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John Sheppard Whump

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    BUAHHAAH!!! Which is why I don't have internet connection at home! I'd get NO work done (bad enough being AT work and having it...oops, did I say that??)

    My Manips & other artwork!


      Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
      What point are you trying to make here, Salty? I'll expect a detailed response by the time I've stretched my legs to allow circulation to return.

      Ooh! CG is still my favourite whump,
      regardless of lack of smackdowns from Kolya (which would have been fun to watch as well.)
      The whole episode was just so SQUEEEEEEEEEEE!!
      Not saying anything at all *whistles* Just wanna make sure us whumpers don't whump ourselves by making sure we stretch our legs as we catch up - the only blood clots we want are the ones where the blood clots on Shep from the bullet entry site! Just saying.

      I like my whumped Shep young and pretty though.

      Originally posted by scifan View Post
      Hey guys. I'm posting this only because of some sigs that were posted earlier. This is what Skydiver posted to explain spoiler caps vs. non-spoiler caps for current season eps. I hope you don't mind.
      Hmmm, so is my birthday pressie spoilery?
      Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


        Originally posted by Lt.Col.Errandboy View Post
        Thanks scifan! I luv it too!!

        oh, and what do i think about Joe saying my name about 6 times, then giving me such a LONG lovely answer to my question???


        And that's the toned-down version of my reaction!!
        I was squeeing over it. I can only imagine how you felt.

        Originally posted by Salty View Post
        Not saying anything at all *whistles* Just wanna make sure us whumpers don't whump ourselves by making sure we stretch our legs as we catch up - the only blood clots we want are the ones where the blood clots on Shep from the bullet entry site! Just saying.

        I like my whumped Shep young and pretty though.

        Hmmm, so is my birthday pressie spoilery?

        Stuff like...
        John climbing the tower and his dad's funeral are.


          All the whumpers are gone. So must I, but it has been exceptionally fun being able to play today. Goodnight, everyone!


            Mornin' everyone...and Hi and welcome Flygirl!

            Originally posted by Salty View Post
            So after almost 4 seasons, what has been your favorite whump in an ep? I think I have yet to see really satisfying whump - the bloody kind where Shep really suffers and has to endure pain and suffering.
            I'm with you on that Salty but I think we might get that in s5. I can feel it in me bones! I think my fave whumpy episode is probably CG still but others like
            DG, 38 minutes, Travelers
            are all up there to. Actually, thinking about it, maybe The Defiant One might be second. Oh...I find it too hard to put them in any order. Heh! I like it all!!


              Originally posted by scifan View Post
              Hey guys. I'm posting this only because of some sigs that were posted earlier. This is what Skydiver posted to explain spoiler caps vs. non-spoiler caps for current season eps. I hope you don't mind.
              Thanks for that my opinion spoilers include whump moments if posted in the whump thread especially when we know that a few regular posters are days away from seeing the epsiode and are trying to stay spoiler free.


                Originally posted by Salty View Post
                So after almost 4 seasons, what has been your favorite whump in an ep?
                Oh, absolutely definitely 38 Minutes. Much as I liked Common Ground,
                part of my mind wasn't seeing Shep suffering, it was seeing JF in potentially-cringeworthy ageing make-up. Same with Conversion, when I was too aware of the prosthetics, and Doppelganger, when I was a little too aware of the tricks involved in making it look as if Shep was fighting himself. It's odd. It's as if 75 percent of my mind is thinking, "Ooh! Whump!" while the other 25 percent is feeling a little... embarrassed, almost, and that taints it a bit. For good whump, I want bullets, blood, pain, team-fussing - and don't forget the heroic staggering - without any significant special effects that interfere with my suspension of disbelief.


                  Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                  Thanks for that my opinion spoilers include whump moments if posted in the whump thread especially when we know that a few regular posters are days away from seeing the epsiode and are trying to stay spoiler free.
                  Indeed - she says in her best Teal'c voice. I think any specific whump piccies which give away the type of whump might well make whumpers say 'oh my! I've not seen that, where the heck is that from? Have I just been spoiled?'

