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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Josie View Post
    Well in fairness it seems the profiles and the commentaries are dependent on actor availability and we all know that JoeF spends every available moment in LA with his family (as is only right) so it understandable if he doesn't want to hang around during hiatus to record stuff for the DVD's.
    true, but then we know they were doing commentaries when they were still filming season 3 because as me and linzi pointed out, ken c said that he had done CG and joe normally gets a few in....and what about the others, am i to believe no one was around. i dunno its just weird.



      Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
      true, but then we know they were doing commentaries when they were still filming season 3 because as me and linzi pointed out, ken c said that he had done CG and joe normally gets a few in....and what about the others, am i to believe no one was around. i dunno its just weird.
      I was talking more about the profile than the commentaries but I think that info is probably slightly wrong anyway.


        Originally posted by Josie View Post
        I was talking more about the profile than the commentaries but I think that info is probably slightly wrong anyway.
        true, but then as weve seen on the profiles they tend to do them when theyre still filming, i know joe is the lead but you think they could try and get him for half an hour to answer some questions and then just get some footoage of him from behind the scenes...oh well...i guess they just dont try hard enough to get him.



          Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
          true, but then as weve seen on the profiles they tend to do them when theyre still filming, i know joe is the lead but you think they could try and get him for half an hour to answer some questions and then just get some footoage of him from behind the scenes...oh well...i guess they just dont try hard enough to get him.
          Why would you want Joe's profile when you already have David's??? *rolls eyes*
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            Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
            true, but then as weve seen on the profiles they tend to do them when theyre still filming, i know joe is the lead but you think they could try and get him for half an hour to answer some questions and then just get some footoage of him from behind the scenes...oh well...i guess they just dont try hard enough to get him.
            If they dont do a profile on Joe for the S4 DVD's I will be totally furious!

            I dont even mind if it just has mostly behind the scenes stuff during filming so that it doesnt take any extra time away from him.


              Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
              Why would you want Joe's profile when you already have David's??? *rolls eyes*
              well we all david hewlett is the real star of the show *rolls eyes*
              NOT...oh and PMcG (even though hes not there anymore!) and JM (whos only been there since season 2!) oh and in season 1 we even had a RSF one!!!!

              wheres the justice!!!! lol
              Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
              If they dont do a profile on Joe for the S4 DVD's I will be totally furious!

              I dont even mind if it just has mostly behind the scenes stuff during filming so that it doesnt take any extra time away from him.
              same here, like i say grab him for half an hour ask him a few questions it wouldnt take much, and knowing joe is such a lovely guy would he really mind taking half an hour before he went home, or during lunch to answer a few q's!!!

              they did DH during season 2 when he was the forefront of practically every episode *groan* and they managed to grab him for some time. i just think as usual they cant be bothered to make the effort to get him, once again underestimating how popular joe is and assuming everyone wont mind cos omgwooo its mckay i dont need anyone else!!!

              oh and same here, if we dont get one at least for season 4! which is bloody wayyyy off!!
              Last edited by Rootortoise; 09 June 2007, 04:42 AM.



                Congrats Roo on 5700 Posts



                  Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                  Congrats Roo on 5700 Posts

                  Thanks Pocus!!!!! awww cute jumpy smilies..thats how i feel inside...very squee!!!



                    I'm happy now. A woman just came over to have me check on her daughter. She'll talk to her husband and get back at me. Darn, I forgot to ask her number... I always do that! Now I don't have how to get back to her... I hope it works out.
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                      Originally posted by sherryw View Post
                      I loved submersion.
                      My favorite part is with the Queen and wet Shep. Though I don't know why she always makes him kneel. You would think that she was in a hurry to get the heck out of there. I would have thrown him in the seat and said LET'S GO FLYBOY!!!
                      She's a Wraith. They like to play with their food...

                      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                      I agree. I'm no shipper by any means, but I adore it when characters show any sort of affection towards each other, especially if Sheppard's involved. I adored the Sateda mess hall scene! Sigh....
                      Oh definitely! Me too!

                      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                      I'm happy for shipping groups to squee. Good for them, I say.
                      For me, that hug scene from season 4 is just awesome as it's so emotional. I'm desperate to find out what's going on and why the two of them look so upset. If people see that sort of scene as shippy, I'm fine with that. I see it as comforting and caring and really squee worthy because Shep looks so lost and upset. I do want to be Teyla though! Hee hee!!!
                      Umm... me too? Again!

                      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                      Yep, I know for a fact that that clip is from DG
                      Eeep! Whuh? What's this? How do you know this?! Tell us tell us tell us!!!

                      Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                      Just had to say

                      OMG he can hardly hold his head up - that must have been one big punch he had just taken!!!! I cant wait to see his face and 'the blood!!!!!

                      I am loving the trip too!!!!!!!!! Squeeeee!!!!!!
                      I know! Me too!!! (I seem to be saying this a lot today!

                      Originally posted by John_S View Post
                      Hey, I managed to capture the video. You can download it HERE and watch it using VLC.
                      You - are a star! Nice to see you in here again and thanks SO much for doing that! Now I can rewatch to my heart's content!

                      Originally posted by Josie View Post
                      Well it seemed like I missed all the excitement last night.

                      I haven't watched the video because let's face it my computer sucks (you have no idea how close this thing is to dying on me) but here are a couple of thoughts based on the caps.

                      The Shep/Teyla hug, you know I'm a sucker for any kind of emotional whump or angst and I'm also a sucker for Shep going all awkward and sincere and fumbling over his emotions so hopefully this scene will give us some of that. The more team bonding the better.

