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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard
    It's always fun and a little scary to branch out. But I can tell you what people definitely won't like, and that's writing the same thing over and over again (besides, that'll get boring for you, too). So go for it! Good luck, and have fun!
    Oh no don't think it's going to be anything too daring. What I meant is that I've not seen a similar plotline done before, that doesn't mean it hasn't been done it just means I haven't read it. I'm not a prolific reader, I tend to pick and choose based on writer and recs. That way I try to avoid the truly awful stuff out there, though a lot of badly written fic still has a good idea behind it. I lack the imagination and the courage to write anything truly original. One thing I hate about writing is the constant worry that you will disappoint the reader in someway because the story isn't as good as it's potential.


      Some 38 minutes pics just because


        Lovely caps everyone! Thanks!

        Have spend my day doing sod all and playing computer games. Got up late after staying up till nearly 4am reading IWTB's wonderful fic. Still keep thinking about that story even now - sign of damn good writing! Feel kinda guilty for not doing any writing of my own this weekend and I kinda want to but not sure I'm in the mood. Might do some in a bit.

        And still must watch Memoirs of a Geisha so I can send it back and get my next rental DVD!!


          Originally posted by Alipeeps
          Lovely caps everyone! Thanks!

          Have spend my day doing sod all and playing computer games. Got up late after staying up till nearly 4am reading IWTB's wonderful fic. Still keep thinking about that story even now - sign of damn good writing! Feel kinda guilty for not doing any writing of my own this weekend and I kinda want to but not sure I'm in the mood. Might do some in a bit.

          And still must watch Memoirs of a Geisha so I can send it back and get my next rental DVD!!
          Yes you are right about IWTB fic - not one you can just forget!!!

          You have been going to watch that DVD for ages


            I'm sweating it out right now to, and not from Sheppard *sob*'s just hot.

            Your comments on the fic staying on your mind is wonderful, and what's really sad, and this hasn't ever happened when I've finished a fic, I miss it now that it's done!

            Normally I'm feeling good riddance but this time I was happy to have it finished but I've felt lost without it to work on this morning LOL!


              Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
              I'm sweating it out right now to, and not from Sheppard *sob*'s just hot.

              Your comments on the fic staying on your mind is wonderful, and what's really sad, and this hasn't ever happened when I've finished a fic, I miss it now that it's done!

              Normally I'm feeling good riddance but this time I was happy to have it finished but I've felt lost without it to work on this morning LOL!
              Oh dear! Well I guess you'll just have to think of another fic to write for us.


                Originally posted by SLC
                You have been going to watch that DVD for ages
                I know! About 3 flipping weeks!

                Man we have got some serious thunder going on here! Think it's gonna be a big storm...


                  Hey IWTB - just reading through the fabby reviews on your fic - to see what other folks thought of it - and I see you've got one in French! D'you want it translating?


                    Originally posted by Alipeeps

                    Man we have got some serious thunder going on here! Think it's gonna be a big storm...

                    Oh I'd love a storm, it's been so ridiculously hot here all day. I'm sitting infront of an open window with the fan turned full on me and I'm still melting.


                      Originally posted by Josie
                      Oh I'd love a storm, it's been so ridiculously hot here all day. I'm sitting infront of an open window with the fan turned full on me and I'm still melting.

                      Oooh here comes the rain...

                      ETA: Ooh and more thunder and some lightening too... 5 miles away from us, using the tired and tested method of counting between the lightening and the thunder!


                        Ali, could you?? I took spanish, not french, and I put it into a translator to get the gist of it those things never work well. I did that just to make sure it wasn't 'this fic is terrible' LOL!

                        Josi, *falls off chair*...I've got to do something for the challenge, and I had a start, but now that ones a little too dark to go to right now after this one...I might have to think up something fluffy for the sensory one hehehehe.


                          Originally posted by Alipeeps
                          Oooh here comes the rain...
                          Rub it in why don't you.


                            Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
                            Ali, could you?? I took spanish, not french, and I put it into a translator to get the gist of it those things never work well. I did that just to make sure it wasn't 'this fic is terrible' LOL!

                            Josi, *falls off chair*...I've got to do something for the challenge, and I had a start, but now that ones a little too dark to go to right now after this one...I might have to think up something fluffy for the sensory one hehehehe.
                            Je ne suis pas une fan du ShepWhumping mais vos fics' me retournent toujours, non seulement parce qu'elles sont superbement écrites, mais aussi pour les émotions qu'elles véhiculent, votre faculté ?* disséquer la pshychée des personnages mêmes secondaires. Je crois que celle-ci est la plus aboutie de toutes celles que vous avez écrites. Chapeau bas !

                            "I am not a fan of Shepwhumping but I am always drawn to your fics, not only because they are superbly written, but also because of the depth of emotion they portay, your ability to disect the psyches of even secondary characters. I think that this fic is the most accomplished you have written to date. Hats off to you."

                            Very complimentary review indeed!


                              Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
                              I'm sweating it out right now to, and not from Sheppard *sob*'s just hot.

                              Your comments on the fic staying on your mind is wonderful, and what's really sad, and this hasn't ever happened when I've finished a fic, I miss it now that it's done!

                              Normally I'm feeling good riddance but this time I was happy to have it finished but I've felt lost without it to work on this morning LOL!
                              I feel the same about not having more of it to read!


                                Originally posted by Josie
                                Rub it in why don't you.
                                Sorry. I love storms. We're getting lightening every few minutes now and some really loud thunder..

                                I remember years and years ago there being a big summer storm one evening when I was living at home and it had been SO hot and it was such a relief when the storm came and my mum and I had been watching the lightening from the glass porch on my parent's house and we'd opened the door to let the coolness into the house and we ended up running out onto the front driveway and laughing and dancing around in the pouring rain with my dad standing in the doorway looking at us like we were a pair of loopers!

