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John Sheppard Whump

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    Oh yes! Thank God! And the weather is so horrible today... It rained the whole night and is still coming and going, and I'm going to my mom's today by bus...
    My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
    Sig and avi by me


      Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
      The patient just called saying that the extraction is no longer urgent because there is no more pain and now he wants to do the full treatment like I said he needed. I was looking foward for the surgery, 'cause I love it, but it's great that he wants to stick with the full work out. He'll call again friday with the aswer after seeing other prices... *iz scared* if he decides do go to someone else I'll have to return the advanced payment, but I'm very optimistic, he looked impressed on the phone conversation. OMG!!!
      Fingers well and truly crossed for you!

      And too right he was impressed!
      The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

      l My LJ l


        Well I watched it again last night
        but my phone rang right as Carson was handing off the tumor, so I missed the explosion (luckily, as I hadn't really wanted to see that part again) But the funeral scene and the part with Rodney and Ronan are really the saddest parts for me.

        Originally posted by PuddleJumper42 View Post
        He tries to escape and due to blood loss and disorientation from a particularly nasty head wound he doesn't make it very far before he collapses and the team finds him in the opposite direction of the stargate.

        Hey, a girl can dream, right?
        We need the writers to think more like that!

        Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
        The patient just called saying that the extraction is no longer urgent because there is no more pain and now he wants to do the full treatment like I said he needed. I was looking foward for the surgery, 'cause I love it, but it's great that he wants to stick with the full work out. He'll call again friday with the aswer after seeing other prices... *iz scared* if he decides do go to someone else I'll have to return the advanced payment, but I'm very optimistic, he looked impressed on the phone conversation. OMG!!!
        I think especially now that he's had experience with you he'll be more comfortable coming back to you rather than going to a new doctor. Good luck and congratulations on getting to do the work yesterday!


          Hey peeps, quick flyby post, but will be back later too nice to stay in right now.

          Originally posted by Lorr View Post
          Mmmmm, cheesecake!

          Hey, Kids! well, I still have a job.
          For now. No raise. My boss's boss is all about superficial stuff, not content. He's decided that a complaint about going overlong on a presentation the first time I did it, and someone griping because I got upset when they did not provide data I needed to file tax filings to the IRS are sufficient to indicate I can't do my job. I admit to having an 'attititude', but so does everyone else around me. Apparently being there early and staying until most others are gone and getting the work done is not enough. I need to stay until December, then I can get out.

          Sorry, end of rant. Thanks for listening. Again! if I was still a drinker, it would be Jack Daniels or Makers Mark with ice (otherwise, it's a shot with a water back). Oh, my brother's partner amkes something called a Pink Dove
          In a blender - a small can of frozen pink lemonade, an equal amount of half&half, about 8 oz of vodka, a couple of scoops of vanilla ice cream and some ice. Blend then drink at your own risk. It's like a vanilla shake, but very deadly.

          Thanks for the pics, everyone. i felt instantly better drooling over, er, seeing them!
          Oh at least you still have a job hun even if the people there are horrid!! keep your chin up it will all be good and December is not that far away

          Originally posted by Salty View Post
          You're doing just fine Ali! I hereby appoint you my spokesperson cuz I might be swamped going through the 4500 noms we got to be on here much!

          I think for the first time I was happy I was spoiled on an ep I kept waiting for
          Carson to die...if I didn't know he was a goner, I would have expected after he gave the tumor to the blast guys that he was fine and saved the day. So sad at the end, with Rodney regretting bailing on Carson, Ronon talking to him, and then all of them carrying the coffin through the gate. Shep taking the lead. The tears still came though and the sobbing

          So much good stuff in the ep though
          all the wonderful Shep moments - the friendly whump, the golf with Ronon, the civvies, the uniform, the response to the Teyla comment, the throwaway line about being married. I even loved the scene with Rodney and Katie! My fave scene was with him and Ronon in his room just hanging....I suspect that there was a lot of Joe and Jason in there since they hang out in Vancouver according to Jason.

          Sorry I need to SQUEEEEE a little here - two more days until me and Knightie leave!! That's helping me cope with tonight's ep. That, and that I'll get to see Paul at the NJ con!
          some really nice moments in Sunday, so sad

          Oh two days is not long, I feel like squeeeeing right along with you guys

          Originally posted by Lorr View Post
          JM's blog is up -

          We start the spinning. There’s the other Earth-based episode Joe F. pitched out. The return-of-that-character two-parter with its Fargo-esque first part, the big team-up eppy, and the puzzle piece. AND, Rob has promised us his director’s cut of The Ark of Truth.

          And, more...

          Scifi Fan writes: “ It seems to me that Sheppard does a majority of the rescues and getting himself out of trouble. Are you going to have a ep where he has to totally rely on his team to rescue him?”

          Answer: Yup. Something like that.

          Oh, SQUEEEE!!!!!
          Oh that was nice to read this morning there has been nothing squee worthy on his blog lately, but that cheered me up wonder what he means by something like that though.....

          Originally posted by bebop View Post
          HELLO PEEPS!!!!!!....

          Back from hols and have missed you guys loads!

          Had a good break apart from a bit of car whump, that is the car whumping me, not the other way round. I caught my thumb in the car boot lid handle as it was being slammed and subsequently spent two delightful visits to the cottage hospital near where we were staying. Luckily havn't broken my thumb, but have torn the ligaments and now have it strapped quite heavily...I know....whump Shep not self..