                      However, as far as I'm concerned TPTB missed the boat on the Shep/Teyla ship, if they go ahead with it now (and I think there's a good chance they will) then they are going to have some convincing to do as far as I'm concerned. I'll be honest this is one aspect of season four that has me worried.

                      Having said that I think I must be the only person who actually thinks that Shep/Larrin has the potential to be interesting. I quite like the idea of Shep having a little flirtation with a strong, sexy woman who's loyalties lie elsewhere. When he can never be sure if she's going to kiss him or stab him in the back - it keeps things interesting. And if Shep's love interest is only a recurring character it'll stop that aspect becoming overbearing on the show.

                      But that's just my opinion. If you ship then I'm happy for you if you get any squee out of these clips.

                      Now enough about the shipping back to the whumping - I can't really tell from Erika's wonderful caps (thank you by the way) but it looks like we're going to get a little more whump than we were thinking actually. I think we'd pretty much figured we wouldn't see any of the actual whumping but we may just see a little after all. Now let's just hope we get a nice team scene at the end too.
                      I'm with you on the emo angst front - love the look on Sheppy's face in that clip! YOu make some good points ship-wise too. And squeeeeeee for actually getting to see
                      the beating!!!

                      Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                      Oh do you know what we need?

                      Josie to make us a yummy gif so that we can squee over it for the next three months!!!!!
                      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                      Well it'd be really cool if you could do it! It sounds difficult to me!!!
                      Oh my yes! It'd be awesome if you could have a go, when you've got chance Josie!!

                      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                      Here are some caps I did.

                      Look at the angst and surpressed emotion on that face!!! Snifff...
                      Check out that last piccy there..... see what I see?
                      Johnny Cash poster... this scene is in John's room (which seems to have moved and changed size/shape again!) And is it just me, or does it look vaguely like a 4 poster bed in the background? There's a swath of curtain tied together (kind of like you get tied to the posts of a 4-poster) and it doesn't look like it's in the window... and it looks, to me, like that piece of curtain is at the end of a mattress? Anyone?

                      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                      I got a link for that if you want to look into it at some point... got it through an mailing list from Steph...

                      You rule!!

                      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                      Did you guys see that the audio commentaries for season 3 appear to have no actors at all doing them?

                      Here's the link:

                      Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                      i think theyre wrong, because Ken said that he had done the commentary for CG im sure of it and we all hoped that joe had done it with them, i find it hard to believe none of the actors did them as well....strange.
                      I think that info must be incomplete because Ken very definitely said he had recorded the commentary....?

                      Originally posted by Josie View Post
                      Well in fairness it seems the profiles and the commentaries are dependent on actor availability and we all know that JoeF spends every available moment in LA with his family (as is only right) so it understandable if he doesn't want to hang around during hiatus to record stuff for the DVD's.
                      True enough.. but it seems odd that not a SINGLE commentary has actor involvement on that list. I think it must just be partial information. Mind you, I hope the list is incomplete/incorrect in other ways cos a) no Joe profile? If this is true they will have profiled every major cast member bar Joe (and bar Torri - who they may well have chosen not to do given her reduced role in the show). The leading man. *sigh* Also.. the choice of mission directives? The only ones that really interest me there are Sateda and First Strike. I mean... The Game, for goodness sake? An okay episode but far from one of the best or most exciting/interesting to learn more about?!


                        Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                        I'm happy now. A woman just came over to have me check on her daughter. She'll talk to her husband and get back at me. Darn, I forgot to ask her number... I always do that! Now I don't have how to get back to her... I hope it works out.
                        YAY i hope so too!!! but DOH! for forgetting the number!!! hehe



                          Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                          I'm happy now. A woman just came over to have me check on her daughter. She'll talk to her husband and get back at me. Darn, I forgot to ask her number... I always do that! Now I don't have how to get back to her... I hope it works out.
                          I hope so too hon!


                            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                            Eeep! Whuh? What's this? How do you know this?! Tell us tell us tell us!!!
                            i know, has linzi gotten some secret information we dont know about!! heh

                            Check out that last piccy there..... see what I see?
                            Johnny Cash poster... this scene is in John's room (which seems to have moved and changed size/shape again! And is it just me, of does it look vaguely like a 4 posted bed in the background? There's a swath of curtain tied together (kind of like you get tied to the posts of a 4-poster) and it doesn't look like it's in the window... and it looks, to me, like that piece of curtain is at the end of a mattress? Anyone?
                            i thought that....bit girly isnt is hehe

                            I think that info must be incomplete because Ken very definitely said he had recorded the commentary....?
                            Yep definately....! because he actually told us on here didnt he!
                            True enough.. but it seems odd that not a SINGLE commentary has actor involvement on that list. I think it must just be partial information. Mind you, I hope the list is incomplete/incorrect in other ways cos a) no Joe profile? If this is true they will have profiled every major cast member bar Joe (and bar Torri - who they may well have chosen not to do given her reduced role in the show). The leading man. *sigh* Also.. the choice of mission directives? The only ones that really interest me there are Sateda and First Strike. I mean... The Game, for goodness sake? An okay episode but far from one of the best or most exciting/interesting to learn more about?!
                            yep very weird!
                            why do we never get mission directives on joe episodes, what a friggin suprise, one for CG...yeh right!!



                              Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                              YAY i hope so too!!! but DOH! for forgetting the number!!! hehe
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                              Sig and avi by me


                                Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                                hehe aww thats so cute!!

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