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John Sheppard Whump

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    Darn it. Approaching 7,000 words and am not gonna get this finished before Dr Who. Taking a break now and will hopefully be able to post chapter later this evening...


      Originally posted by Squonk View Post
      Now as a Rodney fan i can tell you
      him getting shot in the arse was one of the funniest things i've ever seen!! I really don't get the fuss around it, the thought that they're just taking the p*ss out of him. Well it was partly that, but at the end of the day, he got up (not that he could sit....) and came to their rescue despite being injured!
      my tuppence worth there, for what it's worth (about tuppence i guess....)

      best whumpy Shep S3

      wow, gotta agree with CG i think for physical. I'd go with Sunday for emotional.
      I agree with you, and I'm a Rodney fan too. I just loved that scene so much. The only thing that I felt uncomfortable with was, and uncomfortable as in it made me wince,
      when DH was having Rodney fiddle with the nasal canula, and seemed to be pushing it up his nose! It just looked painful and irritating!!!


        Originally posted by Lorr View Post
        First, I gotta give you all a big "THANK YOU" for being so wonderful. The last few weeks have been so stressful. The next few months are going to be interesting, for want of a better word! lol You are the best!

        Congrats to the milestoners, Erika, 1000, Ali, 11300, Linzi 13100, and any others!

        Great to see you're back Bebop!

        Dang, I did miss that! I was reading the blog during an ad break in Sunday.

        Mmmm, I used to work in a place in Brisbane that had the best sausage and chip butties. Oh, flashback!

        I just hope that SciFi realizes that if they are using the S3 ratings to order a S5!

        I hope all the whumped whumpers feel better soon. We seem to have all been in the wars lately!

        I have to run. Going to a Christening!
        Thanks, I hadn't noticed

        Congrats to all the milestoners!!!
        Erika, 1000,
        Ali, 11300

        and any others I may have missed!!!


          Originally posted by bebop View Post
          Thanks Listy. Unfortunately I'm having to write left handed at the moment as holding a pen is proving 'problematical' manips are on hold for a couple of weeks til I get a 'thumbs up'..*so sorry.. *.that its OK.
          Oh hun, your poor thumb!!! thats just not good

          Originally posted by bebop View Post
          Well I can officially say that I'm STUFFED!!!..The new Crusty Fondue Pizza dippy thing was FAB!

          On the subject of beer, I've just discovered a couple of gooduns in Waitrose. Kronenberg Blanc is a fruity light beer which is yummy and Coopers Brewery Australian wheat beer is fab too, I'm drinking both, but not enough to get sloshed as I can't handle too much, it doesn't mix well with the labyrinthitis!
          I am not a fan of beer or lager, the only one I don't mind Corona(sp?) with lime. I can't eat pizza hut it makes me poorly but I love it and that fondue one looks fab

          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
          Gack. Sorry, can't stand blanc/weiss beer. Hubby likes em... I think they're horrible! Mind you, if you do like blanc beer you should try drinking it the way they do in France.. with a slice of lemon in it!

          I've done what is probably a very silly thing... I've just had two mugs of filter coffee. I bought hubby a fabby complex coffee maker thing as a present a couple of years ago - one of those with a percolator, an expresso thing and a milk steamer - and we rarely use it. Neither of us drink much coffee but every now and then hubby likes to have a nice proper coffee. So I decided to crank the thing up today and try out the Jack Daniels coffee that I bought in Lynchburg last year and have had lying round ever since... only hubby decided he didn't want any... so I drank it all myself! And very nice it was too... but... I rarely drink coffee and very rarely filter coffee. So I'm feeling a wee bit wired right now! And will probably crash and burn later on!