                  I also think we should label spoiler piccies more carefully, saying which episode from season 4 they're from - and I think we are generally very careful to do that . It's a shame if some are spoiled just because they don't have access to episodes at the same time as the US, or those who acquire eppies by other means.


                    Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                    Oh, absolutely definitely 38 Minutes. Much as I liked Common Ground,
                    part of my mind wasn't seeing Shep suffering, it was seeing JF in potentially-cringeworthy ageing make-up. Same with Conversion, when I was too aware of the prosthetics, and Doppelganger, when I was a little too aware of the tricks involved in making it look as if Shep was fighting himself. It's odd. It's as if 75 percent of my mind is thinking, "Ooh! Whump!" while the other 25 percent is feeling a little... embarrassed, almost, and that taints it a bit. For good whump, I want bullets, blood, pain, team-fussing - and don't forget the heroic staggering - without any significant special effects that interfere with my suspension of disbelief.
                    My fave whump is still 38 Minutes no contest. I then like CG followed by TDO and conversion. I love DG
                    although it wasnt really whumpy for me. TR was awesome but not enough of it to make it my fave whump!


                      Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                      Oh, absolutely definitely 38 Minutes. Much as I liked Common Ground,
                      part of my mind wasn't seeing Shep suffering, it was seeing JF in potentially-cringeworthy ageing make-up. Same with Conversion, when I was too aware of the prosthetics, and Doppelganger, when I was a little too aware of the tricks involved in making it look as if Shep was fighting himself. It's odd. It's as if 75 percent of my mind is thinking, "Ooh! Whump!" while the other 25 percent is feeling a little... embarrassed, almost, and that taints it a bit. For good whump, I want bullets, blood, pain, team-fussing - and don't forget the heroic staggering - without any significant special effects that interfere with my suspension of disbelief.
                      38 Minutes is my favourite whump episode ever. It just has everything really.

                      I did love Common Ground. I loved the story, the wraith and Kolya in it. I loved the torture scenes. I found them disturbing and I had no idea TPTB would go that way, but I agree that 38 Minutes was better whump overall.

                      Season 4 has had some good whumpy bits, but has sadly lacked one big whumpy episode. Each of the other seasons had one, and 4 hasn't, which is a little sad.


                        Don't forget teh excellent whumpage of "The Defiant One" (shot, blown up, beaten up...what more could a whumper ask for???)

                        Oh, you want some whump? (spoilered for size & S4)


                        more like a prelude to whump...but it needed THAT caption...

                        and...let's go, shopping!

                        My Manips & other artwork!


                          Originally posted by pisces27 View Post
                          I just got back from being whumped by the dentist. Need a root canal and 2 teeth crowned. Ouch for my bank account.
                          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                          Oh poor you! I'm having a crown next week, so you have my sympathy. I NEVER want poor Sheppy to get tooth whumped. I read a story recently where some nasty aliens ripped some of Sheppy's teeth out with pliars! Sniff....
                          Geez, tooth whump!! Hope it goes well for both of you.

                          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                          I'm afraid to say that even if 38 Minutes was on in front of me, I'd still notice being at the dentist. I'd actually probably clench my teeth when Sheppy screams and bite the dentists fingers!
                          Yes, on first thought, showing whumpy eps of SGA to take our minds off what's happening seemed like a good idea - on second thoughts, we'd probably get too excited!!

                          Heh - i bit my dentist once. Well the silly man asked me a question, then immediately stuck his fingers in my mouth as i began to talk!!

                          Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
                          Btw, I watched Midway the other day with my daughter, and one of her first comments was
                          "But there was no Shep whump!" (besides that little bit, of course)
                          I've trained her well. *iz proud*
                          Hee - that's cool! Mini-whumper, bless.

                          Originally posted by scifan View Post
                          I bet you are proud.
                          I was proud of my son when he did a story for first grade about SGA. Shep's his favorite.
                          so that's what having kids is about! Corrupting inducting them into the world of SGA - and especially whump!