          How the devil is everyone!?

          Hellooooooo!!!!! hurray you are back. Oh no thumb injury will that cause problems on the computer? can you still make manips? and type? ok you typed that so maybe I am just stupid!! Am glad you are back though hun!

          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
          Hi ~Peggy *waves*

          I'm confused too. I've no idea if there were 2 stories spun by JF or if this is the original one, slightly altered, maybe?

          Certainly, if JF's original idea was about, say someone Shep cares about getting kidnapped on Earth, or Shep being taken, then it would be very similar to Miller's Crossing. But, if this is the same one, and the one that had been shelved, why spin it again? Hmmmm, maybe they've run out of stories? They should ask the whumpers. We could come up with a dozen or so...hee hee! Maybe JF spun 2 stories. Earth based again though? We've got MC, and isn't there due to be another crossover one, with another SG1 character in it? I'm getting so confused now! I have asked JM if he can be more specific, but don't hold out hopes he'll answer. Oh well, guess time will tell what's going on. I'm still plugging away for a mention of some backstory though. I don't want a whole episode dedicated or anything, but I sure as hell would like to know something about Sheppard's background/family before the end of the 4th season. Quite honestly it's the biggest frustration I have with SGA at the moment. Shep is the leading man, for goodness sakes!!!!
          Yes definitely we need backstory!!! Its all very confusing though, heres hoping JM gives us a little more info on it

          Originally posted by Josie View Post
          Morning Afternoon everyone, I was very ill last night and I'm still feeling a tad fragile today, hopefully I'll feel better as the day goes on.

          I'm guessing JF came up with more than one idea, he doesn't seem shy at putting himself forward, if he had an idea he'd be sure to tell tptb about it. Let's hope Earth based means we'll get a teensy bit of backstory out of it - either that or JF has finally persuaded them to make that "surfing in Malibu" episode he's always wanted.
          Oh hun, that is pants, I really hope you feel less fragile later, maybe some fresh air might help its pretty nice weather here no sure about the rest of the uk?

          Well I am off to clean out my fishtank and then enjoy the sunshine for a while. Back later


            Morning Whumpers! *waves*

            I saw JM's blog and was pleased to bits with what I read there. It makes me want to........SQUEEEEEEE!!!!

            BEBOP......I was wondering where you were! *waves*

            SALTY AND KNIGHTIE......SQUEEEE!!!! Have tons of fun! I'll be with you in spirit!

            To all the Whumpers who need a hug......{{{{{HUGS}}}}

            Okay.....I'm off to catch up.



              Ahhh... just finished updating the spoiler comm and now I think I might just have a bacon buttie for breakfast before I go back to finshing up this darn chapter so I can get it posted!


                Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                Ahhh... just finished updating the spoiler comm and now I think I might just have a bacon buttie for breakfast before I go back to finshing up this darn chapter so I can get it posted!
                Breakfast?? when in the world did you get up....I'm about to have dinner

                Sorry to hear that your story seems to be giving you problems... you sound almost like me before I finished and posted my 3rd John video several months ago...darn I have to get back to making more now that I finally going to get my comp back from the repair after a whole month... and they had the guts to lie and say they have called me to tell me it was done...okay who did they talk to..a ghost,,,not me I'll tell you that...
                Sigs by Scifan


                  Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                  Ahhh... just finished updating the spoiler comm and now I think I might just have a bacon buttie for breakfast before I go back to finshing up this darn chapter so I can get it posted!
                  Breakfast? Wow, you must have slept in! I think I'm seven hours behind you and I already had breakfast two hours ago.

                  And what on earth is a "bacon buttie"?


                    Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                    Breakfast?? when in the world did you get up....I'm about to have dinner

                    Sorry to hear that your story seems to be giving you problems... you sound almost like me before I finished and posted my 3rd John video several months ago...darn I have to get back to making more now that I finally going to get my comp back from the repair after a whole month... and they had the guts to lie and say they have called me to tell me it was done...okay who did they talk to..a ghost,,,not me I'll tell you that...
                    Originally posted by wraithkeeper View Post
                    Breakfast? Wow, you must have slept in! I think I'm seven hours behind you and I already had breakfast two hours ago.

                    And what on earth is a "bacon buttie"?
                    I got up about 11am I think. Had a lot of late nights this week so I needed a nice lie-in. But I've been faffing on the computer since I got up so hadn't eaten.. so my bacon buttie for breakfast was at about 2.30pm!

                    Buttie is a regional slang word for sandwich.. it's northern England colloquialism I think?


                      morning whumpers
                      Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                        Good morning guys! Like the spoilers for Quarantine, sounds interesting.
                        Last edited by IWantToBelieve; 02 June 2007, 06:26 AM.


                          it does sounds good but i missed i guess the spoilers for the mid season 2 parter. What is supposed to happen
                          Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                            Quarantine is I think #13. Mortal Coil is #10 and Be All My Sins Remember'd is #11, though I can't remember what is #12. MC and Sins I don't know a lot about just that

                            The wraith from Common Ground is there. They make some kind of deal.

                            Edited because I can't spell this morning!


                              ahh thx
                              Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                                No problem, well I've got to run. Off to cingular to get my new cell phone. Going to be nice to have one that works for a change! Then we're heading into Columbia for the day. Have fun whumping peeps.