          But in the meantime, I am making use of the buzz and getting busy with the writing... *runs*
          Ha Ali bouncing off the walls from coffee cool, you should be writing at super speed

          Originally posted by bebop View Post
          I know what you mean about fresh coffee...I can only drink about two at the most then I go gaga..I normally stick to decaf. We bought a Nespresso coffee maker last year, its a pod machine but you can only get the pods on line. I love it cause theres a choice of about 25 different types as well as about 5 decafs. It was one of the best gadgets we bought cause its a doddle to use and theres no mess and the coffee has a fab crema top.
          Decaf whats the fun in that?

          Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post

          omg my mum just asked me what a whumper is!?!!! argh that was a hard one to explain.....why did i sit downstairs lol she didnt look at me like im crazy though...
          thats a bit of a sticky situation, at least she didn't run away screaming or anything

          Originally posted by Josie View Post
          We use it here in East Anglia too, though we will more often say bacon sarnie. It's always chip butty though... mmm chip butty. *drools*

          It does indeed, another one to look forward to, actually I think I'm pretty much looking forward to all the season four episodes we've heard about, unlike last year I have yet to hear one plot idea/tidbit that has left me thinking "what were they smoking when they came up with that?"

          Ooh now that sounds like a nice angsty plot, I've not read any of the SGA novels but that one could tempt me.
          oooh chip butty....suddenly the egg noodles I just ate aeem like a bit of a pants meal

          I like the SGA books the last one was my least favourite so far, I hope the new ones are good, this time I most definitely will not be ordering them from Amazon.

          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
          How could I forget? That scream was soooo wonderfully done! We need some more of that!
          I second that!!!!

          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
          I found Chosen to be a bit choppy, if you know what I didn't flow very well, I thought. I liked the basic story premise though, and thought the characters seemed well written, and hey
          there's whump! Both Rodney and Sheppy! I do enjoy a little whump every now and then, you know!
          I agree it was a bit choppy, I don't ever re-read the whole book I just start around chapter 17, I liked the whump...Spoilers for Chosen
          Shep clonked on the head and face down in the tar not breathing!!!! then coming rounf only to get kicked & knocked out again and then him being nekkid under a sheet after the women clean off the tar oh and near the end when he passes out while piloting the jumper

          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
          Darn it. Approaching 7,000 words and am not gonna get this finished before Dr Who. Taking a break now and will hopefully be able to post chapter later this evening...
          two words .... MORE COFFEE!!! (oh and did I read correctly earlier... Jack daniels coffee??? nice )


            *sigh* I have housework to be done. I'll be popping in and out for awhile. Maybe I'll watch some 38min. or Conversion later to try and nurse my squee back to health.

            ~credit to Lauriel for the sig, You rock Girl!!~


              Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
              Hiya hon *waves back* I think they might object to every ep being whumpy, hehehe, but seeing how season 4 is turning out You never know. I'd like some backstory to, but intertwined with the actual story (not a stand alone) as I think that would be too hard unless they..

              Have Shep severely injured with a head trauma and keeps having flashbacks to his past, or some alien device snares him and he's forced to relive all his fears and trauma's that led him to be where he is today ala Phantoms, but on a larger scale or he's put on trial for something and part of their process is to delve into his subconscious mind and get what they need... nah too much like whatsisface I'd love him to have more hallucinations and everything he sees hears and feels takes him back to his most troubled times and the only way out of it, is to deal with some of his issues.
              Well that works for me!!!

              Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
              I saw that, and hope that it involves
              Shep in the shower. he can't possibly be quarantined until all contaminants have been removed from his person as he'd infact the other members of the team. I wonder if someone brought something back from another planet? I love the idea of relationships being put to the test. Maybe the contaminant (if there is one) has an adverse side affect that plays on people's worst fears or alters their personality in some way? I love emotional angst.
              I like your first idea very much! Your thoughts on the relationship aspects are excellent too!

              Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post

              *fingers and toes crossed for ya hon* You should emigrate to the UK, they'd be queuing round the block for you.
              Ditto, and I agree!

              Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post

              I wondered about the BAMSR and thought maybe
              Shep and the team go on trial for something? Or it's a time travel ep and they have the opportinuty to change what went wrong in the past that has had a direct impact on what's happening now?

              That's a good idea for an episode! I like it!

              Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post

              Reliquary had such great whumpy stuff in it though. I'm struggling with Entanglement... I'm just not 'seeing' it as much as i'd liked. Maybe it's because I haven't read it right the way through..
              To be honest, I've been struggling too.

              Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
              Emotional angst is so squeeeeeeeeeee
              It certainly is! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

              Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post

              OMG you're not one of those... whumpers are you?
              Er, no...of course not! I can't imagine why you'd think that!
              Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
              *hugs IF* me to hon, i'm trying to kick myself up the ass. Let's just say it's proving problematic
              Consider yourself kicked up the backside, sweetie!

              Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post

              And we all know it's just about the comfort. Seeing someone in pain is just not squee. For example I definately don't want to see Shep

              Beaten and bound with his blood drawn for his ATA gene. And I have absolutely no desires to see Shep hot and sweaty suffering from nightmares or being plagued by an evil entity or having Evil Shep. I don't even want him fevered and nauseus... so I definatly am with you on this.

              *bangs her nose on the way out*

              Hehehe just been watching McKay in 48 hours, he looks so young, and was actually less snarky than I remembered him in this.
              No, of course, it's just about the comfort...
              McKay does look young in 48 hours, doesn't he?


                Just realised I meant to answer Linzi's whump question but started watching Dr Who *sniff* oh and BTW
                I am now gonna be really scared when I go past a mirror or a scarecrow!!!
                ... anywhooo!!

                Best whump moment of S3 has to be CG it really can't be any other for me, as for angsty moment, that one I am not sure on, I haven't seen Sateda yet but from the transcripts the moment Linzi talked about does sound like a pretty angst filled moment. I like the angst in Sunday and the little peeks of angst in Vengeance and The Ark but I can't pick out one definitive one, maybe when we get the S3 discs I will get to see all of the eps an make an infomed decision


                  Originally posted by Listy View Post
                  Just realised I meant to answer Linzi's whump question but started watching Dr Who *sniff* oh and BTW
                  I am now gonna be really scared when I go past a mirror or a scarecrow!!!
                  ... anywhooo!!

                  Best whump moment of S3 has to be CG it really can't be any other for me, as for angsty moment, that one I am not sure on, I haven't seen Sateda yet but from the transcripts the moment Linzi talked about does sound like a pretty angst filled moment. I like the angst in Sunday and the little peeks of angst in Vengeance and The Ark but I can't pick out one definitive one, maybe when we get the S3 discs I will get to see all of the eps an make an infomed decision
                  Congratulations to the milestoners!!!!

                  I am keen on Tao for angst as well as Sunday and Sateda!


                    Originally posted by Listy View Post
                    Just realised I meant to answer Linzi's whump question but started watching Dr Who *sniff* oh and BTW
                    I am now gonna be really scared when I go past a mirror or a scarecrow!!!
                    ... anywhooo!!

                    Best whump moment of S3 has to be CG it really can't be any other for me, as for angsty moment, that one I am not sure on, I haven't seen Sateda yet but from the transcripts the moment Linzi talked about does sound like a pretty angst filled moment. I like the angst in Sunday and the little peeks of angst in Vengeance and The Ark but I can't pick out one definitive one, maybe when we get the S3 discs I will get to see all of the eps an make an infomed decision
                    You haven't seen Sateda yet? That's terrible! You'll love the Shep emotional angst in it!


                      Originally posted by Listy View Post
                      Just realised I meant to answer Linzi's whump question but started watching Dr Who *sniff* oh and BTW
                      I am now gonna be really scared when I go past a mirror or a scarecrow!!!
                      ... anywhooo!!

