so much fun to watch.
          Very good thoughts


          I agree about the horror aspect of this episode. It sounds different for SGA. I hope Shep gets spooked!


            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
            Very good thoughts


            I agree about the horror aspect of this episode. It sounds different for SGA. I hope Shep gets spooked!
            Can you imagine
            Seeing Shep spooked, eyes wide, his expression a mixture of determination and fear (which he is attempting to mask but not quite managing), muscles so tense he is vibrating with tension, on edge, reacting to the slightest thing *happy sigh* and then out of the darkness WHAM!!! ( I want physical whump in this ep, do you think we might get any? I am thinking probably more emotional whump and angst)


              Originally posted by Listy View Post
              Can you imagine
              Seeing Shep spooked, eyes wide, his expression a mixture of determination and fear (which he is attempting to mask but not quite managing), muscles so tense he is vibrating with tension, on edge, reacting to the slightest thing *happy sigh* and then out of the darkness WHAM!!! ( I want physical whump in this ep, do you think we might get any? I am thinking probably more emotional whump and angst)



                Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                .......oops.....Linz hun, you alright????


                  [QUOTE=CazzBlade;7970593]New info on Whispers...


                  re this info:
                  with all due respect to Beckett fans ( and I am one), the current Beckett is a clone; why does he get to bond with the "cute and bookish" new character instead of Sheppard?


                    I love the chat about this ep and possibility for whumpage...!
                    Whispers spec:
                    Carson's a doc and if he's there he's surely got to doctor someone - I'm hoping it's Shep. Then our Sheppy gets all stoic and has to carry on cos he's surrounded by women who, he feels, need him to be strong.
                    That would be a spin I could live with.

                    The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread... Keeping the dream alive.


                      Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                      Oh dear..

                      A Shep centric ep where Shep is surrounded by women, well how predictable. Sorry to be a grump here but it doesn't sound appealing to me at all. Why can't Shep get an episode where woman don't seem to be the focus. I'm sure he'll play the brave hero and save them all from the big bad wolf. And once again no team in sight .. oh I forgot he has a new team.. well he may get some bonding time with the newly resurrected Carson..
                      I didn't get the idea from the description that this episode was...

                      Season 5 speculation
                      ...Shep centric. More like a Carson ep where we get to know the new, and in my opinion, not needed, team with Shep along for the ride.

                      Oh, and great whump pics everyone!

                      sigs by the talented CazzBlade, elephantgirl,CKO, kali1, csom, Luciana, Torri012 and rachel d..thanks so much!


                        Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                        New info on Whispers...


                        re this info:
                        with all due respect to Beckett fans ( and I am one), the current Beckett is a clone; why does he get to bond with the "cute and bookish" new character instead of Sheppard?
                        why does
                        beckett even get an ep when hes a fricking reccuring now....and a clone at this meant to be a shep focused ep that will be ruined like missing was for teyla by having whiny keller along for the ride...granted beckett isnt whiny like her- much heh
                        i wasnt even that impressed when carson was back in kindreds, he just doesnt quite gel there anymore.
                        .......and jeez i can hear the kirkers now because shep dares talk to these i dont care about these women, this team......i want MY team, i want shep to be there with teyla ronon and mckay...........i agree id rather have shep/beckett over beckett/mckay....but still! i mean i wont judge it until ive heard more or seen it....but i cant say im all that excited so far..........hopefully there will be some ace shep moments in this ep..bmut i dont know...its JMs script after all and his have been less than stellar... TMC was ok but nothing really happened considering it was nothing more than a plot device to get the replicator info, it was all about another team which wasnt ours!

                        i just hope we arent going to get more fractured eps where the team isnt present, that was sorely missed last year.

                        btw: i noticed on JMs blog there is much love for shep and want of his gene and backstory............shame its just not from JM himself, who is still pretty much ignoring anything sheppy related, unless its a vague question like that infirmary thing.



                          Hey all! just popping to tell SD that I almost got you an intubation kit this afternoon. I spent three hours waiting in an ER room and saw it there on the wall, wrapped in a glistening package. But I was in a room right in front of the nurses station and I wasn't able to grab it without getting caught. sorry!! But just wanted to let you know I did try.

                          Oh, the beds are as small as seen on TV too. I laid on it (ya know, reasearch purposes and all ) and my 5'5" body just fit on the damned thing. Geez! Poor Shep is gonna have a hell of time if he's confined to one for any length of time.


                            Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                            why does
                            beckett even get an ep when hes a fricking reccuring now....and a clone at this meant to be a shep focused ep that will be ruined like missing was for teyla by having whiny keller along for the ride...granted beckett isnt whiny like her- much heh
                            i wasnt even that impressed when carson was back in kindreds, he just doesnt quite gel there anymore.
                            .......and jeez i can hear the kirkers now because shep dares talk to these i dont care about these women, this team......i want MY team, i want shep to be there with teyla ronon and mckay...........i agree id rather have shep/beckett over beckett/mckay....but still! i mean i wont judge it until ive heard more or seen it....but i cant say im all that excited so far..........hopefully there will be some ace shep moments in this ep..bmut i dont know...its JMs script after all and his have been less than stellar... TMC was ok but nothing really happened considering it was nothing more than a plot device to get the replicator info, it was all about another team which wasnt ours!
                            I'm pretty much in agreement with everything you say.

                            i just hope we arent going to get more fractured eps where the team isnt present, that was sorely missed last year.

                            btw: i noticed on JMs blog there is much love for shep and want of his gene and backstory............shame its just not from JM himself, who is still pretty much ignoring anything sheppy related, unless its a vague question like that infirmary thing.
                            I was so hoping season 5 would give us some team goodness and some good meaty emotional Shep eps but from the spoilers so far I'm becoming more disappointed and we seem to have a string of eps where the team are always apart, and
                            Shep having to spend the night with a bunch of girly marines and Carson, just doesn't do much for my squee either. I'm sure Shep will get to go into full macho male protecter mode and save them all from whatever looming threat is out there.. I guess I can always hope there will be whump.. .and at least I've got S&R to look forward to..


                              Where have all the whumpers gone??

                              The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread... Keeping the dream alive.


                                On a side note, I have just discovered dark chocolate with chilli....
                                it's nice... here, try some

                                The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread... Keeping the dream alive.