                          Originally posted by Salty View Post
                          So after almost 4 seasons, what has been your favorite whump in an ep? I think I have yet to see really satisfying whump - the bloody kind where Shep really suffers and has to endure pain and suffering. I mean, CG
                          should really have had some beatdowns from Kolya, and whereas we got good beatdown in Doppelganger, Shep never really got bloody, did he?

                          Ok, maybe
                          Travellers come the closest - repetitive hits causing blood to spill.
                          Ok, I'll go with that one
                          For me, 38 minutes will always be a fave, if not my very fave - mostly cos it was whump from beginning to end!

                          Also rather partial to CG, Conversion and from S5, DG and Travelers - if only for the...
                          DRIPPY BLOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                          Mine too. The initial feeding was such a shock, but the next two were just as horrible since he knew what was coming. And his team angsting over him.... *sigh* My one complaint is the lack of follow-up.
                          YES! I mean, there doesn't have to weeks and weeks of follow-up, even one ep to acknowledge something effected a character deeply would be nice!

                          Originally posted by Lt.Col.Errandboy View Post
                          oh, and what do i think about Joe saying my name about 6 times, then giving me such a LONG lovely answer to my question???


                          And that's the toned-down version of my reaction!!
                          I squeeed so much when he did that - i thought you must be passed out on the floor!!
                          The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                          l My LJ l


                            LOL...I love this board! You guys are fun! Poor Shep...


                              Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                              Geez, tooth whump!! Hope it goes well for both of you.
                              I have to say tooth whump is awful. Has anyone seen Marathon Man? I NEVER wanted to go to the dentist again after seeing that for the first time!

                              Originally posted by Squonk View Post

                              Yes, on first thought, showing whumpy eps of SGA to take our minds off what's happening seemed like a good idea - on second thoughts, we'd probably get too excited!!
                              I'd be waay to excited. I'd probably push the dentist out the way to watch the whump!
                              Originally posted by Squonk View Post

                              Heh - i bit my dentist once. Well the silly man asked me a question, then immediately stuck his fingers in my mouth as i began to talk!!
                              Did you? Sounds like it was his own fault though!
                              Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                              Hee - that's cool! Mini-whumper, bless.

                              so that's what having kids is about! Corrupting inducting them into the world of SGA - and especially whump!

                              For me, 38 minutes will always be a fave, if not my very fave - mostly cos it was whump from beginning to end!

                              Also rather partial to CG, Conversion and from S5, DG and Travelers - if only for the...
                              DRIPPY BLOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I think 38 Minutes might never be surpassed as a whumpy episode. I keep hoping TPTB will write an eppie where a seriously injured Sheppy, losing copious amounts of blood, is kept safe by a slightly whumped, yet brave Rodney, who has to become soldier Rodney in order to save himself and his friend. But something tells me I'll only get that in fanfic! I'll eat my hat if we do get that
                              Originally posted by Squonk View Post

                              YES! I mean, there doesn't have to weeks and weeks of follow-up, even one ep to acknowledge something effected a character deeply would be nice!
                              It would be. I think that sometimes is a little disappointing - I suppose it's the nature of the stand alone storylines they do


                                Originally posted by Linzi View Post

                                I think 38 Minutes might never be surpassed as a whumpy episode. I keep hoping TPTB will write an eppie where a seriously injured Sheppy, losing copious amounts of blood, is kept safe by a slightly whumped, yet brave Rodney, who has to become soldier Rodney in order to save himself and his friend. But something tells me I'll only get that in fanfic! I'll eat my hat if we do get that

                                It would be. I think that sometimes is a little disappointing - I suppose it's the nature of the stand alone storylines they do
                                I agree that nothing has surpassed 38 minutes.. sigh

                                I want whump with consequenses.. not immediate recovery with no trace of injury.. a little bit of blood and the odd dizzy spell after whumping would be nice. Doppelganger was a disappointment in that respect. Shep got thrown around a lot but then it was all over and no reprecussions... hopefully season 5 will break the mould... [mod snip]
                                Last edited by TameFarrar; 20 February 2008, 11:25 AM. Reason: we know it is a joke BUT some folks will take this serious and possibly do it and hurt a real person

