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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
    That's right, the '20 posts a day'!
    Well I am pleased to say that I have already managed 11 of my quota!!


      Originally posted by SLC
      Well I am pleased to say that I have already managed 11 of my quota!!
      Ummmm.. this one makes 14 for me!


        Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
        And maybe (just a little) the bug thing is an exaggeration...but they are big when you open the door at night and they go running across your know, then you go in and tell your husband, "OMG, it was THIS big!" Then you shudder and say, "I'm lucky to be alive" (that would be the risk of dying from a heart attack).
        LOL! Hubby's need to be reminded to pay attention to us on the odd occasion, anyway.

        Originally posted by SLC
        But I tell you if that scene had been with Shep in scrubs and not all buggy I think I would have totally passed out!!! I love Conversion very much in fact it is probably my second fave episode ( The Defiant One is a candidate for 2nd place too) but I would prefer Shep to be whumped I looking his beautiful self.
        I love his beautiful self too- but he was so damn sexy in Conversion! The way he carried himself, guh. His body language managed to convey fear, anger, pain, bravery, defiance - all at once. Yum. All the reasons we love whump in one gorgeous bod..
        My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


          Oh I third that! If he hadn't been all oooowwwwwgggggly from the make up, and in scrubs, I probably would've melted.



            Originally posted by Alipeeps
            Ummmm.. this one makes 14 for me!

            Good girl!!!!!!

            I really think that we are going to make it!!!


              I so badly need another (beautiful) Shep in scrubs in the infirmary scene....restrained would be a real bonus!! ( I want a scene like McKay in the Hive please) In season 3 please!!!!


                Originally posted by Lauriel
                [QOUTE=IWantToBelieve] And maybe (just a little) the bug thing is an exaggeration...but they are big when you open the door at night and they go running across your know, then you go in and tell your husband, "OMG, it was THIS big!" Then you shudder and say, "I'm lucky to be alive" (that would be the risk of dying from a heart attack).
                LOL! Hubby's need to be reminded to pay attention to us on the odd occasion, anyway.

                I love his beautiful self too- but he was so damn sexy in Conversion! The way he carried himself, guh. His body language managed to convey fear, anger, pain, bravery, defiance - all at once. Yum. All the reasons we love whump in one gorgeous bod..[/QUOTE]

                Yeah, you should've heard him scream like a little girl when he opened the door to let the dogs out and a big fat snake was there. The sad thing is, the snake was in the process of eating the frog the boys had caught the day before, kept overnight in their terrarium and then I convinced them we had to set it free because it was wild and would die if we kept it...*groan* they are so never letting me live that one down.


                  Snakes wouldn't bother me. Giant bugs running over my foot? I'd still be screaming now!

                  One of my delightful little cats woke us up at 2am on Monday morning, crying and wailing outside the bedroom door. She was making such a noise I actually worried something was wrong and maybe she was ill or something... so I got up to go see... and found her rubbing up against the bathroom door, having proudly deposited on the landing carpet a very small (like about 1 inch long) frog!!

                  All that noise was basically her saying "Mummy! Mummy! Come see the present I got you!"

                  Mad animal.


                    Snakes don't bother me either, but spiders...*shudder*!


                      Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
                      Yeah, you should've heard him scream like a little girl when he opened the door to let the dogs out and a big fat snake was there. The sad thing is, the snake was in the process of eating the frog the boys had caught the day before, kept overnight in their terrarium and then I convinced them we had to set it free because it was wild and would die if we kept it...*groan* they are so never letting me live that one down.
                      ROFL! Oh no! Talk about irony.

                      Sorry about the mucked up post- I ducked back in and edited it, but I'm on dial-up *headdesk* and I'm downloading stuff *headdesk* so it is dreadfully slow *headdesk* and I'm getting somewhat *headdesk* frustrated *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk*
                      My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                        Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
                        Snakes don't bother me either, but spiders...*shudder*!
                        Oh god, I'm 100% with you there! I don't like bugs in general but spiders are the worst. Though I'm better than I used to be.. I can mostly cope with them now. I once slept in the spare bed in my mum's room for over 3 months after a spider ran up my leg while I was sitting on my bed. I was in screaming hysterics (not kidding - actually screaming and crying and begging my mum to check and make sure there were no spiders crawling on me) for about 15 mintues afterwards and just could not sleep in that room again for months for fear the damn thing was still in there.

                        Not good.

                        Edit: Should add that I ws in my 20s when this happened!!


                          10.000 posts by july 14?? This is a noble cause. I'll help as much as I can!


                            Originally posted by anaM
                            10.000 posts by july 14?? This is a noble cause. I'll help as much as I can!
                            Yes! It is a worthy cause! Post! Post as if your life depended on it!


                              Originally posted by Alipeeps
                              Oh god, I'm 100% with you there! I don't like bugs in general but spiders are the worst. Though I'm better than I used to be.. I can mostly cope with them now. I once slept in the spare bed in my mum's room for over 3 months after a spider ran up my leg while I was sitting on my bed. I was in screaming hysterics (not kidding - actually screaming and crying and begging my mum to check and make sure there were no spiders crawling on me) for about 15 mintues afterwards and just could not sleep in that room again for months for fear the damn thing was still in there.

                              Not good.

                              Edit: Should add that I ws in my 20s when this happened!!
                              Last September we had house spiders walking across our living room floor every night. I didnt sit there unless my Husband was home and even when I did I had to have my feet up on the sofa I was too frightened that they would walk across my feet if they were down on the floor!!!

                              I hope it doesnt happen again this year. I mean you expect one or two that time of the year but not a couple every night!!!!


                                Originally posted by anaM
                                10.000 posts by july 14?? This is a noble cause. I'll help as much as I can!

                                Yay - you have already done your second and look both Ali and i have posted in reply so that is three more altogether problem 10,000 easy!!!

                                I think we would hit that tonight if the CG pics were released!