                      Best whump moment of S3 has to be CG it really can't be any other for me, as for angsty moment, that one I am not sure on, I haven't seen Sateda yet but from the transcripts the moment Linzi talked about does sound like a pretty angst filled moment. I like the angst in Sunday and the little peeks of angst in Vengeance and The Ark but I can't pick out one definitive one, maybe when we get the S3 discs I will get to see all of the eps an make an infomed decision
                      I would definitely choose CG for physical whump, but it's a tie between Sateda and Sunday for emotional whump.
                      In Sateda the emotional whump is the never-leave-a-man-behind type that we see as being typically John. But in Sunday the loss of a good friend is a different kind of emotional beating, and John just looks so sad in that funeral scene you just want to hug him! Personally, I can't choose between the two.

                      ~credit to Lauriel for the sig, You rock Girl!!~


                        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                        I agree with you, and I'm a Rodney fan too. I just loved that scene so much. The only thing that I felt uncomfortable with was, and uncomfortable as in it made me wince,
                        when DH was having Rodney fiddle with the nasal canula, and seemed to be pushing it up his nose! It just looked painful and irritating!!!
                        OMG, yes, that bit always makes me think *ouch* and *ewww* at the same time! lol

                        Originally posted by Listy View Post
                        Just realised I meant to answer Linzi's whump question but started watching Dr Who *sniff* oh and BTW
                        I am now gonna be really scared when I go past a mirror or a scarecrow!!!
                        How good was Dr Who!!
                        i felt so sorry for him having to decide, and when he started crying!! *sniffs*
                        And yes, the mirror thing is going to creep me out now!!
                        Scarecrows already creeped me out, now i'm going to freak when i see one! They're scarier than the daleks!
                        The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                        l My LJ l


                          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                          Poor Rodney!

                          <snip for space>

                          So, the whole point of my little ramble above, is, I was wondering what you guys rate as the best whumpy Sheppard moment in season 3? Firstly for phyical whump, and secondly for emotional whump?

                          Mine are, obviously, CG for physical, and Sateda for emotional whump. Anybody got any favourite moments?
                          Great question. It is giving me a break from boring work.

                          I must agree that nothing beats CG for physical whump in Season 3.

                          For emotional whump I think that Phantoms had a pretty strong moment.
                          **sorry Roo**

                          When Teyla asked if his buddy had made it, the look on his face said it all.

                          Even though the bit in Phantoms was very brief, for some reason it stands out in my mind. There were other, deeper scenes during the season. Sunday **sniff** comes to mind.

                          Back to creating my slideshow. **sigh**


                            Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                            Congratulations to the milestoners!!!!

                            I am keen on Tao for angst as well as Sunday and Sateda!
                            Ooo, forgot about Tao! Though i think Sunday might just pip it because
                            Tao was a happy ending as Rodney survived whereas Carson............*wails*
                            The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                            l My LJ l


                              Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                              Congratulations to the milestoners!!!!
                              I am keen on Tao for angst as well as Sunday and Sateda!
                              oooh I forgot about Tao You are so correct there are some fab moments in that!!! how did I forget that ep?

                              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                              You haven't seen Sateda yet? That's terrible! You'll love the Shep emotional angst in it!
                              No not yet, there the odd few I have not seen of S3 yet (Sateda, The Real World, The Return part 1 - so part two was very confusing for me )
                              I am waiting patiently for the discs I was hoping for the singles to be out so I could see them, but gonna have to wait for the boxset, anyone got any idea when they might be released yet? I have read all the transcripts though and let my imagination go crazy


                                Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                                Congratulations to the milestoners!!!!

                                I am keen on Tao for angst as well as Sunday and Sateda!
                                I forgot about Tao! That ep has some good angst in it as well.

                                Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                                You haven't seen Sateda yet? That's terrible! You'll love the Shep emotional angst in it!
                                Haven't see Sateda! That's on of my fav eps so far in this season. You'll love it when you finally see it!

                                ~credit to Lauriel for the sig, You rock Girl!!~

